

单词 独断专行

See also:

独断 adj

arbitrary adj
assertive adj


decide alone without consultation




act arbitrarily
make decisions without consulting others


carry out resolutely

External sources (not reviewed)

但与此同时,他愈演愈烈独断专行 和 腐败统治也激怒了城市中产阶级。
At the same time, his increasingly autocratic and corrupt rule angered the urban middle classes.
仅以2003 年为例,“决议”在所有阶段,从起草到正式提交,都被当作绝 密对待,表决前夕突然提交,经由美国、日本和欧盟成员国的专横跋扈 独断专 行、幕后压力和弄虚作假而强行通过。
Just to take an example in 2003 alone, the “resolution” was treated as top secret at all stages, from drafting to official submission, tabled in the form of a surprise raid shortly before voting and forcibly
adopted through the
[...] high-handedness, arbitrariness and behindthe-scenes pressure and trickery of the United States, Japan [...]
and the States members of the European Union.
在美国,法律规定,当信息申请被拒时,由特别顾问调查 政府官员的行为是否独断专行或者 反复无常”。
In the United States, the law provides for an investigation by the Special Counsel when a question as to whether an official has acted ‘arbitrarily or capriciously’ with respect to the withholding of information.
无论如何,首先需要制定新的警务、司法和管理行为准 则,代替以往那独断专行的诟 病,据防范小组委员会表示,这在很大程度上可 [...]
Above all, there is an urgent need introduce into police, judicial and administrative
practices new standards of behaviour in place
[...] of ingrained authoritarianism, a legacy that, [...]
as the Subcommittee noted, still has
a marked influence on the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty.
为了保障内政部不独断专行和利 用其职权和权力对待现有的协会和组 织,该法第三十八条规定受到内政部长将其解散的决定的不利影响的协会和组织 有权就此决定向最高法院提出诉讼。
In order to guarantee that the Ministry of the Interior does not act in an arbitrary fashion and exploit its competence and authority with respect to existing associations and organizations, article 38 of the Law asserts the right of associations and organizations that have been adversely affected by the Minister’s decision to dissolve them to contest that decision before the Supreme Court.
相反,美国政府继续独断专行的 做法,把古巴的名字增加到荒谬的名单中,包括美国 [...]
国务院为了对其它国家行为分类而制订的据称赞助 国际恐怖主义的国家名单。
On the contrary, the United States Government [...]
has continued its arbitrary practices of adding Cuba’s name to spurious lists,
including those of States that allegedly sponsor international terrorism, produced by the State Department to classify the behaviour of other nations.
这项有助于行试验的改革具专断 拨 款 、增加雇 员之间的竞争的风险,并有害于整个系统的待遇平等问题。
The reform that it allows to be tested entails risks of arbitrary assignment and greater competition among employees, and it endangers equality of treatment throughout the system.
另外,她还希望 了独立专家已经采取了哪些具体 行 动 以 及这些 金融机构对其报告中阐述的论点持何态度。
She also wanted to know about the
[...] specific actions taken by the Independent Expert and the reaction of international [...]
financial institutions
to the arguments developed in her report.
缔约国所有必要措施,通过保障法官的任职,确保司法机关独立性,并断与行政机 关的行政和其他联系。
The State party should take all
necessary measures to
[...] safeguard the independence of the judiciary by guaranteeing their tenure of office, and sever the administrative [...]
and other ties with the Executive Office.
但是,专属权不可被滥用,尤其是 不可用于被禁止的断行为。
This exclusive
[...] right cannot, however, be abused specifically by applying prohibited monopolistic practices.
数据恢专家断定远程恢复可以恢复您的文件后,我们会要求您通过信用卡安全地 行 在 线 支付。
Once your Data Recovery Specialist has determined that Remote Recovery is a possible solution to restore your files, we’ll ask you [...] [...]
to pay securely online via credit card.
此外,作为一个科学领头机构的标准专业做法,一些会员国要求 专 家 对自然科学计划 行独 立 评 估,以 加强尤为有效的计划。
Additionally, some Member States
[...] called for an expert and independent assessment of the natural sciences programmes as a standard professional practice in leading scientific institutions, with the aim of [...]
strengthening particularly effective programmes.
业绩审独立专家提 出了更多建议,包括需要考虑修正或重新谈判南部金 枪鱼养护委公约,或将渔业管理的现代标准纳入该委员会的工作之中;鉴于过去 有低报渔获量的情况,应行尽可 能准确的鱼量评估,并设定南方蓝鳍金枪鱼的 总可捕量,以便在预防方法的基础上恢复鱼量;实施粮农组织《管理捕捞能力国 际行动计划》的建议;迅速行动,减少南方蓝鳍金枪鱼渔业对与生态有关的鱼种 的影响;采取和执行措施,尽量减少污染、废弃物、弃鱼、遗弃渔具所致鱼获。
Additional recommendations from the independent expert of the performance review included the need to consider amending or renegotiating the CCSBT Convention, or incorporating modern standards for fisheries management into the work of the Commission; developing [...]
the most accurate
stock assessment possible in the light of underreported past catches; and setting a global total allowable catch for southern bluefin tuna that would allow the stock to rebuild on the basis of a precautionary approach; implementing the recommendations of the FAO International Plan of Action on the Management of Fishing Capacity; moving promptly to reduce the impacts of southern bluefin tuna fisheries on ecologically related species; and adopting and implementing measures to minimize pollution, waste, discards or catch by lost and abandoned gear.
有人建议,国际法委员会应在其关于国际组织的责任的工作范围内,适 当审议安全理事会对会员专横独断 地 实 施制裁的法律后果。
It was suggested that the International Law Commission should give due consideration, in the context of its work on the responsibility of international organizations, to the legal consequences of sanctions arbitrarily imposed against Member States by the Security Council.
先有技术:专利申请日之前就有此类的出版或其它公告,这 专 利 申请中发明新颖性 独 创 性断标准
Prior Art: Publications or other public disclosures made before the
filing (or priority) date of a patent application and against which the
[...] novelty and inventiveness of the invention in the patent application is judged.
然而,根据指控的详细程度专家们 认为,可以相信在泰国存在中央情报局 黑点,并呼吁泰国当局对此事行独 立 调 查。
In the light of the detailed nature of the
[...] allegations, however, the experts believe it credible that a CIA black site existed in Thailand, and calls on the domestic authorities to launch an independent investigation [...]
into the matter.
如果在某一案例中,估计所花费的成本不利 于政府而需要确定该公共机构的人员在拒不披露信息时是否存在 专断 和 任性 的 行 为 ” 之时, 特别法律顾问将启动一项程序来判定是否需要采取纪律行动。
Where the circumstances of a case in which costs have been assessed against the government raises questions as to whether the personnel of the public body “acted arbitrarily or capriciously” with respect to the withholding of information, the Special Counsel shall initiate a proceeding to determine whether disciplinary action is warranted.
因此,安理 会认真、深入地审查今天所存在的局面,包括安理会 是否应该继独家垄断建立 和实施维持和 行 动权 的问题是及时的。
It is therefore timely for the Council to seriously undertake an in-depth review of the situation as it obtains today, including
the question of whether
[...] it should continue to have an exclusive monopoly in establishing and running [...]
peacekeeping operations.
巴勒斯坦平民已经因以色 列强加给它的为期两年的封锁而极度虚弱,以色列 在加沙地带针对巴勒斯坦人实施的残暴的军事侵略 ——按照联合国加沙冲突实况调查团(戈德斯通报 告)和其独立调查的断—— 严重违反了国际人 道主义法,这就相当于犯下了战争 行。
During its brutal military aggression in the Gaza Strip against a Palestinian civilian population already debilitated by the deprivation imposed on it by a two-year Israeli blockade, Israel had — in the judgement of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza
Conflict (the Goldstone
[...] report) and other independent investigations — been guilty of grave breaches of international humanitarian law, which amounted to war crimes.
最后,请允许我补充说,克罗地亚目前在为联合 国的 13 项维和行动提供部队,并打算在今后继续向 联合国维行动提供我独特的经验 专 长。
In conclusion, let me add that Croatia now contributes to 13 United Nations peacekeeping operations and
intends to continue to add its
[...] specific experiences and expertise to United Nations peacekeeping [...]
operations in the years to come.
在摩尔多瓦共和国议会《关于批准 2004-2008 年国家人行动计划的决定》 (2003 年 10 月 24 日第 415-XV 号)中,独有一章专门论 述少数民族权利的保障 问题。
In the Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on the Approval of the National Human Rights Action Plan
for the years
[...] 2004–2008, No. 415-XV from 24.10.2003, a separate chapter was included which is dedicated to the guarantee of the rights [...]
of national minorities.
(d) 竞争法和竞争政策应当如何适用于国家活动,例如应当如何管理国有 企业、国家断、自然独占以 及拥有国家给予 专 有 权 的企业
(d) How competition laws and policy should apply to State activities such as regulation of State enterprises, State monopolies, natural monopolies and enterprises with exclusive rights granted by the State; and
[...] 高水平身心健康问题特别报告员,以及与享有安全饮用水和卫生设施有关的人权 义务问独立专家进行访问 ,以便在制定政策以解决委员会关切的问题时,借鉴 [...]
The Committee invites the State party to consider extending an invitation to the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing, the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest
attainable standard of physical and mental
[...] health and the independent expert on the issue of [...]
human rights obligations related to access
to safe drinking water and sanitation in order to benefit from their expertise in developing policies which would address the concerns of the Committee.
工会组织可独 行动或 依据各自成员的决定行动,根据法律规定的条件组织和管理会议、示威、 游行、纠察、罢工及其他行动,利用它们作为抗议的形式,以改善工作条件、提 高工资水平和减少失业,加强工人在为其权利 专 业 、 经济、劳动及社会利益作 斗争中的团结。
The body of the trade union, acting alone or based on the decision of the members of the respective trade union, organises and manages under the conditions set by law meetings, demonstrations, processions, marches, pickets, strikes and other actions, using them as form of protest to improve their working conditions, [...]
increase the level
of pay, reduction of unemployment, strengthen the solidarity of workers in their fight for their rights and professional, economic, labour and social interests.
(e) 加强努力,扩大对人权的尊重和保护并厉行法治,措施包括:改善司法 机构的业绩和独立性;设立符合国际标准和《巴黎原则》的全 独 立 人 权委员会; 采取断行动, 打击侵害妇女、儿童和白化病患者的暴力行径的行凶者;作出更 多努力,制止有罪不罚现象,并迅速审结现有案件,包括那些与加通巴大屠杀和 基纳马屠杀有关的案件
(e) Increase efforts to broaden the respect for and protection of human rights and enforce the rule of law, including through measures
to improve the
[...] performance and independence of the judiciary; to establish the National Independent Human Rights Commission consistent with international norms and the Paris Principles; to take decisive action against [...]
the perpetrators
of violent acts, including against women, children and “albinos”; and to improve efforts to end impunity and conclude existing cases expeditiously, including those relating to the Gatumba massacres and the Kinama killings
主流化并不是非得制定针对这些国家 专 门 、 独 立 的 方案;主流 化是一项战略办法,事实证明,这一战略办法能将对《巴巴多 行 动 纲 领》的 支持有效纳入联合国各机构的工作方案,并确保提供的支持满足小岛屿发展中 国家的特殊需要。
Mainstreaming does not necessarily require special, stand-alone programmes targeted at these States; rather, a strategic approach has proven to be effective [...]
in integrating support for the Barbados
Programme of Action into the work programmes of United Nations agencies, and ensures that the support provided to small island developing States is tailored to their special needs.
阁 下 承 诺 阁 下 有 责 任独 立 判 断 市 场 价 值 及 价 格 以行 交 易 , 并 于 进 行 交 易 前 核 实 任 何 资 讯 及 / [...]
或 报 告 并 就 使 用 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking丶 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 服 务 丶 有 关 资 讯 及
/ 或 报 告 丶 本 协 议 及 其 他 在 法 例 下 可 能 对 阁 下 有 影 响 的 事 宜 寻 求 独 立 的 法 律 丶 会 计 及 税 务 意 见 。
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[...] that it is your responsibility to independently determine market prices and rates for [...]
trading purposes, to verify any Information and/or Report before
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在外汇市场行交易包含了潜在的风险,包括可能损失您的全部资金和其它损失,并不适合所有的投资者.客户应做 独 自 的 判 断 以 确 认交易是否适合他/她的财务状况,投资经验,风险承担和其它情况.
Trading on the Forex market involves substantial risks, including complete possible loss of funds and other losses and is not suitable for all members.




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