

单词 独断

独断 ()

decide alone without consultation



decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary action
a law unoneself


a law unoneself
decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary action

External sources (not reviewed)

下级接独断决策 的可能性,或者下级参与其中合作制定更好决策的可能性。
The likelihood that subordinates will accept an autocratic decision, or the likelihood that subordinates will cooperate to make a good decision if they may participate.
这种做法 起码是考虑不周,也是安全理事 独断 行 事 的又一个 实例。
That procedure, to say the least, is inconsiderate and another example of the exclusive nature of the Security Council’s decision-making.
但与此同时,他愈演愈烈独断专行 和腐败统治也激怒了城市中产阶级。
At the same time, his increasingly autocratic and corrupt rule angered the urban middle classes.
为实现这一目标,目前的政府需要停 独断 专 权并转而选择开放、包容和民主的方式来解决泰国所面临的问题。
To get there, the current administration needs to turn away from authoritarianism and choose open, inclusive and democratic means to solve the nation’s problems.
仅以2003 年为例,“决议”在所有阶段,从起草到正式提交,都被当作绝 密对待,表决前夕突然提交,经由美国、日本和欧盟成员国的专横跋扈 独断专 行、幕后压力和弄虚作假而强行通过。
Just to take an example in 2003 alone, the “resolution” was treated as top secret at all stages, from drafting to official submission, tabled in the form of a surprise raid shortly before voting and forcibly adopted through the high-handedness, arbitrariness and behindthe-scenes pressure and trickery of the United States, Japan and the States members of the European Union.
这个分析依据 必须排除标准筛选过程中的任独断 性 和 政治偏见。
This foundation must exclude any arbitrariness or political bias in the selection of criteria.
在美国,法律规定,当信息申请被拒时,由特别顾问调查 政府官员的行为是否独断专行 或者反复无常”。
In the United States, the law provides for an investigation by the Special Counsel when a question as to whether an official has acted ‘arbitrarily or capriciously’ with respect to the withholding of information.
儿童权利委员会第 7 号一般性意见 概括指出,应以积极的扶持性方式落实这一原则,而不应以儿童相对不成熟而且 需要适应社会生活为理由,或者认为他们是其成长过程中的被动接受者,把这一 原则作为借口,采用限制儿童的自主权和自我表达 独断 做 法
General comment No. 7 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child outlines that this principle should be applied in a positive and enabling manner and not as justification for authoritarian practices that restrict children’s autonomy and self-expression because of beliefs that they are passive in the process of their development, that they lack competence and that they are in need of socialization.
有人建议,国际法委员会应在其关于国际组织的责任的工作范围内,适 当审议安全理事会对会员国专独断 地 实 施制裁的法律后果。
It was suggested that the International Law Commission should give due consideration, in the context of its work on the responsibility of international organizations, to the legal consequences of sanctions arbitrarily imposed against Member States by the Security Council.
无论如何,首先需要制定新的警务、司法和管理行为准 则,代替以往那独断专行 的诟病,据防范小组委员会表示,这在很大程度上可 [...]
Above all, there is an urgent need introduce into police, judicial and administrative
practices new standards of behaviour in place of
[...] ingrained authoritarianism, a legacy [...]
that, as the Subcommittee noted, still has
a marked influence on the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty.
除非阁下与赛生之间的书面协议另行规定,否则阁下必须遵守赛生如下所述的链接政策:(i)任何通往本网站的链接必须仅为文字链接,并明确标示为“SciClone.com”或“赛生网站”,(ii)链接的外观、位置以及其它方面不得损害或降低与赛生的名称或商标相关的商誉,(iii)链接必须“指向”www.SciClone.com,不得指向网站内的其它网页,(iv)链接的外观、位置以及其它属性不得制造阁下机构或实体由赛生赞助、与赛生关联或与赛生有任何关系的假象,(v)当用户选择时,链接必须以全屏显示网站,不得在链接网站的“框架”内展示,并且(vi)赛生保留随时根据自身 独 判 断 撤 销链接同意的权利。
Unless otherwise set forth in a written agreement between you and SciClone, you must adhere to SciClone’s linking policy as follows: (i) any link to this Web site must be a text only link clearly marked “SciClone.com” or “SciClone Web site,” (ii) the appearance, position and other aspects of the link may not be such as to damage or dilute the goodwill associated with SciClone’s names and trademarks, (iii) the link must “point” to www.SciClone.com and not to other pages within the Web site, (iv) the appearance, position and other attributes of the link may not create the false appearance that your organization or entity is sponsored by, affiliated with, or associated with SciClone, (v) when selected by a user, the link must display the Web site on full-screen and not within a “frame” on the linking
Web site, and (vi) SciClone
[...] reserves the right to revoke its consent to the link at any time and in its sole discretion.
[...] 会认真、深入地审查今天所存在的局面,包括安理会 是否应该继独家垄断建立 和实施维持和平行动权 的问题是及时的。
It is therefore timely for the Council to seriously undertake an in-depth review of the situation as it obtains today, including the
question of whether it should continue to
[...] have an exclusive monopoly in establishing [...]
and running peacekeeping operations.
若用户的行为违反了上述的承诺,本网站将作 独 立 判 断 立 即 取消注册用户的服务帐号。
If activities of user violated the agreement above, the Website will at its own independent judgment immediately cancel the service account of said registered user.
所有员工不得与供应商、客户或竞争对手存在损害或可能损害其 代表富林特集团做出任独立判断的 财 务关系或其他业务关系。
Employees should not have any financial or other business relationships with suppliers, customers or
competitors that might impair, or even appear
[...] to impair, the independence of any judgment [...]
they may need to make on behalf of Flint Group.
它假定你将作独立判断/评估 你所收集的独立/个人查询信息和到达决定满足您的要求。
It is assumed that you will make independent judgment/assessment of information gathered by you with independent / personal inquiries and arrive at decisions that meet your requirements.
您涉及损害您独立性或判断力的 关系(不论是恋爱关系还是其他个人关 系)。
You engage in relationships (whether romantic or
[...] personal) that impair your independence or judgment.
我们必须使独立判断来做 出业务决策,并避免与竞争对手达成 共识或看似的共识,以限制我们彼此竞争的方式。
We must make business
[...] decisions using independent judgment and avoid even [...]
the appearance of agreeing with a competitor to
limit the way we compete with one another.
在强迫失踪的问题上,不论受害者是活着还是死了, 独 监 禁, 切 断 了 有 关 个人与整个社会的联系,不允许彼此之间接触,即使是暂时的,也会引起生命的 风险,国家对此负有责任。
In the matter of enforced disappearance, whether the victim is alive or dead, the mere fact of incommunicado detention which cuts the individual concerned off from the human community by severing contact between them, even temporarily, entails a risk to life for which the State is accountable.
缔约国所有必要措施,通过保障法官的任职,确保司法机关独立性,并断与行 政机关的行政和其他联系。
The State party should take all
necessary measures to
[...] safeguard the independence of the judiciary by guaranteeing their tenure of office, and sever the administrative [...]
and other ties with the Executive Office.
阁 下 承 诺 阁 下 有 责 任独 立 判 断 市 场 价 值 及 价 格 以 进 行 交 易 [...]
, 并 于 进 行 交 易 前 核 实 任 何 资 讯 及 / 或 报 告 并 就 使 用 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking丶 恒 生
商 业 e-Banking 服 务 丶 有 关 资 讯 及 / 或 报 告 丶 本 协 议 及 其 他 在 法 例 下 可 能 对 阁 下 有 影 响 的 事 宜 寻 求 独 立 的 法 律 丶 会 计 及 税 务 意 见 。
You acknowledge that it is your
[...] responsibility to independently determine market prices [...]
and rates for trading purposes, to
verify any Information and/or Report before acting on it and to seek independent legal, accounting and tax advice in connection with the use of Hang Seng Business e-Banking, Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services, the Information and/or the Reports and the terms of this Agreement and other issues which may affect you under all applicable laws.
如果 DS SolidWorks 意识到资料存在以下可能:(i)
[...] 诋毁他人、淫秽、过度暴力、具有丑闻性诽谤性或 DS SolidWorks 独立判断其内容不可接受、令人不快或反感,(ii) [...]
或有可接受使用政策一节规定情况的,则 DS SolidWorks 有权但无义务删除该资料或禁止访问该资料。
If DS SolidWorks is made aware of Data that may be (i) libelous, obscene, excessively
violent, scandalous, defamatory, or that
[...] DS SolidWorks determines in its sole discretion [...]
to be otherwise unacceptable, undesirable,
or objectionable, (ii) a violation of any law, regulation, or rights of a third party, including, but not limited to, rights under the copyright law and prohibitions on libel, slander, and invasion of privacy, or (iii) a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy set forth herein, DS SolidWorks has the right, but not the obligation, to remove or disable access to that Data.
巴勒斯坦平民已经因以色 列强加给它的为期两年的封锁而极度虚弱,以色列
[...] 在加沙地带针对巴勒斯坦人实施的残暴的军事侵略 ——按照联合国加沙冲突实况调查团(戈德斯通报 告)和其独立调查的断——严重违反了国际人 道主义法,这就相当于犯下了战争罪行。
During its brutal military aggression in the Gaza Strip against a Palestinian civilian population already debilitated by the deprivation imposed on it by a two-year Israeli blockade, Israel had — in the judgement of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza
Conflict (the Goldstone
[...] report) and other independent investigations — been guilty of grave breaches [...]
of international humanitarian
law, which amounted to war crimes.
你可以透过看公司与工人之间的关系来 断 真 实 独 立 合 约工与虚假合约上的雇员之间 的区别。
You can tell the difference
[...] between a genuine independent contractor and [...]
an employee on a sham contract by looking at the
relationship between the company and the worker.
负 EIZO NANAO有限公司 以下简称 EIZO 和EIZO授权的经销商 以下简称 经销商 接受并依照本有限责任保证书 以下简称 保证书 之条款 向从EIZO和经销商购买本文中所规定产品 以下简称 产品 的原买方 以下称 原买方 提 供保证 在保证期内 规定如下 如果原买方发现按本产品所附使用说明书 以下简称 用户手册 所述方式正常使用 本产品过程中 本产品出现故障或损坏 EIZO和经销商根据独自的判断免费修理或更换该产品
EIZO NANAO CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as “EIZO”) and distributors authorized by EIZO (hereinafter referred to as the “Distributors”) warrant, subject to and in accordance with the terms of this limited warranty (hereinafter referred to as the “Warranty”), to the original purchaser (hereinafter referred to as the “Original Purchaser”) who purchased the product specified in this document (hereinafter referred to as the “Product”) from EIZO or Distributors, that EIZO and Distributors shall, at their sole discretion, either repair or replace the Product at no charge if the Original Purchaser becomes aware within the Warranty Period (defined below) that the Product malfunctions or is damaged in the course of normal use of the Product in accordance with the description in the instruction manual attached to the Product (hereinafter referred to as the “User’s Manual”).
赞扬 赞扬 赞扬 赞扬联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员会自成立以来,为扩大对电离辐
[...] 射量、影响和危险的了解和认识作出了宝贵贡献,并以科学权威的地位 独 立判 断的态度履行其原定任务
the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation for the valuable contribution it has been making since its inception to wider knowledge and understanding of the levels, effects and
risks of ionizing radiation, and for fulfilling its original mandate with
[...] scientific authority and independence of judgement
在外汇市场进行交易包含了潜在的风险,包括可能损失您的全部资金和其它损失,并不适合所有的投资者.客户应做 独 自 的 判 断 以 确 认交易是否适合他/她的财务状况,投资经验,风险承担和其它情况.
Trading on the Forex market involves substantial risks, including complete possible loss of funds and other losses and is not suitable for all members.
再者,对于未在此详细做出规定的事 项(尤其是如何应对假想空间)或者今后新出现的课题,应遵循站在用户和运营者双方的立
[...] 场,以安全性和有用性为出发点进行应对的原则,诉诸当事者正 独 立 的 判 断。
For the safety of and accessibility by both users and website
operators, we leave any items that are not
[...] stipulated in detail here (especially the [...]
handling of virtual spaces) to the prudent
discretion of the parties concerned.
先有技术:专利申请日之前就有此类的出版或其它公告,这是专利申请中发明新颖性 独 创 性断标准
Prior Art: Publications or other public disclosures made before the filing (or priority) date of a patent application and against which the novelty and inventiveness of the invention in the patent application is judged.
(d) 竞争法和竞争政策应当如何适用于国家活动,例如应当如何管理国有 企业、国家断、自然独占以 及拥有国家给予的专有权的企业
(d) How competition laws and policy should apply to State activities such as regulation of State enterprises, State monopolies, natural monopolies and enterprises with exclusive rights granted by the State; and




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