

单词 独占

独占 ()


独占 verb ()

control v


独占的 adj

sole adj


monopolize the turtle head (idiom, refers to carved marble steps of the palace); to come first in triennial palace examinations
the very best in any field
the champion

See also:


occupy v
observe v

take up
take possession of

External sources (not reviewed)

发展中国家不需要设立法律,在没有专 利保护的领域内形独占权或延长超过适当期限的专 独占 有 效 期。
Developing countries need not enact
legislation the effect of which
[...] is to create exclusive rights where no patent protection exists or to extend the effective period of the patent monopoly beyond its [...]
proper term.
独 占可以 成为非专利药品进入市场的障碍,不管该药品处于专利保护期,还是专利期限已满 [...]
Data exclusivity can be a barrier [...]
to generic entry irrespective of whether the drug was patented, or the patent period has expired.
在单一的许可协议中,可以有条款规 定,独占基础上授予某些 权利,在排他或独占基础上授予其他 权利。
In a single licensing agreement, there may be provisions
[...] that grant some rights on an exclusive basis and others on a sole or non exclusive basis.
对于土著土地权利,这意味着独占 性和使用强度标准的确定,要承认土著人的土地用途。
In the context of indigenous land rights, this implies that
[...] criteria of exclusivity and intensity [...]
of use are defined in ways that recognize indigenous land uses.
数位委员认为,必须说明首要责任不意味 独占 责 任
Several members were of the view that it had to be clarified that primary responsibility did not mean exclusive responsibility.
除非下文另有规定,或另有书面约定,否则您同意:您通过本网站向任何人传输的任何通信或您在本网站上张贴的任何受版权保护的作品,包括但不限于问题、评论、建议、构想、计划、记录、绘图、配置、规格、采购订单、报价或询价、性能数据、帐户信息或其他材料、数据或信息(统称为“信息”)均属非机密信息,当您将此类信息通过电子邮件或其他方式传输至 QUADRANT
[...] 时,您授予 QUADRANT 不可撤销的、独占的、 免版税的、可转授权的全球性许可(包括但不限于版权许可),允许在任何媒体上按照我方的隐私政策使用这些信息。
Except as otherwise provided below or as otherwise agreed upon in writing, you agree that any communications you transmit to anyone through the Site or copyrighted works you post on the Site, including, without limitation, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, plans, notes, drawings, configurations, specifications, purchase orders, quotes or requests for quotes, performance data, account information, or other material, data or information (collectively, "Information"), are non-confidential and upon transmission of such information to QUADRANT via email
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[...] irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, [...]
sublicensable, world wide license (including
but not limited to a copyright license) to use such Information in any media for any purpose in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
但是, 最好将这些礼包与部门里的其他员工分享, 而不独占。
However, you are encouraged to share the gift baskets with the other employees in your department and not keep them for yourself.
在您给 Specification Lead 提供任何反馈时,您作以下保证:(i)同意以非专利和非机密的基础提供这些反馈,(ii)颁发给
[...] Specification Lead 无限期的、独占的、 世界范围内的、付讫的、不可收回的许可证,Specification [...]
Lead 有权向多级别的从属许可证方颁发从属许可证,可以出于与本规范及其未来版本、实现和测试套件有关的任何目的将您的反馈编入、公开和无限制地使用。
To the extent that you provide the Specification Lead with any Feedback, you hereby: (i) agree that such Feedback is provided on a non-proprietary and non-confidential basis,
and (ii) grant the Specification Lead a
[...] perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, [...]
fully paid-up, irrevocable license, with the
right to sublicense through multiple levels of sublicensees, to incorporate, disclose, and use without limitation the Feedback for any purpose related to the Specification and future versions, implementations, and test suites thereof.
对于咨询服务,在评估实施 过程中制作、构想、创建、发现、发明或付诸实践的所有报告、原作品和这类原作品的衍生作 品,以及安装脚本和其他可交付物和研发成果中的所有知识产权是并且将一直是
[...] CITRIX 的独 有和绝对财产,仅向您授予全球 独占 性 许可供内部使用。
With respect to consulting services, all intellectual property rights in all reports, pre-existing works and derivative works of such pre-existing works, as well as installation scripts and other deliverables and developments made, conceived, created, discovered, invented, or reduced to practice in the performance of the assessment are and shall
remain the sole and absolute property of CITRIX, subject to a
[...] worldwide, non-exclusive License to you [...]
for internal use.
(d) 竞争法和竞争政策应当如何适用于国家活动,例如应当如何管理国有 企业、国家垄断、自独占以及 拥有国家给予的专有权的企业
(d) How competition laws and policy should apply to State activities such as regulation of State enterprises, State monopolies, natural monopolies and enterprises with exclusive rights granted by the State; and
Copyright© 受本许可证中的条款和条件的制约,Specification
[...] Lead 按此方式颁发给您付讫的、独占的 、 不可转让的、世界范围内的、有限的许可证(没有颁发从属许可证的权利),您可以行使 [...]
Specification Lead
Copyright© Subject to the terms and conditions of this license, the
Specification Lead hereby grants you a
[...] fully-paid, non-exclusive, non-transferable, [...]
worldwide, limited license (without
the right to sublicense) under Specification Lead intellectual property rights to review the Specification internally for the purposes of evaluation only.
避免“专利连接”和数独占权,从而 促进市场上被监管产品之间的竞争。
avoid “linkage”
[...] provisions and data exclusivity in order to [...]
promote competition in markets of regulated products.
如果您违反本许可中规定的任何条 款和条件,那么许可立即终止,Sonim 及其第三方供应商 和授权商为软件的唯独占所有 人,并且保留与软件相关 的所有权利、权益和利益。
If you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions set out in this license, it will terminate with immediate effect Sonim and its third party suppliers and licensors are the sole and exclusive owner of and retain all rights, title and interest in and to the Software.
此外您还可以决定,应该为事件存储器提供 (参见 "设置事件存储器容量" 参见页次 198)多大独占存储容量。
You can also determine how much memory space is to be made available for just the event memory (see "Setting size of event memory" on page 204).
作为本设备的用户,Sonim 以独占、不 可转让形式授予您将这些软件用于已安装这些软件的设备 和/或与软件一同交付的设备的权利。
As user of this Device, Sonim grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable license to use the software solely in conjunction with the Device on which it is installed and/or delivered with.
您同意接受独占许可 证上规定的条款,仅出于您自身的传统商业目的或个人目的来使用打印 [...]
You agree to
[...] accept a non-exclusive license to use [...]
the Software resident in the printer solely for your own customary business or personal purposes.
在本协议期间,如您完全遵守本协议的规定,HTC谨此授予您个人的、不可转让的、 独占 性 的许可,以目标代码的形式安装和使用本软件,此等使用不得以商业为目的且应在您所有的合理数量的个人电脑中进行,上述电脑用于和HTC制造的装有HTC软件的移动设备交换数据(信息、文件或内容)。
During the term of this Agreement and conditioned upon your full compliance with all the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, HTC grants to you a personal,
[...] non-transferable, non-exclusive license to install [...]
and use the Software in object code
form for non-commercial purposes on a reasonable number of personal computers owned by you that you use to exchange data (information, files, or content) with portable devices manufactured by HTC that include HTC’s Software.
根据《宪法》80 ,土著民族对其土地上的自然资源 独占 的 使 用和收益 权,国家负责给土著土地划界,保护其财产和资产并确保其权利受到尊重。
According to the Constitution80 , indigenous peoples have exclusive usufruct rights to natural resources on their lands, and the State is responsible for demarcating indigenous lands, protecting and ensuring respect for their property and assets.
使用许可独占使用 许可或排他使用许可的,予以说明5, – 适用时,使用许可的期限。
where the license is an exclusive license or a sole license, that fact5 , where applicable, the duration of the license.
10月17日,布鲁塞尔/斯图加特——日前,在布鲁塞尔举办的2012年度EFQM(欧洲品质管理基金会)卓越奖颁奖盛典上,博世德国班贝格工厂以其典范的管理实践在评选 独占 鳌 头 ,获得年度唯一的最高奖项——EFQM卓越奖,并在"以愿景、激励及诚信领导企业"及"以人制胜"方面的评选中脱颖而出获得2个单项奖;博世意大利巴里工厂凭借与企业战略相契合的流程管理框架以及在质量、交付、成本方面的卓越管理,获得"流程管理"单项奖。
It also impressed the judges with its performance in the categories of "leading with vision, inspiration, and integrity" and "succeeding through people", and won another two individual awards; Bosch plant in Bari, Italy, with its implementation of a process management framework aligned with its strategy and its approach showing remarkable results in terms of quality, delivery, and cost, was honored with a prize for the best performance in "managing by processes".
这一模式的基础在于,如果没有 数独占权, 私营公司将没有利益去承担得 [...]
This model is based on the argument that
[...] without data exclusivity, private firms [...]
would have no incentive to bear the considerable
costs of producing the required data.
委员会关切地指出,缔约国经济飞速发展,在亚 独占 鳌 头 ,经济规模位 居全球第十二位,但与此同时,公民的经济、社会和文化权利没有得到进一步发 [...]
The Committee is concerned that the rapid pace of
economic growth — of unprecedented
[...] proportions in Asia — that has turned the [...]
country into the twelfth-largest economy has
not been matched by greater fulfilment of economic, social and cultural rights, in particular for the most disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groups.
全部或部分国有或受国家资助的机构,以及占市场主导地位 独占 市 场地位或权利的法律实 体,或在自然垄断的领域中运作的机构,也被认为是与某些类型信息相关的公共机构,这些 信息包括“商品的提供、定价,以及在这种条件和价格下的服务和变化”等。
Fully or partly State-owned or subsidised bodies, as well as legal entities holding dominant or exclusive market positions or rights, or operating in natural monopoly areas, are also considered to be public bodies in relation to certain types of information, including “offers and prices of goods as well as the services and changes in such terms and prices”.
在自动化弹道辨识方面,刑事科技公司(Forensic Technology)二十多年前就已独占鳌头 ,并且一直是促进社会安定的弹道和轻型武器辨识技术方面的领导者。
Forensic Technology pioneered automated ballistics identification more than twenty years ago and continues to be a leader in ballistics and firearms identification technologies that promote a safer society.
Schaeffler grants to the
[...] user a non-exclusive, non-transferable [...]
right to use the information, software and documentation
available on the Schaeffler Website to the extent to which it is agreed or, in case there is no agreement on this point, in accordance with the availability and transfer from Schaeffler for the intended purpose.
凭借达到最高 DMIPs/MHz 级的 MIPS® M4K® 内核、高效的内部总线架构和高级指令缓冲,PIC32 系列微处理器自 2007 年面市以来即已在性能表现方独占 鳌 头
Since its introduction in 2007, the PIC32 family has established itself as a performance leader stemming from the highest DMIPs/MHz rated MIPS® M4K® core, highly efficient internal bus architecture, and advanced instruction caching.
他们针对不同的国家和地区,构筑了形形色色的专利进攻和防御体系,利用专利权和其它知识产权 独占 权 进 行新的市场垄断,控制其竞争对手以获取最大的经济利益。
They construct various patent offensives and defending systems and create a new market monopoly via the patent right and other intellectual property rights, so as to control their opponents to gain the biggest economic benefits according to different countries and regions.
本行授予您在您的自有网站上设置链接至任何本行网站主页的超链接的可撤销的、不可转让的、 独占 的 许 可;但是,您不得(a)“深链接”至任何本行网站的任何其他页面,(b)对任何本行网站或任何内容使用“框架”,或以其他方式促使任何本行网站或任何内容与任何其他资料出现在同一个窗口中,(c)促使该超链接或本行网站以任何方式显示以蔑视本行或属于本行一部分的任何实体,或(d)未经本行书面批准,暗示或声明与本行或属于本行一部分的任何实体之间存在任何类型的关系或特殊安排。
The Practice grants you a revocable, nontransferable, nonexclusive license to include a hyperlink on your own website to the home page of any Practice Website; provided, that you do not: (a) "deep link" to any other page of any Practice Website, (b) "frame" any Practice Website or any Content, or otherwise cause any Practice Website or any Content to appear in a window with any other material, (c) cause the hyperlink or the Practice Website to be displayed in any way that is disparaging to the Practice, or any entity that is part of the Practice, or (d) otherwise imply or state that any type of relationship or special arrangements exist with the Practice, or any entity that is part of the Practice, that have not been approved in writing by the Practice.




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