

单词 独出心裁

See also:

独裁 adj

authoritarian adj
autocratic adj

独裁 pl

dictatorships pl

独裁 n

authoritarianism n
tyranny n

External sources (not reviewed)

不得不说这是一款出心裁的好作品,出彩的并不是他的外表,而 独 具 匠 心的设计,这是一款性爱时放进阴道内使用的G点按摩器。
In between, the ultra thin
[...] flex arm gently hugs her contours to hold the We-Vibe comfortably in place — while leaving plenty [...]
of room for him
to slide inside and share the pleasure.
特别应当出,独立的 司法机构切实 审查人身保护令方面的情况,是确保尊重个人自由权利的 心。
In particular, effective habeas corpus reviews by independent judicial bodies are central to ensuring respect for the right to personal [...]
計劃第 2 期會令 璀璨的維港夜 景更添 新 姿 與活力,而旅客 和 本 港 市民也可 藉此欣賞到出 心 裁 的匯 演。
Phase 2 of the Plan will add a new vibrancy to our spectacular night view of the Harbour as well as present a unique show to visitors and residents of Hong Kong.
海地在杜瓦利独裁统治于 1986 年告终之后, 25 年来的政治生活的出特点 一直是极度不稳定,我 要心地指出,在这 25 年中,我是唯一完成首任和 第二任宪法规定任期的总统,也是 25 年中唯一没有 被监禁或流放的总统。
The 25 years
[...] of Haiti’s political life following the 1986 departure of the Duvalier dictatorship have been characterized by so much instability that, I am sad to note, in [...]
of a century I am the only President to have completed a first and then a second constitutional term and the only one in 25 years to never have been jailed or exiled.
因此,上诉法院裁定,在另一成员国初步启动破产程序及其中有关主 要利益中心的事实结论,使得承认国不能再就启动破产程序的成员国是否适当 确定了主要利益心作出独立的裁定。
Thus, the Court of Appeals ruled that the initial opening of an insolvency proceeding in another Member State and a finding of fact therein regarding COMI pre-empted any subsequent independent
determination by the recognizing
[...] State as to whether COMI was properly determined by the Member State in which the insolvency proceeding was opened.
任何一个有自尊的外交家都不会出 这样的话,除非他本人就是一个 独裁 政 府 卖命的 雇佣兵。
No self-respecting
[...] diplomat could make such a remark, unless he was himself a mercenary in the service of a dictatorship.
尽管取得了积极进 展,但全世界仍有无数侵犯人权的事件,而国际社会 也仍未对贫穷、武装冲突独裁统治和歧视等问题出有效和负责任的回应。
Despite those positive developments, there continued to be numerous instances of human rights violations around the world, and the international community
had yet to respond effectively and responsibly to issues
[...] such as poverty, armed conflict, dictatorship and discrimination.
当人们 的期望没有得到满足时,就会造成政治后果——尤 其是当长期以来对民众独裁控制 同时被取消时, 人们的失望之情就会出水面
When expectations are not met, there can be political consequences – particularly when longstanding authoritarian controls on the population are being simultaneously removed, allowing frustrations to come into the open.
出心裁的對 比配襯、專業的拼接裝飾和精確的裝置,增強跑車的動人魅力,做到內外兼備,更體現了平治對細節的堅持和品牌的設計方針。
Precisely executed decorative and contrasting stitching enhances the visual impression, heightens the hand-crafted look and reflects the attention to detail which is the hallmark of Mercedes design.
这反映了一独 裁心态, 并且与该国政策则是一脉相承。
It reflects a dictatorial attitude that [...]
is by no means uncharacteristic of his country’s policies.
2004 年 3 月 24
[...] 日,阿根廷共和国政府经布宜诺斯艾利斯自治市的同意,在原海军机械 工程学院(ESMA)的校园,即阿根廷上一次军 独裁 期 间 (1976--1983 年)最大的秘密拘 留和屠杀心的所 在地,设立了取名为“纪念以及保护和捍卫人权园区1 ”(以下简称“园 [...]
On 24 March 2004, the Government of the Republic of Argentina, in agreement with the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, established on the premises of the former Naval School of Mechanical Engineering
(ESMA), in which the
[...] largest clandestine detention and extermination centre was in operation during Argentina’s last military [...]
dictatorship (1976-1983),
a Remembrance Museum entitled the “Espacio para la Memoria y para la Protección y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos”1 (henceforth “Espacio”).
一个令人百思不得其解的现象仍然是,很多国家 能够经常变出数十亿美元,几乎是一时冲动就发起可 打可不打的战争和进行单方面军事干预,但在发展援
[...] 助方面却陷入停滞,不充分兑现承诺,并编造各种出心裁的理由或是空喊口号, 而这些对于发展中国 [...]
It remains a constant source of amazement that many States can regularly conjure up billions of dollars to prosecute discretionary wars and unilateral military interventions, almost
on a whim, while developmental assistance
[...] stagnates, falls short of commitments [...]
and is subject to all forms of creative accounting
or empty sloganeering that have no impact on the bottom lines of developing States.
这雪屋客栈的制作,藉由当地的艺术大学「东北艺术工科大学」的学生们的参与,家家 出心裁 , 风 格 独 具。
Each inn of snow is designed elaborately, as students of Tohoku University of Art & Design, local art school, helped the production.
委员会促请缔约国采取具体果断的措施,确保平民致死致 残的情况不再发生,确保对所有的案件迅速 出独 立 和 公正的调查,并通过适当裁对经 发现负有责任的人实行有效制裁。
The Committee urges the State party to take concrete and firm measures to ensure that no further killings and maiming of civilians take place and
ensure that all cases
[...] lead to prompt independent and impartial investigations and to the effective sanctioning with appropriate sanctions of those [...]
found responsible.
虽然该跑车在 1970 年日内瓦车展上以出心裁的方式进行发布,但它并没有得到汽车发烧友的强烈反响。
Despite its chic launch at the 1970 Geneva Motor Show, however, it failed to make the right impression on car buffs.
结合将 Avocent
[...] 的接入和控制机柜内网络设备及服务器物理特性的能力,与 Emerson 的机房电源系统及精密制冷解决方案相结合,为数据 心 管 理 人员创 出独 一 无 二的基础设施管理方案,并帮助他们应对能源效率这一迫在眉睫的挑战。
Combining Avocent’s ability to access and control the physical aspects of network devices and servers in the rack with Emerson Network Power’s power systems and precision
cooling solutions in the
[...] room will create a unique infrastructure management solution for data center managers and [...]
help them address their
most pressing challenge – energy efficiency.
在日内瓦国际高档钟表沙龙中,万宝龙首次 出心裁 地 展 示了非古董级的藏品—来自14位先锋艺术家的作品。
At the SIHH, Montblanc unveiled its collection for the first time outside its own walls, with the presentation of
“Cutting Edge”, the work of 14 artists
[...] whose work and personality influence today’s [...]
art and who are on the brink of achieving international recognition.
颁奖宴会在幸运抽奖环节被推向了高潮,本次球会的赛事组 出心裁 的 设计 了 独 特 的互动桌奖的抽奖方式,奖项卡被秘密的贴在椅子下面,客人们随机的选择座位进行抽奖,最终有10位幸运之星诞生,获得了希尔顿酒店餐券及Adams推杆等丰厚的奖品。
The club also made another special lucky plan for the [...]
whole members named as ¡°Chair Lucky Draw¡± and all the members chose
the chairs themselves freely and then checked if there was a lucky card under the chair and 10 winners awarded with the big prizes as the Hiltons Hotel coupons and the Adams putters.
个人权利以及最基本的人权遭独裁 者 及其内阁的践踏,甚至连那些级别不 [...]
Personal rights and the most fundamental human rights were
[...] flouted by the dictator and his entire [...]
cabinet, on such a scale that even lower-level
officials amassed fortunes and violated rights with complete impunity.
在被搁置了几十年以后,现在已经开始挖掘以往军 独裁 政 权 期间 实施的强迫失踪行为的受害者的遗体,并将这些人的遗体归还给其亲属。
After decades of neglect, work has begun to exhume the remains of victims of
enforced disappearances committed during the
[...] past military dictatorship, and to return [...]
the remains of those persons to their families.
Rodrigo Otazu 的五大系列作品分别是:以深色调打造颓废美感的
[...] Midnight Queen系列 项链﹔出心裁、晶莹剔透的 Comet系列 [...]
项链﹔展现华丽歌特风的 Gala系列 手镯和项链﹔镶嵌了红宝石色、海军蓝和大地色仿水晶元素的Precious
Flower系列 耳环、戒指和项链,以时尚的手法演绎了大自然与花朵的魅力,﹔Rock Star系列 项链、戒指和手链,将大量的金属元素与棕褐色褶襉皮革相互交织,而大颗仿水晶元素的镶嵌则营造出作品的中性色调,别有一番韵味在其中。
Rodrigo Otazu presents five stories: [...]
two necklaces – the darkly decadent Midnight Queen necklace and the intricately clear-crystal
Comet necklace; the gothic splendor of his Gala cuff and necklace; Precious Flower’s nature-inspired floral tribute of stylish earrings, ring and necklace in ruby, navy and earth-toned crystals; and the aptly named Rock Star necklace, ring and bracelet in heavy gold interwoven with plaited tan leather and studded with statement crystals in neutral tones.
第 37 条草案:由于第 34 条明确出,可能存在在不同时间针对不同问题的各 种独裁决,似宜将第 1 款中“the award”改为“an award”(中译文不变)。
Draft article 37: Since article 34 makes clear that there may be a variety of separate awards on different issues at different times it might be more appropriate to remove the definite article and replace it with the indefinite article “an” in paragraph 1.
无论是表盘上的首字母缩写或数字、设计师绘制的装饰图案,或是 出心裁 的 图 纹,雕刻工艺大师都必需对细节一丝不苟,以全神贯注的精神和巧夺天工的技艺进行雕刻。
From engraving initials, numbers on the face, or decorations drawn by a designer to the ad-hoc
creation of a motif, the work of this
[...] goldsmith demands patience, dexterity, attention [...]
to detail and an aesthetic sensibility.
根据各项指控和委员会就记者关于他们在西岸所遭遇非法行径的投诉举 行的听证会,并且根据巴勒斯坦促进发展和媒体自由中心和加沙巴勒斯坦人权心、独立人 权委员会和萨米尔·卡西尔基金会等人权组织的报告,委员会 出的 结 论是,执法机关侵犯了新闻自由,违反了在逮捕和拘留记者时必须遵守和适用 的规则和保障规定。
On the basis of complaints and the hearings conducted by the Commission with journalist complainants regarding the unlawful practices to which they had been subjected in the West Bank, as well as
the reports of the
[...] Palestinian Centre for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA), and human rights organizations, specifically, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights in Gaza, the Independent Commission [...]
for Human Rights and the Samir Kassir Foundation, the Commission came to the conclusion that the law
enforcement agencies had violated press freedoms and the rules and guarantees which must be respected and applied in the case of arrest and detention of journalists.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34
款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以待世界各地联合国人员及房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年
[...] 6 月建议对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行政首长协调理事会独立 审查小组的建议 出 反 应
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the
response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for
[...] Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.
内部审计办公室的出重点 是评价和改进治理、风险管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a) 办公室具有明确的与机构目标相关的任务规定,并受助于一独立、 客观和能妥善发挥作用的管理结构,还具有核可的年度工作计划;(b) 办 公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适的人力资源,以执行其年度工作计划并 完成任务;(c) 办公室高效实施㈠ 审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术 和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩 监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal
[...] Audit will focus its outputs on evaluating and improving governance, risk management and control processes by ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate linked to organizational objectives and is supported by an independent, objective [...]
and well-functioning management
structure with approved annual work plans; (b) it secures and retains the right quantity and quality of human resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil its mandate; and (c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.
咨询委员会获悉,上述根据第 65/259 号决议出的内部司法报告预计将分 为两份独的报 告,分别涵盖正式制度(内部司法办公室和其他办公室)和非正式 制度,后者将在关于联合国监察员和调解事务活动的年度报告中述及。
The Advisory Committee was informed that it is envisaged that the abovementioned reporting on administration of justice, pursuant to resolution 65/259, will be addressed in two separate reports, covering the formal system (Office of the Administration of Justice and other offices) and the informal system, which will be addressed in the context of the annual report on the activities of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services.




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