

单词 独具只眼

See also:


have unique (talent, insight etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

他希望强调每一种行为均有其特殊性, 只 能 由 独 立 且 公正的司法 机构根据其本身具体情 况进行评估和判决。
He also would like to emphasize that
each set of facts is
[...] particular and can only be assessed and adjudicated by an independent and impartial judiciary, according to its own circumstances and taking into account the specific context.
其坚固的机具有四个吊眼,易于运输,每台机器重 只是 46 公斤,或50 公斤,其中包括冷却系统。
A sturdy trolley with four lifting eyes makes the machines easily transportable; each [...]
weighs just 46kg, or 50kg including the cooling system.
监察员的活具有独立性,只对《 宪法》、法律和保加利亚共和国批准的 国际条约负责。
The Ombudsman is independent in his/her activities and is accountable only to the Constitution, [...]
the laws and the international
treaties ratified by the Republic of Bulgaria.
自由竞争和贸易以及知识产权保护是取得经济成功的支柱, 这使瑞士在国内外企眼中独具魅力
Free competition and trade and the protection of intellectual property are the cornerstones of economic success and make Switzerland attractive to both domestic and foreign companies.
咨询人提供协助的方式还将包括为评价工作制订必要和适当的做法、方法 和具,用独立客观的眼光来 评估实际成果、影响和完成任务情况,以便协助人 们对取得的成果负责。
The consultant would also provide support by developing
suitable approaches,
[...] methodology and tools that are needed for the evaluation process in assessing the actual results, impact and achievement of mandates from an independent, objective point [...]
of view in order to
support accountability for the results attained.
为向拥有耀眼才华的当代传奇Bob Dylan致敬,Oris打造了只独特的 方形表款。
Oris has created a special edition Rectangular model as a tribute to multi-talented living legend [...]
Bob Dylan.
每天不停地在重塑房地产界的形象,使Stewart在这个行业里成就了一个固定的品牌,属于在当地国家乃至全 独具 开 发 慧 眼 的 强 者。
Reshaping the real estate world one day
at a time, Stewart has
[...] become a fixture in the industry, rendering incomparable insight on a national and global scale.
独具慧眼,积 极开创出采用炫目亮色组合的原创概念表设计理念,由此在高级手表业掀起了一场革命性风暴,同时也推动 DeWitt Watches [...]
His unique vision of original concept watches in eye popping color combinations [...]
took the haute world of watches completely
by storm and propelled DeWitt Watches to the top of the proverbial food chain, garnering top awards along the way.
他感到失望的是,政府當局的文只 眼於航空交通量增加所帶來的經濟利益,而忽略了受影 響的居民將會承受的飛機噪音水平。
He was disappointed that the
[...] Administration's paper had only focused on the economic [...]
gains arising from increased air traffic
with no attention being paid to the level of aircraft noise which the affected residents would be exposed to.
[...] 如由一名独立的非高级行政官员担任主席,将增进内部监督咨询委员会在外眼 中和实际独立性
Although the current arrangement is in line with the Agency Organizational Directive, the Board is of the view that an independent and
non-executive chair would enhance the
[...] perceived and actual independence of the Advisory [...]
Committee on Internal Oversight.
如美家 (Roomorama) 是独具慧眼的旅 客的首选,一站式的短期租赁。
Roomorama is the discerning traveler’s one-stop shop for short-term rentals.
[...] 认为应经全体当事国或全体缔约国同意时, 独 立 国 家 只 有 在 获得此种同意后才可确立其成 为该条约当事国或缔约国的地位。
When, under the terms of the treaty or by reason of the limited number of the negotiating States and the object and purpose of the treaty, the participation of any other State in the treaty must be considered as requiring the consent of all
the parties or of all the contracting
[...] States, the newly independent State may establish [...]
its status as a party or as a contracting
State to the treaty only with such consent.
在这里,摄影师Roy Zipstein独具慧眼,捕 捉苹果店一致拥有的标志性的简洁线条,让苹果浦东店的拍摄项目成为他与苹果公司合作的又一力作。
Roy Zipsteincaptures the signature clean lines of the Apple store in his photos, continuing his collaboration with Apple.
秘书处代表回答说眼下只有贝 尔蒙先生确定的最紧迫的优先事项(有关安全问 题)能用可动用的正常预算和预算外资金来实施,不过这个楼区需要彻底翻修。
The representative of the Secretariat replied that,
[...] for the time being, only the most immediate [...]
priorities established by Mr Belmont (relating
to safety) can be covered, by combining available regular budget and extrabudgetary resources, however the buildings required a complete renovation.
该品独具慧眼,它 能准确把握时尚手表业的发展脉搏,并且紧随当下全球手表的流行趋势。
They seem
[...] to have their finger on the pulse of [...]
the fashion watch industry like no other, and cater to all the current watch trends all over the world.
计划推出一具 有区域眼光的旗舰出版物,其中包括:(i) 《阿拉伯地区2025》,预测和分析本地区经 济、社会、政治和文化领域的当前形势和未 27 来趋势;(ii) [...]
向 民主过渡,探讨阿拉伯国家 政治变化的性质并分析世界其他地区政治 转型的教训,从而就现有的政策选择得
出 结论和最佳做法,以确保向民主的有效 和 可持续的过渡;(iii) 阿拉伯地区一体化,对 一体化的潜在领域 —— 无论是社会、 经 济、文化层面的还是政治层面的 —— 及其 特点提出分析并评估各自对本地区的长期 影响;和 (iv) 与其他区域委员会的联合出 版物,《千年发展目标以后:联合国的未来 发展议程》。
A set of flagship publications have been planned with regional lens, which include [...]
(i) The Arab Region 2025, which will
forecast and analyse current and future trends for the region in economic, social, political and cultural areas; (ii) Transitions to Democracy, which looks into the nature of political changes in Arab countries and analyses the lessons learned from political transitions in other areas of the world to draw conclusions and best practices on the policy options available to ensure effective and sustainable transitions to democracy; (iii) Arab Regional Integration, which analyses the potential areas and characteristics of integration be they social, economic, cultural or political and assessing their prospective impact on the long-term development of the region; and (iv) a joint publication with other Regional Commissions on Beyond the MDGs: A Future United Nations Development Agenda.
鉴于教区目只有各自独立运 作的婚姻及家庭牧民服务的组织,而未有统筹性、协调性的机制,故此建议成立教区层面的“婚委会”,负责统筹、协调和强化与婚姻和家庭生活有关的服务及培育;定期跟进及检讨本草案各 具 体 建 议之落实执行;并厘定和推动新的牧民策略。
Since, at present, there are only organizations engaged independently in marriage and family pastoral care in our Diocese without a co-ordinating body, the setting up of a "PCMF" at the diocesan level is proposed. This body will be responsible for coordinating and consolidating the existing services and for [...]
formation related to marriage
and family life; for following up on and periodically evaluating the implementation of all the concrete proposals made in this document; and for formulating and promoting new pastoral strategies.
借助这个机器独特设计,只要坐 在舒适的沙包上就能完成高精度作业。
The machine's unique design enabled me to do high-precision [...]
work sitting on a comfortable beanbag.
但是,现只能在一个独案件 中对他一个人进行 审判。
However, he is now being tried alone in a separate case.
部分资深用户指出,在应用上,LED护 眼 灯 的光 源 独 立 性可以为青年学生、青少年儿童提供柔和舒适的光照效果,或者 具 备 独 立 空 间的场所,比如书房、工作间和卧室,配合LED显示器一同使用,光源的可控性比传统日光灯、台灯更好,不会对显示器屏幕造成衍射和倒影,获得相对理想的照明效果。
Part of the senior user pointed out
that in applications,
[...] LED light source independence of the Eye for young students, young children with soft and comfortable lighting effects, or in a place with an independent space, such [...]
as study, the workplace
and the bedroom, with LED monitor with the use of controllable light sources than the traditional fluorescent lamp, table lamp and better and will not cause diffraction and reflection of the monitor screen, to obtain relatively good lighting effects.
明年的纪念年活动将向世人介绍一 独具 现 代 眼 光 的现代派艺术家。
The anniversary will introduce to us a
[...] modern artist with a modern eye for the world.
戴尔的XPS品牌,并以移动娱乐到新的高度和新的17英 具 有 一 个让人大 眼 镜 ,肾上腺素生产,高清晰3D显示器笔记型电脑(三维查看NVIDIA的NVISION公司需 要 3 D 眼 镜 , 单 独 销 售 )。
Dell is taking the XPS brand and mobile
entertainment to new
[...] heights with a new 17-inch laptop featuring an eye-popping, adrenaline-producing, high-definition 3D display (3D viewing requires NVIDIA NVision 3D glasses, sold separately).
一些只 觀 察 表 象 的 人,可只 眼 於香港人 在 經濟低 潮 中 心 情如何 沉 重 , 但只要 看看 最近我們的市 民 和 企 業 是如何敏捷 地 捕捉資訊科技帶來的 新機會,便 知香港 人 名 聞 遐邇的 鬥 志 和開拓精神 依 然 旺盛如 昔 。
But the impressive speed with which our citizens and enterprises are embracing the new opportunities in information technology is proof enough that Hong Kong people have lost nothing of that well-known gumption and entrepreneurial spirit.
非洲联盟对于南南合作的区域努力一 眼 光 独具 , 见 解全面。
The African Union has been the most visionary and comprehensive in regional efforts at South-South cooperation.
为增加其成效,这些清单应详尽完备,而不 只具 有 指示性,还应 适当考虑国内的优先次序,尤其是社会和经济需求、环境和公共卫生敏感度和 其他特殊情况。
To enhance their effectiveness, such lists should be exhaustive rather than indicative and give due recognition to domestic priorities, in particular social and economic needs, environmental and public health sensitivities or other special circumstances.
17发 展中国家也许会考虑提高入门标准,特别是 只具 有 被 认为有益于社会的特别特征(如增 加产量、具有营养价值)的重大或重要革新提供该种保护。
Thus, PVP law allows breeders to protect varieties with very similar characteristics, which means the system tends to be driven by commercial considerations of
product differentiation and planned
[...] obsolescence, rather than genuine improvements [...]
in agronomic traits.17 Developing countries
might consider raising the threshold, in particular so that protection is only given for significant or important innovations with particular characteristics that are deemed socially beneficial (for example, yield increases, or traits of nutritional value).
但是,保留国的 目标可能会有所不同:虽然接受规则的内容,可能想逃避由规则产生的后果,特
[...] 别是在监测方面,285 在这一点上,没有理由不使遵只具 有 约束力的习惯规则 的论点换位为强制性规范。
The objectives of the reserving State, however, may be different: while accepting the content of the rule, it may wish to escape the consequences arising out of it, particularly in respect of monitoring,285 and on this point there is no reason why the line
of argument followed in respect of customary
[...] rules which are merely binding should not [...]
be transposed to peremptory norms.
(9) 為免生疑問,現聲明第(1)款所提述的土㆞界線 只具 備 其 憑藉作為㆒份遞 交給土㆞註冊處以使根據《土㆞註冊條例》(第 128 章)註冊的文書所附有或附帶或批 註於該文書㆖的圖則而所具備的效力,除此之外,並不具備其他效力。
(9) For the avoidance of doubt, it is declared that a land boundary plan referred to in subsection (1) shall not have effect other than the effects it has by virtue of its being a plan attached to or endorsed on or accompanying an instrument delivered into the Land Registry for registration under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128).
他结合此次磋商谈到 了本组织正在进行的各项改革,尤其是计划编制方法方面的改革,并强调最近对计划管理周 期所进行的修订,是为了具有战略 眼 光 和更有助于决策,而且有助于在总部和总部外之 间,以及各地区和多国办事处之间更合理地分配计划资源。
He put the Consultation also in the context of the ongoing reform process of the Organization, in particular with regard to programming, and highlighted the recent revisions of the programme management cycle designed to ensure a more strategic and policy-focused approach and to facilitate a more rational allocation of programme resources between Headquarters and the field as well as between the various regions and clusters.




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