

单词 独具匠心

See also:


have unique (talent, insight etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

结合了欧陆风情、一流服务和对细节的注重,“序曲号”在设计和舒适程度上 独具匠心。
MSC Sinfonia is a ship distinctive in both design and comfort, marrying the best of continental style with world-class
[...] service and attention to detail.
游艇的浴室中选用 极具个性化的雅生浴室系列产品独具匠心的雅生玛颂系列产品,使 得圣汐游艇更显奢华。
The individuality of the Axor Starck
[...] ShowerCollection and the exclusivity of Axor Massaud make them the ideal collections [...]
for the bathrooms of the luxury Sunseeker yachts.
不得不说这是一款别出心裁的好作品,出彩的并不是他的外表,而 独具匠心 的 设 计,这是一款性爱时放进阴道内使用的G点按摩器。
In between, the ultra thin flex arm
gently hugs her contours to
[...] hold the We-Vibe comfortably in place — while leaving plenty of room for him to slide inside and share [...]
the pleasure.
自1990年至今,《勇闯天涯系列》凭借其新颖独特的主持风格 独具匠心 的 路线安排以及浓郁厚重的历史文化内涵,在国际上屡获重要奖项――如《旅行家杂志》“最佳电视节目银奖”、世界戏剧节“独立摄像银奖”及美国有线电视杰出奖“休闲与娱乐类特别金奖”、“最佳主持人奖”等等,并迅速成为美国公共广播公司(PBS)、美国探索(DISCOVERY)频道、英国BBC广播公司、英国旅游频道、法国游记频道、日本JHK频道、欧洲旅游频道及香港亚洲电视台、中国旅游卫视台等国际知名频道最受欢迎的旅游节目。
Since 1990, Globe Trekker
[...] series have won numerous international awards, such as Wanderlust Readers’ Award Best TV Travel Show - Silver Award, [...]
Worldfest, Houston
International Film Festival Silver Award for Individual On-camera Talent, Cableace Award, USA Recreation and Leisure, Special or Series and Magazine Host for Ian Wright. The series have become one of the most popular travel programs in all kinds of famous channels such as PBS and Discovery Channel in US, BBC and Travel Channel in the UK, Voyage France, JHK in Japan, Europe Travel Channel, Asia TV in Hong Kong and The Travel Channel in China.
在普西尼餐厅,您还可以品尝到我们的招牌——在申城他处难寻的“法国马赛鱼汤配综合海鲜”,在真正的塔吉锅中烹制成的“正宗摩洛哥塔吉锅炖肉”和J oc h e n 独具匠心 的 甜 品,配有自制蜜坚果和烤酥皮的“蜜果仁千层酥”。
Porcini guests will have the chance to experience Bouillabaisse with the finest fish, Tajine served in a real Moroccan terracotta pot and Baklava with the most succulent harmony of filo pastry and honey nuts.
而同样卓越非凡的腕表亦以令人满意的价格成交:除可在无色水晶表镜下显示时针、分针和秒针外,这款时计 独具匠心 地 将各种复杂功能相融合,其中包括时、分、刻、半刻报时;大自鸣和小自鸣以及30分钟计时记录。
A truly exceptional result for an equally exceptional watch: in addition to displaying the hours, minutes and seconds beneath a rock crystal glass, this timepiece features a personalised combination of complications including hour, minute, quarter and half-quarter repeating, grande and petite sonnerie as well as a 30-minute chronograph register.
WGF无公害干粉灌装机研制成功填补了我国干粉灌装设备的空白,尤其 独具匠心 的 设 计原理,在国内外均采用机械方式,或“挤”或“填”或“灌”的落后原理的情况下,另僻蹊径,采用了真空负压“吸”粉的原理,具有生产效率高、无粉尘飞扬、操作简单、维修简单、对改善工人劳动条件、消除环境污染有十分明显的效果。
WGF did the powder without the environmental damage to fill installing equipment to develop successfully fills our country to do
the powder to fill installs the
[...] equipment the blank, the alone ingenuity principle [...]
of design, in domestic and foreign selected
the mechanical method in particular, either "crowded" or "filled in" or "fills" in the backward principle situation, used the vacuum negative pressure "to attract" the powder principle in addition, had the production efficiency high, flies upwards, the operation simply without the dust, the service is simple, to improves the worker work condition, the elimination environmental pollution has the extremely tangible effect.
TCL副总裁兼TCL多媒体公司首席销售官郝义表示:“除了内置强大的Marvell ARMADA 1500
[...] SoC平台外,基于Google TV 的TCL MoVo还独具匠心地整合了适合现代用户的Google搜索技术和TCL [...]
With the powerful, built-in Marvell
ARMADA 1500 SoC platform, TCL MoVo
[...] with Google TV is a unique combination of Google [...]
search technology that is suitable for
active users and TCL PBO technology that enables a personalized experience for users that want to sit back and have the TV provide the right content with minimal user interaction,” said E Hao, TCL Corporate Vice President and Chief Sales Officer of TCL Multimedia.
整个陀飞轮装置由42件零件组成,重量却仅有0.2克 匠心独具 地 被 安排在12时位置,与6时位置的月相显示完美呼应。
The carriage, composed of 42 parts, weighs barely 0.2 grammes. It has been placed in an original position at 12 o’clock to echo the moon-phase display positioned exactly opposite, at 6 o'clock.
具匠心加入的Vibram® TC1性能橡胶垫为这独特设 计的鞋底带来抓地力和耐用性。
Strategically placed Vibram TC1
[...] performance rubber pads provide grip and durability to this unique sole design.
经验丰富的大厨用精益求精的厨艺手法为您呈 匠心独具 的 特 色菜式。
Signature dishes from our experienced chef, crafted with meticulous attention to every detail and presented to your table.
我们在丹麦拥有专用的阳极氧化设施,采用阳极氧化工艺呈现 具匠心 的 色 彩和精 独 特 的外观,打造前所未有的极致体验。
In our dedicated anodisation facility in Denmark we create exclusive, anodised colours and shapes surpassing the highest standards.
偏愛漫步於林蔭小徑,享受靜謐與沉思氛圍的人,可造訪無錫的梅園和立園,亦或造訪素 匠心 獨 具 之 美 遠近馳名的蘇州園林。
For a quiet, contemplative stroll, visit Plum Garden and Liyuan Garden in Wuxi, or the gardens in Suzhou, famous for their beauty and artistry in design.
1, Originality configure the [...]
use of sophisticated expensive grade fever Germany WIMA capacitors, leaving the tone a new
look, After coupling capacitor touches of real goods, timbre naturally charming, often handsomely guide, excellent extensibility, rare fever pole products
此特别订制的腕表具一格 ,每次只生产一枚,其机芯由648个部件组成,并经同一制表 匠独 立 调 整和校准,单是打造机械装置便花费逾700小时,随后的镂空工序亦长达120小时,需要无比 心 方 能 制成。
Made to order and only one at a time, this unique watch beats to the rhythm of a caliber composed of 648 components individually adjusted and regulated by the same craftsman.
凭借在数据心和服 务提供商市场的悠久传统和技术领先地位,Brocade 成为一独具资历 ,可帮助服务提供商构建和加强其公共云基础结构的公司。
Through a rich heritage and
[...] technology leadership in the data center and service provider markets, Brocade is uniquely qualified to help services providers [...]
build and
enhance their public cloud infrastructures.
全新的Gouverneur系列腕表传承了伯爵对超薄机芯的不懈追求, 独 特 典 雅的外形设计更是制表史上的又一大胆突破:运用圆形与椭圆形设计, 具匠心 地 交 迭排列出空前的美学结构。
The new Gouverneur Collection not only inherits Piaget’s constant pursuit of ultra-thin movements, but also being another innovation by its special and elegant outlook.
Rado 手表一直凭借其具匠心的开创性设计使全球手表爱好者为之着迷。
Rado Watches has continued to fascinate serious watch enthusiasts all across the world with its inventive and groundbreaking designs.
其中,绘制127号石窟的画匠不知是出于粗心大意 匠心独具 , 竟 创造了一幅独一无二的三兔共耳图,图中每只兔子的双耳都紧黏在一起,因而三只耳朵形成了纸风车般的Y字形,而不是一般所见的三角形。
(In Cave 127, the
[...] artist—either by carelessness or design—has created a unique variation of [...]
the three-hares image.
充分发挥我们90多载岁月所积累的丰富的专业技能和技术, 独 特 设 计性 匠心 别 致的装饰涂材〈COLOR CERAMICS系列〉为核心产品,将精益求精,推进所有产品的更加完美与进化,为人们生活的各种场所及场景,提 具 有 丰 富表情的住居空间。
With its sophisticated design and emphasis on design aesthetics, the Color Ceramics series has become our core product line. The further expansion and evolution of these products will allow us to contribute to the creation of dwelling [...]
spaces that offer people a rich aesthetic,
wherever the place and whatever the situation.
全新的Gouverneur系列腕錶傳承了伯爵對超薄機芯的不懈追求,其獨特典雅的外形設計更是製錶史上的又一大膽突破:運用圓形與橢圓形設計, 具匠心 地 交 疊排列出空前的美學結構。
The new Gouverneur Collection not only inherits Piaget’s constant pursuit of ultra-thin movements, but also being another innovation by its special and elegant outlook.
品牌現任設計師Pietro Ambrosini秉承了意大利的傳統皮具製作工藝,選用了同樣產自歐洲、經特別染色及加工程序處理的優質天然皮料,再配 匠心 獨 運 的設計,創製出集經典與時尚於一身的 具 系 列
Inheriting fine Italian leather craftsmanship, Terrazzo's chief designer Pietro Ambrosini pampers customers with classic and chic merchandise by choosing top-quality leather with special polishing and colouring treatments, together with bold and innovative designs.
法國國際電視台總代表馬修•貝若(Mathieu Béjot)認為,法國人在此方面的專業能力舉世公認,他們的“調查研究工作、 具匠心 的 主題和名副其實的的採編工作”使他們名揚海內外。
The French possess recognised skills in this field and are renowned for “their investigative work, original subject matter and genuine writing skills,” according to Mathieu Béjot, executive director of TV France International.
自1978年首度推出以來,Calvin Klein Jeans一直定位為真正的設計師的牛仔褲品牌,並以其創新褲型、 具匠心 的 細節設計和質料處理而備受追捧。
Since the introduction of the original Calvin Klein Jeans in 1978, Calvin Klein Jeans has been positioned as an authentic designer jeans brand known for innovative fit and unique details and denim treatments.
创作总监Frida Giannini携手菲亚特设计中心(Fiat’s Centro Stile)打造的特别款Fiat 500,成为500 by
[...] Gucci系列的灵感起源,本系列成衣和配 匠心独 到 , 将精湛工艺和现代旅行风格完美结合。
Inspired by the special edition Fiat 500 customized by Creative Director Frida Giannini in partnership with Fiat’s
Centro Stile, this line of ready to wear
[...] and accessories uniquely combines craftsmanship [...]
and style for a modern travel statement.
由ARCOmadrid 艺术展总监Carlos Urroz带领,当中包括爱彼艺术总监Octavio García(由爱彼伊贝利亚首席执行官Antonio Seward代表)的五人评审团,挑选 匠心独 运 、 精准细致、技艺超卓的雕塑“Arules”为得奖作品,作品亦让大众联想到爱彼透过其时计杰作展现的标志特质。
The panel of five judges chaired by Carlos Urroz, Director of ARCOmadrid and including Octavio García, Artistic Director of Audemars Piguet, (represented by Antonio Seward, CEO Audemars Piguet Iberia), chose the sculpture “Arules” for its mastery, precision, quality as well as what it evokes to the public also trademark qualities conveyed by Audemars Piguet through its timepieces .
内部审计办公室的产出重点是评价和改进治理、风险管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a) 办公具有明 确的与机构目标相关的任务规定,并受助于一独立、 客观和能妥善发挥作用的管理结构, 具 有 核 可的年度工作计划;(b) 办 公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适的人力资源,以执行其年度工作计划并 完成任务;(c) 办公室高效实施㈠ [...]
审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术 和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩
监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal Audit will focus its outputs on evaluating and improving governance, risk management and
control processes by
[...] ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate linked to organizational objectives and is supported by an independent, objective and well-functioning management structure with [...]
approved annual work
plans; (b) it secures and retains the right quantity and quality of human resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil its mandate; and (c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.
源自最美丽珠宝华服的想象设计、钟表业界的创新现代化以及世纪表厂的精湛技艺等史无前例的结合,COUTURE腕表 匠心独 运 的 钟表巨匠手工切割打磨的一枚CENTURY世纪蓝宝石中演绎成形。
Innovatively combining the creativity of the most beautiful garments, the latest watchmaking technology and the expertise of the CENTURY workshops, COUTURE takes the form of a CENTURY sapphire, hand-cut and polished by master jewellers.
国贸心制订了新的创新办法,以扩 大出口,包括使用电话短信来发送市场数据给生产者,为东非城市 匠 和 欧洲时 装商店牵线搭桥,以及确认西非棉花销往亚洲,事实证明这很有效。
ITC devised new and creative approaches for expanding exports, including the use of telephone messaging for sending market data to producers, linking urban artisans in East Africa to [...]
European fashion houses,
and confirming cotton sales from West Africa to Asia, which proved to be effective.




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