

单词 狗皮膏药

See also:

狗狗 n

dogs pl
dog n

膏药 n

plaster n


herbal plaster applied a wound

External sources (not reviewed)

鲨鱼软骨被用于制作多药品, 制成粉 膏 和 胶 囊,鲨鱼的其他部分也同 样用于药,例如卵巢、脑皮和胃
Shark cartilage is
[...] utilized in many pharmaceutical preparations and reduced in powder, creams and capsules, as are other parts of sharks, e.g. ovaries, brain, skin and stomach.
不同的是,現在不再在耳朵紋㆖記號,而是將載有注射年 份、月份,以及狗主資料的電腦晶片,植 狗 隻 的 軟 皮。
Instead of stabbing the ear, the intention is
to plant that microchip with the data of the month, the year and the details of the
[...] owner into the soft skin of the dog.
不要用自己药膏或润 肤液涂抹,也不要擦 皮肤 上的标记。
Do not apply your own cream or lotion and remember not to erase the treatment markings on the skin.
雪的条件,但是它不可能为药所带来的空气或海洋,导致狗比赛正在举行,以确定最佳 狗 雪 橇队 取 药。
Snowy conditions however makes it impossible for the medicine to be brought by
either air or sea;
[...] resulting in a dog race being held to determine the best dogs for a sleigh team to get the medicine.
连续4-6星期外涂类固药膏于包皮上 ,是较为简单和便宜的治疗方法。
Application of topical steriod cream for 4-6 weeks to the
[...] narrow part of the foreskin is relatively simple [...]
and less expensive than surgical treatments.
每次换尿布时,要在臀皮 肤上 有红癍的地方,涂上带有锌氧化物 药膏 : 一 般来讲孩子腹泻期间 这些红癍一直持续,会使孩子难受。
if the baby’s bottom is red, change the nappy
[...] regularly and spread an ointment containing zinc oxide on the irritated part at each change: [...]
often the redness remains
for the whole time that the baby suffers with diarrhoea.
用具有护肤和促皮肤愈 合功效的护肤产品治疗灼伤,比如芦荟乳霜和抗 药膏。
Treat the burn with
[...] a skin care product that protects and heals skin, such as aloe vera cream or antiseptic ointment.
优卡犬粮促进狗狗关节、皮肤和 肌肉的生长,使关节强健有力,皮肤和肌肉处于健康状态,同时还提供了狗狗工作中赖以生存所需要的高能量。
Eukanuba develops strong joints and healthy skin and muscles, while providing high energy levels, which are vital to the work our dogs are doing.
Featuring the adventures
[...] of Petey the Puppy (which was spun off from Ruby-Spears' 1978 [...]
special,The Puppy Who Wanted A Boy based
on the book of the same name) and his friends Dash, Dolly, Duke, and Lucky.
如果您对驱蚊产品有过敏反应,也可使用抗组胺药和类固 药膏 来 减 轻骚庠。
If you have an allergic reaction to mosquito repellents, you can also use antihistamines and steroid cream to relieve the itch.
以上八味,陈皮提取挥发油,药渣备用;其余炙黄芪等七味加水煎煮二次,第一次2小时,第二次煎煮时加入上述 皮药 渣 , 滤过,合并滤液,静置,取上清液浓缩至相对密度为1.16~1.19(20℃)的 膏 , 加 蔗糖粉446.7g及适量的糊精,制成颗粒,干燥,喷入陈皮挥发油,混匀,制成3000g;或 膏 加 适 量的糊精制成颗粒,干燥,喷入陈皮挥发油,混匀,制成1000g,即得。
Citrus extract volatile oil, dregs spare; rest material boiling water twice, the first two hours, when second
boiling add the residue dried tangerine peel, filtration, combined filtrate, the supernatant was concentrated to the relative density of 1.16 ~ 1.19 (20 ℃) of clear paste, add 446.7g sugar powder and the amount of dextrin, made of particles, dried, sprayed into the Citrus essential oil, mix, made 3000g; or clear paste made of particles increases the amount of dextrin, dried, sprayed into the Citrus essential oil, mix, made 1000g.
例如,我不知道法语单词奴隶(Slav人)、 药膏 ( s a lv o)),圆舞曲(waltz)和洗(lava)也许有一个连接,是通过该系统的联系。
For example, I wonder if the French words
[...] Slave (Slav), Salve (salvo), Valse [...]
(waltz) and Lave (lava) perhaps have a connection
that was wanted by the system.
以上六味,熟地黄、茯苓、泽泻加水煎煮二次,每次2小时,前液滤过,滤液浓缩至相对密度1.32~1.35(80℃)的 膏 , 备用;酒萸肉、 药 、 牡 丹 皮 粉 碎 成细粉,与浓缩液混合,加糊精适量和甜蜜素乙醇溶液适量,并加75%乙醇适量,制粒,干燥,制成1000g,既得。
Rehmannia, Poria, Alisma boiling water twice, each time 2 hours, before the liquid filtration, the filtrate was concentrated to the relative density of 1.32 ~ 1.35 (80 ℃) of thick cream; cornus meat, yam, moutan crushed into fine powder, mixed with the concentrated liquid, add appropriate amount of dextrin and the amount of ethanol solution of sodium cyclamate, and add appropriate amount of 75% ethanol, granulation, drying, made 1000g.
碳氢化合物 (例如油、油脂、清洁酒精、护手霜或 皮膏 在 与 高压缩氧 气接触时 可能产生爆炸类反应。
Hydrocarbon compounds (e.g. oil, grease, cleaning alcohol,
[...] hand cream or adhesive plasters) can cause explosive [...]
reactions if they come into contact
with highly compressed oxygen.
在割伤或擦伤部位涂上薄薄的一层抗 药膏 或 抗 生素软膏。
Put a thin layer of antiseptic
[...] or antibiotic ointment on the cut or scrape.
曾鈺成議員: 主席,據報,有關注動物權益的團體進行的調查發現,受 訪者中每 3 人便有 1 人曾買了患狗瘟或皮膚病等毛病的寵物犬,而且動輒 須花費數萬元醫治牠們。
MR JASPER TSANG (in Chinese): President, it has been reported that a survey conducted by a concern group on animal rights and interests revealed that one out
of every three
[...] respondents had bought pet dogs suffering from diseases such as Canine Distemper or skin diseases, and so [...]
on, and they had to
spend tens of thousands of dollars to cure such dogs.
皮肤病:狗只的 真菌感染可经亲密的接触而传给人类,引致皮肤、头发或指甲的真菌感染。
Skin diseases: Fungal infection in dogs can be transmitted [...]
to humans through intimate contact, resulting in fungal infections of the skin, hair or nails.
[...] 括:将他赤裸裸地绑在铁窗上,多次电击腿、脚、手和胸部;打脚底板;绑住手 吊起来;让他感到窒息和被勒住;靠手臂挂在半空中;蒙上眼睛威胁 狗 咬 ;殴 打;注药物; 不让睡觉;剥夺感官;用滚水或冰水淋浴;关在极为拥挤的牢房 里,用强光刺眼睛。
Methods of torture allegedly included extensive use of electric shocks on legs, feet, hands and chest while stretched naked on a steel bed; beatings on the soles of the feet; being hung by the hands; creation of a sensation of suffocation and strangulation; being suspended from a height
by the arms; being
[...] threatened of attack by dogs while blindfolded; beatings on the body; injection of drugs; sleep deprivation; [...]
sensory isolation;
very hot or ice-cold showers; being held in overcrowded cells; being blinded by bright lights.
這構 成漏洞, 讓一些以商業模式經營的動物繁殖者能夠以私人寵物飼
[...] 養人士的名義作為掩飾,逃避發牌條件的規管,當中包 括畜舍設施、處所衞生及用作繁殖的 狗 健 康 狀況的規 管。
This has created a loophole for some commercial animal breeders to operate under the disguise of PPOs, thereby circumventing regulation through licensing
conditions, including requirements on housing facilities, hygiene of the premises and the
[...] health status of the breeding dogs.
处理这类损伤时,需用肥皂和清水简单地清洁伤口周围,去除所有的细小污垢并冲洗伤口,加压止血,然后涂上抗 药膏 , 再 用绷带包扎,保护好伤口。
To treat them, simply clean the area around the wound with soap and water.
药膏是上 个世纪二十年代与Carl  von  Noorden 教授合作研制的。
The cream was developed in collaboration with Prof. Carl von Noorden in the 1920s.
如果烧伤面积较小,可以每天用一块湿冷的布在上面放置几分钟,随后涂上医生开具的抗 药膏。
If the burn area is small, put a cool, wet cloth on it for a few minutes every day followed by a
[...] doctor-prescribed antibiotic ointment.
优卡大型成年犬犬粮能够满足狗狗每日的营养需求, 狗狗 拥 有 光泽 皮 毛 、 健康的消化系统和牙齿,最重要的是能让狗狗的关节强健有力,而像大丹犬这样的大型犬最重要的就是要有强健有力的关节。
I currently feed Eukanuba Adult Large Breed as it meets their every nutritional need through a beautiful coat, healthy digestion, good teeth and, critically, strong joints, which are so important to large breeds like Great Danes.
您可以在伤口上涂抗药膏,并 用绷带包裹伤口。
You can put antiseptic cream on the wound and cover it with a bandage.
這齣木偶音樂劇,透過小雪人擺脫 皮 小 狗 B on Bon,實現他對太陽花的承諾,把其種籽送到溫暖地方的故事,帶出友愛和寬恕的主題。
Based on the theme of friendship and forgiveness, this puppet musical told a story about how the Snowman makes friend with the Sunflower and deliver its seed to a warm place without being tracked down by the naughty dog Bon Bon.
泗水芝布特拉世界,Tunjungan商场,大城市,银河商场,Supermal Pakuwon Indah,泗水城市广场,Lenmarc,泗水皇家广场,东岸广场与泗水广场是当地著名的购物中心,而高科技购物中心与船塢廣場则是泗水大型的电脑与移动电话购物中心。
Ciputra World Surabaya, Tunjungan Plaza, Grand City, Galaxy Mall, Supermal Pakuwon Indah, Surabaya Town Square, Lenmarc, Royal Plaza Surabaya, East Coast and Surabaya Plaza are just some of the famous shopping centres available, while Hi-Tech Mall, WTC and Plasa Marina are the computer and mobile phone shopping centres in Surabaya.
我們在初期只會撤銷涵狗隻的 豁免權,其他動物的 主人仍可將其寵物或牠們的後代出售而無須領取牌照,因狗 隻目 前佔寵物市場的最大部分,而根據過去的調查記錄及經定 罪個案的資料狗隻( 尤其是那些畜養作繁殖用途)的福利受 到損害的比率和程度,往往較其他種類的寵物為高。
Dogs are targeted at the first stage because they comprise by far the largest share of the pet market and, based on past investigation records and conviction cases, the welfare of dogs (kept for breeding purposes) was compromised more frequently and to [...]
a greater extent than other types of pet.
研究亦指出,開放空間必須悉心照料,換言之,公園若綠蔭蔥蘢,會提升公共安全,但地上若泥濘 狗 糞 遍地便無效果;另一項重要層面為社區參與,並讓公園置於社區之中,若這些元素一應俱全,公園即可安全許多。
The study also points out that these open spaces must be well maintained – in other words, a park with nice leafy trees will
help promote public safety, whereas a park
[...] full of mud and dog turds won’t. Another [...]
important aspect is community involvement,
and placement of the park within the community.
另外,鸵鸟皮、鳄鱼皮、短鼻鳄鱼皮、蜥蜴皮、蛇皮、牛蛙皮、海水鱼皮(有鲨鱼皮、鳕鱼皮、鳘鱼皮、鳗鱼皮、珍珠鱼皮等)、淡水鱼皮(有草鱼、鲤鱼皮等有鳞鱼皮)、带毛的狐狸皮(银狐皮、蓝狐皮等)、 皮 、 狗皮 、 兔 皮 等 则容易辨认,且无法制成二层皮。
In addition, ostrich, crocodile, alligator, lizard, snake skin, bullfrog skin, skin ( a sea shark skin, fish skin, fish skin of slate cod croaker, eel skin, such as pearl fish skin ), freshwater fish ( grass carp, carp skin, scaly skin with hair
), fox ( fox skin blue
[...] fox, etc.), wolf, dog, rabbit and other easily recognizable, and could not be made of two layers of skin.
带有瓶和螺杆开罐器功能,钛涂层提供了非常强劲耐磨的叶片,并确保容易去除胶粘剂残留;非常适合房子内的零碎工作,开包,切 膏药 , 手 工艺品等。
Titanium coating provides extremely robust blades and
ensures easy removal of adhesive residue; ideal for odd jobs around the house:
[...] opening bags, cutting plasters, handicrafts.




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