单词 | 狗主 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 狗主 noun —dog owners nless common: castration n 狗狗 noun —dog ndogs plExamples:狗主人 n—dog owner n 打狗欺主—fig. humiliate sb. indirectly by bullying a subordinate • beat a dog and bully its owner See also:狗 n—dog n • dogs pl • puppy n
然 而,最重要的是,在進行這項試驗計劃前,狗隻一定要 有 狗主 人 的 這個 問題,是必須先行解決的。 legco.gov.hk | However, it is most [...] imperative that these dogs must have owners so that the pilot [...]scheme can be implemented, which is a [...]problem that must be solved first. legco.gov.hk |
小組委 員會審 議 過 有關資料後, [...] 表示滿 意 , 並 歡 迎 當 局 延遲實 施 規例中有關管制大型 狗隻的 部分, 以 便 狗 主 熟 習 此 類豁免考 試 。 legco.gov.hk | The Subcommittee is satisfied after scrutinizing the relevant information and welcomes the postponement of the part in the [...] Regulation concerning the [...] control of large dogs, so as to enable dog owners to familiarize [...]themselves with the exemption examination. legco.gov.hk |
(iv) 狗主應通知漁護署有關更改地 址 及 轉 讓 狗隻的事 宜 。 legco.gov.hk | (iv) AFCD [...] should be informed by dog keepers about any change [...]of address of dog keepers and transfer of dog ownership. legco.gov.hk |
此舉會幫助漁農處和警務 處㆟員追尋任由狗隻流浪的狗主。 legco.gov.hk | This will strengthen considerably our [...] ability to identify owners who allow their dogs to stray. legco.gov.hk |
不同的是,現在不再在耳朵紋㆖記號,而是將載有注射年 份、月份,以及狗主資料 的電腦晶片,植入狗隻的軟皮。 legco.gov.hk | Instead of stabbing the ear, the intention is [...] to plant that microchip with the data of the month, the year and the [...] details of the owner into the soft skin of the dog. legco.gov.hk |
(iv) 狗主應通知農 業食物與獸醫局有關更改地 址、轉 讓 狗隻、狗隻死亡或遺失 [...] 的資料。 legco.gov.hk | (iv) AVA [...] should be informed by dog keepers about any change [...]of addresses of dog keepers, transfer of dog ownership and death or loss of dogs. legco.gov.hk |
(iii) 在持牌處所內備存由所接收狗隻的私 人 狗主 所提 供的聲明書及其他文件( 包括動物健康證書( 如適 用 ))最少一年,以供獲授權人員檢查。 legco.gov.hk | (iii)keep the declaration of the [...] private pet owner and other documents provided by the private pet owner (including copies [...]of veterinary certificate) [...]readily available in the licensed premises for a minimum period of one year after the dog in question has been accepted by the licensee for inspection by an authorized officer at all times. legco.gov.hk |
所以,漁農處處長要做的是,㆒方面派員 捕捉流浪狗,另㆒方面則要求狗主為 狗 隻 登記,並控制狗隻。 legco.gov.hk | So it is the task of the Director to set his staff to go [...] after stray dogs and to have owners go through registration [...]and control. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 一個組織指稱,可供狗主使用 的公園設施不足, 並反對關閉鴻興道的“狗公園”( 名為灣仔海濱 [...] 長廊( 海濱長廊))。 devb.gov.hk | (b) An organization alleged that there was not enough [...] park facility for dog owners and objected to [...]the closure of the “dog garden” which [...]was known as Wan Chai Waterfront Promenade (the Promenade) along Hung Hing Road. devb.gov.hk |
建 議 修訂的 內 容主 要 涉 及 向 交 出 格 鬥狗隻的 狗 主發放 特 惠 補 償 、對大型 狗隻加以規 管 , 以 及 對 規例中兩個附 表作出修訂的 權力。 legco.gov.hk | They are mainly related to the ex gratia payments to dog owners for surrender of existing fighting dogs, the control of large dogs and the power [...] to amend two Schedules to the Regulation. legco.gov.hk |
主席先生,我相信現行法例已清楚訂 明 狗主 在 公 眾㆞方控制其狗隻的責任,因此無必要 制訂新法例,規定所有犬隻均須戴㆖口罩。 legco.gov.hk | Mr President, I believe that existing legislation sets out clearly the [...] responsibilities of dog owners in regard to control [...]of their animals in public places [...]and that the introduction of a requirement for compulsory use of muzzles on all dogs is not warranted. legco.gov.hk |
為消除 狗 主的疑 慮 ,政府當局曾向 小組委 員會提供 有關考 試 的 範圍, 舉 辦 的 [...] 次 數 及主 考 獸 醫 的人手 調配資料。 legco.gov.hk | In order to [...] dispel the doubts of dog owners, the Administration [...]has submitted information about the scope of the examination, [...]the frequency of examinations to be held and the staffing arrangements of veterinary surgeons to help conducting the examinations. legco.gov.hk |
為 鼓勵狗 主 自 動 交 出 狗隻, 我 們 原 本 建 議 狗 主 如 果 在 120 天的過 渡 期 內 , 把 格 鬥狗隻交 給 漁農自然護理署 的 話 , 便可得到特 [...] 惠 補 償 3,000 元 。 legco.gov.hk | We originally proposed to grant an ex [...] gratia payment [...] of $3,000 each to any owner who surrender an existing fighting dog to the Director of Agriculture, [...]Fisheries [...]and Conservation for destruction during the transitional period of 120 days. legco.gov.hk |
鄭海泉議員問:主席先生,請問經濟司,如狗隻咬傷㆟ , 狗主 是 否 須要負擔傷者的醫藥 費和其他損失? legco.gov.hk | MR VINCENT CHENG (in Cantonese): Mr President, will [...] the Secretary advise [...] whether dog owners are responsible for the medical expenses of the victims bitten by dogs and other damage [...]incurred? legco.gov.hk |
最初的时候,加密狗主要用 于使软件安装生效。 jabra.cn | Earlier, Dongles [...] have been used primarily to authenticate [...]a software installation. jabra.com |
在檢控方面,由於狗主未領牌而遭 檢控的有 249 宗;另外,在該年內,因狗隻未受適當控制的個案有 503 宗。 legco.gov.hk | As far as prosecution is [...] concerned, 249 dog owners were prosecuted for keeping unlicenced dogs, and during [...]the year there were 503 [...]cases of dogs not under proper control. legco.gov.hk |
所以 現時的 [...] 法例是 不能有效地 針 對 一些不 負責任 的 狗 主的。 legco.gov.hk | Thus, the existing legislation fails to effectively target at [...] some irresponsible dog owners. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,政府當局 在 考慮大 [...] 部分委員的意 見後,保留須為 格 鬥狗隻及 已 知 危險狗隻進 行 絕 育的規定,以 及 取消向自 願 交 出 格 鬥狗的 狗 主發放 特 惠 金。 legco.gov.hk | After considering the views of the majority of Subcommittee members, the Administration decided to retain the neutering requirement for fighting dogs and [...] known dangerous dogs, and withdrew the ex gratia [...] allowance made to dog owners for the voluntary surrender of fighting dogs. legco.gov.hk |
它雖然醜陋,但非常適合狗主人。 hkcarworld.com | It's ugly, but very dog-owner friendly. hkcarworld.com |
為了加強控制供出售狗隻的來源,以保障公眾衞生及動物福利,漁 [...] 護署經諮詢立法會食物安全及環境衞生事務委員會(“事務委員會”)後, 於今年2月 [...] 1日起實施動物售賣商牌照的附加條件,規定寵物店只可售賣 從認可來源取得的狗隻,認可來源指合法輸入本港,以及來自持牌狗隻 繁殖者、其他持牌寵物店和真正私人 狗主 的 狗 隻。 legco.gov.hk | To protect public health and animal welfare, the AFCD, after consulting the Legislative Council Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene (the Panel), introduced additional ATL conditions on 1 February 2010 with a view to tightening control on the sources of dogs offered for sale. The additional conditions stipulate that pet shops can only sell dogs from approved sources, namely, legal [...] importation into Hong Kong, breeding [...] by licensed dog breeders, other licensed pet shops and bona fide private dog owners. legco.gov.hk |
食 物及衞生局局長表示,本地動物福利團體早前曾向政府當局建 議為狗隻引入"捕捉、絕育、放回"計劃,容許經絕育的流浪狗隻 在沒有狗主的管制下放回公眾地方。 legco.gov.hk | SFH advised that local animal welfare organizations had earlier proposed to the Administration the introduction of a [...] "Trap-Neuter-Return" (TNR) [...] programme for dogs, allowing neutered stray dogs without an owner to be returned [...]to public places. legco.gov.hk |
该系列宣传资料主要介绍了如何正确照顾 猫狗、做负责任猫狗主人、 相伴一生不离不弃等。 animalsasia.org | These materials introduce how to correctly take [...] care of cats and dogs, and encourage pet owners to be responsible [...]and keep their pets for their whole lives. animalsasia.org |
現時,漁護署正在考慮修訂香港法例第 139 章《公眾衞生(動物及禽鳥) 條例》及相關規定,當中以可能更改動物售賣商附加規例這部分最影響香港 的貓主和狗主,因為如果沒有向漁護署申領動物售賣商牌照,即使在家居繁 殖動物,如涉及售賣行為,也會被視為觸犯法律。 legco.gov.hk | Currently the AFCD is considering amending the Public Health (Animals and Birds) Ordinance (Cap. 139) and the relevant provisions. legco.gov.hk |
同时日常的社区人际宣传也非常有用,通过与小区其他饲养 猫 狗 的 主 人 沟 通,也可以把 做负责任猫狗主人的 知识逐步渗透传播给他们。 animalsasia.org | Daily communication works well, [...] too. Through [...] conversation with pet owners, the concept of ―being responsible pet owners‖ can be gradually [...]spread and accepted. animalsasia.org |
致力拯救被遺棄犬隻及寵物、幫助牠們復康和尋找新家園的香港政府認可慈善團體Hong Kong Dog [...] Rescue,將於4月26日星期天主辦首屆「BARK & SPLASH落水狗狂歡日」,保證為狗主與 愛 犬帶來潑水狂歡的一天。 ipress.com.hk | Hong Kong, 21 April 2009 ?Hong Kong Dog Rescue, a registered charity dedicated [...] to rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing abandoned and [...] unwanted pets and puppies, is hosting its first [...]“Bark & Splash? ipress.com.hk |
對被告獸醫的指控是專業操守失當,即(a)沒有妥善囑咐及轉介一隻受傷犬隻 的 狗主 到 設 備更佳的診所及時治療;(b)沒有 向 狗主 簽 發 轉介信或透過其他途徑向接診獸醫提供該受傷犬隻的相關資料;及(c)壓制及/或示 意 狗主 隱 瞞 其曾為該犬治療的事實。 vsbhk.org.hk | The veterinary surgeon was charged with the offence of committing a misconduct in a professional respect by (a) [...] failing to properly [...] advise and refer the owners of an injured dog to seek timely treatment from a better equipped clinic; (b) failing to provide the owners with a written referral letter or to use other means to provide the receiving veterinary surgeon with all pertinent information of the injured dog; and (c) suppressing and/or advising the owners to conceal the fact that the dog had received treatment [...]from him. vsbhk.org.hk |