

单词 狄更斯



Charles Dickens (1812-1870), great English novelist

See also:

surname Di
low ranking public official (old)
generic name for northern ethnic minorities during the Qin and Han Dynasties (221 BC-220 AD)

External sources (not reviewed)

患上癫痫没有影响到诺贝尔﹑凯撤大帝狄更斯历山大大帝﹑以及许多其他现时过着成功 和有意义的生活的癫痫患者。
Having epilepsy did not affect the mental ability of
[...] Alfred Nobel, Julius Caesar,CharlesDickens,Alexanderthe Great, [...]
and many other individuals
who currently live successful and fulfilling lives with epilepsy.
狄更斯为题材的壁画、马赛克、原版画作,以及众多独特怪诞的小古玩,使这间 [...]
150 年历史的酒馆成为了利物浦人最喜欢光顾的一处酒馆 。
Murals, mosaics, original
[...] paintingsof Dickensianscenes anda wealth [...]
of peculiar bric-a-brac make this 150-year-old pub
a firm favourite among Liverpool’s pub-goers.
第一个例子狄更斯匹克威克外传”,它以不同的出版形态出现在目录中,并且已 经被按照现行的意大利规则编目了。
The first example concerns “The Pickwick
[...] Papers” byCharlesDickens,presentin the catalogue [...]
with various publications and already
catalogued according to the Italian rules still in use.
在 D 日博物馆聆听朴茨茅斯在第二次世界大战中所发挥的作用的介绍,在着名作家查斯.狄更斯生地了狄更斯平。
Hear about Portsmouth’s role in WWII at the D-Day Museum and learn
[...] more about famous authorCharlesDickens at thevery place he was born.
第三,这个故事再度证明,传播沟通至关重要,鬼魂地图即展现一项创意;查维克则与着名作狄更斯Charles Dickens)合作,记述各种可怕故事。
Chadwick, meanwhile,
[...] worked with Charles Dickensto tell stories [...]
of the terrible conditions.
另一个 REICAT 应用测试以另一部文学名着—狄更斯雾都孤儿》为例。
Another application test of REICAT has been conducted on another literary
[...] classic, Oliver Twist byCharlesDickens.
他 指出,埃及代表团将同意给予菲尔狄更斯咨商地位,前提是今后应根据每 一机构的实际情况平等地向所有区域的类似机构,特别是发展中国家的机构(这 些机构通常由国家政府赞助)提供同样的机遇,并保持其非盈利性。
He stated that his delegation would join the consensus to grant status to Fairleigh Dickinson University, on the understanding that the same opportunity would be equally available in the future, based on the merits of each case, to similar institutions from all regions, particularly from developing countries, which were often sponsored by national Governments, while maintaining their non-profit nature.
尽管令人沮丧的故事背景带出残酷社会现象和血腥暴力场面,但它也成就了一个让人感到愉快的浪漫爱情故事;就狄更斯说般,在黑暗中带出光明气象 ─ [...]
The backdrop of a cut-throat society is essential to highlight a memorable romance, just like how light shines
[...] through the darkness in Dickens’s novel.
请联系您独立的世伟洛克 销售与服务代表、以了解有关世伟洛克能 量泄漏调查信息或安排一次 调查。
Contact your authorized Swagelok sales and service representative for more information about Swagelok Energy Emissions Surveys or to schedule a survey.
Glencore’s main offices are located in
[...] Baar (Switzerland), Stamford (Connecticut), London, Rotterdam, Beijing, Moscow andSingapore.
Scott talks to Dillon about the [...]
Venjix Prisoners Camp where humans are infected with the Venjix virus, and Grinders make
human hybrids like Dillon, his sister & the other at the Venjix Palace.
Many smaller councils have also been
preserved in the later collections; those made by Ferrandus
[...] of Carthage and Dionysius theLittle deserve [...]
special mention.
尽管犬和彭布罗克威尔士柯基犬的外表看起来非常相似,但 Lloyd-Thomas 说它们实际上是不同的品种。
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi’s lineage is not known, but the history of the breed was theorized by W. Lloyd-Thomas, an expert on Welsh farm dogs.
His pupil, Dionysius of Alexandria, in combating the Sabellians, who admitted no real distinctions in the Godhead, manifested the characteristic weakness of the Greek theology, but some of his own Egyptianswere morecorrect than [...]
their patriarch, and appealed to Rome.
加强纳尔奇克地方广播电视台技术和内容能力”的项目 (俄-巴卡里亚)为地方电视台提供技术和创造能力来制作和广播旨在有 [...]
助于加强该区域和平和包容的进程并就重大社会和经济问题提出青年人的独立看法和 观点的电视节目。
The project “Strengthening technical and content capacity of the local
broadcaster TV Nalchik” (Kabardino
[...] Balkaria, Russian Federation) provided the [...]
local television station with both technical
and creative capacity to produce and broadcast television programmes aimed to contribute to the process of strengthening peace and tolerance in the region, to articulate independent views and opinions of youth on the major social and economic issues.
All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that we expect, believe or anticipate will or may occur in the future, including such matters as future capital expenditures, dividends and acquisitions (including the amount and nature thereof), development trends of the real estate
industry and the Manhattan,
[...] Brooklyn, Queens, WestchesterCounty, Connecticut, LongIsland [...]
and New Jersey office markets,
business strategies, expansion and growth of our operations and other similar matters, are forward-looking statements.
大会第六十六届会议强调指出继续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛 屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued substantive consideration of the
follow-up to and
[...] implementation ofthe Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the MauritiusStrategy for [...]
the Further Implementation
of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
选民也解《尔行动纲领》,以便对议会 和政府施加更多压力。
The electorate
[...] needs tobecomemore informed of the Istanbul Programme [...]
of Action as well, in order to place more pressure
on both parliaments and Government.
根据 在“奴隶之路”项目科学网框架内开展的研究工作,教科文组织于 2002 年出版了两本关于 奴隶制与种族主义之间的历史和意识形态联系的书籍:《无理智、奴隶制及权利:贩卖黑奴 和奴隶制的意识形态与法律依据》;《孟卢梭:从人类基因组到黑人。
On the basis of research conducted through the scientific networks of the Slave Route project, UNESCO published in 2002 two works on the historical and ideological links between slavery and racism, namely, Déraison, esclavage et droit : les fondements idéologiques et juridiques de l’esclavage et de la traite négrière and Montesquieu, Rousseau, Diderot :du genre humain au bois d’ébène.
年官方调查委员会对被绑架和失踪人员的命运进行机密调查的结果以及有 关贝鲁特两个万人坑: Ashrafieh 地区的和Horsh 贝鲁特的烈士 公墓的调查资料。
In October/November 2009, the authorities had been required by a court order to provide confidential findings of investigations conducted by the Official Commission of Investigation into the Fate of the Abducted and Disappeared Persons in 2000 and information relating to two mass graves in Beirut: the St Demetrious Cemetery in Ashrafieh and the Martyrs’ Cemetery in Horsh Beirut.
[...] 高乐写的信函以及象形文字书稿;音乐爱好者可以欣赏莫扎特、贝多芬或肖邦的乐谱;艺术 家可以钻研梵高、格里特的信件;科学家可以发现爱因斯坦和贝索的原始 计算稿,或者是巴斯德和居里夫人的工作成果;文学爱好者可以观赏他们曾经读过的作品的 [...][...]
原稿,如托尔斯泰或歌德的小说、左拉或萨特的宣言、韦尔莱纳的诗歌;宗教研究者可能惊 叹地发现可兰经章节或旧约的词句。
The public and experts with a passion for history may discover or rediscover letters written by Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle and the hieroglyphics of the scribes; music lovers may admire the scores of Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin; artists
may delve into the
[...] letters of Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse or Magritte; scientists may discover Einstein’s [...]
and Besso’s original
calculations, or the works of Pasteur and Marie Curie; literature buffs may regard the originals of texts that they have read such as the novels of Tolstoy or Goethe, the manifestos of Zola or Sartre and poems by Verlaine, and theologians may marvel at a surah of the Koran or a verse of the Old Testament.
最后,正如科威特国代表阿拉伯集团在 2010 年 4 月 14 日安全理事会关于中 东局势,包括巴勒斯坦问题的辩论中发言所述,我要重申,以色列在巴勒斯坦被
[...] 命令和其他殖民化做法所示,以色列显然是设法的巴民赶出自己 的家园和让他们流离失所,同时向西岸,特别是向东耶路撒冷及其周围的定居点 [...]
In closing, as noted during the statement delivered by the State of Kuwait on behalf of the Arab Group during the recent Security Council debate on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, which was held on 14 April 2010, I wish to reiterate that Israel’s illegal practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory reveal the height of impunity and hypocrisy by the occupying Power, which, as illustrated by the recent military order and other
colonization practices, is clearly seeking to
[...] displace andexpel more Palestiniancivilians from [...]
their own homeland, while at the same
time transferring more and more Israeli settlers to the West Bank, particularly to settlements in and around East Jerusalem, in grave breach of international humanitarian law, all blatantly before the eyes of the international community and in flagrant defiance of the will of the international community, as expressed in countless resolutions and statements.
在文化领域,教科文组织将其行动侧重于促进文化多样性,重点在于文化遗产: 将“丝绸之路”古迹列入《世界遗产名录》的筹备工作;实施两个由日本资助的保护 项目(哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦);实施一个由日本资助的保护这一非 物质文化遗产传统(塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦),以及实施一个保护博物馆民族收 藏品的项目(哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦)。
In the culture sector, UNESCO concentrated its action towards the promotion of cultural diversity, with emphasis on heritage: through the preparation of inscription of Silk Road Sites on the World Heritage List; implementation of two Japan-funded conservation projects (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan); implementation of a Japan-funded project for the safeguarding of Shashmaqom intangible heritage tradition (Tajikistan and Uzbekistan); and implementation of a project for the safeguarding of museum ethnographic collections (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan).




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