单词 | 狂热 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 狂热 noun —fanaticism nless common: avid n • fervourBE n 狂热 adjective —fanatic adj • frenetic adj • frenzy 狂热 —zealotry • feverish See also:狂 adj—wild adj 狂—mad
后一种教育必须纳入教科文组织旨在促进各种文化、文明和民族 之间对话以及旨在推动打击极端主义 、 狂热 主 义 和恐怖主义斗争的各项活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The latter must be included in UNESCO’s activities aimed at promoting a dialogue [...] among cultures, civilizations and peoples, and at contributing to the fight [...] against extremism, fanaticism and terrorism. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为此,有些代表团认为,34 C/5 [...] 应进一步强调该部门在推动各文化间对话和各信仰 间对话的能力,以及其在反对狂热、 极端主义和恐怖主义方面的作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the same vein, delegates requested that document 34 C/5 should to an even higher degree underline the Sector’s [...] potential to promote intercultural and interfaith dialogue and its role [...] in combating fanaticism, extremism and [...]terrorism. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些努力应该包括巩固民主、传播开明和温和的 [...] 思想,以及促进营造一个有利于善政的环境,摈 弃狂 热主义、种族主义和傲慢。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such efforts should include consolidating democracy, spreading enlightened and [...] moderate thinking and promoting an environment conducive to good [...] governance, far from fanaticism, racism and [...]arrogance. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳大利亚的城市融 合了对艺术和美食的狂热与对运动和户外活动的热爱。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Its cities blend an enthusiasm for art and [...] food with a love of sport and the outdoors. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
他50岁时,染上超级大国狂热的罗纳德·里根政府在日益蔓延的腐朽的阴影中浮现,一方面致使日本遁入从属于美国的深渊,而另一方面是以色列发动空中闪电战,试图摧毁了伊拉克的核反应堆。 shanghaibiennale.org | At 50, emergence [...] of super- power-maniac Ronald Reagan Government [...]under the creeping shadow of decay, ensuing Japan’s diving [...]into an abyss of subordination to US on one hand, and Israeli air blitz to destroy Iraqi nuclear reactor on the other. shanghaibiennale.org |
该组件的开发团队的成员们是一群 狂热 的 程序员,以之展现了其对可视化查询创建的理解。 evget.com | This component was made by a team of enthusiast programmers to express their vision of the visual query building. evget.com |
然而,我们似乎是我们自己所处地理位置 的受害者,因为在那里,这两种因素与犯罪结合起来, [...] 构成新的剥削时代,而在这个时代,我们的青年由于 天真和狂热,成为无处不在——而且很可悲地说—— [...]为富不仁的本地区“商人”——没有更好的词可以形 容这种人——的首要剥削对象。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, we seem to be the victims of our own geographical locations, where these two elements, combined with crime, constitute a new era of exploitation [...] in which our young people, because of their [...] innocence and fervour, are the prime [...]targets of exploitation by universal and [...]— sad to say — unscrupulous regional “businessmen”, for want of a better word. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列公然违反国际法 [...] 的所有相关条款,背离国际社会为恢复和平进程所作的努力,继 续 狂热 地 推 动其 定居点运动,在被占领土殖民,损害恢复政治进程的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | In flagrant contradiction of all relevant provisions of international law and of the efforts being exerted by the international [...] community to revive the peace process, Israel [...] continues its rabid settlement campaign, [...]colonizing the Territory and harming [...]the chances for a resumption of the political process. daccess-ods.un.org |
而我们将一再地陷入未来学狂热与末 世学焦虑的极端情绪的纠结。 shanghaibiennale.org | In the mean time, people might be torn between putting all their hope on a rosy future and worrying about upcoming doomsday. shanghaibiennale.org |
例 如,狂热主义 和歧视——无论是以肤色、族裔、性别 或宗教为由——都令人遗憾地普遍存在世界各地;每 [...] 年,全世界有数百人乃至数千人因包括仇外心理在内 的诸多原因受到歧视和任意处决或法外处决。 daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, fanaticism and discrimination [...] — whether on the basis of colour, ethnicity, gender or religion — are unfortunately [...]prevalent throughout the world; and every year, hundreds, or even thousands, of people all over the world are subject to discrimination and arbitrary or extrajudicial killing for numerous reasons, including xenophobia. daccess-ods.un.org |
美帝国主义和南朝鲜叛国集团越是把这两起案件“归咎于”朝鲜民主主义人 [...] 民共和国,就越能明显揭示其丑陋面目,即他们是一味与朝鲜民主主义人民共和 国进行对抗的狂热分子 ,并厚颜无耻地混淆是非。 daccess-ods.un.org | The further the United States imperialists and the south Korean group of traitors “blame” the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the two cases, the more saliently it will reveal their ugly colours [...] as anti-Democratic People’s Republic of Korea [...] confrontational fanatics and their effrontery [...]of confusing right and wrong. daccess-ods.un.org |
自从去年推出沪经动向专栏以来,我一直在寻找一个好理由想写写上海的地铁,因为我是地铁系统 的 狂热 使 用 者,对于哪些运营的好和哪些地方需要改进有很多想法。 youngchinabiz.com | I've been looking for a good reason to write about the Shanghai subway ever [...] since launching this Street View column last [...] year, as I'm an avid user of the system [...]and have lots of thoughts about what works [...]well and what could use some improvement. youngchinabiz.com |
阅读了解为什么说世界上最好的录音室都是 Bowers & Wilkins 800 系列扬声器的狂热追捧者。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Read why the world's finest recording studio is a keen advocate of Bowers & Wilkins 800 Series loudspeakers. bowers-wilkins.co.uk |
世界各地都有进行“羞辱性词语”宣誓 的 狂热 支 持 者。 specialolympics.org | There are extremely passionate fans taking the [...] R-word pledge all over the world. specialolympics.org |
2011 年在北非和中东见到的要求政治变革的群众示威 明确显示,基地组织想吸引的广大民众对其暴 力 狂热 根 本 不感兴趣。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mass demonstrations for political change as seen in 2011 in North Africa and the Middle East underscore the fundamental irrelevance of Al-Qaida’s violent zealotry to the great mass of the population that it aims to attract. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们之所以能够让狂热的手表爱好者痴迷,在于其专属性和其将热门表款打造为限量版的运作手段。 hk.ashford.com | They appeal to serious watch enthusiasts because of their exclusivity and their M.O. of producing their sought after designs as limited editions. ashford.com |
前流亡者返回国内负责国家事 务,展现出前所未有的贪婪和狂热, 掠 夺和抛弃国家资源;最终延长和扩大了留 [...] 下来的人的痛苦。 daccess-ods.un.org | The returning former exiles, who took [...] charge of State affairs, ushered in [...] unprecedented greed and zeal to loot the country’s [...]resources with abandon; culminating [...]in the extended and widened suffering of the stayees Politically-motivated killings and thuggery were a common feature. daccess-ods.un.org |
此片背景设定于1866年意大利统一战争时期,婚姻并不幸福的伯爵夫人Livia [...] Serpieri(Allida Valli 饰)狂热地爱上了Franz Mahler(Farley [...] Granger 饰),一个迷人而风流的奥地利占领军军官。 gucci.com | Set in 1866 Venice during the period of Italian unification, the unhappily married [...] Countess Livia Serpieri (Allida Valli) falls [...] desperately in love with Franz Mahler [...](Farley Granger), a charming but dissolute [...]officer with the Austrian occupying forces. gucci.com |
Rachel和Serena的决定后,他们在网上交谈,以满足一些神奇 的 狂热 分 子。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Rachel and Serena decide to [...] meet some magic fanatics after talking [...]to them online. seekcartoon.com |
我最近在报上读到以色列军队一些年轻、怀有理 [...] 想主义想法的士兵所说的话,看到他们是如何讲述自 己被灌输宗教战争的狂热,要他们出去打仗,面对加 沙地带和那里发生的事情。 daccess-ods.un.org | young, idealistic soldiers of the Israeli army and saw how they [...] spoke about how a fervour of religious [...]war was encouraged in them to make them go [...]out and face the Gaza Strip and what was happening there. daccess-ods.un.org |
Chris和Sarah是摩托狂热分子,所以他们特别享受参与这次的故事拍摄。 ba-repsasia.com | Chris and Sarah are motorcycle enthusiasts themselves so they especially enjoyed shooting this story. ba-repsasia.com |
毋庸置疑,这款名为黑暗阴影的官方壁纸必将开启整部电影 的 狂热 来 袭 ,对于一名蒂姆·伯顿或约翰尼·德普的忠实影迷来说,还有什么比这个更值得期待呢? dark-shadows.cn.uptodown.com | The Dark Shadows wallpapers is a [...] stupendous way to begin enjoying a movie that [...] all Tim Burton fanatics are bound to [...]enjoy, one that apparently will stay in theaters for quite some time. dark-shadows.en.uptodown.com |
这周F1赛事到达了德国站,准备于一处以充满德国赛 车 狂热 分 子闻名的Nürburgring赛道上热闹开战。 oris.ch | This weekend’s destination is the Nürburgring in Germany, where the German fans [...] are renowned for their enthusiasm. oris.ch |
过去五年以来,与 radiofrequency [...] 和皮肤的一位组织上和紧张变化的非常锋利观察者,我已经成为一个非侵入治疗 的 狂热 发 起 人,既微妙的且引人注目的在程序期间恢复皮肤老化的告示。 venus-concept.com | Over the last five years I have become an [...] enthusiastic promotor of non-invasive [...] treatments with radiofrequency and a very keen [...]observer of textural and tension changes [...]of the skin, both subtle and noticeable during the process to revert the signs of skin ageing. venus-concept.com |
dorkbot以电作为联络点,将艺术家,电脑迷,工程师,发明家, D I Y 狂热 者 以 及像你一样的人们在全世界超过85个城市的 dorkbot定 期活动中聚集在一起,在轻松的环境中交流想法。 xindanwei.com | With electricity connecting the dots; artists, hackers, engineers, inventors, DIY enthusiasts, and people just like you, regularly meet at dorkbot events in over 85 cities around the world to exchange ideas in casual surroundings. xindanwei.com |
我们曾看到的充满自行车的自行车道和道路,已经被高架公路、火车、地铁、磁悬浮火车所替代,人们和商业 以 狂热 的 节 奏穿梭其中。 embassyusa.cn | The bike paths, the roads that we saw filled with bicycles, have been replaced by elevated freeways, trains, subways, mag-levs, shuttling people and commerce at a very frenetic pace. eng.embassyusa.cn |
大型圣战组织拥有网络 和资金,可通过广播台、每周一次的宗教学习小 组、大型宗教集会、杂志和公告让知名的激进意 识形态狂热主义 者宣传萨拉菲圣战思想的基本原 则,从而推进宗教宣传活动。 crisisgroup.org | The larger jihadi organisations have the networks and the funds to support religious outreach via radio stations, weekly religious study sessions (pengajian), larger religious meetings (taklim), magazines and bulletins through which well-known radical ideologues can disseminate the basic principles of salafi jihadism. crisisgroup.org |
彼得·帕克(托比·马奎尔)终于有了自己的梦想的女孩,玛丽·简·沃森(克尔斯滕·邓斯特),和纽约市的在蜘 蛛 狂热 的 阵 痛! 但是,当一个陌生的外星共生体变成蜘蛛侠的黑色西装,他人生最黑暗的恶魔来变光蜘蛛侠内部和向外。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) finally has the girl of his dreams, Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst), and New York City is in the throes of Spider-mania! en.seekcartoon.com |
大难临头,而不是既定的宗教机构下属millennialist动作则常描绘的定型方式作为世界末日的邪教,涉及暴力活动,集体自杀,而“洗脑 的 狂热 分 子”的怪诞信仰。 mb-soft.com | Apocalyptic and millennialist movements not affiliated with established religious institutions are often depicted in [...] stereotypical ways as doomsday cults, involving violent activities, mass suicides, [...] and "brainwashed fanatics" with bizarre beliefs. mb-soft.com |