

单词 犹太国





a Zionist

See also:


Judea (in Biblical Palestine)

(just) like
just as

External sources (not reviewed)

该法基于以色列是一个民主犹太国 家 的价值观,并力图在生 命的神圣价值、生活质量以及对病人自主意愿的尊重之间找到平衡。
The Law is based on the values of the
[...] State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic State, [...]
and attempts to create a balance between
the values of sanctity of life, quality of life and respect for a person’s autonomous will.
基本法》的目标是“捍卫人类尊严与自 由,以在《基本法》内确立以色列国作为一个民主 犹太国 的 价 值观。
The goal of the Basic Law is “to defend Human
Dignity and Liberty, in order to establish in a Basic Law the values of the
[...] State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic State.
安全理事会今天是在一个历史性时刻的前夕召 开会议,它必将把我们引向一个无可辩驳的现实,即 成立一个得到承认、完全为本组织所接纳的巴勒斯坦
[...] 国,从而最终落实大会第 181(II)号决议的所有规定, 其中特别要求在巴勒斯坦土地上建立两个国家—— 一个是阿拉伯国家,另一个犹太国 家。
The Security Council is meeting on the eve of a historic moment, which must lead us to make an incontrovertible reality of a Palestinian State that is recognized and fully welcomed into the fold of this Organization, thereby finally implementing all the provisions of General Assembly
resolution 181 (II), which calls specifically for the
[...] creation of two States in Palestinian land — one Arab, the other Jewish.
这两个问题,即安全问题和承认以色列是一 犹太国 家的 问题对确保以色列国家的未来绝对至关重要。
Both of these issues — security and
[...] recognition of Israel as a Jewish State — are absolutely [...]
essential to ensuring the future of the State of Israel.
不,以色列领导层开始向巴勒斯坦人强加条件, 要其承认以色列犹太国家, 包括一切,包括所有对 以色列境内阿拉伯人民的未来的威胁,以及对根据大 [...]
会通过的第 194(III)号文件巴勒斯坦难民返回的权 利的威胁。
The Israeli leadership has started to impose
conditions on the Palestinians to
[...] recognize Israel as a Jewish State, with all that [...]
includes and with all the threats that
will entail for the future of the Arab population inside Israel proper and the right of Palestinian refugees to return, pursuant to resolution 194 (III), adopted by the Assembly.
正如克 林顿国务卿指出的情况,我们认为,通过真诚谈判, 双方能够彼此商定一个结束冲突的结果,并且兼顾巴 勒斯坦根据 1967 年界线——经过商定的交换——成
[...] 立独立和可行的国家的目标以及以色列关 犹太国 的目标,即它的安全和公认边界要体现出后来的各种 [...]
As Secretary of State Clinton has said, we believe that, through good-faith negotiations, the parties can mutually agree on an outcome that ends the conflict and reconciles the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable State based on the
1967 lines, with agreed swaps, and the
[...] Israeli goal of a Jewish State with secure [...]
and recognized borders that reflect subsequent developments.
此外,他此前还数次表示拒绝接受巴 勒斯坦难民有权回返家园,致力于把耶路撒冷作为以
[...] 色列的唯一首都的理念,并且坚持要求巴勒斯坦人和 全体阿拉伯人民承认以色国的 犹太国 性 质 ,这些要 求都对难民返回的权利产生影响,并且有可能威胁到 [...]
This is in addition to his previous statements rejecting the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their land, his commitment to the concept of Jerusalem as the sole capital of Israel, and his insistent demands that
Palestinians and Arabs in
[...] general recognize the Jewish nature of the State of Israel, [...]
with all that these demands imply for
the right of return of the refugees and the threat that they represent to the future of Arabs in that State.
一个结果,以终止冲突,调和巴勒斯坦的目标——即 按照商定的交换条件,建立一个以 1967 年边界为基
[...] 础的独立和有生存能力的国家——以及以色列关犹太国的目标,即它应拥有能够反映后来事态发展并 [...]
Only through good-faith negotiations can the parties mutually agree on an outcome that ends the conflict and reconciles the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable State based on the
1967 lines, with agreed swaps, and the
[...] Israeli goal of a Jewish State with secure [...]
and recognized borders that reflect subsequent
developments and meets Israeli security requirements.
路和采取一切措施确保安全,但以色列继续违反其法 律义务,通过一系列已使局势加剧的非法、挑衅性措 施悍然阻止恢复直接谈判的努力,这些措施包括其政
[...] 府官员一再发表煽动性言论,以及以色列内阁最近就 效犹太国誓言通过的法西斯法案,这明显违反了在 以色列的阿拉伯人的法律和宗教自由。
While the Palestinian Authority has repeatedly affirmed its determination to pursue the path of peace and undertake all measures to ensure security, Israel continues to violate its legal obligations and blatantly impedes efforts to resume direct negotiations through a series of unlawful, provocative measures that have only inflamed the situation, including repeated inflammatory remarks by Government officials and the
racist bill recently passed by the Israeli
[...] cabinet on the Jewish loyalty oath, in clear [...]
violation of the legal and religious
freedoms of the Arab population in Israel.
犹太国家基 金会 (KKL-JNF) 提出的在以色列种植 7 百万棵树木——每位以色列公民一颗树木的 [...]
Nationwide efforts like the initiative of the Keren
[...] Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund [...]
(KKL-JNF) to plant 7 million trees in Israel
– one for each Israeli citizen.
以色列国不 仅拒绝延长西岸定居活动暂停期限——这不包括东 耶路撒冷——和在过去 10 年间持续不断地推行此种
[...] 活动,而且还修订了其公民法,规定希望成为以色列 国民的条件是,必须宣誓效忠作为一 犹太国 家 的以 色列国。
The State of Israel has not only refused to extend the moratorium on settlement activity in the West Bank — which did not include East Jerusalem — and pursued such activity uninterrupted over the past 10 years, but it has amended its citizenship law, making it a
condition for anyone seeking Israeli nationality to take an oath of allegiance to
[...] the State of Israel as a Jewish State.
今天,安 理 会 讨论的主题犹太国和犹太民族非 常重要。
Today the Council takes up a debate that is very
[...] important to the Jewish State and the Jewish people.
作为以色列总理,我代表的是散落在世界各地、 遭受过人世间各种邪恶之害,但却从未放弃过重新在 一犹太国家生活的一百代犹太人。
As the Prime Minister of Israel, I speak for a hundred generations of Jews who were dispersed throughout the lands and suffered
every evil under the sun, but who never gave up hope of
[...] restoring their national life in the one and only Jewish State.
第 5768-2008 号《残疾人平等权利(景点无障碍调整)条例》对考
[...] 古遗址、国家公园和自然保护区以及其他地区――主要 犹太国 基 金 或代表其管 理的森林――提出了无障碍要求。
The Equal Rights for People with Disabilities (Site Accessibility Adjustments) Regulations 5768-2008, lay down the accessibility requirements for archeological sites, national
parks and nature reserves, as well as other areas, mainly forests,
[...] managed by the Jewish National Fund or on its behalf.
此外,以色列的内塔亚胡总理企图预先确定谈判 结果,确立其主要目标是建立将保证以色列安全的安
[...] 全安排,办法是确保以色列军队在西岸和约旦之间边 界上的存在和承认以色列犹太国。
Furthermore, Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel has sought to pre-empt the results of the negotiations by setting as his principal objective the establishment of arrangements to guarantee Israel’s security by ensuring the
presence of the Israeli army on the borders between the West Bank and Jordan and by
[...] recognizing Israel as the Jewish State.
1947 年 11 月 29 日,联合国大会通过关于巴勒斯坦之将来政府的第一八一(二) 号决议,其中大会向受委任统治巴勒斯坦的联合王国及联合国其他会员国建议通
[...] 过和执行分治计划,将成立独立的阿拉伯国家 犹太国 家 , 并为耶路撒冷城建立 一种特殊的国际制度。
On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 181 (II) concerning the future government of Palestine, in which it recommended to the United Kingdom, as the mandatory Power for Palestine, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and
implementation of the Plan of Partition whereby
[...] independent Arab and Jewish States and a special [...]
international regime for the city of
Jerusalem would come into existence.
我今天自豪地代犹太国家和犹太人 民在安理 会发言,这 个 民 族与以色列这片土地和我们永恒首都 耶路撒冷的联系可以追溯到 3 000 多年前。
I speak before the Council today as a proud representative of the Jewish State and the Jewish people — a people whose bond to the land of Israel and our eternal capital, Jerusalem, extends back more than 3,000 years.
被占领土上的人民被 剥夺了公民权利,借口是以色列是一 犹太国 家。
The people of the Occupied Territories were denied citizenship on the pretext
[...] that Israel was a Jewish State.
我认为,现在该是时候了,巴勒斯坦领导人应当 承认每一位严肃的国际领导人,从 1917 年的鲍尔弗 勋爵和大卫·劳埃德·乔治到 1948 年的杜鲁门总统,
[...] 再到两天前才到过这里的奥巴马总统,都承认的一件 事——以色列犹太国家。
I think it is time that the Palestinian leadership recognize what every serious international leader from Lord Balfour and David Lloyd George in 1917, to
President Truman in 1948, to President Obama just two days ago right here, has recognized —
[...] that Israel is the Jewish State.
它没有完全达到这个目的,但是,因为当政治障碍 犹太国 家 把 注意力从理论上认真研究秋天,许多halakot的mishnah被遗忘了,他们的措辞成为一个有争议的问题。
It did not accomplish this purpose entirely,
however; for when the political disorders and
[...] the fall of the Jewish state diverted [...]
attention from careful doctrinal studies,
many halakot of the Mishnah were forgotten, and their wording became a subject of controversy.
法院称,政府的所有行为都必须符合《基 本法》以及以色列作为一个民主 犹太国 的 价 值观。
The Court stated that all governmental acts must be
performed in conformity with the Basic Laws and in conformity with the
[...] values of Israel as a Jewish and democratic State.
以色列承诺承认一个未来 的巴勒斯坦国,对方也必须同样承认以色列是犹太人 民犹太国家。
Israel’s commitment to recognizing a
future Palestinian State must be met with an equal acknowledgement that
[...] Israel is the Jewish State for the Jewish people.
我们纪念大会在 1947 年的这一天通过了第
[...] 181(II)号决议,把当时称为“受委任统治的巴勒斯 坦”的领土分为两个国家,即一 犹太国 家 和 一个阿 拉伯国家。
We commemorate the day on which, in 1947, the General Assembly
adopted resolution 181 (II), dividing the territory known as Mandatory Palestine into
[...] two States — one Jewish and one Arab.
犹太国的问 题,我们也必须明确指出,持久 和平要能够为续,就 必须在以色列承认未来的巴勒斯 坦国时同样承认以色列是一犹太国 家。
If lasting peace is to take hold, Israel’s recognition of a future Palestinian State must be met with an equal acknowledgement that Israel is the Jewish State.
后 者的取向意味着延续这场使人类付出可悲代价的冲
[...] 突——它既威胁以色列作为一个安全和民主 犹太 国家的长远未来,又剥夺巴勒斯坦人拥有一个属于他 [...]
The latter course means drawing out a conflict with tragic human costs that
threatens Israel’s long-term future as a secure
[...] and democratic Jewish State and denies [...]
Palestinians the dignity of a State of their own.
他们必须承认以色列是犹太人犹太国 家,并停止传播仇恨以色列国和否认其合法性的言 论,转而向后代灌输和平与共存的思想。
leadership must be clear about their ultimate aims. They must recognize Israel as the Jewish State for the Jewish people and turn away from messages of hatred and delegitimization, in favour of educating future generations about peace and coexistence.
[...] 色列公民法和呼吁巴勒斯坦人承认以色列 犹太国 只是一个问题的两个方面,不仅旨在侵蚀巴勒斯坦难 [...]
民和流离失所者返回家园的权利,而且是通过剥夺巴 勒斯坦人在自己前辈的土地上的合法历史性存在来 威胁他们在以色列的生存。
Indeed, the amendments to the Israeli law of
citizenship and the call on Palestinians to
[...] recognize Israel as a Jewish State are but two faces [...]
of the same coin and are not only
aimed at eroding the right of return of Palestinian refugees and displaced persons, but also threaten the very presence of Palestinians in Israel itself by denying their legitimate historical presence in the land of their forefathers.
从大多数方面来看,以色列的一国解决办法就是要使事实上的兼并合法化, 但不改变建犹太国要求 的性质,并给予目前生活在占领下的巴勒斯坦人滞后和 [...]
In most respects, the Israeli one-State solution involves a legalization of de facto
annexation without altering the nature of
[...] the claim to be a Jewish State, and with deferred [...]
and distinctly second-class Israeli
citizenship made available to Palestinians now living under occupation.
今天,巴 勒 斯 坦 领导人要求建立一个独立的巴勒 斯坦国,但却坚持其人民回到一 犹太国 家 中,相信 以色列有权存在的任何人都不会接受这一主张,因为 在政治学中,唯一具有数学确定性的等式就是:所谓 的返回权等于毁灭以色列国。
That is a proposition that no one who believes in the right of Israel to exist could accept, because the only equation in political science with mathematical certainty is that the socalled right of return equals the destruction of the State of Israel.
[...] 图强行颁布一系列法律和规则,其中一项是强迫非犹 太人宣誓效忠犹太国家以色列的所谓公民身份法。
That effort has been underscored by a recent series of laws and regulations that the Israeli authorities have sought to impose, among
them a change in what is known as the citizenship law that forces non-Jews to declare
[...] loyalty to Israel as a Jewish State.




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