

单词 犹他州

External sources (not reviewed)

赞果与先前担任过美犹他州诊所大学系主任的活力专家 Shawn Talbott 医师携手合作研究活力产品。
XANGO has partnered with leading vigor expert, nutritional biochemist and past Director of the University ofUtah Nutrition Clinic, Dr. Shawn Talbott, Ph.
[...] 世界大战期间﹐他的家庭被拘禁犹他州托帕兹市 (Topaz) 的集中营。
His family was interned at Topaz
[...] relocation center in Central Utah during WWII.
除了在赞果公司担任领导职位以外,Michelle 也犹他州界受人尊敬的专业人士。
In addition to her leadership at XANGO, Michelle is a
[...] well-respected memberof Utah’slegal community.
赞果为一民营公司,总部位犹他州有逾 1,000,000 名独立经销商的全球网络做为後盾。
Based in Utah, XANGOis privately owned [...]
and powered by a global network of over 1,000,000 independent distributors.
筹备两年,新作《127 Hours》从几亿人口的印度孟买,跃到美犹他州无人的大峡谷中。
His latest work, ‘127 Hours’, has been in the making for the past two years. Jumping from the heavily populated Mumbai, India to
the wilderness of Utah, U.S., the film is an adaptation of
[...] Aron Ralston’sautobiography ‘Between a Rock [...]
and a Hard Place’.
Beverly 的努力获得众多肯定,最近一次奖项犹他州杂志之「标竿女性」(“Woman to [...]
She has received widespread acclaim for her efforts,
[...] most recentlyin Utah Business magazine [...]
as a “Woman to Watch.
Swire Coca-Cola, USA has two US production facilities, located at Salt Lake City inUtah and at Fruitland, Idaho and 26 sales centres serving 11 western states.
为此,从加利福尼亚州到新泽西 州,从得克萨犹他州们的州 议会─以旁观州为首─现在可以联合起 来行使其宪法权利,在美国推行我们一 [...]
直在世界其他国家提倡却未能在国内实 现的名副其实的全民普选总统:基於多 数当选、一人一票和每张选票份量均等 三项原则。
Thus, from California to New Jersey, from Texasto Utah, our legislatures [...]
— led by the spectator states — can now unite
and use their constitutional powers to give the United States something we have promoted for the rest of the world but never achieved at home: a truly national election for president based on principles of majority rule, one person-one vote, and every vote counting equally.
Swire Coca-Cola USA has two production facilities located in Salt Lake City, Utah andin Fruitland, Idaho.
XANGO 公司的全球总部位於美犹他州Lehi市,包括三栋办公大楼、皇家盐湖城足球队训练球场、可容纳 230 辆车的立体停车场,还有几亩尚待未来使用的空地。
The XANGO World Headquarters in Lehi,Utah encompass 3 corporate office buildings, the Real Salt Lake soccer team’s training field, a 230-car raised parking structure and plenty of acreage to grow on.
以2004年总 统选举为例,新墨西哥州的两党候 选人的票数差为365票,犹他州党候选人票数差为312043票,这 意味着,新墨西哥州的每位选民对 决定选举人票产生的影响犹他州位选民大近千倍。
For example, in 2004 the presidential election was settled by a 365-vote
difference in the state of New
[...] Mexico but by a 312,043-vote difference in Utah, meaning that a voter in New Mexico was hundreds of times more likely to influence the appointment of electors than a voter in Utah.
太古可口可乐在美国设有两所生产设施,分别位犹他州城及爱达荷州弗里特兰 (Fruitland),另有二十七个销售中心,供应饮料给西部十一个州饮用。
Swire Coca-Cola has two US production facilities, located at Salt
[...] Lake Cityin Utah andat Fruitland, Idahoand 27 sales [...]
centres serving 11 western states;
its franchise territory extends through parts of Washington in the north to Arizona in the south and from California in the west, to Nebraska in the east.
AWS 董事 局成员犹他州州学商业部副总裁 Robert T Behunin 说:「我们很兴奋能参与亚洲 卫星与 GMW 的合作计划,透过这次协作和其後一连串相关的发展,将革命性地改变气 象监测技术和数据传输,为收集和发布气象数据提供一个更有效的商业模式。
AWS is thrilled to be a part of the GMW-AsiaSat partnership,” said Robert T Behunin, AWS Board Member and USU vice president for commercialization.
AAA 北加州、内华犹他州交易所架构工程师 Sean Ackerman 说:「SolarWinds [...]
SAM 的远端轮询功能有助於提高我们的灵活性,而附加的多厂商硬体支援则意味着,我们能够仰仗 SAM 作为我们唯一的监控解决方案。
SolarWinds SAM's remote pollers help our agility and [...]
the additional multi-vendor hardware support means we can rely on SAM
as our single monitoring solution," said Sean Ackerman, infrastructure engineer for AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah Insurance Exchange.
Kent 目前监督赞果的财务、会计、品保和资讯科技等部门,其功绩彪炳,因此在 2008 年获犹他州杂志列为该州 40 岁以下最优秀的 40 位高阶主管之一 (“Top [...]
Forty Under 40”)。
His current task is overseeing the finance, accounting, quality assurance and information
technology divisions, and his performance in this
[...] capacity garnered him aTop Forty Under 40” honor from Utah Business in 2008.
[...] 个别州开展教育政策规划模拟(EPPSIM)工作,这是我们在他州干预措施的良好开 端。
Our recent work on Education Policy Planning
Simulation (EPPSIM) in a few States in support of UNICEF, DFID and WB provides us with an
[...] opening to intervenein otherStates.
他能说普通话,持犹他传播系文学荣誉学位及 Thunderbird(the Global School of International Management)国际管理硕士学位。
He speaks Mandarin and holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Communications from the University of Utahand a Master [...]
of International Management
degree from Thunderbird (the Global School of International Management).
任何该等委员会所进行符合该等规定及就达成其委任目的之一切行动(惟不包 括),将具董事会进行之效力及效用,而董事会在获本公司於股东 大会同意下将有权扣除向任何该等委员会之成员支付酬金,及自本公司现行开支收 取该等酬金。
All acts done by any such committee in conformity with such regulations, and in fulfilment of the purposes for which it is appointed, but not otherwise, shall have the like force and effect, as ifdone bythe Directors, and the Directors shall have power, with the consent of the Company in general meeting, to remunerate the members of any special committee, and charge such remuneration to the current expense of the Company.
麦睿博的人生轨迹真的非常简单:1953年6月20日他出生於美国印第安市,1975年毕业於西点军校,1978年犹他取得M B A学位,1980年加盟宝洁至今。
He was born in Gary, Indiana on June 20, 1953; graduated from the West
Point Military Academy with a Bachelor of
[...] Science degree in Engineering in 1975; earned an MBAfromthe University of Utah in1978.
框架协议规定(其中包括)(a)框架协议项下拟进行的交易将按市价或(倘未能确 定市价或基於任何特殊理由令订约方同意不能或不应采用市价)按订约方於有关 情况下可能同意属公平合理的进行等为独立第三方;及(b)该等 交易的付款条款及信贷条款将由订约方根据不时的市场惯例设定。
The Framework Agreement provides, among other things, that (a) the transactions contemplated by the Framework Agreement should be conducted at market price or, if market price is unascertainable or the parties agree that market price cannot or should not be used for any special reasons, at such other price as the parties may agree fairly and reasonably in the circumstances as ifthey were independent third parties and (b) the payment terms and the credit terms of such transactions will be set by the parties in accordance with market norms from time to time.
(iii) 股额持有人须按其所持股额而在股息、清盘时参与资产 分派、会议表决权及上,享持有产生 该股额的股份时所享有的同样权利、特权及利益;如任 [...]
何此等权利、特权或利益(不包括参与本公司股息及利 润以及於本公司清盘时参与资产分派),在该股额倘若
以股份形式存在时,是不会由该股份授予的,则不可根 据股额而授予该等权利、特权或利益。
(iii) The holders of stock shall, according to the
[...] amount of the stock heldby them, havethe same rights, [...]
privileges and advantages as regards
dividends, participation in assets on a winding up, voting at meetings, and other matters, as if they held the shares from which the stock arose, but no such rights, privileges or advantages (except participation in the dividends and profits and in the assets on winding up of the Company) shall be conferred by an amount of stock which would not, if existing in shares, have conferred such rights, privileges or advantages.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a
needs assessment of
[...] landmine and other ERWvictims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblastlevel.
(c) 确保向阁下发出指示的人遵守期交所规则内所订明的有关保证金及变价调整的规定,以致在期交所
[...] 与该持牌人或注册人之间,持牌人或注册人应负责确保传递指示的人士都遵守该等有关综合帐户的 规定人都是该综合帐户的客户。
(c) ensure that the persons from whom you receive Instructions comply with the Margin and Variation Adjustment requirements as stipulated in the Rules of HKFE, with the result that, as between HKFE and the Company, the Company should be responsible for ensuring that such requirements are complied with by all persons through whom
instructions pass with respect to the omnibus account as if each in turn
[...] was you forwhom such omnibus account [...]
was operated.
构成了 Section 1542 of the California Civil Code and Section 20-7-11 of the South Dakota Codified Laws(加州民法第 1542 条以及南达他州第 20-7-11 条)规定 的弃权声明,这两个条款均规定「普通豁免不包括在执行豁免时债权人不知情或怀疑其存在 的索赔,如果当时该债权人知情的话,必然严重影响其与债务人的和解」;并构成了任何他州用管辖地的任何类似规定、成文法、规章、规则、法律原则或平衡法所规定的弃权 声明。
This release … constitutes a waiver of Section
[...] 1542 of the CaliforniaCivil Code and Section 20-7-11 of the South Dakota Codified Laws, each of which provides that “[a] general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if knownbyhim must have materially affected [...]
his settlement
with the debtor,” and a waiver of any similar provision, statute, regulation, rule, or principle of law or equity of any other state or applicable jurisdiction.
中学时期随方云琴老师学习中国民族舞,先後考获香港演艺学院现代舞高级文凭1989,香港赛马会1989至1992年度奖学金、美犹他艺术学士学位1992、PIP艺术学校表演艺术证书2006至2008及法国戏剧大师Philippe [...]
Kong graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 1989. After that, she received the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music Fund Scholarship (1989-1992), B. F.
A. magna cum laude in modern dance from the
[...] University of Utah inthe United [...]
States (1992), PIP School Certificate in Performing
Arts (2006-2008) and Philippe Gaulier Master Workshop Certificate of Melodrama and Clown (2007 and 2008).
[...] 与美国的机构合作,举办了为期三周的水资源综合管理 强化培训班(美国他州2005 年 8 月); (ii) 举办了底格里斯河和幼发拉底河大坝安全评估方 [...]
尔, 2006 年 2 月);(iii) 召开了一次关于共享底格里斯河和幼发拉底河水资源问题的专家会 议(黎巴嫩贝鲁特,2005 年 6 月);(iv) 召开了两河问题三方(土耳其、叙利亚和伊拉克) 高层会议(印度,2005 年 11 月)。
Major activities included: (i) a three-week intensive training on Integrated Water Resources
Management in collaboration with United
[...] States institutions (Utah,United States of [...]
America, August 2005); (ii) joint training
on dam safety assessment on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, with participants from Turkey, Syria, Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq (Istanbul, Turkey, February 2006); (iii) an expert meeting on shared water resources on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Beirut, Lebanon, July 2005); and (iv) a trilateral highlevel meeting (Turkey, Syria and Iraq) on the Twin Rivers (India, November 2005).




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