

单词 犯事



a criminal

See also:

make a mistake
recurrence (of mistake or sth. bad)

External sources (not reviewed)

不提證供起訴”的守行為安排較少用 犯事 的 青 少年身上( 主 要原因在於有警司警誡計劃代替這選擇) ,但這項安排不失為具預防 作用的司法措施,使年輕被告免於被定罪,而通過要 犯事 的 青少年 須自簽擔保以保證在一年內保持行為良好及/或遵守法紀,亦有助使 他循規蹈距。
Although less
[...] commonly used for offending juveniles (mainly due to the availability of PSDS as an alternative), the ONE / Bind-over procedure is a possible form of preventive justice which allows the juvenile defendant to avoid conviction but [...]
nevertheless help keep
him “on the straight and narrow”, by requiring him to enter into a recognizance to be of good behaviour and / or keep the peace for the period of one year.
Ali 先生(马来西亚)提请注意特别委员会报告 中的许多段落,详细阐述了以色列公然侵犯其长期 占领领土上的巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人的基本
[...] 和不可剥夺的人权,他说,这些 犯事 件 再次加剧 了国际社会对以色列继续系统侵犯人权和违反人道 [...]
(Malaysia), drawing attention to the many passages in the Special Committee’s report that illustrated Israel’s flagrant breaches of the essential and inalienable human rights of the Palestinian people and other Arabs of the territories it had so long occupied, said that those breaches
reinforced the international community’s abhorrence of the
[...] continued systematic violation of human rights [...]
and humanitarian law.
至于军事司法的问 题,他强调说军事人员侵犯人权的行为始终应由普 通法院而不是军事法庭审理,因为 事犯 罪 应 仅限 于与军事职能有关的犯罪行为。
Turning to the issue of military justice, he stressed that violations of human rights committed by military personnel should always be heard by the ordinary, and not military, courts, as military crimes should be limited to offences relating to the military function.
海盗行为在国家司法制度内被定为一项犯罪,这在有些国家已有上百年的历 史。23 为成功进行起诉,国家司法系统成功起诉海盗行为需具备如下要素:海盗 和海上武装抢劫为事犯罪; 参与或企图实施此类罪行者的刑事责任;确立国家 对公海上海盗犯罪行为的刑事管辖权的规定;进行起诉所需的证据和程序规定。
Piracy is a crime that has existed in national jurisdictions, in some cases, for hundreds of years.23 The elements that are needed within the national jurisdiction for successful prosecutions are criminal offences of piracy and armed robbery at sea; criminal responsibility of those who participate in, or attempt to commit, such offences; provisions establishing national criminal jurisdiction over piracy offences committed on the high seas; and the necessary evidentiary and procedural provisions to conduct prosecutions.
此外,还适用禁止令(包括为保护未成年人的受害者),监测惩治针对未 成年人实施的事犯罪。
In addition, restraining orders are applied (incl. for protection of
victims who are minors) and monitoring of
[...] punishments for criminal offences committed [...]
in respect of children is carried out.
根据《刑法》中新增加的第 36a
条——该条是与修正《刑法》的法案(斯洛 文尼亚共和国第 91/11 号官方公告)一并提出的并于 2012 年 5 月 15 日生效,其
[...] 中规定,除非法律另行规定,《刑法》中适用于犯罪人有关的条款同样适用于教 唆或帮助实施事犯罪的参与人。
According to new article 36a of the Criminal Code, which was introduced with the Act amending the Criminal Code (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 91/11) and entered into force on 15 May 2012, the provisions of the Criminal Code applicable to the offender will
also apply to a participant who abets or aids in the
[...] commission of a criminal offence, unless otherwise [...]
provided by law.
这些原则和准则并不核可任何特定的模式,而是鼓励各国保障被拘留者、 被逮捕者a 或被监禁者、涉嫌b 或被控告或被指控事犯罪的 人获得法律援助的基 本权利,同时将法律援助扩大为列入与刑事司法系统有所接触的其他人并以多 种方式提供法律援助计划。
The Principles and Guidelines do not endorse any specific model but encourage States to guarantee the basic right to legal aid of persons detained, arresteda or imprisoned, suspectedbor accused of, or charged with a criminal offence, while expanding legal aid to include others who come into contact with the criminal justice system and diversifying legal aid delivery schemes.
法律规定在某些情况下,州法院作为一审法院做出判决,高等法院作为二 审法院(适用于严重事犯罪)。
In certain cases stipulated by law, the Regional Court decides as the court of first
instance and the High Court is then the court of second instance
[...] (this is the case with e.g. serious criminal offences).
委员会赞赏地注意到缔约国将种族隔离列为 事犯 罪 ,并请缔约国审议废除死刑 的可能性,或在无法废除死刑的情况下,将目前事实上暂停执行死刑的情况正式 化。
While it notes with appreciation the classification of
[...] apartheid as a criminal offence, the Committee [...]
invites the State party to consider the
possibility of abolishing the death penalty or, failing that, to formalize the current de facto moratorium on the death penalty.
最常见的事犯罪是严重伤害罪(32.0%),其次是抢劫罪(26.6%)、 [...]
The most common criminal offences were grievous [...]
bodily harm (32.0 per cent), followed by robbery (26.6 per cent), dangerous
or threatening behaviour (12.4 per cent) and blackmail (7.9 per cent).
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓励各国根据国际法采取各种适当的措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那 犯 有 或下 令 犯 有 上 述行为(VII.个人的 事 责 任 )并在 该国领土被发现的个人(不论其国籍如何以及该行为在何处发生)予以有效的刑事制裁。
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over,
and providing
[...] effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) [...]
and who are found present
on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.
律师就此提 出了一些建议,包括如下:如果在法律上有理由实行审前 羁押,就应该照办,以保证受害人的安全;如果采取“较 为宽容的做法”,就应该保证各机构之间迅速交流信息;如
[...] 果较为宽容的措施受到违反,就应该立即实行羁押;违反 民法保护令的行为应被定为事犯罪。
The counsel made several recommendations in this regard, including the following: if there are legal grounds for pretrial detention they should be applied to guarantee the safety of the victim; if “more lenient means” are applied, a swift information exchange between all agencies should be guaranteed; detention should be imposed immediately in the event
that the more lenient measure is breached; and a breach of civil law protection orders
[...] should be made a criminal offence.
(g) 确保每一个被指控事犯罪的 人如本人没有充分的经济能力则会向其 提供充足的时间、便利、技术和财政支助,以便其为辩护做准备,并且能够完 [...]
(g) To ensure that every person
[...] charged with a criminal offence has adequate [...]
time, facilities and technical and financial
support, in case he or she does not have sufficient means, to prepare his or her defence and is able to consult with his or her lawyer in full confidentiality.
一种更为严重的事犯罪,即破坏 作为国家文化和精神遗产或自然遗产遗址而受 到国际法特别保护的可明确辨认的实体的,也 [...]
A more severe
[...] form of this criminal offence, the destruction [...]
of a clearly identifiable entity which as a site of cultural
and spiritual, national or natural heritage is under special protection by international law, is also subject to legal sanction.
意大利请刚果当局采取更为有效的措施,制止这一现象,尤其应通过制定法 律,将控告儿童实施巫术的行为定为 事犯 罪 ,提高这一问题的认识,并在国际 社会的帮助下实施恢复和重新融合方案。
Italy appealed to the authorities to take more efficient measures to fight this phenomenon, in particular by adopting legislation to criminalize accusations of witchcraft against children, raising awareness on this issue and implementing a rehabilitation and reintegration programme with the help of the international community.
确保埃及遵守国际义务,包括防止非法或未经授权获取核材料的义务, 以及防止干预合法使用此类材料的义务,此类材料包括盗窃、虚报、威 胁、破坏和非法贩运等事犯罪活 动所涉及的核材料和设施;确保安全 处理所有领域中各类电离辐射源,以便保证对个人、社会和环境的保护, 并确保在核或放射材料、器具、设备和技术方面不开展任何活动,但监 管当局授权的除外。
To ensure compliance with Egypt’s international obligations, including the obligation to prevent the illegal or unauthorized acquisition of nuclear material; prevent interference with authorized uses of nuclear material and facilities arising from criminal activities such as theft, misrepresentation, threats, sabotage and illicit trafficking; and ensure the safe handling of sources of ionizing radiation of all types in all fields so as to guarantee the protection of individuals, society and the environment and to ensure that no activity is undertaken in connection with nuclear or radiation material, equipment and technologies, except as authorized by the regulatory authority.
(a) 某家銀行或電訊公司的職員在末經授權下,取得並收集 客戶的個人資料,用以出售予追收欠款公司,或其他 第 三方人士,從中取利;及 (b)
[...] 使用個人資料讓收集個人資料的人士取得私人得益,例 如將資料出售予直銷公司,或用作盜用他人身份以事 犯罪活動。
(a) an unauthorized access to and collection of customers' personal data by a staff of a bank or a telecommunications company for the purpose of selling them to debt collection agents or third parties for profits; and (b) the use of personal data for personal gains of
the collector, such as the sale of the data to direct marketing
[...] companies or for perpetuating crime by theft of identity.
他拒绝将他的事犯罪记 录说成是严重持续的暴力犯罪历史,因为那是对他的纪录,尤其是过 去十年状况的歪曲。
He rejects the
[...] characterization of his criminal record as a significant and sustained history of violent crime, which misrepresents [...]
his record,
and in particular the position over the past ten years.
又强调指出国家有义务保护移徙者的人权而不论其移民身份如何,并表示关 切包括旨在减少非正常移徙的政策在内的措施中有些措施将非正常移徙视为事犯罪而 非行政违规,结果便是剥夺移徙者对人权和基本自由的充分享受
Stressing also the obligation of States to protect the human rights of migrants regardless of their migration status, and expressing its concern at measures which, including in the context of policies aimed at reducing irregular migration, treat irregular migration as a criminal rather than an administrative offence wh ere the effect of doing so is to deny migrants full enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms
(a) 采取一切必要的措施,包括迅速进行法律改革,确保《任择议定书》 规定的任何罪行的受害儿童不作为 事犯 罪 论 处。
(a) Take all necessary measures, including prompt legal reform, to ensure that child victims of any of the crimes under the Optional Protocol not be criminalized.
我再次呼吁安理会和会员国更广泛地尊重和促 进这种接触,不要对这种接触泼冷水,例如不要采取 某些捐助做法,因为那些做法尽管意图是好的,但实 际上却把所从事的接触以及非故意提供货物的行为 定为事犯罪, 从而给人道主义援助造成限制。
I call once again on the Council and on Member States more widely to respect and promote this engagement and not to discourage it through, for example, donor practices which, however well intentioned, in reality criminalize contacts or the unintended provision of goods in ways which limit humanitarian assistance.
第 27 条–对各项原则实施范围的限制
[...] 只有相关的法律才能对本宣言各项原则的实施加以限制,如为了维护公众安全,对 事犯 罪进 行调查、侦查和提出起诉以及为了保护公众健康或保护其他人的权利和自由所制定的法律。
If the application of the principles of this Declaration is to be limited, it should be by law, including laws in the interests of public safety,
for the investigation, detection and
[...] prosecution of criminal offences, for the protection [...]
of public health or for the protection
of the rights and freedoms of others.
在此,我谨强调——至少是第四次强调——如果 杀戮行动停止,如果口口声声支持民主的那些人停止
实施其针对叙利亚的图谋,如果向武装团体慷慨提供 数十亿美元资金和最先进武器与通讯手段,在本国首
[...] 都收留这些武装团体,以便协助这些武装团体针对叙 利亚人民及其财产事犯罪行 为的国家停止这样做, 那么叙利亚本会执行阿拉伯国家联盟的行动计划以 [...]
Here, and for the fourth time at least, let me stress that if the killing had ceased, if those who pay lip service to democracy had ceased to implement their designs against Syria, if those States that provide generous funds — billions of dollars — and the most modern weapons and means of communication to the armed groups,
hosting them in their capitals in order to
[...] facilitate their criminal acts against [...]
the Syrian people and their property, if they
had ceased to do so, Syria would have fulfilled the League of Arab States plan of action and the relevant protocol under that plan.
此外, 尽管摩洛哥通过将非法干扰证人和举证的妨害司法行为定为 事犯 罪 , 实施了 《公约》第 25 条(a)项,但摩洛哥立法没有充分遵守《公约》第 25 条(b)项,因 为只有在干扰司法职责或执法官员的行为由其他公职人员实施时才进行惩处。
Furthermore, although Morocco has implemented subparagraph (a) of article 25 of the Convention by criminalizing obstruction of justice by unlawful interference with witnesses and production of evidence, Moroccan legislation does not fully comply with subparagraph (b) of article 25 of the Convention, as interference with the duties of justice or law enforcement officials is punished only if committed by other public officials.
例如,在逮捕过程中,有些地点远离公众视野,当局常常对其进行封 锁,他们既有权调查事犯罪行 为,也有权对涉嫌实施这类行为的个人提出指 控。
In the course of arrests, for example, some places are out of public view and often are cordoned off by the authorities, who are empowered both to investigate criminal acts and to charge individuals suspected of being responsible for committing such acts.
(l) 将一切形式暴力侵害妇女和女孩行为视为可依法惩处的 事犯 罪 , 以助 防范此类罪行,确保在本国立法中订有依罪行轻重决定惩罚的规定和制裁措施, 以便惩罚暴力侵害妇女和女孩行为并酌情补救她们受到的侵犯
(l) Treating all forms of violence against women and
[...] girls as a criminal offence, punishable by law, contributing, inter alia, to the prevention of such crimes, and ensuring [...]
penalties commensurate
with the severity of the crimes and sanctions in domestic legislation to punish, and redress, as appropriate, the wrongs caused to women and girls who are subjected to violence
(f) 采取必要的立法等措施,规定在常规武器方面,未经核准而开展的进口、 出口、转运、转口或其他国际转让,或中介、运输或筹措资金的活动属于 事犯 罪; 为了防止常规武器从合法转让流入非法转让市场,各缔约国应采取适当措
(f) Adopt legislative and other measures as necessary to establish as criminal offences the import, export, transit, trans-shipment or other international transfer of conventional arms, or the brokering, transporting or financing of conventional arms, which are not authorized.




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