

单词 犯上作乱

See also:


offend one's superiors


start a rebellion
rise in revolt

External sources (not reviewed)

卡斯 卡女士在上作了发 言,主要谈及国际人权人道主义法与私营军事和安保公司犯人权行为问责法规间的断层问题。
She gave a presentation on gaps in
international human rights
[...] and humanitarian law in relation to accountability for violations of international law involving private military and security [...]
在某些情况下,沿海 国可以在其领海内的外国船上行使刑事管辖权,包括当犯罪的后果波及沿海国时, 或如果发犯罪扰乱了该 国的和平或其领海的良好秩序的情况。
In certain circumstances, a coastal State may exercise criminal jurisdiction on board a foreign ship within its territorial sea, including when the consequences of the crime extend to the coastal State, or if the crime disturbs the peace of the country or the good order of its territorial sea.
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓励各国根据国际法采取各种适当的措施与其他有关国家进行作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那些犯有或下 犯 有 上 述 行 为(VII.个人的刑事责任)并在 该国领土被发现的个人(不论其国籍如何以及该行为在何处发生)予以有效的刑事制裁。
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.
这种状况导致作任务混乱不堪 :柜台(纺织品、香水、食品)负责人下定单、收 货、验货、将商品上柜台 销售;仓库管理员记录进货多少,但商品出库上柜台却不做记 录。
The storekeeper keeps track of the arrival of batches and pallets but the transfer of stored goods to shelves is not recorded.
(a) 在符合新訂第88B條的條件下( 例如有關服務提供 者收到指稱侵權通知後,已在切實可行範圍內盡快
[...] 採取合理步驟,以限制或遏止有關侵犯版權行為、 他沒有收取任何財務利益等),服務提供者無須在該 服務提供者的服務平上發生的侵 犯作 品 版 權行 為,承擔支付損害賠償的法律責任。
(a) Subject to the conditions provided in the new section 88B (e.g. the OSP has taken reasonable steps to limit or stop the infringement as soon as practicable after he received a notice of alleged infringement, he has not received any financial benefit, etc), an
OSP is not liable for damages in respect
[...] of copyright infringement that has occurred on the service platform of the OSPs.
由于我国仍基上处于混乱和不 稳定状态,青年 党和基地组织等恐怖主义运动便趁机向索马里人民 发动了残酷的战争,并且以圣战为名义,打着宗教的 幌犯下罪 行和暴行(但宗教是彻底反对这类暴行 的)。
Owing to the disorder
[...] and instability prevailing in the country, the terrorist movements of Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaida took the opportunity to launch a merciless war against the Somali people and committed crimes and atrocities in the name of [...]
jihad, under
the guise of religion, which is completely opposed to such atrocities.
综合研究上犯罪问题以及会员国、国际社会和私营部门就此采取的对 策,包括就国家立法、最佳做法、技术援助和国际 作 开 展 信息交流,以 期审查各种备选方案,加强现有的并提出新的国家和国际应对 上犯 罪的 法律和其他对策。
a comprehensive study of
[...] the problem of cybercrime and responses to it by Member States, the international community and the private sector, including the exchange of information on national legislation, best practices, technical assistance and international cooperation, with a view to examining options to strengthen existing and to propose new national and international legal or other responses to cybercrime.
我们请预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会考虑召集一个不限成员名额的政府 间专家组,对上犯罪问 题以及各会员国、国际社会和私营部门就此采取的对 策进行一次全面研究,包括就国家立法、最佳做法、技术援助和国际 作 开展 信息交流,以期审查各种备选方案,加强现有并提出新的国家和国际打击上 犯罪的法律和其他对策。
We invite the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to consider convening an open-ended intergovernmental expert group to conduct a
comprehensive study of the
[...] problem of cybercrime and responses to it by Member States, the international community and the private sector, including the exchange of information on national legislation, best practices, technical assistance and international cooperation, with a view to examining options to strengthen existing and to propose new national and international legal or other responses to cybercrime.
犯罪是 针对人的生命和健康实施的, 可根据刑事诉讼予以惩罚的,因此造成受伤害的人死亡,健康严重受损或健康乱持续起码六个月的行为。
A crime of violence is an act committed against the life or health of a person which is punishable under the criminal procedure and as a result of which the injured person dies, [...]
sustains serious damage
to his or her health, or sustains a health disorder lasting for at least six months.
联海稳定团继续在维护海地和平与安全方面发 挥着根本作用,而且是消除暴犯 罪 和 内 乱 过 程中 至关重要的威慑因素。
MINUSTAH continues to play a fundamental role in
maintaining peace and security in Haiti and is a
[...] crucial deterrent in the fight against violent crime and civil disorder.
如有强烈迹象显示澳门特区内部保安 犯 罪 活 动而受到 乱 , 法 官 作 出实 行通讯管制的命令,尤其是关于书面、电话、资讯或其他方式的通讯管制(第 9/2002 号法律第18条)。
A court order may also be requested to control communications, particularly correspondence, telecommunications, computer databases or other means, whenever there are serious de facto indicia of disturbance of MSAR internal security as a result of criminal activities (art. 18 of Law 9/2002).
工作组经讨论后商定删除第 128D 段,以避免造成乱,并 对第 128C 段 加以审查,以确保尤其在把启动申请日期作为确定债务人主要利益中心相关日 期的提上作出充分的解释。
After discussion, the Working Group agreed to delete paragraph 128D to avoid confusion and to review paragraph 128C to ensure there was sufficient explanation, particularly with [...]
respect to the reference
to the date of application for commencement as being the relevant date for determination of the COMI of the debtor.
中部非洲国家经济共同体 10 个成员国中,7 个国家今天处于冲突后局势,其他三 个国家尚未摆脱政治暴力和难以遏制 犯 罪 的 动 乱。
Of the 10 countries that comprise the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), seven are in postconflict
situations today, while the other three have not been
[...] spared the upheavals of political violence and runaway criminality.
[...] 行与企业、事业单位、国民经济最重要的行业组织(原单位给他们提供有住所)终 止雇用关系,或因违反作记录或因 犯 罪 而 被 上 述 雇 用单位开除的工人和公务人 员(以及与他们同居的家属);(二) [...]
在集体农场有住房但自己主动从集体农场退出 的公民;(三)
剥夺父母亲权但仍与其被剥夺的父母亲权相关的子女住在一起的 公民;(四) 被剥夺子女教育权的父母-养父母;(五) 其他情况的人员。
May be evacuated with a subsequent offer of another living space: (i) workers and servants (along with the persons that live with them) that have discontinued their employment relations with the enterprises, institutions, organisations of the most important branches of the national economy, which offered them the living space, as a result of own initiative discontinuation of the employment relations without justified reasons, or which have been
dismissed for breaching the
[...] employment discipline or as a result of an offence; (ii) citizens [...]
that have received living spaces
in the houses of collective farms, if they have been excluded from the collective farm as a result of their own initiative; (iii) citizens that have been deprived of their parental rights, if they live together with their children in relation to whom they were deprived of their parental rights; (iv) parents-adopters, if they have been deprived of the education of the children; (v) other cases.
然而,委员会关切,国家行动计划未获得充分的 实施资源,而且计划和方案数量如此之多可导致 作上 的 混 乱 和 重 叠。
The Committee is, however, concerned that the National Plan of Action was not provided with adequate resources for its implementation, and that such a large number of plans and programmes may lead to confusion and duplication of efforts.
我想引述李華明議員當天曾說過的話:“讓我們對社 會討論,引入新的現代政治問責文化,要求公營機構和部門首長在部門整犯上嚴重的錯誤失職時作為首 長的必須向市民大眾問責,承擔一切過失的 責任。
I wish to quote the remark made by Mr Fred LI on that day: "our society may discuss the introduction of a new modern culture of political accountability, under which, be it in the public or private sector, the head of a department which on the whole has committed mistakes or dereliction of duties should be made accountable to the general public and be held accountable for all the blunders".
在整个中国栽培的,在乱的山坡上 在 废弃田野或里逃离 作; 1 500-2200米在至少甘肃,河北和山西逃离耕作。
Cultivated throughout China, escaped from cultivation in waste fields or on disturbed slopes; 1500--2200 m. Escaped from cultivation in at least Gansu, Hebei, and Shanxi.
必须在法治基上作出更 大的廉 正承诺,并实行更有力的监督,才能恢复对金融部门的信心:实施联合国各项 打犯罪公 约(《反腐败公约》和《有组 犯 罪 公 约》)也将有助于扼制经济 犯罪。
Greater commitment to integrity, based on the rule of law, and greater oversight are essential for restoring confidence in the financial sector: the implementation of the United Nations conventions against crime (the Convention against Corruption and the Organized Crime Convention) would also contribute to curbing economic crime.
由于军事入侵和燃料削减乱了学校 运 作 , 加 上 缺 乏基本的教育用品, 他们失去了受教育的时间。
Lost education days due to the military aggression and fuel cuts that disrupt the functioning of schools and the lack of even basic educational supplies.
负责管 理自然资源(包括农业、石油、矿产和森林)收入的政府机构事 上 混 乱 无 序, 并且不作。
Government institutions responsible for the
management of natural resource revenues (including agriculture, oil,
[...] mines and forests) proved chaotic and uncooperative.
作队成立会议之后,“索马里兰”当局提交 了一份概念说明,以开展一项研究,确定导致索马里青年从 犯 罪 和 叛 乱 活 动 、 海盗活动和其他反社会行为的因素,目的是制定一项青年政策。
Following the inaugural meeting of the task force, the “Somaliland” authorities submitted a concept note
[...] for a study to identify the factors leading Somali youth to engage in criminal and insurgent activities, piracy and other anti-social behaviour, with the objective of developing [...]
a youth policy.
经询问,委员会获悉,正在提 出的一些提议,包括为信通技术远程接入能力设备和医疗用品请拨资源的提议, 将确保联合国总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会能有效应对任何 乱 其 运 作的 危急事件。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that the proposals being made, which include requests for ICT equipment for remote access capability and medical supplies, would ensure that United Nations Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters and regional commissions could effectively respond to any critical incidents that disrupt their operations.
主席请发言者将发言重点放在与开展国际合作以保护文化财产有关的以下 具体问题上:(a)双边、区域和国际合作的相对重要性;(b)在文化财产贩运案上落实司法作的方 式;(c)在共享文化财产贩运相关信 上 速 度的重要性;(d) 国家间和国家内部的作努力 ;及(e)将《有组 犯 罪 公 约》 作 合 作 打 击 贩运 文化财产的依据的问题。
The Chair invited speakers to focus their contributions on the following specific issues regarding international cooperation to protect cultural property: (a) the relative importance of bilateral, regional and international cooperation; (b)
the way judicial cooperation works in practice in cases of trafficking in cultural property; (c)
[...] the importance of speed in sharing information in relation to trafficking in cultural property; (d) cooperation efforts both between States and within States; and (e) the question of the Organized Crime Convention being a [...]
basis for cooperation
against trafficking in cultural property.
犯罪、内乱和自 然灾害是海地安全的主要威胁, 但地震后没有发生法律和秩序全面崩溃的情况,尽管安全风险增高,其表现是大 [...]
While the main threats to Haiti’s
[...] security had been crime, civil unrest and natural disasters, [...]
no general breakdown of law and
order occurred after the earthquake, despite heightened security risks, as exemplified by the majority of the prison escapees remaining at large and an increase in demonstrations during the election period.
我们建议联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室根据请求,与会员国、相关国际 组织和私营部门作向各 国提供技术援助和培训,以改进国家立法,建设国家主 管当局的能力,以便打击上犯罪, 包括预防、发现、调查和起诉各种形式的此 类犯罪活动,并增强计算机网络的安全。
We recommend that the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,
upon request, provide, in
[...] cooperation with Member States, relevant international organizations and the private sector, technical assistance and training to States to improve national legislation and build the capacity of national authorities, in order to deal with cybercrime, including [...]
the prevention,
detection, investigation and prosecution of such crime in all its forms, and to enhance the security of computer networks.




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