

单词 犯上



rebel against the emperor [idiom.]


worthwhile (often in rhetorical questions, implying not worthwhile)

See also:

make a mistake
recurrence (of mistake or sth. bad)

External sources (not reviewed)

另外,由于他没有从他的网站删除欺 犯上 的评 论,从而被判违反电脑犯罪法而另加三年监禁。
He was also given another three years’ imprisonment for not removing a lèse majesté comment posted on his website – an offence under the Computer Crime Act.
委員提醒當局不要同犯上擴展自資副學位界別一事上 的錯誤,包括副學位課程供過於求及質素控制不足。
Members cautioned against the same mistakes being made as in the case of the expansion of the self-financing sub-degree sector including over-supply of and inadequate quality control over sub-degree programmes.
我想引述李華明議員當天曾說過的話:“讓我們對社 會討論,引入新的現代政治問責文化,要求公營機構和部門首長在部門整犯上嚴重 的錯誤失職時,作為首長的必須向市民大眾問責,承擔一切過失的 責任。
I wish to quote the remark made by Mr Fred LI on that day: "our society may discuss the introduction of a new modern culture of political accountability, under which, be it in the public or private sector, the head of a department which on the whole has committed mistakes or dereliction of duties should be made accountable to the general public and be held accountable for all the blunders".
(a) 包 括 不 可 這 樣 審 訊 的 謀 殺 罪 行 ;
但 (4) 如 果 制 定 某 罪 行 的 法 例 是 旨 在 保 護 某 一 類 人 士 , 則 該 類 別 內 的 人 就 是 該 罪 行 的 預 期 受 害
[...] 人 , 因 而 是 不 可犯 上 串 謀 觸 犯 該 罪 行 的 。
(4) Where the purpose of an enactment creating an offence is the protection of a class of persons,
no member of that class who is the intended victim of such an offence can be guilty of
[...] conspiracy to commit that offence.
注 意 近年有不少沒有犯罪記錄的申請人及其家庭成員,由於在申請中漏報收入/資產 犯上 欺 詐 罪名。
In recent years, a number of applicants and even their family members, all
without any criminal
[...] record, were convicted on charges of Fraud arising from the failure to disclose incomes / assets during the application [...]
(香港法例第210章),任何人士如犯上述罪 行,一經循公訴程序定罪,最高可被判監禁十年。
Any person who does so commits an offence and is liable, on conviction upon indictment, to imprisonment for a maximum of 10 years under the Theft Ordinance, Chapter 210 of the Laws of Hong Kong.
條例和規 例的全文,可在香港特區政府刊物銷售處購買或在互聯 網上下載(www.justice.gov.hk)。 「專業上失當行為」的定義為:「假如一名註冊中醫
違反專業守則,或在執行職務時作出未能符合同業認為 合理標準的行為,或曾作出被同業認為是可恥、不道德 或不名譽的行為,而這些同業均為能幹且具有良好聲譽
[...] 者,則香港中醫藥管理委員會中醫組於信納確有其事 後,即可裁斷該註冊中犯上專業 上失當行為」。
Misconduct in a professional respect” is defined as “If a registered Chinese medicine practitioner has breached the Code, or in the course of conduct of his profession, has conducted himself in a way which has fallen short of the reasonable standards of conduct expected among his professional colleagues, or which will be regarded as disgraceful, unethical or dishonourable by his professional colleagues who are of good repute and competency, the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board of the Chinese
Medicine Council after being satisfied of the existence above conduct, will
[...] find that he is guilty of professional [...]
如使用者下載、複製、傳送、刊印、儲存或以其他形式使用有關資料,而事前並未獲得上述權利擁有人的同意,使用者可能 犯上 述 法 律或權利。
Those who download, copy, send, publish, preserve, or use relevant information in any other form must obtain approval in advance from rights owners mentioned above.
(3) 如 果 制 定 某 罪 行 的 法 例 是 旨 在 保 護 某 一 類 人 士 , 則 該 類 別 內 的 人 便 是 該 罪 行 的
[...] 預 期 受 害 人 , 因 而 是 不 可犯 上 煽 惑 他 人 干 犯 該 罪 的 。
(3) Where the purpose of an enactment creating an offence is the protection of a class of persons,
no member of that class who is the intended victim of such an offence can
[...] be guilty of incitement to commit that offence.
基于任何 事宜或非正当命令,囚犯可向监狱长、其他监狱管理人员及监狱巡查员作出投诉 (第40/94/M 号法令第80条) ;该项权利在第8/GM/96 号批示第6条第2 款中, 有进一步的解释,说明囚犯可向司法当局、监狱委员会、监狱其他管理人员、监 狱巡查员及其他任何在法律上有权受理 犯上 诉 之 部门进行投诉或提交上诉书。
This right is reinforced under article 6 (2) of Order 8/GM/96: prisoners may complain or file a petition to judicial authorities, to the Board of the Prison Establishment, and to prison officers, prison inspectors and other entities who are legally entitled to address the subject of the petition.
2005 年 以前,在泰国下级法院欺犯上罪的 定罪率为 94%。
Prior to 2005, the conviction rate for lèse majesté cases in Lower Court in Thailand was 94 per cent.
本法第 7 和第 8 条指出,“凡是提供场地进行卖淫或其他猥亵行为者, 应处以一至五年有期徒刑,并处以五百万(5 000 000)瑞尔到三千万(30 000 000)瑞尔 的 罚 金;如果是犯 ,上述处 罚 加 倍 。
Articles 7 and 8 of this Law state that “Any person who opens a place for committing a debauchery or obscene acts, shall be punished to imprisonment from one to five years and with a fine penalty of from five million (5,000,000) Riels to thirty million (30,000,000) Riels.
(b) 采取一切必要措施,制止侵犯这些权利的行为,并创造条件防止发生 这类行为,包括确保国家的有关法律符合其国际人权义务且能得到有效执行; (c) 确保犯上文第 1 段所述权利的行为的受害人得到有效补救,确保对 记者的威胁和暴力行为,包括恐怖主义行为及在武装冲突情况下的此类行为,予 以认真调查,并将责任者绳之以法,打击有罪不罚现象
(c) To ensure that victims of violations of the rights referred to in paragraph 1 above have an effective remedy, to investigate effectively threats and acts of violence, including terrorist acts, against journalists, including in situations of armed conflict, and to bring to justice those responsible in order to combat impunity
人類的行為如何影響投保人的行為,以及 DI 及 LTC 產品的經驗如何避免 CII 重犯上同樣的錯誤。
He will focus on CII product development and how we can see good ideas can go bad, how human behavior can influence insured’s actions, and how lessons from the DI and LTC product areas can help CII from repeating these mistakes.
在通过网站媒体图片库下载照片或PPF标志时,则表明您同意根据捷克共和国的相关法规和最佳惯例来合理使用相关照片和PPF标志,使用的目的和方式不得损害PPF的良好声誉,不得损害PPF所控制的实体,控制PPF的实体以及PPF联合控制或以其他方式与PPF有关联企业的声誉,不得 犯上 述 实 体的权利和受法律保护的权益以及图片中人员受法律保护的权益,包括PPF以及上述实体的活动。
By downloading a photograph or the PPF logo from the “Photo Gallery” section of the Website, you agree to use the photograph or the PPF logo in accordance with the applicable legal regulations of the Czech Republic and good practise, and for purposes and in a manner that will not impair the good reputation of PPF a.s., good reputation of entities controlled by, in control of, under common control with, or
otherwise affiliated
[...] with, PPF a.s., infringe on the rights and legally protected interests of the aforementioned [...]
entities and legally
protected interests of persons shown in photographs, and that will pertain to the activities of PPF a.s. and/or the aforementioned entities.
尚未行使的購股權將於(aa)有關該等購股權的購股權期間屆滿; (bb)(xii)、(xiii)、(xiv)、(xv)、(xvi)、(xvii)及(xviii)段所述的日期或期間屆
[...] 滿;或 (cc)董事因承授人犯上文(x xii)段而行使本公司權利以註銷購股 [...]
An option shall lapse automatically (to the extent not already exercised) on the earliest of (aa) the expiry of the option period in respect of such option; (bb) the expiry of the periods or dates referred to in paragraph (xii), (xiii), (xiv), (xv), (xvi), (xvii) and (xviii); or (cc) the date on which the
Directors exercise the Company’s right to cancel
[...] the option by reason of a breach of [...]
paragraph (xxii) above by the grantee.
第一階段提名調查的樣本為1,003個成功個案,並非1,003乘以回應率63.6%;第二階段評分調查的樣本則為另外1,027個,亦非1,027乘以回應率65.9%,過去有不少傳媒在報 上犯 了 上 述 錯 誤。
The sample size of the first stage naming survey is 1,003 successful interviews, not 1,003 x 63.6% response rate, while the sample size of the second stage rating survey is 1,027 successful interviews, not 1,027 x 65.9% response rate.
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓励各国根据国际法采取各种适当的措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那些犯有或下 犯 有 上 述 行 为(VII.个人的刑事责任)并在 该国领土被发现的个人(不论其国籍如何以及该行为在何处发生)予以有效的刑事制裁。
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.
联合国秘书长以往的报告指出,国家需要建立法律框架和司法能力,严惩从 事上犯罪活动者(见 A/63/63,第 133-137 段)。
In past reports, the Secretary-General of the United Nations has observed that States require a legal
framework and judicial capacity to
[...] effectively punish those guilty of committing crimes at sea (see [...]
A/63/63, paras. 133-137).
我们建议联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室根据请求,与会员国、相关国际 组织和私营部门合作向各国提供技术援助和培训,以改进国家立法,建设国家主 管当局的能力,以便打击上犯罪, 包括预防、发现、调查和起诉各种形式的此 类犯罪活动,并增强计算机网络的安全。
We recommend that the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, upon request, provide, in cooperation with Member States, relevant international organizations and the private sector, technical assistance and training to States to improve national legislation and build the capacity of national authorities, in order to deal with cybercrime, including the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of such crime in all its forms, and to enhance the security of computer networks.
综合研究上犯罪问 题以及会员国、国际社会和私营部门就此采取的对 策,包括就国家立法、最佳做法、技术援助和国际合作开展信息交流,以 期审查各种备选方案,加强现有的并提出新的国家和国际应对 上犯 罪的 法律和其他对策。
a comprehensive study of
[...] the problem of cybercrime and responses to it by Member States, the international community and the private sector, including the exchange of information on national legislation, best practices, technical assistance and international cooperation, with a view to examining options to strengthen existing and to propose new national and international legal or other responses to cybercrime.
我们请预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会考虑召集一个不限成员名额的政府 间专家组,对上犯罪问 题以及各会员国、国际社会和私营部门就此采取的对 策进行一次全面研究,包括就国家立法、最佳做法、技术援助和国际合作开展 信息交流,以期审查各种备选方案,加强现有并提出新的国家和国际打击上 犯罪的法律和其他对策。
We invite the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to consider convening an open-ended intergovernmental expert group to conduct a
comprehensive study of the
[...] problem of cybercrime and responses to it by Member States, the international community and the private sector, including the exchange of information on national legislation, best practices, technical assistance and international cooperation, with a view to examining options to strengthen existing and to propose new national and international legal or other responses to cybercrime.
在美利坚合众国的帮助下,贝宁政府制订并颁布 了一项国家海上安全安保战略,这将促进海洋经济的 增长和发展,使得人员和货物能够沿我国海岸的重要
[...] 战略海上线路自由流动,加强港口和港口设施的安 全,打击非法跨国活动和上犯罪,例如领水中的武 装抢劫和公海上的海盗活动。
With the help of the United States of America, the Government of Benin has formulated and enacted a national maritime security and safety strategy, which will promote the growth and development of the maritime economy, allow for the free movement of persons and goods along major strategic maritime routes off our coasts, enhance security in ports and port installations,
and combat illicit transnational
[...] activities and maritime crime, such as armed [...]
robbery in territorial waters and piracy on the high seas.
据称,驳回申请的遣返前风险评估官员和法官在 法上犯了错误,认定提交人必须证明她和女儿人身受到威胁,不考虑她们因属 于社会特殊群体,即女性而面临风险,有充分理由感到恐惧。
It is alleged that both the PRRA officer and the IRB member who denied the refugee status application erred at law when they concluded that the author needed to prove that she and her daughter were personally targeted, disregarding the well-founded nature of their fear in view of the risks faced by members of a particular social group, i.e. women.
订正刑法典》第 2 条规定,除非优先适用的条 约和法律另有规定,《刑法典》的规定不仅在菲律宾境内而且在其管辖范围之外 也应适用于下列人:(a) 在菲律宾船只或飞上犯罪的 ;(b) 实施某些特定罪行 的(见表 1);(c) 实施《刑法典》第二卷第一章界定的危害国家安全和违反国家 法律的任何罪行的。
Article 2 of the Revised Penal Code stipulates that, except as provided for in the treaties and laws of preferential application, the provisions of the Code shall be enforced not only within the Philippines but also outside its jurisdiction, in respect of those who (a) commit an offence while on a Philippine ship or aircraft; (b) commit certain specified crimes (see table 1); (c) commit any of the crimes against national security and the law of the nation defined in Title I, Book II of the Code.
几十年来以色列在阿拉伯被占领 上犯 下 的 罪 行、它对国际人道主义法最基本原则的违反,以及它 享有的有罪不罚,不仅证明以色列的占领及其政治和 军事领导层触犯了法律,而且也证明安全理事会中的 某些国家是如何宽恕和容忍且不愿意终止此类违法 [...]
The crimes committed by Israel over several decades in the occupied Arab territories, its violations of the most [...]
basic principles of
international humanitarian law and the impunity it enjoys not only prove the violations of law by the Israeli occupation and its political and military leadership; they are also evidence of how certain countries in the Security Council have condoned and tolerated those violations and have been reluctant to end them.
建议秘书处尽量将全面研究上犯罪 问题专 家组会议和与身份有关犯罪问题核心专家组会议的时间连在一起。
It was suggested that the Secretariat should endeavour to schedule meetings of the expert group to conduct a comprehensive study of cybercrime and of the core group of experts on identity-related crime consecutively.
为了避免不加区别地对这 两种情况实行上述规定,本原则第二部分增加了一些灵活性,即,当这些国家在国 上犯有 非 法行为而程度显然不同的情况下,它们不必负共同连带责任。
In order to avoid that the above-mentioned rule apply indistinctively to both situations, some flexibility has been added in the second part of this Principle: joint and several liability is excluded in cases where the internationally wrongful acts of these States are manifestly not of the same gravity.




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