单词 | 犒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 洒noun—sprayn洒—spillshed犒—reward or comfort with presents of food, drink etcExamples:洋洋洒洒—voluminous flowing (of speeches, articles etc) [idiom.] 洒水n—sprinklern 花洒—sprinkler
残留空气会使泵意外运转,喷洒或运动部件会造成严重 伤害。 graco.com | Trapped air can cause the pump to cycle unexpectedly, which could result in serious injury from splashing or moving parts. graco.com |
气雾剂的例子包括用于作物喷 洒的农药和人工摧雨用的干化学品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Examples of aerosols include pesticides for crop dusting and dry chemicals for cloud seeding. daccess-ods.un.org |
细水雾灭火系统是由系统激活时,使水流通过专门设计的高压环境而形成,再通过洒水和喷雾头喷射出来。 msccruises.com.cn | The water mist is made by the system when it activates, pushing water at high pressure through specially designed, sprinkler and spray heads. msccruises.com.eg |
在清洗纺织物时经常将 CFC-113 加入清洗机,在纺织 物上喷洒四氯化碳去除污渍。 multilateralfund.org | CFC-113 is also often added into the washing machine during textile cleaning, and CTC is sprayed onto the textiles to remove stains. multilateralfund.org |
但是,叶面施肥只适用于水果、蔬菜和其他高价值的农作物,或者棉花等需要大量喷洒 杀虫剂的农作物。 fertilizer.org | However, foliar feeding is a practical option only for fruits, vegetables, and other high-value crops or in field crops like cotton requiring multiple sprays of pesticide. fertilizer.org |
厄瓜多尔宣称,“喷洒已对边境地区厄瓜多尔一边的人民、作物、动物和 自然环境造成了严重损害,而且还有在今后造成进一步损害的重大危险”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ecuador maintains that “the spraying has already caused serious damage to people, to crops, to animals, and to the natural environment on the Ecuadorian side of the frontier, and poses a grave risk of further damage over time”. daccess-ods.un.org |
没有 Kung 博士为测试自动洒水性能而进行的新型防火测试、分析和技术研究,这些自动洒水装置就不可能走向今天的商业化。 ul.com | These sprinklers would not be commercially available today without the novel fire testing, analysis and techniques to measure sprinkler performance developed in Dr. Kung's research. ul.com |
将水和SILRES® BS 16混合物喷洒在砖瓦表面后,通过较低温度焙烧便可使砖瓦获得拒水性。 reports.wacker.com | When bricks were sprayed with a mixture of water and SILRES® BS16, they became water-repellent even at low firing temperatures. reports.wacker.com |
在芬兰的夏季雨水是温暖而又温柔地洒下来。 tunewear.com | In Finland the summer rain is warm and gentle. tunewear.com |
我们特制的壁球馆(7.3米长、4.5米宽、3.2米高)得到世界壁球联盟的认证,让您畅快淋漓底挥洒在海天之间。 msccruises.com.cn | Our specially designed squash court (7.3 meters long, 4.5 meters wide, 3.2 meters high) and accredited by the World Squash Federation. msccruises.com.eg |
同样,尽管疟疾在 我国是第三大死亡原因,但是通过发放免费的驱虫蚊 帐和在屋内喷洒药物,这一疾病已经得到遏制。 daccess-ods.un.org | Likewise, although malaria is the third main cause of death in our country, it has been contained through the distribution of free insecticide-treated mosquito nets and by the spraying of household materials. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近更新时间: 2010/10/25 // 10月17日和18日,当挪威驻上海总领事诺和平先生和领事毕昂•布鲁库斯(Bjørn Blokhus)出席北欧工业园(NIP)新商务中心和北欧企业孵化器的盛大开幕典礼时,十月的阳光为宁波慷慨地洒下了融融暖意。 norway.org.cn | Last updated: 25/10/2010 // The October sun sent generous cascades of warming beams over Ningbo when the Consulate General (Mr. Fred Nomme and Mr. Bjørn Blokhus) attended the grand opening of The Nordic Industrial Park`s (NIP) new Business Center and the Nordic Business Incubator on the 17th and 18th of October. norway.cn |
此款便于使用的滚珠香氛能令您免去携带大瓶香水或在喷洒香水时影响身边他人的困扰。 cn.lubrizol.com | This convenient roll-on perfume will free you from carrying large bottles of perfume and disturbing bystanders with haphazard spray. lubrizol.com |
事实上大部分宽光谱杀虫剂直接威胁水生生物和健康的鱼 类养殖,聪明的农民很不愿意喷洒杀虫剂。 fao.org | Together with the fact that most broadspectrum insecticides are a direct threat to aquatic organisms and healthy fish culture, knowledgeable farmers are much less motivated to spray pesticides. fao.org |
在此方面应该提及的是,2007 年 4 月 15 日,最高法院颁布 了一项裁决,涉及对以色列土地管理局实施的内盖夫喷洒行动提起的申诉(H.C.J. 2887/04,Saleem Abu Medeghem 等人诉以色列土地管理局等人案)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard it should be mentioned that in on April 15, 2007, the Supreme Court issued its decision, regarding a petition concerning spraying operations in the Negev, performed by the Israel Lands Administration (ILA) (H.C.J. 2887/04 Saleem Abu Medeghem, et. al. v. Israel Lands Administration, et. al. daccess-ods.un.org |
朴实的外表下暗藏着令人惊喜的功能与效果:由一个恒温龙头、两个开关阀及一个不对称花洒 喷头组成的雅生·奇特里奥 M淋浴解决方案提供无限可能。 hansgrohe.com.cn | A reserved exterior harbours a refreshing function and effect: the Axor Citterio M shower solution comprising a thermostat, two shut-off valves and the asymmetrical shower head is only one of many possible combinations. hansgrohe.hr |
在喷洒灭蚁剂之前,首先对地下管道进行回填土。 cn.lubrizol.com | Backfill over underground piping prior to termiticide spraying. lubrizol.com |
但是使用空中 喷洒农作物的方式不符合《基本法:人类尊严与自由》限制条款中设立的相称原 则,因为这种行为违反了贝都因人口的人类尊严权,因为并非在所有的空中喷洒 行动中,都会将喷洒意向预先适时通知当地贝都因人,且喷洒行动可能因此对人 们的身体健康构成实际危害。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the measure used, aerial spraying of the crops, is not consistent with the proportionality principle anchored in the limitation clause in the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, since it violates the right to human dignity of the Bedouin population as not in all of the aerial spraying incidents, they received proper notice in advance of the intention to spray their crops, and as it might have caused actual damage to their health and physical integrity. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,只有 为数不多的农民有泵,能将农药喷洒在作物上,而且接受按规定剂量正确使用化 学品的培训的农民人数也很少。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, few farmers have the pumps needed to spray pesticides on crops or have received training on the correct amount of chemicals that should be used. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些猫可能会过于警惕而不肯进诱捕笼,可以尝试换更有吸引力的食物,还可以在 笼门处、笼内沿途多处洒少量食物,诱使猫在不知不觉中进入笼子深处。 animalsasia.org | Some cats may be too wary and refused to enter the cage so you can try some more attractive food and put more of it around the door to lure the cat to enter. animalsasia.org |
控制疟疾传播包括及早诊断、进行有效医治和通过使用长效灭蚊剂处理过的蚊帐 和用灭蚊剂喷洒房屋内墙来防止传播。 daccess-ods.un.org | Controlling the spread of malaria involves early diagnosis, effective treatment and prevention of transmission by using long-lasting insecticide-treated bednets and indoor residual insecticide spraying. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论哪种应用 — 洒金、纸张涂布、胶版印刷、凹版印刷、柔性版印刷还是丝网印刷 — ECKART 都具有光彩夺目的解决方案,帮助您提升产品价值和广告的效果。 eckart.com.cn | Whatever process you choose - whether dusting, paper coating, offset, rotogravure, flexographic or screen printing - ECKART has a brilliant solution for every requirement - a solution that is eye-catching, enhances product value and has good advertising impact. eckart.net |
基本构思越简约,越能为您带来万变的设计可能性! 无论是龙头、花洒、搁架、扬声器还是灯光: 设计元素的布置仅仅是取决于个人需求和个人喜欢的建筑设计理念。 hansgrohe.com.cn | Whether it be mixers, shelves, loudspeakers or lighting: the arrangement of the design elements is simply a question of personal needs and the preferred architectural concept. hansgrohe.hr |
一个严格的礼仪纯度方面,甚至超越的犹太法利赛人,产生了一个purifactory仪式,如洗澡,用清水洒无尽的继承,与骨灰或牛粪,水sippings,呼吸镇压抹黑 - 所有圣事的性质和罪恶的有效缓解。 mb-soft.com | A scrupulous regard for ceremonial purity, surpassing even that of the Jewish Pharisee, gave rise to an endless succession of purifactory rites, such as baths, sprinkling with water, smearing with ashes or cow-dung, sippings of water, suppressions of breath--all sacramental in character and efficacious for the remission of sin. mb-soft.com |
他在评估自动洒水装置性能方面的研究成果刺激了住宅洒水装置、快速反应洒水装置、早期灭火快速反应洒水装置和其他许多重要洒水系统创新的出现。 ul.com | His research efforts in evaluating sprinkler performance have led to the development of the residential sprinkler, the quick-response sprinkler, the early suppression fast response sprinkler and a number of other important sprinkler system innovations. ul.com |