单词 | 特效 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 特效noun, feminine—special effectsplless common: transitionsn 特效—special effectless common: specially good effect especially efficacious
此系统也能与特效部门合作 以加入计算机生成素材和合成作业。 motion.kodak.com | The facility [...] also works witheffects departments to [...]integrate computer-generated material and composites. motion.kodak.com |
您可以使用游戏主题来回应多种游戏中的活动,再搭配独特的照明特效营造出更逼真的环境,让您的系统独具个人特色。 dell.com | Customize your system with game themes that respond to many in-game [...] events with unique lighting effects to complete [...]your immersion. dell.com |
它内置检查器能够防止用户通过多次或疯狂点击来破坏效果。moo.fx整体采用模块化设计,所以可以在它的基础上开发你需要的任何特效。 javakaiyuan.com | It is built-in checker can prevent users from repeatedly clicking or crazy to [...] destroy the effect . moo.fx overall modular design , so it can be developed on the [...] basis youneedany specialeffects . javakaiyuan.com |
比如增加了动画特效、拖放操作等等。 javakaiyuan.com | Such as adding animation effects, dragand drop [...] , and so on . javakaiyuan.com |
比如 说,我们所开的汽车是由拥有研究生学历的工程师设计的;我们 子女学校的老师,有研究生学历的人也越来越多了,而且这些老 [...] 师又是由拥有高等学历的人培养出来的;医生为我们开的处方药 是由拥有研究生学历的科学家研发和测试过的;在博物馆,我们 [...] 所看到的展览也是由拥有研究生学历的馆长筹划和安排的; 我们 在电影上看到的一些复杂的电脑特效同样也是由一些拥有研究生 学历的男男女女们设计的。 fgereport.org | We ride in automobiles with systems designed by engineers having graduate degrees; send our children to schools where a growing number of teachers have graduate degrees and were themselves trained by people with advanced degrees; pick up prescriptions for drugs designed and tested by scientists with graduate degrees; visit museums and view displays arranged by curators with graduate degrees; and go [...] to movies enhanced by sophisticated [...] computer-generatedspecial effects designedby men [...]and women who have graduate degrees. fgereport.org |
来自加拿大的着名艺术表演团体 「Circus O」将烟火特效、舞蹈以及高空特技结合成华丽演出,两辆全新平治SLS [...] AMG高性能鸥翼超级跑车自高空降下,中央舞台上另一辆SLS AMG亦从後驶出正式登场,让嘉宾们近距离感受到SLS AMG的气派。 think-silly.com | Attended by over thousand guests, the renown performance art [...] group ‘Circus O’ surprised them with fire, [...] smoke, dance, specialeffect andnone-other-than [...]the brand new SLS AMG taking appearance [...]in the air as part of the act accented with surreal special effects. think-silly.com |
在此页,您可以自订 视窗开启关闭特效、设定控制面板上 LCD 灯移动的速度、或者改变电视框与控制面板 [...] 的外框。 avermedia.eu | In this page, you can [...] customize menu effect (Fade In/Fade [...]Out), set the speed of marquee (LCD Speed), and change the appearance [...]of the TV monitor and the control panel (Skins). avermedia.eu |
核心类库: [...] 包括一系列(非可视)类,主要用来提供以下图像操作功能:从文件载入图像,将图像保存到文件中,提供各种转换和特效,不同颜色空间之间的像素变换,线、弧及各种图形的绘制,以及文本写入等等。 evget.com | Core class library - a set of classes (non-visual) which provide imaging operations: load/save [...] images from/to files, applying different [...] transformsand effects, convert pixels [...]between different color spaces, draw lines, [...]curves, shapes, and text, etc. evget.com |
在一个错误的电影放映,电影卷轴短路,并提出了在墓地的尸体,但观众认为僵尸特效和漠视的危险。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | During a mistake in the showing of the film, the movie reel short circuits and raises [...] the corpses in the cemetery, but the audience thinks that [...] the zombiesare special effects and are oblivious [...]to the danger. seekcartoon.com |
在自订每个主画格时,可使用影像视窗來对焦或平移影像;使 用 「选项」标签选项來自订缩放特效。 site.theimportsworld.com | When customizing each key frame, use [...] the Image Window to focus on an area or to pan the image; use the Options tab settings to [...] customize the zoomingeffect. site.theimportsworld.com |
12 到 18 [...] 个月婴儿玩的手握型玩具,常见的有:轻的球(如有音乐的、有音乐钟 的、抓握用的、有特效的和有凹凸纹理的球)、多种纹理和多感官元素的婴儿玩 [...]具、镜子、手握型板块、活动中心、布玩具、毛绒玩具、挤压即响玩具、嵌套玩 具、分类玩具、堆叠玩具、弹出式玩具、摇摆玩具、隧道和充气玩具等。 cpsc.gov | Examples of manipulative toys for 12- through 18-month-olds include [...] lightweight balls (such as musical, [...] chiming, grasping, special effects, and textured [...]balls), multi-textured and multi-sensory [...]toys, mirrors, manipulative panels, activity centers, cloth toys, plush toys, squeeze and squeak toys, nesting toys, sorting toys, stacking toys, pop-up toys, rocking toys, tunnels, and inflatable toys. cpsc.gov |
T1460 内建特效功能,让您所拍摄的照片更具个人风格!LOMO!鱼眼!色彩强调!现在,您可以全新的方式大玩照片的形状、主题及色彩。 benq.com.tw | Moreover, T1460 [...] is packedwithspecial effectfeatures - [...]LOMO, Fisheye, Color Accent to help you add your own personal touch to the photos you take! benq.com |
我们不用再等候图像锁定後,才可开始选用我们的数码特效。 mammals.org | We don’t have to wait to lock picture to start [...] our digital effectsshop. mammals.org |
无需太多努力——只需几分钟——您就可以从超过70多个系列的动画和变换效果中挑选需要的效果,这些动画和变换能够提供数百种不同的特效。 evget.com | Without much effort - only a couple of minutes are required - you [...] can choose from over 70 families of animation and [...] transition effects which again [...]provide hundreds of different variations. evget.com |
用户既可以选择灯光的颜色,又可以选择字体的大小;无论是字体从左往右的移动特效还是保持静止;快速移动还是字体形状都可以任意选择,方便简单。 bannerflo.cn.uptodown.com | You can choose between the colors of the light, the size of the letter, if you want it to move from left to right or stay static, the speed you want it to move, or the approximate shape you want the letters to take. bannerflo.en.uptodown.com |
这个摄影团队因他们的高速摄影和特效而为人们所熟悉,他们在2007年的项目“Light [...] Mode Phantasm”和“Explosions”中初次展露头角。 ba-repsasia.com | The photography team was already familiar with high-speed [...] photography and specialeffects, having first [...]explored them back in 2007 in the projects [...]“Light Mode Phantasm” and “Explosions. ba-repsasia.com |
它包含保证制作正常进行的日常开支,它也 [...] 包含了所有常规支出项目之外的其他项目,如:工作人员酬金、餐饮住宿交通费用、摄影 机、胶片、冲洗、剪辑、特效、服装、灯光、置景、道具及其他杂项。 motion.kodak.com | Below-the-line costs are everything else, including crew, food costs during the shoot, housing, [...] transportation, cameras, film stock and [...] processing, editing, special effects, costumes, lighting, [...]sets, props, and miscellaneous expenses. motion.kodak.com |
处理拍摄片段时所包含的加速特效、过渡特效、格率转换及算图等方面,通通变得更为快速,全因为应用程式可彻底利用 OS X 的 64 位元架构。 mammals.org | Processing the footage, which involved speed effects, transitions, frame-rate converting, and rendering, went much faster because the application fully leverages the 64-bit architecture of OS X. And the keyword engine and skimmer allowed assistants and editors to move through media quickly and tag it with custom range-based keywords. mammals.org |
该报告的目的是确定有哪些机会可以提高联合国系统的采购效率与成效,特别是通过 提高生产力,加强合作与协调,以及通过技术革新。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The objective of the report is to identify [...] opportunities for increasing [...] procurementefficiency andeffectiveness in theUnited Nations system, especially through productivity [...]enhancement, [...]improved cooperation and coordination and technological innovations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这种努力并非在所有总部外办事处都奏效,特别是在小型办 事处——这主要是因为受到人员配置方面的钳制。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Such efforts are not the case for all field offices,in particular thesmaller offices – notably because of staffing restraints. unesdoc.unesco.org |
特别委员会强调,维持和平行动部和外勤支助部必须精干有效,特别是在(但 不仅限于)维持和平行动扩编、过渡及缩编阶段,设置有效的结构,配备充足人 力,特别委员会强调,维持和平行动部和外勤支助部彼此有效协调,必然能够促 进更有效率地监督实地变化及更迅速地作出应对。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Committee stresses the [...] importanceof effective Departments of Peacekeeping Operations and Field Supportthat are efficientlystructured andadequately [...]staffed, in particular, but not exclusively, during [...]periods of surge, transition and drawdown of peacekeeping operations, and stresses that effective coordination between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support must lead to more efficient oversight and better responsiveness to changes in the field. daccess-ods.un.org |
产品简介功效: 特含50%嫩麦芽白滑精华,能充份润白肌肤,改善肌肤细胞缺乏营养所致的暗哑肤色,SPF-15防晒及水嫩配方,有效针对黑色素形成,去除黄气及改善肤色不均现象及减低紫外线对肌肤的伤害; 配合近似人体天然保湿成份的氨基酸保湿剂,令肌肤长效锁水,即时感受深层滋润及注入无限营养,细纹表情纹也能迅速抚平。 aster.com.hk | Product Description Function: Concentrated 50%Wheat Germ extract and SPF-15 formula will control the melanin level and even skin complexion as well as prevent the harm of UVA and UVB by blocking the sunlight radiation. aster.com.hk |
将法定诉讼时效从10 年延长至15 年(正在考虑将酷刑列为一种不适 [...] 用于任何法定诉讼时效的犯罪),并通过法定诉讼时效特别制度,如 果受害者为儿童,则中止从达到成人年龄之日起计算的诉讼时效期。 daccess-ods.un.org | Extension of the period of statutory limitation from 10 to 15 years (consideration is being given to making torture a crime to [...] which no statutory limitation shall apply) [...] and adoption of aspecial system of statutory [...]limitation, if the victim is a child, [...]by suspending the period of limitation calculated from the date of reaching the age of majority. daccess-ods.un.org |
个人机动交通,特别是汽车往往被视为经济进步的一个重要指标,而替代性 的集体出行工具却不大受欢迎,尽管它们实际上往往更有效,特别是在空间有限 的情况下。 daccess-ods.un.org | All too often, individual motorized transport, particularly cars, is seen as a key indicator of progress; [...] collective alternatives are less fashionable, although they are [...] oftenmuch moreefficient,particularly when space is scarce. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于这些家庭的购买力较低,粮食不足不太可能由其他食物完全补足。14 过去数年来,公共分配系统未能证明十分有效,特别报告员呼吁朝鲜民主主义人 民共和国政府考虑到诸项挑战,重新考虑这一政策,以确保朝鲜民主主义人民共 [...] 和国人民不被剥夺食物权。 daccess-ods.un.org | The deficit was unlikely to have been fully covered by other foods, owing to low purchasing power of these [...] households.14 The PDS system [...] has not provento beeffective over the last several years andtheSpecial Rapporteur calls [...]on the Government [...]of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to rethink the policy in light of the challenges, with the view to ensuring that the population of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is not deprived of its right to food. daccess-ods.un.org |
为根据联合国安全理事会相关决议寻求全面、长期和适当地解决伊朗核问 题,并在 2006 年 6 月向伊朗提出的提议的基础上(这项提议依然有效),特此提出以下内容,作为中国、法国、德国、伊朗、俄罗斯、联合王国和美利坚合众国 之间并在欧洲联盟高级代表的参与下进行谈判的主题,但前提是伊朗必须根据安 理会第 1803(2008)号决议第 15 段和第 19 段(a)分段的规定,以可核查的方式暂 停其浓缩相关活动和后处理活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to seek a comprehensive, long-term and proper solution of the Iranian nuclear issue consistent with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and building further upon the proposal presented to Iran in June 2006, which remains on the table, the elements below are proposed as topics for negotiations between China, France, Germany, Iran, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, joined by the High Representative of the European Union, as long as Iran verifiably suspends its enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, pursuant to OP 15 and OP 19(a) of UNSCR 1803. daccess-ods.un.org |