

单词 特意

External sources (not reviewed)

他質疑當局是否為是次選舉特意向現 任行政長官提供這些資料;若然,此舉即違反政府 官員不得利用公共資源參與任何與選舉有關活動的限制。
He queried if
[...] such information was deliberately provided to the incumbent [...]
CE for the election and if so, it would contravene
the restriction that government officials should not use public resources for any election-related activities.
总干事在出访会员国特意走访 了几乎所 有的教科文组织办事处并与工作人员交谈。
The Director-General has made a point of visiting almost [...]
all of the Organization’s field offices and talking with staff
while on official business in a Member State.
监察特意系统 做出努力,通过接触直接了解违禁详情的人或知道有 谁直接了解违禁详情的人,来接触参与违禁的人。
The Monitoring Group made a deliberate and systematic effort [...]
to gain access to those involved in violations by way of individuals
who have direct knowledge or who know people who have direct knowledge about details of violations.
[...] 知道職員在能夠達致所設定銷售額的同時,出現了大量的投訴,沒可能全部 投訴都是假投訴,也沒可特意冤枉 電訊公司擬要求賠償等的。
However, in practice, they will know that while the staff can reach the sales targets set, there is bound to be a large number of complaints and it is unlikely that all of these
complaints are unfounded and all of them are false claims on the
[...] telecommunications companies meant to demand compensation.
更改将被实施,但是只是临时保存,直 特意 保 存为 新配置或关闭打印机。
Changes will be implemented but saved only
[...] temporarily until deliberately saved as a new configuration [...]
or until you power off the printer.
MSC游艇俱乐部的客人可以通过您的私人管家预定不限时的购物体验,所购物品会直接送到您的套房,还 特意 精 选 的系列珠宝可以送至您的房供您观赏和选购。
As an MSC Yacht Club guest you can book private out-of-hours shopping accompanied by your butler, personalized
delivery of purchases to your
[...] suite and exclusive selection of jewellery to view in the comfort [...]
and privacy of your suite.
计时航空Plus是特意根据 空气动力学设计,确保车手可以达到最高的速度从头盔尽可能用尽可能少风的阻力。
The Chrono Aero Plus has been purposely designed [...]
for maximum aerodynamics ensuring the rider can reach the highest possible
speeds with as little wind resistance from the helmet as possible.
比如,你可以整合Web服务器、消息服务器、应用服务器、数据库服务器、自己编写的功能函数到一个数据服务器中,即使这些组件并没有 特意 设 计 成共享同一个服务空间。
For example, you can combine a Web Server, Messenger server, Application server, Database server and your
own functions in one Data Server, even when those
[...] components weren't specially designed to share [...]
the same Server space.
意見書彙編的內特意指出 一些簽名表格不妥的地方,尤其是其中一份本地B類意見書載有8,102個姓名,說「可能是」有關組織從某個資料庫抽取出來的。
The compendium of
[...] submissions highlighted some irregularities of submissions through signature forms, especially citing one computer [...]
list containing
8,102 names which "may have been" drawn from a certain data-base to which the organization concerned can access.
透過 Beverly 的帶領,讚特意著重於乾淨、安全且效果顯著的山竹果個人護理品牌 [...]
Through Beverly’s leadership, XANGO is changing the personal-care
[...] industry with a conscious focus on a clean, [...]
safe and high-performing mangosteen-based
personal care brand that is free of the harmful toxins and chemicals found in most leading brands.
这也是一些公特意在像 南非一样的国家申领专利的另一个原因, 因为这些国家是向南部非洲(甚至其它地区)其它较贫穷的邻国提供医药的潜在国家。
This is another reason why companies may selectively patent in countries such as South Africa because it is a potential supplier to its poorer neighbours in the rest of Southern Africa (or indeed elsewhere).
為紀念Dancer系列20周特意打造 的這款Dancer腕錶,鑲鑽錶圈及密鑲美鑽的錶盤熠熠生輝,是高雅與明豔的優美結合,為傳奇設計賦予了最新的當代風尚。
To mark the 20th anniversary of the Dancer watch, this model has been bedecked in light, sparkling with the fire of its diamond-set bezel and paved dial. A beautiful union of elegance and radiance and an updated, contemporary look for a legendary yet modernised design.
執 行 董 事特 意 考 慮 該 土 地 市 值 增 幅 與 就 該 土 地 應 付 的 土 地 出 讓 金 之 比 較 後,認 [...]
為 溢 價 代 表 代 價 與Kingsrich繳 足 資本總額 的差額,而貸款誠屬公平合理,收購事項亦符合本公司及股東的整體利益。
The executive Directors
[...] considered that taking into account in particular the increase in market [...]
value of the Land as compared
to the amount of land premium payable in respect of the Land, the premium represented by the difference between the Consideration and the aggregate amount of paid up capital of Kingsrich and the Loan is fair and reasonable and the Acquisition is in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole.
至於市民對特區政府表現的滿意率,51%被訪市民謂 滿 意特 區 政 府的表現,只有10%表示不滿意。
Regarding people's appraisal of the overall performance of the HKSAR Government, the latest figures revealed that 51% were satisfied, whereas 10% were dissatisfied.
我们意特别顾问杰 克·兰的报告(见 S/2011/30,附件)中的意见,即索马 里需要承担司法和监禁进程自主权,以结束海盗有罪 不罚现象。
We agree with what was set out in the report of Special Adviser Jack [...]
Lang (see S/2011/30, annex) on the need for Somalia
to assume ownership of judicial and imprisonment processes so as to end the impunity that pirates enjoy.
一些代表团对法庭开展的能力建设活动表示 意 , 特 别 是对最近举办的区域 讲习班、实习方案和暑期班表示满意。
Several delegations
[...] expressed their satisfaction with the capacity-building activities carried out by the Tribunal, in particular its recent [...]
regional workshop and
internship programme, as well as the summer academy.
关于谁有援引豁免权的责任的问题,有些委员 意特 别 报 告员的说法,即 就三巨头而言,行使管辖权的国家自己必须考虑豁免权问题。
On the issue who has the burden of invoking immunity,
[...] some members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that [...]
in respect of the troika, the State
exercising jurisdiction must itself consider the question of immunity.
[...] 义,并鉴于在纪念《儿童权利公约》二十周年的活动中对这一问题所给予 特别 注意,特别代 表在其倡导性工作中,尤其强调应通过一项法律规定,禁止针对儿 [...]
Recognizing the critical contribution of legislation to protecting children from all forms of violence, and benefiting from the special attention given to this topic during the commemorative events of the twentieth
anniversary of the Convention on the
[...] Rights of the Child, the Special Representative placed [...]
a particular emphasis in her advocacy
work on the adoption of a legal ban on all forms of violence against children.
[...] 富汗当局都非常认真地对待,我们将继续致力于确保 职责范围让所有人意,特别是 让阿富汗当局满意, 我们将继续同他们密切合作,当然,我们将充分尊重 [...]
With respect to the review, which, as members are aware, we take very seriously — and the Afghan authorities, rightly, also take very seriously — we will continue to work to
ensure that the terms of reference are
[...] satisfactory to everyone, in particular to the Afghan [...]
authorities, and work in close cooperation
with them and, of course, with full respect for the Security Council mandate.
有些委员意特别报 告员的说法,即放弃豁免的权利在于官员的所属国, 而不是官员本人,放弃属人豁免必须要明示。
Some members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that [...]
the right to waive immunity vested in the State of the official not
in the official himself and that waiver for immunity ratione personae must be express.
他提请与会者意特立尼 达和多巴哥政府在教育领域正在实施的举措,如增加早期教 育中心数量,注意在高等教育中采取的行动,包括提高基础教育和中等教育系统的质量,在 中等教育一级筹办科学博览会,以增强学生将科学应用到日常生活的意识,向每名中学生配 发笔记本电脑,以及改进该国上网情况。
He drew attention to the initiatives being undertaken by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago in the area of education, such as increasing the number of early education centres, action taken in higher education, enhancing the quality of basic and secondary education systems, organizing science fairs at the secondary level to raise student awareness of the applications of science in everyday life, distributing laptops to each secondary school student and improving Internet access in the country.
关于草案第7 条,他意特别报 告员,最好将第7 条草案安放在第3 条草案 之后,但他认为一读案文采用的措辞更简洁。
On draft
[...] article 7, he agreed with the Special Rapporteur that [...]
it was preferable to place it after draft article 3, but
he thought the wording used in the first reading text had been simpler.
細則載有若干規定保障特殊類別股份的持有人,於修訂彼等的權利前須獲 得彼等的同意,包括獲得該類別已發行股份的持有人 意特 定 的修訂部分,或由 該等股份的持有人在另行召開的會議上通過決議案批准。
The consent of the specified proportions of the holders of the issued shares of that class or the sanction of a resolution passed at a separate meeting of the holders of those shares is required.
鼓励联合国相关机构,包括在国家一级的机构,在各自任务范围内同各 国合作,适当考虑《宣言》和特别报告员的报告,并在这方面请联合国人权事务 高级专员办事处提请联合国所有相关机构,包括在国家一级的机构, 意特 别报 告员的报告
Encourages relevant United Nations bodies, including at the country level, within their respective mandates and working in cooperation with States, to give due consideration to the Declaration and to the reports of the Special Rapporteur, and in this context requests the Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights
[...] to draw the attention of all relevant United Nations bodies, including at the country level, to the reports of the Special Rapporteur
有些委员意特别报 告员的论断,即为其官员援引豁免的国家,如果以该 官员被控的行为属官方性质为由,那么该国就等于承认这种行为是国家本身的行 [...]
Some members agreed with the assertion by the Special Rapporteur that [...]
the State which invokes immunity of its official on
the grounds that the act with which that official was charged was of an official nature was acknowledging that such act was an act of the State itself; by doing so, however, it was not necessarily acknowledging its responsibility for that act as an internationally wrongful act.
不丹对工作组的各代表团表现出高度的兴趣表示感谢,并对各代表团承认 它在以下方面的努力表示意,特别 是它以“总体国民幸福”理念为指导,对发 展采取整体性办法的努力;在通过改革管理体制和法治,加强公民权利和政治权 [...]
Bhutan expressed its gratitude for the high level of interest shown by delegations in
the Working Group,
[...] and expressed satisfaction at the recognition of its efforts, particularly its holistic [...]
approach to development,
guided by the philosophy of gross national happiness, and its efforts in strengthening civil and political rights through the transformation of its system of governance and the rule of law.
Ali 先生(马来西亚)提请意特别委 员会报告 中的许多段落,详细阐述了以色列公然侵犯其长期 占领领土上的巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人的基本 [...]
和不可剥夺的人权,他说,这些侵犯事件再次加剧 了国际社会对以色列继续系统侵犯人权和违反人道 主义法的憎恶。
[...] drawing attention to the many passages in the Special Committee’s report [...]
that illustrated Israel’s flagrant
breaches of the essential and inalienable human rights of the Palestinian people and other Arabs of the territories it had so long occupied, said that those breaches reinforced the international community’s abhorrence of the continued systematic violation of human rights and humanitarian law.
本人同意並確定每一位就此申請(包括學生資助辦事處在考慮此申請期間)提供個人資料或其他資 料(資料)的家庭成員及其他人士均 意特 區 政 府(包括學生資助辦事處、任何政府政策局及部門)及 [...]
本人遞交此申請時所就讀的院校將資料用作申請指引第一部份第 9 段所載及其他與該段有關的用途。
I hereby consent, and confirm that each of the family members and other persons in respect of which personal data or other information (Information) is provided in my application (including
during the course of consideration of
[...] such application) consents, to the Government [...]
[including the SFAA and any Government
Policy Bureaux and Departments] (the Government) and the institution offering the programme in respect of which I am making this application using the Information for any purpose contemplated in paragraph 9 of Part I of the Guidance Notes and any purpose directly related to such purpose.




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