单词 | 特工 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 特工—secret serviceless common: special agent secret service agent special service Examples:网络特工—Internet troll (agent provocateur on forums etc)
这些公约是推动社会和谐和包容以及保护和促进文化表达形式的独特工具。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They are also unique tools for furthering social cohesion and inclusiveness as well as for safeguarding and promoting cultural expressions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
事实上,他被捕时,国家特工人员提到了他在电话中的谈话,两天后没收 了他的手机。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is confirmed by the fact that at the moment of his arrest, State agents made allusions to his phone conversations, and two days later confiscated his cell phone. daccess-ods.un.org |
福伊特工业服务公司提供的服务配置中,一个关键环节是提供齐全可用的装配和测序解决方案,实现完整和管理完备的组装流程外包。 voith.com | A key part ofVoith IndustrialServices’ [...] service profile is the delivery of complete turnkey assembly and sequencing solutions, [...]enabling complete and fully-managed assembly process outsourcing. voith.com |
无论是排气管还是车门封条,福伊特工业服务公司均能提供各类商品的全面工程解决方案,而我们的专长是车轮与轮胎装配。 voith.com | Whether it be exhausts [...] or door seals, Voith Industrial Services [...]provides fully engineered solutions across a range of commodity [...]group and specializes in wheel and tire assembly. voith.com |
虽然访问大韩民国和日本主要是为了收集与侵犯朝鲜民主主义人民共和国人 民人权的行为、朝鲜特工绑架外国国民的问题、韩朝两国离散家庭的团聚、朝鲜 [...] 民主主义人民共和国寻求庇护者的处境以及该国人道主义状况特别是食品状况等 有关的信息,但特别报告员还简要了解了六方会谈的现状、日朝和韩朝双边会议 [...]以及整个朝鲜半岛的状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the main focus of his visit to the Republic of Korea and to Japan was to gather information on human rights violations of the [...] people of the Democratic People’s Republic of [...] Korea, theissue of abduction of foreign [...]nationals by the agents of the Democratic [...]People’s Republic of Korea, family reunion of separated Korean families, the situation of asylum-seekers from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the humanitarian situation, in particular the food situation in that country, the Special Rapporteur was also briefed on the current status of the six-party talks, bilateral Japan-Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea-Democratic People’s Republic of Korea meetings, and the situation in the Korean peninsula in general. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 除警察和(或)特工人员陪同的车队外,乘车到联合国的代表团均需有车 [...] 辆特别通行证。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) With the exception of motorcades accompanied by [...] police and/or secret service, any [...]delegation arriving at the United Nations by [...]car will need a special vehicle permit. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年,独联体成员国反恐中心与独联体部门合作机构共同进行了独联体成 [...] 员国反恐部门主管人员集训和指挥司令部联合演习“2011-反恐-金雕”(吉尔吉 斯共和国,奥什市);独联体成员国安全机关和特工机关反恐单位主管人员集训 和联合反恐演习“2011-反恐-顿巴斯”(乌克兰,顿涅茨克市)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2011, the Anti-Terrorist Centre of the States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, acting in concert with the Commonwealth’s sectoral cooperation bodies, set up a management team of the heads of the counter-terrorism units of the different States members and prepared a joint command post exercise called “Berkut — Antiterror — 2011”, conducted in [...] Osh, Kyrgyzstan, and a management team of the heads of the counter-terrorism security [...] forces and intelligence services ofthe States members of [...]the Commonwealth and [...]prepared a joint counter-terrorism training exercise called “Donbass — Antiterror — 2011”, in Donetsk, Ukraine. daccess-ods.un.org |
同日,国家情报和安全局特工在法希尔和尼亚拉的地区管理局办 公室拘捕了苏丹解放军-米纳维派的 20 名政治人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Onthe same day, National Intelligence and Security Services agents arrested 20 SLA-MM political personnel at the Transitional Darfur Regional Authority offices in El Fasher and Nyala. daccess-ods.un.org |
几天前,波萨达·卡里略斯先生在以西班牙语接 受 CNN 采访时承认他是中央情报局的特工,并吹嘘他 在几个拉丁美洲国家搞过无数次政治暗杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | A few days ago, Mr. Posada Carriles admitted in an interview on CNN in Spanish to being a CIA agent and boasted of having carried out numerous political assassinations in several Latin American countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,监察组所掌握的文件显示,在 2008 年向索马里武装反对派团体的成员 和同伙提供了资金援助和发放了护照。257 监察组在其任务期间收集的补充证 词以及 Shaakir 和 Haashi 的上述财务记录表明,这种援助一直延续到现在, 而且厄立特里亚国驻内罗毕使馆继续维持和利用与在肯尼亚的索马里联络人、 情报资产和特工的广泛交往。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, those documents in possession of the Monitoring Group indicate the provision of financial support and issuance of passport to members and associates of Somali armed opposition groups in 2008.257 Additional testimonies gathered by the Monitoring Group in the course of its mandate, as well as the financial records of Shaakir and Haashi described above, indicate that such support has continued to the present, and that the embassy of Eritrea in Nairobi continues to maintain and exploit a wide network of Somali contacts, intelligence assets and agents of influencein Kenya. daccess-ods.un.org |
波萨达·卡里略斯于 2005 年 5 月 16 日在迈阿密 举行新闻发布会,他大声指出,国务院甚至没有找他, 因为他是中央情报局的特工,美国政府没有逮捕他的 理由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Once Posada Carriles called a news conference in Miami on 16 May 2005, at which he boasted that the State Department was not even looking for him because he was an agent of the Central Intelligence Agency, the United StatesGovernment had no other option than to arrest him. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列间谍网还构成对黎巴嫩主权的公然侵犯,因为以色列情报机构特工不止一次为摩萨德特工通过海路秘密进入黎巴嫩境内提供便利,以便从死信信箱取 走物品,向特工提供钱款,或由摩萨德特工自己在黎巴嫩境内实施暗杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli spying networks also constitute a flagrant violation of Lebanese sovereignty because, on more than one occasion, the agents of [...] Israel’s intelligence [...] agencies facilitated the surreptitious entry of Mossadagents into Lebanon by sea inorder toretrieve items from dead letter boxes, provide money to agents or for the Mossad agentsthemselves to carry [...]out assassinations in Lebanese territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
2002 年年底,前往巴格达,在那里提出向伊拉克出售美国情报人员和特 工人员的姓名,价格 300 万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | Travelled to Baghdad in late 2002 where he offered to sell names of United States intelligence agents and operatives to Iraq for $3 million. daccess-ods.un.org |
这座时尚的建筑也吸引了国内外大公司在此设立总部,如英国石油,思科,联合航空,德国鲍曼及科威特工程集团。 servcorp.com.cn | This iconic building is also headquarters to major domestic and [...] international companies such as British Petroleum (BP), Cisco, United Airways, Bornemann [...] Pumps andthe KuwaitiEngineering Group. servcorp.bh |
与所有其它的瓦克生产基地一样,卡尔维特工厂严格遵守全球化学工业责任关怀(Responsible Care® )倡议的有关规定,并因其完善的质量和安全管理而着称。 wacker.com | Like all WACKER sites, the Calvert City operating units observe global chemical industry Responsible Care® guidelines and boast a comprehensive quality & safety program. wacker.com |
委员会敦促缔约国保护社会活动家和人权扞卫者免遭国家和非国家安全部队及特 工任何形式的恐吓、威胁,特别是过分使用武力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee urges the State party to protect social activists and human rights [...] defenders against any form of intimidation, [...] threatand, especially, disproportionate [...]use of force perpetrated by security [...]forces and agents, both public and private. daccess-ods.un.org |
联邦调查局有 [...] 56 个外地办事处,每个办事处都有一个由特工和情报分析员 组成的外地情报组,在规模较大的办事处,外地情报组成员还包括监视专家和语 [...]言分析员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Each of the FBI’s 56 field offices has a Field Intelligence Group [...] (FIG) made up of SpecialAgents,Intelligence [...]Analysts, and depending on the size [...]of the office, Surveillance Specialists and Language Analysts. daccess-ods.un.org |
庞巴迪贝尔法斯特工厂使用的复合材料制造工艺还带来了高准确性和飞机平滑性,减少了阻力,进而降低了C系列飞机的燃料消耗。 tipschina.gov.cn | The composite manufacturing process being employed at [...] Bombardier Aerospace,Belfast alsopermits [...]a high degree of accuracy and aero smoothness [...]to minimize drag and therefore reduce the CSeries aircraft's fuel burn. tipschina.gov.cn |
提供演员参与海外电影制作,包括「火拼时速2」(美国)、「盗贼同盟」(韩国)、「特工阔少爷」第1集及第2集 (法国/比利时)、「世纪役战」(美国)、「蝙蝠侠黑夜之神」(美国)、「太极侠」(美国)、「金田一香港九龙财宝杀人事件」(日本) [...] 及「I Trust You」(意大利)。 fso-createhk.gov.hk | Provided artiste agency services to [...] films "Rush Hour 2" (USA), "The Thieves" [...] (South Korea),"Largo Winch" 1 & 2 (France/ [...]Belgium), Contagion (Hollywood), "Bat [...]Man - The Dark Knight" (USA), "Man of Tai Chi" (USA), "Kindaichi Case Files - Hong Kong Kowloon" (Japan) and "I Trust You" (Italian). fso-createhk.gov.hk |
在采取影迷们奇迹般地进入领域的玩具,虫子,怪兽,鱼,和超级英雄,的高超的讲故事者和技术向导,在皮克斯动画工作室,和奥斯卡奖® - 获奖导演约翰·拉塞特(玩具总动员,玩具总动员2,虫虫特工队),与世界上的汽车内设置一个快节奏的喜剧冒险上路。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After taking moviegoers magically into the realm of toys, bugs, monsters, fish, and superheroes, the masterful storytellers and technical wizards at Pixar Animation Studios, and Academy Award®-winning director John Lasseter (Toy Story, Toy Story 2, A Bug’s Life), hit the road with a fast-paced comedy adventure set inside the world of cars. seekcartoon.com |
关于C系列飞机的机翼,Dewar先生说:“在庞巴迪贝尔法斯特工厂进行广泛的研究和测试并形成了优化机翼重量和性能的最终生产设计方案之后,完整机身静态测试将保证机翼和机身其他组件的静态强度要求。 tipschina.gov.cn | With regard to the wings for the CSeries aircraft, Mr. Dewar commented: "Subsequent to the [...] extensive research and test program at [...] Bombardier AerospaceBelfast,which was used [...]to optimize the final production design for [...]weight and performance for the wings, the CAST will be used to confirm their static strength along with that of the other components of the airframe. tipschina.gov.cn |
厂址位于萨默塞特工业区,占地 15000 平方英尺,设有全部销售、工程和管理职能部门,并将设立一个装备齐全的车间用于现场装配测试、翻新和准备站。 hydratight.com | The site, in a Somerset industrial area, covers 15000sq ft and will house all sales, engineering and management functions and will have a fully-equipped workshop with assembly testing, refurbishing and preparation stations on site. hydratight.com |
海卓泰特工程师减轻了工具的重量,但没有削弱功能: 系统具有可互换的导螺杆,使其适合重新打磨受损的凸面或对焊法兰,达到标准和紧凑型法兰设计要求的不断变化的表面处理标准。 hydratight.com | Hydratight engineers have pared weight butnotfeatures:thesystem [...] has interchangeable lead screws that make it suitable [...]for resurfacing damaged raised-face and lens-ring joint flanges to the varying standards of finish demanded of standard and compact flange designs. hydratight.com |
2008 年的这项活动,为政治决策者、经济界和民间社会各界提供了一次新的机 [...] 会,藉以在各自的领域中赞颂图书这种集文化、教育、参与、传播及娱乐功能于一体 的独特工具。unesdoc.unesco.org | In 2008, this event offers a new opportunity for political decision-makers, economic agents and those active in civil society [...] to give pride of place, each in their own [...] field, tothis unique instrument of [...]culture, education, participation, communication [...]and entertainment – the book. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2007 年间,约有 50 家领有执照并拥有招聘外籍劳工特别许可的招聘机构受到工贸和劳工部的检查和调查。 daccess-ods.un.org | During 2007, approximately 50 licensed recruitment [...] agencies with special permits to recruit [...]foreign workers were inspected and investigated by the Ministry of ITL. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还建议缔约国更有效地监测童工的实际案例,以确 保按照1999 年《国际劳工组织第182 号公约》( 关于最有害的童工形式) 的规定 逐步消除童工,特别是危险工作中的童工。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also recommends that the State party more effectively monitor instances of child labour in order to ensure its gradual eradication, especially in the context of hazardous work, in [...] accordance with [...] International Labour Organization Convention No. 182 (1999) concerning the worst forms of child labour. daccess-ods.un.org |
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 准进行评估;制订关于优质教育的国家标准。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance [...] in curricula review [...] and revision, particularlytheintroduction of values education and ethical approaches, in accordance with national prioritiesand Arab needs; [...]“learner-centred” [...]education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education. unesdoc.unesco.org |