

单词 牵连

牵连 noun ()

implication n
involution n

See also:

hold hands
pull (an animal on a tether)
lead along

External sources (not reviewed)

凡与冲突的政治经济牵连的, 经济犯罪 往往是系统性的,渗透区域和全球的网络。
Where implicated in the political [...]
economy of conflict, economic criminality tends to be systemic and well-integrated into regional and global networks.
已知有武装部队、情报机构和武装团伙成员与严重和有组织的侵犯人权事件牵 连。
Members of the armed forces, the intelligence services and armed
[...] groups had been implicated in gross and [...]
systematic human rights abuses.
对厄立特里亚的外交和安全政策,包括该国与整个区域的各种武装团体牵连,只能结合 1998 年至 2000 年与埃塞俄比亚的战争来理解。
Eritrea’s foreign and security policy, including its
involvement with various armed groups
[...] throughout the region, can only be understood [...]
in the context of the 1998-2000 war with Ethiopia.
2010 年 9 月,尼亚拉特别法院审判了 11 名嫌犯,据称其与正义与平等运 动牵连,还被控在南达尔富尔 Sanyi Afundu 袭击了苏丹政府车队。
In September 2010, the Nyala Special Court tried 11 suspects allegedly being affiliated with JEM and accused of attacking a convoy of the Government of the Sudan in Sanyi Afundu, Southern Darfur.
关于复员遣返方案,技术评估团建议联刚特派团加 强联合国的多层面战略,以处理我在上次的报告(S/2009/623)中概述的卢民主力
[...] 量问题,包括考虑实行一项指挥官奖励方案,奖励那些与刚果民主共和国境内种 族灭绝行为没牵连或未 被控犯有针对平民的暴行的卢民主力量中高级指挥官。
With regard to disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, resettlement or reintegration, the mission recommended that MONUC enhance the United Nations multidimensional strategy to address FDLR outlined in my last report (S/2009/623), including by considering a commander incentive programme
targeting mid- to high-level FDLR
[...] commanders who are not implicated in the genocide [...]
or accused of having committed atrocities
against civilians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
这些核心的、同时又不可避免地相 牵连 的 主 题是:法律和 规范框架;社会和文化问题;语言和课程;教师;学历资格的认证,以及终生学 习。
These core, but inevitably interrelated, themes are: the legal and normative framework; social and cultural issues; language and curriculum; teachers; accreditation; and learning for life.
他们还确认没有任 何一个政府能独自成功打击这种威胁,因为与贩毒活动 牵连 的 犯罪组织在几 个国家的领土内共同运作,其贩运渠道和分销办法也日益复杂,因此所有国家 开展合作、协调和专门行动是制止这种犯罪的关键。
They further, recognized that no single government can combat this menace alone successfully, given that criminal organisations linked to drug trafficking operate collectively in the territory of several countries and are multiplying traffic routes and distribution methods, therefore cooperation, co-ordination and committed action by all countries are essential to curb this crime.
(c) 还敦促哥伦比亚政府执行适当的战略以打击准军事组织解散后成立的 非法武装团体,保证保护平民免受其实施的有组织暴力侵害;并建议安全部队加 强努力,坚定且毫不含糊地预防、调查、起诉和惩处这些非法武装团体,不与这 些团体有任牵连,不能对其采取容忍或默许态度。
(c) Also urges the Government to guarantee the protection of the civilian population from the organized violence perpetuated by illegal armed groups that emerged after the demobilization of paramilitary organizations, by implementing appropriate strategies to combat them; and recommends increased efforts to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish, firmly and without ambiguity, any links, tolerance or acquiescence by security forces towards these groups
政府还指控抗议者( 大多数与联合会议党牵连) 损毁、破坏、掠 夺和闯入公共和私人财产。
The Government also alleged that
[...] protesters, mostly connected to the JMP, [...]
destroyed, vandalized, looted and broke into public and private property.
尽管作出了努力,但与即决处决和其他严重侵犯人权事件 牵连 的 所 谓 “杀人小队”和犯罪组织在某些州仍然活跃。
Despite governmental efforts, the so-called “death squads”, criminal organizations implicated in summary executions and other serious human rights violations, remain active in some states.
当单核细胞增生李氏杆菌被认为是食源性病原体(熏鱼是 牵连的 商 品之一)时,一些国家的风险管理者采用“零容忍”办法,而另外国家的风险 管理者选择按每克产品菌落形成单位100 cfu/g的微生物学标准(最高水平细菌 量)。
When Listeria monocytogenes was recognized as a food-borne pathogen (smoked fish was one of the incriminated commodities), risk managers in some countries adopted a “zero tolerance” approach, while risk managers in others chose a microbiological criterion in terms of colony-forming units per gram of product (this provides a maximum level of bacterial presence) of 100 cfu/g. An FAO/WHO risk assessment showed that predicted illness depends on how many non-compliant products reach the market.
Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi, 利比亚人,阿富汗卡尔登训练营营长,2001年底 逃离阿富汗时被巴基斯坦官员逮捕并引渡至埃及,在严刑拷打下,他 承认基地组织与萨达姆·侯赛因 牵连 , 这 一说法被美国政府用来为 其入侵伊拉克辩护。
Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi, a Libyan, an emir of the Khaldan training camp in Afghanistan, was seized by Pakistani officials in late 2001 while fleeing Afghanistan and was rendered to Egypt where, under torture, he claimed that there were links between Al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein, which were used by the United States administration to justify the invasion of Iraq.
所以,我们赞成在实地工作中与业务机构开 展互动,并始终避免与任何将不同性质的目标混在一 起的做法产牵连。
That is why we favour interaction with operational agencies in our field work and have always refrained from being associated with any approach that combines objectives of a different nature.
总结来说,这个项目的地缘战略因素以及利用长途铁路路线的大众运输网络 的发展潜力都大有利于项目的实施和国际社会的参与,尤其是参与项目的筹资, 反映其范围广泛牵连和影响。
In conclusion, the project’s geostrategic component and the development potential of mass transport networks using long-distance railway links weigh heavily in favour of its implementation and of the involvement of the international community, particularly in its financing, reflecting its wide-ranging implications and impact.
澳大利亚缉获的一批 4.56
[...] 升的货物推 测来自巴布亚新几内亚,这是第一次记录到该国 与黄樟脑贩运牵连。
One Australian seizure of 4.56 litres was presumed to
have originated in Papua New Guinea, the first recorded instance of that
[...] country being connected to safrole trafficking.
b) 与某一可识别之个人牵连的人 类基因数据既不得向第三者,特别是雇主、保险 公司或教育机构披露,也不得让他们查询,除非国家法律或法规另有符合国际人 权法的规定和有关个人表示同意。
(b) Human genetic data linked to an identifiable person shall not be disclosed or accessible to third parties, in particular employers, insurance companies or educational institutions, except in cases provided for by national legislation or regulations and subject to the consent of the person concerned, and in compliance with international human rights law.
特里决定蒂姆质疑,否认有任牵连 , 和 恨恨地说,他从小讨厌他过去的生活罗宾。
Terry decides to question Tim, who denies any involvement and bitterly says he had grown sick of his past life as Robin.
(c) 报告存在严重缺陷,因为委员会尽管对属于第三国的消息来源有所提及 和依赖,却未能与第三国接洽或提供一些可靠信息,以查出实施、策划、资助或 唆使暗杀莫赫塔马·贝娜齐尔·布托的任何(如果有的话)国 牵连。
(c) The report has a serious flaw because the Commission has failed to approach third States or to provide some reliable information to unearth, if any, international linkages perpetrating, planning, financing or abetting the assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, although there is mention and reliance on such sources belonging to third States.
其中,经核实的事牵连到新 人民军、菲律 宾武装部队和当地政客的私人民兵。
Of those,
[...] verified incidents implicated NPA, the Armed [...]
Forces of the Philippines and private militias of local politicians.
业已建立的独立司法委员会正在执行其授权,将 与不法行为牵连的人员移交给国家法院系统,以便 [...]
能够采取必要的法律措施,同时在庭审各阶段保护被 告和受害者的所有权利。
The Independent Judicial Commission that has been
established is fulfilling its mandate by
[...] referring anyone implicated in an illegal [...]
act to the national court system, so that
the necessary legal measures can be taken while preserving all the rights of the accused and the victims at the various stages of court proceedings.
工程的社牵连 — 包 括各种各样的经历,增强了解工程师的 专业责任,防止对生命、肢体、财产或环境有危险或有威胁的 [...]
Social Implications of Engineering – includes [...]
experiences which increase awareness of an engineer’s professional responsibility
to guard against conditions dangerous or threatening to life, limb, property, or the environment and to call any such conditions to the attention of those responsible.
(c) 改进其与国家和国际执法数据库和观察清单的连接,以便在边境口岸检 测可能与犯罪组织和恐怖组织牵连 的 个 人。
Increase their connectivity to national and international law enforcement databases and
watch lists in order to screen individuals
[...] for possible connections to criminal and [...]
terrorist organizations at border crossings.
儿童基金会及其合作伙伴作出了努力,以执行一些方案,旨在防止武装集 团和部队招募儿童,并使以前与武装集团和部队 牵连 的 儿 童从归社会,这些努 力应当得到国际社会的支持。
The efforts of UNICEF and its partners to support the implementation of programmes aimed at preventing the recruitment of children by armed groups and forces, and the reintegration of children previously associated with armed groups and forces, must be fully supported by the international community.
古巴设有国际刑警组织办事处,办事处提供并收集涉嫌犯下恐怖主义行为或 与恐怖主义组织或其他相关犯罪 牵连 的 个人或团伙的资料。
There is an INTERPOL Office in Cuba which offers and solicits information regarding persons or
groups of persons suspected of committing acts of
[...] terrorism or connected to such organizations [...]
or other associated crimes.
1999 年被逮捕拘留和他与变革力量联盟的政 牵连 这 一 事实本身并 不能构成充分理由,使人相信他若返回多哥将面临酷刑。
Even assuming that his testimony is credible, the mere fact of the
complainant’s arrest and detention in 1999 and
[...] his political involvement in UFC do not [...]
now constitute substantial grounds for believing
that he would face torture if he returned to Togo.
为此,联刚特派团拟定了一项特派团与政府之间的谅解备忘录草案,以筛查即将 接受联刚特派团培训的国家安全人员,以确保无人与严重侵犯人权行为 牵连。
In this context, MONUC prepared a draft memorandum of understanding between the Mission and the Government to screen national
security elements that would be trained by MONUC to ensure that they
[...] have not been implicated in serious human [...]
rights abuses.
签订商业合同还是顾问合同是一项管理决策,不 牵连 到 标 书的选择程序。 另外,顾问选拔具有一定的风险,毕竟其工作是不容置疑的,而且因为要拿 薪水,顾问只能供教科文组织差遣
that the choice of a commercial contract rather than a consultancy contract was a management decision which did not call into question the procedure followed for the selection of bids, and, moreover, that the choice of a consultant represented certain risks: it was difficult to challenge his or her work since all that a consultant had to do in order to be paid was to make him or herself available to the Organization
起草小组还审议了其它许多问题,例如,提供基因指导意见及其会引起的各种不同社 会和文化观念的反应,割掉基因数据 牵连 , 明确说明有关个人与样本之间的关系程度的必 要性,以及利益共享的问题等,目的是使宣言的内容更好地考虑到这些问题。
Other issues examined by the Drafting Group with a view to taking them more fully into account in the text were genetic counselling, and the reactions that it produces depending on different social and cultural perceptions, the anonymization of genetic data, with the need to specify the degree of the relationship between the person and the samples, and the question of the sharing of benefits.
a) 与某一可识别的个人、家庭或群体 牵连 的 人类基因数据的保密性,应当按照国 家法律或法规的规定和国际人权法的要求受到保护。
(a) Confidentiality of human genetic data linked to an identifiable person, a family or a group shall be guaranteed in accordance with national legislation or regulations and in conformity with international human rights law.




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