

单词 牵线人

See also:


pull strings
control from behind the scene
manipulate (a puppet)

hold hands
lead along
pull (an animal on a tether)

线人 n

informants pl
informers pl
spy n

External sources (not reviewed)

这些文章着重阐释与各国政府主管部委、全国委员会、教科文组织教席、非政府组 织、公民社会组织以及其他合作伙伴保持密切合作的重要意义,进而表明教科文组织作为社 会发展战略领域公共部门和私人部门相关者之间公正 牵线人 的 重 要作用。
This demonstrates in particular the importance of close cooperation with line ministries, National Commissions, UNESCO Chairs, NGOs, civil society organizations and other partners so as to bring to the fore the role of UNESCO as an honest broker between public and private stakeholders in social development strategies.
教科文组织的角色一直在演变,但它的主要作用是为计划和项目增加活力 牵线 搭桥 吸引外部专家、进行协调和管理。
As the role of the Organization has been evolving, its primary roles should be to galvanize, to broker, to attract external expertise, to facilitate, and to manage programmes and projects.
该法 还将任人协助 、教唆、煽动非联合王国国民实施与生物武器、化学武器或核武 器有关的犯罪、或为牵线或提 供咨询的行为定为犯罪。
The Act also makes it an offence for anyone to aid, abet, procure, counsel or incite a non-United Kingdom national to commit an offence relating to biological, chemical or nuclear weapons.
阿富汗的和平和重返社会工作能够获得成功,条 件是它们要完全由阿富人牵头、 由阿富汗人主导, 并使阿富汗各阶层参与进来;要遵守伦敦会议商定的线,即 放弃暴力、断绝与恐怖主义的一切联系,以 及接受《阿富汗宪法》的民主和多元价值观,包括妇 女权利。
Peace and reintegration efforts in Afghanistan can succeed provided they are fully Afghan-led and Afghan-owned and
bring all sections of
[...] Afghanistan’s population together, and provided they abide by the redlines agreed to at the London Conference: giving up violence, cutting off [...]
all links with terrorism,
and accepting the democratic and pluralistic values of the Afghan Constitution, including women’s rights.
侨民志愿服务联盟(联合王 国)为有意派遣侨民志人员的组织 牵线 , 将 侨民志愿者派送到其原籍国,如缅 甸、卢旺达、索马里和赞比亚,工作最长八个星期时间。
The Diaspora Volunteering Alliance (United Kingdom) linked organizations interested in engaging and sending expatriate volunteers for up to eight weeks to their countries of origin, such as Myanmar, Rwanda, Somalia and Zambia.
可能的话,教科文组织的作用还应包括帮助在会员国、政府和非政府 组织以及国际专家之牵线搭桥 ,尽可能地扩大中心的影响。
UNESCO’s role should also be to assist in bridging Member States, governmental and non-governmental organizations and international experts, as possible, in order to maximize the Centre’s impact.
这包括替某些希望创办小企业的女性培 训毕业生与小额供资机牵线搭桥、支持女性微型企业家投入文化上得到认可 的创业努力、培训妇女从事传统上属于男性的职业,妇女在培 人 员 中 占较高 比例(35%)。
These included linking selected female training graduates who wanted to start a small business with a local microfinance facility, supporting female microentrepreneurs in culturally accepted business endeavours, training women in traditionally male occupations, and ensuring a high percentage of women (35 per cent) among the trainers.
术语表中的有关术语:“绝对贫困线”、“消费”、“数据”、“数据分析”、“数据来源”、“荒漠化/土地退化和 干旱”、“生态系统服务”、“收入”、“指标”、“指标元数据”、 牵 头 机 构”、“尺度”、 人 口 普 查”、 “贫困差距”、“贫困差距指数”、“贫 线 ” 、 “贫困严重程度”、“购买力平价”、“相对贫困线”。
Relevant terms in the glossary: ‘absolute poverty line’, ‘consumption’, ‘data’, ‘data analysis’, ‘data source’, ‘desertification/land degradation and drought
[...] ‘ecosystem services’, ‘income’, ’indicator’, ‘indicator metadata’, ‘lead agency’, ‘metric’, ‘population census’, ‘poverty gap’, ‘poverty gap index’, [...]
‘poverty line’, ‘poverty severity’, ‘purchasing power parity’, ‘relative poverty lines’.
债务换教育从本质上说 是一种自愿性的双边安排,但教科文组织仍可推动根据以往债务转换方面的经验传播信息、
[...] 共享知识,为对这一举措抱有兴趣的债权人和债 人牵线 搭 桥,为有关各方提供一个对话的 平台,使他们能够平等对话,探讨债务换教育的可能性。
However, UNESCO could possibly play a role in disseminating information and knowledge
sharing on past debt swap practice,
[...] bringing potentially interested creditors and [...]
debtors into contact with each other, and
providing a platform for dialogue where stakeholders meet on an equal basis to discuss opportunities for debt-for-education swaps.
为了能够面对当前和今后的挑战,有必要增加物质 人 力 和制度基础设施, 提高农业生产力并扩大商品和国家的出口能力,将气候变化和土地退化问题纳入 国家预算的主流,调动非传统捐助方特别是民间社会组织和私营部门参与减贫战 略,促进区域一体化、特别牵涉到 建立价格缓和机制时的区域一体化,以及加 强国家回应社会需求的能力。
To be able to face current and future challenges, it is necessary to increase the physical, human and institutional infrastructure; increase agricultural productivity and expand the export capacity of communities and countries; mainstream climate change and land degradation issues into national budgets; involve non-traditional donors, in particular civil society organizations and the private sector, in poverty reduction strategies; promote regional integration, especially as far as the creation of the price mitigation mechanism is concerned; and strengthen the capacity of the State to respond to social demands.
已知有武装部队、情报机构和武装团伙成员与严重和有组织的侵 人 权 事件 有牵 连。
Members of the armed forces, the intelligence services and armed
[...] groups had been implicated in gross and systematic human rights abuses.
他们常常充线人,负 责查明所要逮捕、绑架或暗杀的人,并在这些人的住宅上 [...]
They are
[...] often used as informants in charge of [...]
identifying individuals to be arrested, abducted or assassinated and whose
residences can be identified by specific symbols and markings.
维和部和外勤部关于为联合国所人 员 提供维持和平培训的政策规定,该 处须支持维和部、外勤部、由维和 牵 头 的 行动、外勤部行动,以及会员国开展 对文职、军事和警人员的 培训;制定培训标准,同时核实是否达到这些标准, 并制定政策及相关技术指导;制定和提供有关贯穿各领域的培训(包括综合高级 领导培训);向各部及其他客户提供关于维持和平培训的指导;监测维和部、外 勤部以及外地行动的培训活动,并管理培训预算,确保达到标准并落实各优先事 项。
Under the DPKO/DFS policy on
[...] peacekeeping training for all United Nations personnel, the Service is mandated to support DPKO, DFS, DPKO-led operations, DFS operations and Member States in the training of civilian, military and police personnel; to [...]
set training standards, verifying
that they are being met, and develop policies and related technical guidance; to develop and deliver training in crosscutting areas (including integrated training for senior leaders); to provide technical guidance on peacekeeping training to departments and other clients; and to monitor training activities of DPKO, DFS and field operations and manage the training budget to ensure that standards and priorities are being met.
这项活动十分重要,有助于总结与已实施的多边 或双边援助方案有关的经验,并有利于在援助请求方和承担方之 牵线 搭 桥 ,以 处理各国确定的重点领域问题。
This activity is important to facilitate stocktaking with regard to relevant multilateral or bilateral assistance programmes already in place and in facilitating the matching of assistance requests and offers to address priority areas identified by States.
保护 是指保障所有人都有相同的生活水准,在法律面前完全平等,并承认侵 人 权就牵涉到受害者得到补救的权利。
Protecting means guaranteeing that everyone has the same living standards, are all equal before the law and that the recognition of violations brings with it the right to reparations for victims.
以下人士作了讲演:联合国人口基金执行协调员 Babatunde Osotimehin 博 士;世界卫生组织纽约办事处临时执行主任 Werner Obermeyer 先生;联合国开 发计划署将艾滋病毒和健康问题纳入有关性别平等、贫穷及更广泛的千年发展目 标行动的主流的小牵头人 Juli a Kim 博士;全球抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基 金对外关系和伙伴关系主任 Christopher Benn 先生;世界银行性别与发展、减 贫和经济管理部门主任 Mayra Buvinic 女士;全球疫苗和免疫联盟公共政策高级 专家 Diane Summers 女士;人权事务副高级专员康京和女士。
Presentations were made by Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Population Fund; Mr. Werner Obermeyer, Executive Director ad interim of the World Health Organization, New York Office; Dr. Julia Kim, the Cluster Leader for mainstreaming HIV and health into action on gender equality, poverty and broader Millennium Development Goals, within the United Nations Development Programme; Mr. Christopher Benn, Director of External Relations and Partnerships, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Ms. Mayra Buvinic, Sector Director of Gender and Development, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management at the World Bank; Ms. Diane Summers, senior specialist in public policy with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI Alliance); and Ms. Kyung-wha Kang, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights.
除政策、宣传和全系统协调工作外,特设局对会员国和联合国系统的业务支 持主要是通过三合一式多边南南支持架构提供的:全球南南发展研究所,帮助合
作伙伴系统、共同地查明、记录和分享南方的发展解决方案;年度全球南南发展 博览会,使合作伙伴能够定期展示成功和可推广的发展解决方案;以及南南全球
[...] 技术产权交易所,让合作伙伴特别是私营部门合作伙伴有机会列出解决方案,给 供需搭牵线,以 及协作推广经验,方法包括寻找融资方案。
In addition to its policy, advocacy and system-wide coordination work, the operational support of the Special Unit to Member States and the United Nations system has been provided mainly through its three-in-one multilateral South-South support architecture: the Global South-South Development Academy, which helps partners to systematically and jointly identify, document and share southern development solutions; the annual Global South-South Development Expo, which has enabled partners to regularly showcase successful and scalable development solutions; and the South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange (SS-GATE), which has provided partners, especially private sector
partners, with the opportunity to list
[...] solutions, match supply and demand and [...]
collaborate for scaling up, including through finding financing options.
此外牵头人还要起到动保组织和社区居民之间的桥梁作用,遇到问题及时沟通, 妥善解决,也有助于维护TNR的良好效果。
Timely communication over problems and proper resolution will also help maintain the good results of the TNR work.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978)
[...] 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“线”得 到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“ 线 ” 和 利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武人 员 、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of
the Israeli Defense
[...] Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any [...]
unauthorized armed
personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
他们还要做教科文组织所需要牵线 搭 桥者、促进者 和计划管理者,以保证高质量地实施计划。
They will also function as the brokers, catalysts and programme managers UNESCO needs to ensure quality delivery programmes.
国贸中心制订了新的创新办法,以扩 大出口,包括使用电话短信来发送市场数据给生产者,为东非城市工匠和欧洲时 装商牵线搭桥,以及确认西非棉花销往亚洲,事实证明这很有效。
ITC devised new and creative approaches for expanding exports, including the use of telephone messaging for sending market data to producers, linking urban artisans in East Africa to European fashion houses, and confirming cotton sales from West Africa to Asia, which proved to be effective.
2011 年工作计划指出,执行支助股在任何年度都可能接到10至25次请 求,请其工人员牵头举 办研讨会,并提供关于理解《公约》及其运作的培训。
The ISU’s 2011 work plan notes that in
any particular year,
[...] personnel from the ISU may be called upon 10 to 25 times to lead seminars and [...]
provide training on understanding
the Convention and its operations.
工发组织在以下 10 个非洲国家设有分包和合伙业务交流中心:喀麦隆、埃 塞俄比亚、加纳、肯尼亚、莫桑比克、尼日利亚、南非、乌干达、坦桑尼亚联合 共和国和赞比亚,以确定基准,并为地方中小型企业和外国投资 牵线 搭 桥 ,使 其可成为外国投资者的供应商和分包商,从而增强外国直接投资对发展的影响。
UNIDO operates subcontracting and partnership exchange centres in 10 African countries — Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia — to identify benchmarks and match local small and medium-sized enterprises to foreign investors for whom they could serve as suppliers and subcontractors, thus enhancing the impact of foreign direct investment on development.
[...] 性,注意到需要作出进一步努力以解决缺乏女性首席 牵 头 和 平调 人 的 问 题, 并在这方面重申要全面有效执行联合国所有有关决议和《北京宣言和行动纲 [...]
要》,3 此外,欢迎联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署)在这方面发 挥作用
Recognizing the importance of the full and effective participation of women at all levels, at all stages and in all aspects of the peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict prevention and resolution, as well as the provision of adequate gender expertise for all mediators and their teams, noting that further
efforts are necessary to address the
[...] lack of women as chief or lead peace mediators, and in [...]
this context reaffirming the full
and effective implementation of all relevant United Nations resolutions and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action,3 and furthermore welcoming the role of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) in this respect
该工作 将包括:以根据联合国最佳做法编拟、将交成员国批准的指导方针为基础,与私营部
[...] 门建立伙伴关系,发展和利用作为 CDIP 项目开发的 WIPO 牵线搭桥数据库。
This work will include partnerships with the private sector based on guidelines to be approved by Member States, prepared according to the best practices in the
UN system as well as the promotion and
[...] use of the WIPO Matchmaking Database which [...]
has been developed as a CDIP project.
此外,委员会呼吁各国政府、联合国机构和其他人积极支持和投资促进年轻 人更多参与青人牵头和 以青年为重心的组织,制定、决定、实施和监测及评价 [...]
涉及年轻人的国际、区域、国家和地方的发展战略和政策,同时考虑到性别平等 和不同背景青年的代表性。
In addition, the Commission called upon Governments, United Nations agencies and others to actively support and
invest in increased participation of young
[...] people and in youth-led and youth-focused [...]
organizations, taking into account gender
equality and representation of youth of various backgrounds, in the formulation, decisions about, implementation and monitoring and evaluation, as appropriate, of international, regional, national and local development strategies and policies that affect young people.
按照战略行动线,人权事 务处负责制定和推动相关工作计划和方案;为 司法工作人员提供人权理论以及司法行政等方面的技术咨询;并就针对巴拉圭的 [...]
The Department’s strategic lines of action include [...]
the following: design and promote programmes and intervention projects
focused on the thematic areas; provide technical advice to justice professionals regarding human rights doctrine and its applicability to the administration of justice; and investigate and monitor allegations made against Paraguay in the framework of the international human rights protection system.
请 WIPO 与成员国合作,建立一个 数据库,为从可动用的资源中找到能满足
[...] 与知识产权有关的各项具体需求的资牵 线搭桥,从而扩大其技术援助计划的范 [...]
Request WIPO to create, in coordination with Member States, a database to match specific intellectual property -related development needs with
available resources, thereby expanding the scope of its
[...] technical assistance programs, aimed at bridging [...]
the digital divide.
尼日利亚高度重视该委员会所发挥的信息交换 中心作用,并期望经修改的援助程序将促进及时为愿 意提供援助的国家和请求援助的国 牵线 搭 桥
Nigeria attaches great importance to the clearing house role of the Committee and expects that the revised assistance procedures will facilitate the prompt matching of offers and requests for assistance by States.
除了预防危机以及在储蓄和投资之 牵线 搭桥 外,区域金融体系还可发挥作用,以协调汇率,在国际金融体系改革中不断发 展区域视角并发出协调一致的声音。
Apart from preventing crises and intermediating between savings and investment, a regional financial architecture could also be instrumental in coordinating exchange rates, and in evolving a regional perspective and coordinated voice for reform of international financial architecture.




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