单词 | 牵着鼻子走 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 牵着鼻子走 —lead by the noseSee also:鼻子 n—nose n • noses pl 走子—a move (in chess)
我們覺得大家根本不應讓政府牽 着鼻子走 , 政府的時間表是否一 定對的呢? legco.gov.hk | We think Members should not [...] allow the Government to lead us by the nose. legco.gov.hk |
政府更給人一個感覺,便是被長袖善舞、財雄勢大的地產商玩弄於股 掌之上、牽着鼻子走。 legco.gov.hk | The Government has even given people the impression [...] that it is tricked by financially powerful property developers who excel in doing business [...] and is led by the nose by them. legco.gov.hk |
似乎議員或這個議會是被你牽 着鼻子走 , 政 府說要如何,我們便跟着走, 這代表甚麼呢? legco.gov.hk | He seems to be suggesting that Members or this Council [...] shall be led by the nose by him and that we [...]must follow whatever the Government says. legco.gov.hk |
事實上,今天的議案也是本末倒置,因為這項標籤法本是由 政府主導的,現在卻變成了被動,被人 牽 着鼻子走。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, the motion today is also putting the cart in front of the horse because initially this labelling bill [...] was initiated and led by the Government, but now the Government has taken on a passive role [...] and is being led by the nose. legco.gov.hk |
最后,我国代表团谨向巴基斯坦政府和人民表 示,海地人民和政府心中牵挂着他们。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, my delegation would like to say to the Government and people of Pakistan that the people and the Government of Haiti are keeping them in their thoughts. daccess-ods.un.org |
性能卓越的倍耐力轮胎能有效附着在 湿滑的路面上, 电 子牵 引 力和稳定性控制系统则免除了驾驶者的后顾之忧。 maserati.com.cn | Its generous Pirelli tyres grip the [...] slippery road surface; the electronic traction and stability control look [...]after the rest. maserati.it |
令人诧异而又感到可悲的是,那个时期一个小小的新鲜事物就可 以 牵着 整 个 民族 的鼻子走,大家有同样的头脑,同样的思维方式,同样的性格;还好,衣服的样式已 经开始不同了。 vck-web.org | The surprising and sad thing is that during that period of time a very slight innovation was able to provide direction for the whole country, giving all people the same mind, the same thinking mode and the same character. vck-web.org |
在這個 3 年至 4 年的空檔中,最樂觀的估計是本港不會出現像 1997 年 至 1998 年般的大規模疫潮,政府因而可以擺脫過往被危機 牽 着鼻子走 的被 動做法,主動設計整全及照顧各界需要的公共衞生策略。 legco.gov.hk | During the interim in the next three to four years, we must optimistically hope that no major epidemic outbreak like the ones in 1997 and 1998 will occur in Hong Kong, and that the Government can thus abandon its crisis-led approach in the past and take active attempts to formulate an integrated public health strategy that can cater for the needs of all sectors. legco.gov.hk |
我也曾說過,作為一個立法會議員,如果要被人 牽 着鼻子走 , 他 實際上 已沒有資格了。 legco.gov.hk | I have also said that if a Member of the Legislative Council is [...] led around by the nose by other people, [...]then he is actually no longer qualified to be a Member. legco.gov.hk |
将特别重视淡水和海洋问题,因教科文组织在世界水资源评估计划中发 挥 着 全 球 牵 头 作 用, 并是联合国水机制中的重要一员,而在海洋方面,教科文组织通过联合国海洋机制在全球起 [...] 牵头作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Special emphasis will be given to fresh water, where [...] UNESCO has a global lead role in the World [...]Water Assessment Programme and is a major [...]player in UN-Water, and the oceans with UNESCO’s global lead through UN-Oceans. unesdoc.unesco.org |
長遠而言,如果我們不發展有認受性的評級機構,最終只會 任由那些超7級大國的機構評級,被人 牽 着鼻子走。 legco.gov.hk | In the long run, if we cannot develop our own recognized [...] rating agencies, we will be doomed to be rated by the agencies of the superpowers and to be [...] led around by them by the nose. legco.gov.hk |
临床应用包括血管 成形术、心血管、扩张术、牵引、耳 鼻 喉 、 气管和 食管、高压、主动脉内球囊泵 [...] (IABP)、神经血管、 闭塞、骨科/脊柱、支架置入术和瓣膜成形术。 interfaceusa.com | These include angioplasty, cardiovascular, [...] dilatation, distraction, ear/nose and throat, endotracheal [...]and esophageal, high pressure, intra-aortic [...]balloon pump (IABP), neurovascular, occlusion, orthopedic/spinal, stent delivery and valvuloplasty. interfaceusa.com |
普羅市民是會看得一清二楚,不會輕易被騙,任由政府 牽着 鼻子走的。 legco.gov.hk | They will not be easily deceived [...] and be led by the nose by the Government. legco.gov.hk |
我們很擔心,西港島線和港島南區的鐵路,會遲遲未能上馬, 因為港鐵公司深知香港人緊張、政府緊張,但它卻不,於是它便 拖 着 我 們的 鼻子來走,任 由人們等待,而若政府和它商討,其議價能力便會隨之降低。 legco.gov.hk | We are most concerned that the construction of the West Hong Kong Island Line and the South Island Line will still be put on hold even after much delay, because the MTRCL knows very well that it is a matter of great importance to Hong Kong people and the Government, but not to the MTRCL. As a result, we are being led by the MTRCL by the nose, and people are kept waiting. legco.gov.hk |
人人有如“扯線木偶”,被 三不五時鬧出的醜聞牽着鼻子走,結 果曾蔭權和唐英年都被弄得黯然 下淚,梁振英卻能笑着勝出,這全是他們一手造成。 legco.gov.hk | Everyone is like a puppet on a string and is led by scandals that unexpectedly crop up. In the end, both Donald TSANG and Henry TANG were defeated in tears while LEUNG Chun-ying won with a smile on his face. legco.gov.hk |
老實說,香港的本地銀行只是被外資銀行 牽 着鼻子走 , 外 資銀行 擁有世界資金,有世界的投資條件和人才,是着着佔先的。 legco.gov.hk | These foreign banks have money injected by people all over the world and they have world-class investment conditions and talents. legco.gov.hk |
地區的租金和生活水平因為 這些新的港鐵上蓋物業推出而水漲船高,普羅市民和小商戶實在苦不 堪言,整個社區的生活都被港鐵和地產霸權 牽 着鼻子走。 legco.gov.hk | Rentals and costs of living in the districts have risen because of these new property developments above the MTR stations. legco.gov.hk |
但在公共服務私有化的潮流㆘,本港的房屋政策正被減低資助成本或加快收回投資成本這 些運作原則牽 鼻子走。 legco.gov.hk | But in the present trend of privatizing public services, Hong Kong's housing policy is now oriented by the operating principles of reduced cost subsidization or accelerated recovery of costs. legco.gov.hk |
本呈件是开发计划署作为编制伊朗伊斯兰共和国氟氯烃淘汰管理计划一 揽 子 提 案的 牵头机构提交的呈件的一部分,工发组织作为该计划的合作机构申请 [...] 104,000 美元用于编 制行业计划以淘汰压缩机和室内空调制造行业的氟氯烃。 multilateralfund.org | This submission is part of that [...] received from UNDP as lead agency for a package [...]proposal for the preparation of an HCFC [...]phase out management plan for the Islamic Republic of Iran, of which UNIDO as a cooperating agency is requesting US $104,000 for the preparation of a sector plan to phase out HCFCs in the compressor and room air conditioning manufacturing sector. multilateralfund.org |
全球地面观测系统一直在其增进 了解气候系统地面组成部分、生物多样性以及荒漠化这个总体任务范围内确定 地面基本气候变量方面发挥着牵头的 作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | GTOS has been playing a leading role in defining the terrestrial essential climate variables within its overall mandate of improving the understanding of the terrestrial components of the climate system, biodiversity and desertification. daccess-ods.un.org |
早在电影《星际迷航》里的Spock先生(嵌入图所示)出现之前,19世纪到20世纪早期的很多天文学家都曾设想过一颗名叫“祝融星”的行星存在,它在水星的轨道内侧绕太阳运行(其经过太阳时如主图所示) , 牵 引 着 水 星,导致了水星独特的运行轨迹。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Long before Star Trek's Mr. Spock (inset), many astronomers during the 19th and early 20th centuries thought a planet named Vulcan circled the sun inside the orbit of Mercury (shown transiting the sun, main image) and tugged on the latter, accounting for peculiarities in Mercury's motion. chinese.eurekalert.org |
由于姐妹俩手牵着手, 说再见,他们团聚的翅膀,纯从它们的翅膀闪闪发光的光突发爆炸,慢慢的,奇迹般地愈合天衣的折翼。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | As the sisters hold hands and say goodbye, [...] they reunite their wings and an explosion of pure sparkly light bursts from their [...]wings, slowly magically healing Tink’s broken wing. seekcartoon.com |
政府總部對下的中環一帶,即皇后大道中,人 人 走 過 也要 掩 着鼻子 ,尤 其是長江中心至娛樂行的一段皇后大道中,車輛經常大排長龍,還有巴士均 在排放廢氣。 legco.gov.hk | When people walk past Queen's Road Central, that is, the area in Central right below the Government Secretariat, everybody must have their noses covered up. legco.gov.hk |
詹培忠議員:代理主席,香港號稱世界級金融中心,但事實上,香港 的投資環境根本是被全世界有計劃的投資基金 牽 着鼻子走。 legco.gov.hk | MR CHIM PUI-CHUNG (in Cantonese): Deputy President, Hong Kong claims to be a world-class financial centre, but as a matter of fact, the investment environment here is under the sway of investment funds across the world in an organized manner. legco.gov.hk |
立法會不可被政府牽着鼻子 走,以 一些似是而非的理據,便要我們作出一些很急迫、影響巨大的決定, [...] 這些決定對社會影響巨大,但政府卻沒有提供分析資料。 legco.gov.hk | The Legislative Council should [...] not be led by the nose by the Government [...]in making some hasty decisions with far-reaching [...]implications on the basis of some specious justifications. legco.gov.hk |
我希望我們作為立法會議員,會顧及公眾利益,我也希望 西港島線和南港島線,能盡快落成,當然其中還有很多其他線路,但在鐵路 [...] 的發展方面,政府有本身的角色,政府的角色究竟是間接補貼、直接補貼, 還是用批地方式提供補貼,皆是值得我們探討的,而不應讓地鐵 牽 着 政 府的 鼻子走。 legco.gov.hk | However, the Government does have a role to play in railway development. As regards the role of the Government, that is, whether it should provide indirect or direct subsidy, or whether it should provide subsidy by way of land [...] grant, all these are worthy of our discussion, and we [...] should not allow the Government to be led by its nose by the MTRCL. legco.gov.hk |
关于联合国系统的联合活动,办事处积极参加了联发援框架/马里文件的起草以及 下述联合计划的制定,特别是在马里,在马里,教科文组织扮 演着 GT/DH 牵头人的角 色。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 16. In respect of joint United Nations system activities, the Office participated actively in the drafting of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Mali, and the preparation, in [...] particular in Mali, where [...] UNESCO serves as lead agency for the thematic group on human rights, of the following joint programmes unesdoc.unesco.org |
非洲经济委员会在非洲的全球地球空间信息管理举措方面发 挥 着牵 头作用,其将继续协调非洲国家对全球地球空间信息管理的参与,并落实 [...] 2011 年 8 月在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的全球地球空间信息管理非洲筹备会议的建议,以制定 一项关于地球空间信息管理的非洲行动计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Economic Commission for Africa, [...] taking the leading role in the GGIM [...]initiative in Africa, will continue to coordinate [...]the participation of African countries in GGIM, and to follow up on the recommendation of the African preparatory meeting on GGIM, held in August 2011 in Addis Ababa, to develop an African action plan on geospatial information management. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是如秘书处关于天基信息协助多 方联动实景制图的报告(A/AC.105/1007)所述,天基信息平台在利用多方联动 实景制图的潜力使有需要的国家受益方面发 挥 着牵 头 作 用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular and as noted in the report of the Secretariat on space-based information for crowdsource mapping (A/AC.105/1007), UN-SPIDER is taking a leading role in harnessing the potential of crowdsource mapping for the benefit of countries in need. daccess-ods.un.org |