

单词 物流业

See also:

物业 n

properties pl


real estate

External sources (not reviewed)

设施管理人员会透过参观其他工商楼宇及与 业 交 流 , 以 改进本身的 物管 理系统。
Facilities management team continually explores new initiatives and measures by organizing site visits to other C&I premises and exchanging ideas with experienced peers.
待稀釋後,消物利 用附有汞濃縮系統流動注 射汞分析儀進行分析。
After dilution, the digestate was analysed by the Flow Injection Mercury Analyzer equipped with amalgam preconcentration system.
物业界应 遵从良好农业规范,尽量减少食物受到无机砷污染的机 [...]
The food trade is advised to [...]
observe good agricultural practices to minimise inorganic arsenic contamination of foods, such
as avoid using arsenic contaminated water for irrigation.
[...] 份措施涵蓋香港四大支柱行業及六項優勢產業,有助鞏固香港作為 國際金融、貿易、航運物流、高 增值服務中心的地位,更為兩地 共同發展教育、醫療、檢測和認證、環保、創新科技和文化產業奠 [...]
Moreover, most of the new measures cover the four pillar industries and six economic industries that Hong Kong has an competitive edge, and as such will help consolidate Hong Kong’s
status as an international
[...] financial, trade, shipping, logistics and high value-added [...]
service centre, and will lay the foundation
for the two sides to jointly develop education, medical services, as well as testing and certification, environmental, innovative technology and cultural industries.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品
标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情
[...] 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和业相关的生 物 风 险 管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies;
and the organization of international
[...] forums to discuss biological risk management in [...]
relation to food and agriculture.
鑒於出現人類感染物流感病 毒的個 案、有關感染在多個社區爆發,以及受影響的年齡組別(即健康的 [...]
青年人)並不尋常,世衞認為這些事件應受到國際關注,並建議各 國加強監測工作。
Owing to the occurrence of human cases
[...] associated with an animal influenza virus, [...]
the multiple community outbreaks, and unusual
age groups (i.e. healthy young adults) affected, WHO considered these events are of international concern and has recommended all countries to intensify surveillance activities.
根據差餉物業估價署的統計,截至2010年年底, 全港共約有342萬平方米的私人貨倉分布各區, 物流 業界 提供貯存設施。
According to the statistics of the RVD, private warehouses with a total area of about 3.42 million
sq m as at the end of 2010 are available throughout Hong Kong to provide storage
[...] facilities for the logistics industry.
[...] 当地消费的进口品(主要是低价小型中上层种类以及提供给新型经济体的高价业物种)或加工业的供应国。
The fishery industries of developing countries rely heavily on developed countries, not only as outlets for their exports, but also as suppliers of their imports for local consumption (mainly
low-priced small pelagics as well as
[...] high-value fishery species for emerging [...]
economies) or for their processing industries.
這些因素都會對本港在推動發 展水產物流形成相當限制。
These factors restrict the development of the
[...] fisheries product logistics and processing [...]
事實上,由物流是指 籌劃、實 施和控制貨物、服務及相關資訊從來源地至使用地的運送 及儲存的過程,因物流業涵蓋的範圍其實相當廣泛,並 橫跨多個行業,包括貨運、貨運代理及倉庫等服務。
Since logistics refers to the process of planning, implementing and controlling the movement and storage of goods, services and related information from the point [...]
of origin to the point
of consumption, the industry actually covers a wide spectrum of services, spanning over the freight transport, freight forwarding and storage sectors.
(四 ) 正如答覆第(二 )部分所述,當局正與相關的政府部門於葵 青區以外的地方物色合適的長期用地 物流 發 展之用,考 慮的因素包括用地有否便捷的交通網絡連接機場、碼頭及 陸路口岸等設施、其發展會否受其他因素而有所限制,區 內的交通情況,以及地理位置(例如較為偏遠的地點可容許 較低成本的發展)等。
In the process, we will consider factors including the availability of an efficient transport network with easy access to facilities such as the airport, port and land boundary crossings; the presence of any constraints that may limit the site's development, the local traffic conditions; and the geographical location of the site (for instance, a relatively remote site may facilitate a lower-cost development).
委員會並聯絡了一些從事本地水產品貿易人士,收集更多有關在香 港發展水物流和加工業的意見。
The Committee has also contacted some local
fisheries product traders to gather views on developing the
[...] fisheries product logistics and processing [...]
industry in Hong Kong.
13.2 選管會謹向以下曾提供協助的機構及政府決策局和部門致謝: 海港中心大廈管理處、醫療輔助隊、政制事務局、民眾安全服務處、 公務員事務局、公務員培訓處、律政司、機電工程署、食物環境 生 署、路政署、政物流服務 署、 生署、民政事務局、民政事務總 署、香港天文台、香港警務處、香港郵政、香港房屋委員會及房屋 署、廉政公署、政府新聞處、地政總署、康樂及文化事務署、海事 [...]
13.2 The Commission would like to express its gratitude to the following organisations, and government bureaux and departments for their valuable assistance and unflagging support: the building management office of Harbour Centre, Auxiliary Medical Service, CAB, CAS,
[...] Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Highways Department, Government Logistics Department, Department [...]
of Health, Home
Affairs Bureau, HAD, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong Police Force, Hongkong Post, Housing Authority and Housing Department, ICAC, ISD, Lands Department, LCSD, Marine Department, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (of the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau), Official Languages Division (of the CSB) and Radio Television Hong Kong.
该体系由 美国绿色建筑委员会 (USGBC) 于 2000 年 3 月设立,旨在为建物业主和 运营者提供一套框架,用于识别和实施实用且可量化的绿色建筑设计、施工、运营和维护解决方案。
Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in March 2000, LEED provides building owners and operators with a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions.
本产品与目前在半导体和 LED(发光二极体)产业主流应用 之金线相比, 可实现降低贵金属之原料成本 [...]
达到约 80%(※1), 是具有与金线同等级生产性及长期信頼性之银合金材质接合线。
Compared to gold wire, which
[...] is currently the main type used for semiconductors [...]
and light emitting diodes (LED), noble metal
bullion costs can be reduced by approximately 80 percent(*1) , and the silver-alloy bonding wire boasts the same level of productivity and long-term reliability as gold wire.
我们继续敦促以色列按照第 1860(2009)号决议 和 2005 年《通行进出协定》进一步开放过境点,并
[...] 采取适当的监测措施来处理安全关切,以便使人员、 人道主义援助和业物资能够畅通无阻地进出加沙。
We continue to urge Israel to further open the crossings, consistent with resolution 1860 (2009) and the 2005 Agreement on Movement and Access, and with appropriate monitoring to address
security concerns, in order to allow the unimpeded flow to and from Gaza of people,
[...] humanitarian aid and commercial goods.
该虚拟论坛项目的部分研究网络于 2009 年推出,由
[...] 虚拟论坛秘书处负责管理,后者提供网络犯罪方面的最新宝贵信息和来源,包 括研究和论文、出物、业内专 业人员名单、研讨会和会议、网络犯罪统计、 [...]
The research network section of the Virtual Forum project was launched in 2009 and has been managed by the secretariat of the Virtual Forum, which provides valuable, up-to-date information and
sources on cybercrime, including research
[...] and papers, publications, lists of professionals [...]
in the field, seminars and conferences,
cybercrime statistics, world legislation and links to related institutions and organizations.
[...] 在香港的業務,如增聘人手負責市場策劃及推廣、銷售及會計等工作; 對其他相關行業的服務需求,例 物流 、 運 輸等,亦會相應增加。
Moreover, successful expansion of domestic sales in the Mainland will require strengthening of their operations in Hong Kong, e.g. the enterprises would need to employ more staff for marketing and promotion, sales and accounting,
etc; and demand for services provided by other
[...] related sectors such as logistics and transportation [...]
will also increase.
特别是,必须物业管理 领域的政策进行修订并纳入外地行动的具体需求。
In the area of property management, [...]
in particular, policies will have to be revised and incorporate the specific needs of field operations.
z 舉例來說,物館的「虛擬導遊」可以提高教與學的效果;旅遊景區的 「虛擬導遊」可以向遊客推介香港;政府部門(例如:中小企支援與諮 詢中心)所舉辦的講座的流版本,可以讓不能出席活動人士重溫內 容,盡用資源。
z For example, “virtual tours” of the museums can enhance the efficiency in teaching and learning; “virtual tour” of scenic spots can promote Hong Kong to visitors; and streaming video of seminars organized by government department (e.g. [...]
Support and Consultation
Centre for SMEs can benefit the public who could not attend the valuable seminars and save government expense in organizing repeated seminars.
秘书处在介绍该项目时解释称,该文件提出的预算调整是因为以下三个因素所致:捐 赠和特别捐款增加了预算拨款;为反映“调级储备金”的使用情况而需在各拨款项目之间进 行的转帐;为满足因法定因素和通货膨胀造成的人事费 物业 费 增 长的需要而从预算第 IV 篇转到第 I 至第 III 篇的转帐。
Introducing this item, the Secretariat explained that the document proposed budgetary adjustments due to three factors: the appropriation of donations and special contributions; betweenline transfers to reflect the utilization of the Reserve for Reclassifications; and transfers from Part IV to Parts I to III in order to meet statutory and inflationary increases in staff costs and in goods and services.
尽管在以色列政府决定放松对加沙的封锁之后 取得了一些进展,但欧盟重申它呼吁按照安全理事会 第1860(2009)号决议的要求,立即、持续并且无条件 地开放过境点,让人道主义援物品 、 商 业物 资 和人 员能够进出加沙,同时顾及以色列的合理安全关切。
Despite some progress following the decisions of the Israeli Government to ease the Gaza closure, the EU reiterates its call, in line with Security Council resolution 1860 (2009), for an immediate, sustained and unconditional opening of crossings for the flow of humanitarian aid, commercial goods and persons to and from Gaza, while addressing Israel’s legitimate security concerns.
这些 人员的配置如下:从工程科调任 108 个现有的员额(1 个 P-3、15 个外勤、82
个 本国一般事务人员和 10 个国际联合国志愿人员员额);从其他部门调任
[...] 39 个员 额(从特遣队所属装备物业管理部门调 1 个 P-4,从警察司调动 [...]
38 个本国一般 事务人员);从总务科设施管理股调动 33 个员额(4 个 P-3、12
个外勤和 17 个本 国一般事务人员员额),并设立 62 个新员额(8 个外勤、19 个本国一般事务和 35 个国际联合国志愿人员员额)。
They will be staffed as follows: 108 posts reassigned from existing Engineering Section posts (1 P-3, 15 Field Service, 82 national General Service staff and 10 International United Nations Volunteer posts); 39 posts reassigned from
other sections (1 P-4 from Contingentowned
[...] Equipment and Property Management and [...]
38 national General Service staff from the
Police Division); 33 posts redeployed from the Facilities Management Unit in the General Services Section (4 P-3, 12 Field Service and 17 national General Service staff posts); and 62 newly established posts (8 Field Service, 19 national General Service staff and 35 International United Nations Volunteer posts).
董事会可行使本公司一切权力筹集或借贷款项及将本公司的全部或任 何部份业务、现时及日后物业及资 产及未催缴股本按揭或抵押,并在法例规限 下,发行债权证、债券及其他证券,作为本公司或任何第三方之债项、负债或责任 之十足或附属抵押。
The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to raise or borrow money and to mortgage or charge all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company and, subject to the Law, to issue debentures, bonds and other securities, whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.
Prices of property for sale in Cantal  are well below the national average for their categories and like the rest of Auvergne is a cheap place to find old character property such as farmhouses and country cottages either to renovate or move straight into.
[...] 餐飲、電腦及網絡、設計及桌上出版、印刷、包裝、辦公 室實務物流服務 、按摩服務等,提供共660個這類全日制 [...]
These include courses in commercial and retail services, basic catering service, computer and network practice, design and desktop
publishing, printing, packaging service,
[...] office practice, logistics service, massage [...]
service, etc. The Skills Centres offer
a total of 660 full-time training places, of which 120 are provided with boarding facilities.
委員會亦建議漁護署與其他有關部門加強與內地漁業部門和漁業公 司聯繫和交流,了解內地漁業政策和在水產養殖業、休閒漁業、水產物 流和加工業、遠洋漁業和捕撈業方面的最新發展,並為有意到內地發展漁 業的漁民提供所需資料和適當的渠道,協助他們聯絡內地有關部門和公 司,以便他們更能把握發展商機及推行發展計劃。
The Committee also proposes that the AFCD and other relevant departments strengthen connections and exchanges with fisheries departments and companies in the Mainland to keep abreast of the fisheries policies and the latest developments in aquaculture, recreational fisheries, fisheries product logistics and processing, offshore fishing and capture fisheries in the Mainland.
[...] 議加強與內地合作及伙伴關係、善用空間以提倡優質生活環境、預留土地作優質 辦公室、特殊工業物流設施 之用,以及在鄉郊地區引入更多具效益的用途。
The key recommendations from the Study include the planning for new development areas; cooperation and partnership with the Mainland on planning cross-boundary infrastructure proposals; promotion of a quality living environment through the optimal use of space; and reservation of land for
the development of Grade A offices,
[...] special industries, logistics facilities, and [...]
more beneficial use of our rural land.
議員從香港和澳門特區專章中察悉,政府除於葵青區逐步 提供長期用地,吸引第三物流服務 提供者進駐香港,亦會繼 續向內地及海外巿場推廣香港專業 物流 服 務
Members noted from the chapter dedicated to the Hong Kong and Macao SARs that apart from making available long-term
sites in Kwai Tsing to
[...] attract third-party logistics services providers to operate in Hong Kong, the Government would also continue to promote to the Mainland and overseas markets the professional logistics services which [...]
could be offered by Hong Kong.
我們會一併考慮有關交通影響評估的更 新資料,以及其他地區能否提供合適 物流 用 地 等因素, 然後制訂推物流用地 的安排,並徵詢香 物流 發 展 局的 意見。
We will consider the updated TIA as well as factors such
as the availability of
[...] suitable logistics sites in other districts when working out the arrangements for the release of logistics sites in consultation [...]




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