单词 | 物流 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 物流 noun —logistics nExamples:物流业 n—logistics industry n
委員會並聯絡了一些從事本地水產品貿易人士,收集更多有關在香 港發展水產物流和加工業的意見。 legco.gov.hk | The Committee has also contacted some local [...] fisheries product traders to gather views on developing the [...] fisheries product logistics and processing [...]industry in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
因此,成立物流中心 對幫助漁民轉產轉 業起不了作用,一般漁民亦難以有條件參與水產 品 物流 中 心 的發展和從中 受惠。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, setting up a logistics centre may not be able to provide fishermen with many opportunities for switching to the fisheries product logistics and processing [...] industry. legco.gov.hk |
鑒於出現人類感染動物流感病 毒的個 案、有關感染在多個社區爆發,以及受影響的年齡組別(即健康的 [...] 青年人)並不尋常,世衞認為這些事件應受到國際關注,並建議各 國加強監測工作。 legco.gov.hk | Owing to the occurrence of human cases [...] associated with an animal influenza virus, [...]the multiple community outbreaks, and unusual [...]age groups (i.e. healthy young adults) affected, WHO considered these events are of international concern and has recommended all countries to intensify surveillance activities. legco.gov.hk |
在香港,我們將在元朗物流 中心 建設新的倉庫以擴充冷凍儲存量,以配合快速發展的食品加工業務。 dch.com.hk | In Hong Kong, we will build a new warehouse [...] in our Yuen Long Logistics Centre to further [...]expand our cold storage capacity to cope [...]with the rapid development of our food processing business. dch.com.hk |
事實上,由於物流是指 籌劃、實 施和控制貨物、服務及相關資訊從來源地至使用地的運送 及儲存的過程,因此物流業涵蓋的範圍其實相當廣泛,並 橫跨多個行業,包括貨運、貨運代理及倉庫等服務。 legco.gov.hk | Since logistics refers to the process of planning, implementing and controlling the movement and storage of goods, services and related information from the point [...] of origin to the point [...]of consumption, the industry actually covers a wide spectrum of services, spanning over the freight transport, freight forwarding and storage sectors. legco.gov.hk |
政府物流服務 署現正著手擬定X 光身體掃描器詳細規格,以便進行招標程 序,因此懲教署現時未能提供儀器的詳細規格。 csd.gov.hk | Since the Government Logistics Department is still working [...] on the detailed specifications of X-ray body scanner for the [...]tendering procedure, CSD is not able to provide the detailed specifications of the scanner at present. csd.gov.hk |
此外,大部 [...] 份措施涵蓋香港四大支柱行業及六項優勢產業,有助鞏固香港作為 國際金融、貿易、航運、物流、高 增值服務中心的地位,更為兩地 共同發展教育、醫療、檢測和認證、環保、創新科技和文化產業奠 [...]下基礎。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, most of the new measures cover the four pillar industries and six economic industries that Hong Kong has an competitive edge, and as such will help consolidate Hong Kong’s [...] status as an international [...] financial, trade, shipping, logistics and high value-added [...]service centre, and will lay the foundation [...]for the two sides to jointly develop education, medical services, as well as testing and certification, environmental, innovative technology and cultural industries. legco.gov.hk |
13.2 選管會謹向以下曾提供協助的機構及政府決策局和部門致謝: 海港中心大廈管理處、醫療輔助隊、政制事務局、民眾安全服務處、 公務員事務局、公務員培訓處、律政司、機電工程署、食物環境 生 署、路政署、政府物流服務 署、 生署、民政事務局、民政事務總 署、香港天文台、香港警務處、香港郵政、香港房屋委員會及房屋 署、廉政公署、政府新聞處、地政總署、康樂及文化事務署、海事 [...] 處、工商及科技局政府資訊科技總監辦公室、公務員事務局法定語文 [...]事務部以及香港電台。 legco.gov.hk | 13.2 The Commission would like to express its gratitude to the following organisations, and government bureaux and departments for their valuable assistance and unflagging support: the building management office of Harbour Centre, Auxiliary Medical Service, CAB, CAS, [...] CSB, CSTDI, D of J, [...] Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Highways Department, Government Logistics Department, Department [...]of Health, Home [...]Affairs Bureau, HAD, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong Police Force, Hongkong Post, Housing Authority and Housing Department, ICAC, ISD, Lands Department, LCSD, Marine Department, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (of the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau), Official Languages Division (of the CSB) and Radio Television Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
課程/計劃包括商業及零售服務、 [...] 餐飲、電腦及網絡、設計及桌上出版、印刷、包裝、辦公 室實務、物流服務 、按摩服務等,提供共660個這類全日制 [...]課程的學額,當中120個設有宿舍服務。 legco.gov.hk | These include courses in commercial and retail services, basic catering service, computer and network practice, design and desktop [...] publishing, printing, packaging service, [...] office practice, logistics service, massage [...]service, etc. The Skills Centres offer [...]a total of 660 full-time training places, of which 120 are provided with boarding facilities. legco.gov.hk |
香港經濟持續受惠於與內地的緊密關係,香港仍是中國以外的區域金融 及 物流 樞 紐 ,確保為我們的產品帶來持續強勁的 需求。 prudential.co.uk | The Hong Kong economy continues to benefit from its close [...] ties with mainland China and it remains [...] a financial and logistics hub for the region [...]beyond China, which ensures a continued [...]and strong demand for our products. prudential.co.uk |
委員會亦建議漁護署與其他有關部門加強與內地漁業部門和漁業公 司聯繫和交流,了解內地漁業政策和在水產養殖業、休閒漁業、水產 品物 流和加工業、遠洋漁業和捕撈業方面的最新發展,並為有意到內地發展漁 業的漁民提供所需資料和適當的渠道,協助他們聯絡內地有關部門和公 司,以便他們更能把握發展商機及推行發展計劃。 legco.gov.hk | The Committee also proposes that the AFCD and other relevant departments strengthen connections and exchanges with fisheries departments and companies in the Mainland to keep abreast of the fisheries policies and the latest developments in aquaculture, recreational fisheries, fisheries product logistics and processing, offshore fishing and capture fisheries in the Mainland. legco.gov.hk |
議員從香港和澳門特區專章中察悉,政府除於葵青區逐步 提供長期用地,吸引第三方物流服務 提供者進駐香港,亦會繼 續向內地及海外巿場推廣香港專業的 物流 服 務。 legco.gov.hk | Members noted from the chapter dedicated to the Hong Kong and Macao SARs that apart from making available long-term [...] sites in Kwai Tsing to [...] attract third-party logistics services providers to operate in Hong Kong, the Government would also continue to promote to the Mainland and overseas markets the professional logistics services which [...]could be offered by Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
根據差餉物業估價署的統計,截至2010年年底, 全港共約有342萬平方米的私人貨倉分布各區, 為 物流 業界 提供貯存設施。 legco.gov.hk | According to the statistics of the RVD, private warehouses with a total area of about 3.42 million [...] sq m as at the end of 2010 are available throughout Hong Kong to provide storage [...] facilities for the logistics industry. legco.gov.hk |
我們會一併考慮有關交通影響評估的更 新資料,以及其他地區能否提供合適 的 物流 用 地 等因素, 然後制訂推出物流用地 的安排,並徵詢香 港 物流 發 展 局的 意見。 legco.gov.hk | We will consider the updated TIA as well as factors such [...] as the availability of [...] suitable logistics sites in other districts when working out the arrangements for the release of logistics sites in consultation [...]with the LOGSCOUNCIL. legco.gov.hk |
這些因素都會對本港在推動發 展水產品物流形成相當限制。 legco.gov.hk | These factors restrict the development of the [...] fisheries product logistics and processing [...]industry. legco.gov.hk |
政 府 亦 應 為 某些可為低 技 術 工人創 [...] 造 就業機會 的工業類 別 (例如物 流 業、旅遊業及回收業), 提供稅務優 [...]惠 及 資 助。 legco.gov.hk | The Government should also provide tax [...] incentive and assistance to certain kinds of [...] industries (e.g. logistics industry, tourism [...]and recycling industries) which can create [...]employment for low-skilled workers. legco.gov.hk |
因應業界的意見,我們正就葵青區的擬 議物流用地 按最新資料更新有關交通影響評估,同時我們 正聯同相關政府部門研究於其他地區物色合適的長期用地 作物流發展之用。 legco.gov.hk | In response to the industry's views, we are now updating the traffic [...] impact assessment [...] (TIA) of the proposed logistics sites in Kwai Tsing in the light of the latest information, and are also working with relevant government departments to look into the availability of suitable long-term sites for logistics development in [...]other districts. legco.gov.hk |
此外,機電署會諮詢政府物流 服務署(物流署) ,確保有關規格符合世界貿易組織的招標規 例。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, the Government Logistics Department (GLD) will [...] be consulted to ensure that the specifications are in compliance [...]with the World Trade Organization tendering regulations. legco.gov.hk |
(四 ) 正如答覆第(二 )部分所述,當局正與相關的政府部門於葵 青區以外的地方物色合適的長期用地 作 物流 發 展之用,考 慮的因素包括用地有否便捷的交通網絡連接機場、碼頭及 陸路口岸等設施、其發展會否受其他因素而有所限制,區 內的交通情況,以及地理位置(例如較為偏遠的地點可容許 較低成本的發展)等。 legco.gov.hk | In the process, we will consider factors including the availability of an efficient transport network with easy access to facilities such as the airport, port and land boundary crossings; the presence of any constraints that may limit the site's development, the local traffic conditions; and the geographical location of the site (for instance, a relatively remote site may facilitate a lower-cost development). legco.gov.hk |
本集團業務主要分為四大板塊:(1) 貿易業務;(2) [...] 鋁加工業務;(3) 銅加工及套管業務; 及 (4) 港口物流服務及其他工業項目。 mmg.com | The Group’s business comprises four main business segments: (1) Trading; (2) Aluminium [...] fabrication; (3) Copper fabrication and plica tubes [...] production; and (4) Port logistics services and other [...]industrial operations. mmg.com |
附件二內 的短期租約用地涉及一項或多項物流 服 務用途,例如露天 存放貨物、供集裝及處理貨櫃貨物、 作 物流 及 貨 運代理活 動、供與貨櫃運輸有關的收發提貨單據行業之用等。 legco.gov.hk | The sites on short-term tenancies (STTs) as [...] set out in Annex 2 [...] involve one or more logistics-related uses such as open storage of goods; consolidation and handling of container cargoes; logistics and [...]freight forwarding activities; [...]the trade of receipt and dispatch of delivery orders in relation to containers transportation, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
傳訊 香港及 [...] DTTNCo 均致力發展無紙化的航空貨運及物流 業 務 ,大家追求的理想一致。 hk-dttn.com | Both GLSHK and DTTNCo share the same vision of paper-free air [...] cargo transportation and logistics. hk-dttn.com |
(a) 香港–澳門– [...] 廣東資料庫存有香港、澳門和廣東多個城市在城市規劃、發展、 社會經濟、運輸、基建、物流、旅 遊及環保方面的資料。 devb.gov.hk | (a) The Hong Kong-Macao-Guangdong Information Database contains information covering urban planning, [...] development, socio-economic, transport, [...] infrastructure, logistics, tourism and environmental [...]protection aspects in Hong Kong, [...]Macao and cities in Guangdong. devb.gov.hk |
此外,如受資助企業能成功拓展內銷,它亦須加強 [...] 在香港的業務,如增聘人手負責市場策劃及推廣、銷售及會計等工作; 對其他相關行業的服務需求,例如 物流 、 運 輸等,亦會相應增加。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, successful expansion of domestic sales in the Mainland will require strengthening of their operations in Hong Kong, e.g. the enterprises would need to employ more staff for marketing and promotion, sales and accounting, [...] etc; and demand for services provided by other [...] related sectors such as logistics and transportation [...]will also increase. legco.gov.hk |
易高在屯門 38 區為香港國際機場而建設之航空燃油設施運作順暢,二零一一年供應了 超過五百萬噸之航空燃油,是本港主要之航空燃 油 物流 基 地。 hld.com | ECO’s aviation fuel facility in Area 38, Tuen Mun, servicing Hong Kong International Airport, is operating smoothly. hld.com |
普利卡套管(可撓金屬套管)的生產及銷售為此板塊提供主要的貢獻,其次為港 口 物流服 務。 mmg.com | Sales and production of plica tubes (flexible metals conduits) accounted for the major contribution in this segment, [...] followed by port logistics services. mmg.com |
雙方會繼續就其他範疇的合作,包括大型跨境基礎設施建設及口岸合 作、促進兩地人流物流、保障食品安全、供水、信息化、社會福利、文 [...] 化、體育、教育、人才交流、共同推進泛珠三角區域合作、應急管理和策 略研究等領域,保持緊密的溝通和合作。 legco.gov.hk | Both sides will continue promoting co-operation in other items, including co-operation in major cross-boundary infrastructural [...] projects and boundary control points, [...] facilitation of people and cargo flow, food safety, [...]water supply, informatisation, social [...]welfare, culture, sports, education, flow of talents, joint promotion of the co-operation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta region, emergency management and strategic research. legco.gov.hk |
在 制订过程中,一定要考虑本手册给出的 OptiLedge 标准单元载荷建议、搬运设备的要求、 以及整个物流过程 中的集装箱装填率等的影响。 optiledge.com | The lightweight OptiLedge requires less fuel for transport thereby reducing the carbon footprint. optiledge.com |
至於其他可持續發展的漁業及相關行業如 水產養殖、休閒漁業和水產加工物流 業 等 ,委員會認為推動漁業現代化和 可持續發展的建議方案及措施,應可在多方面協助提升行業的營商環境, 擴大現有市場和發展空間,以及提升業界的技術水平及競爭力,為有興趣 發展或轉型的漁民及有意加入漁業的人士創造更多機會及有利條件,促進 漁業的可持續發展。 legco.gov.hk | The Committee also believes that proposals and measures that promote modernisation and sustainable modes of operation can improve the operating environment for other sustainable fisheries, and related industries such as aquaculture, recreational fisheries, fisheries product logistics and processing, by increasing market access, widening the scope of development, and improving the trade’s technical standards and competitiveness. legco.gov.hk |
研究報告的主要建議包括新發展區的規劃、就各項跨界基建設施建 [...] 議加強與內地合作及伙伴關係、善用空間以提倡優質生活環境、預留土地作優質 辦公室、特殊工業、物流設施 之用,以及在鄉郊地區引入更多具效益的用途。 devb.gov.hk | The key recommendations from the Study include the planning for new development areas; cooperation and partnership with the Mainland on planning cross-boundary infrastructure proposals; promotion of a quality living environment through the optimal use of space; and reservation of land for [...] the development of Grade A offices, [...] special industries, logistics facilities, and [...]more beneficial use of our rural land. devb.gov.hk |