

单词 物色


look forv


color of fleece (of domestic animal)
color of object
all kinds of things
odds and ends

External sources (not reviewed)

本集团将继续利用此利好环境及自置物 业买家需求增加之市况,於本地物业市物 色机会。
The Group will continue to seek development opportunities in the local property market capitalising on this favourable environment and strengthening demand from home buyers.
政府会继物色发展人工鱼礁的地方,以及检讨促进渔业可持续发展 [...]
The Government would
[...] continue to lookfor places suitable for [...]
development of artificial reef, and review the measures to
promote the sustainable development of the fishery industry.
同时,本集团将在香港、中国及亚洲主要城物色物展及投资 收购机会,并且在这些高速增长的地区内进一步建立其优质物业发展商之市场地位。
At the same time, the
[...] Group will lookfor property development and investment acquisition opportunities in Hong Kong, and gateway cities in China and [...]
Asia to further establish
its presence as a leading developer of premium properties in this fast-growing region.
该厅将加强与会员国、各部、外部组织和其他联合国实体的协作,实施外 联和征聘战略,物色质的候选人,特别强调为外地行动的职位找到最佳候 [...]
选人;将全面推出 Inspira,总结从完成 Inspira 稳定阶段中获得的经验教训, 并将与外勤支助部外勤人事司协作,为用户提供培训和情况介绍;协助秘书长制
订包括总部与外地之间人员流动的秘书处人员流动综合政策,以便促进总部与外 地行动之间的工作人员一体化和知识共享;支持发展一支随时准备应对本组织不 断变化的任务的全球工作人员队伍。
The Office will implement outreach and sourcing strategies through strengthened collaboration with Member States, departments,
external organizations and other United Nations
[...] entities, and identify high-quality candidates, [...]
with particular emphasis on finding
optimal candidates for positions in field operations; will implement the global roll-out of Inspira and conclude lessons learned from the completion of the stabilization phase of Inspira, and will provide training and orientation for users in collaboration with the Field Personnel Division of DFS; will assist the Secretary-General in developing a comprehensive mobility policy for the Secretariat, including between Headquarters and the field with the aim of fostering integration and knowledge-sharing of staff between Headquarters and field operations; and will support the development of a global workforce, ready to respond to the evolving mandates of the Organization.
我们的管理层团队致力在全球各物色的公司及技术投资目标,以进一步扩阔及强化本公 司之现有技术基础。
Our management team is committed to identify and invest in appropriate global companies and technologies that further broaden and strengthen the Company’s existing technology base.
第 二 , 如 果 某 个职位, 我们觉 得在某 段 时 间 ( 无论是长或 短 的时间 ) 应 在 政 府以外进行招 聘 ,物 色出 任 该职位, 那 麽 , 现 时的公务员招 聘 制 度 是容许我们将这 个职位开放, 让 政 府以外的人申请 , 而 过 去 亦 曾 有 类似的 例 子。
Secondly, if we feel that during a certain period of time (no matter whether it is a long or short period), recruitment for a certain post should be conducted outside the Government to identify candidates for the post concerned, the present civil service recruitment system does allow us to open up the post to applications from people outside the Government and there were also such instances in the past.
咨询委员会注意到,物 色的专家人选,秘书处政治事务部安全理事会事务司建立了一个电子 名册,根据专业领域和其他标准对候选人进行编列(见 A/64/349,第 28 至 31 段)。
The Advisory Committee notes that in order to identify suitable experts, the Security Council Affairs Division of the Department of Political Affairs of the Secretariat maintains an electronic roster that sorts candidates according to areas of expertise and other criteria (see A/64/349, paras. 28–31).
在一些情况下,秘书长依赖有关业务部门进行初步物色试和 确定最后人选,然后才进行最后任命。
(b) In some cases the Secretary-General relies on the substantive department concerned for the initial search, interview and identification of finalists before proceeding with the final appointment.
战 略 层 面 而 言 , 本 集 团 将专注 於 发 展 其 集 装 箱 业 务 、 代 理 及 综 合 物 流 业 务 , 并 将 继物 色码 头 及 物 流 业 务 之 策 略 性 夥 伴 ╱ 股 东 , 力 求 业 务 再 创 佳 绩 。
Strategically, the Group will focus on the development of its container, agency and integrated logistics businesses and will continue to pursue its strategy to bring in additional strategic partners/shareholders in the ports and logistics businesses to further grow its business.
截至 2011 年,钻石专家工作物色自澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、中 国、法国、以色列、联合王国、美国和俄罗斯联邦的一组科学家,着手科特迪瓦 毛坯钻石的表征和鉴定工作。
As of 2011, the Working Group of Diamond Experts has identified a group of scientists from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Israel, the United Kingdom, the United States and the Russian Federation to undertake the characterization and identification of Ivorian rough diamonds.
Building and leveraging on our experience, knowledge in distribution and strong regional network, the Group began to invest to
expand our market reach and
[...] taping on the new opportunities in the emerging countriesby forging strategic [...]
business partnerships
to gain entry and build foundations for mobile and IT distribution into the new markets.
这些工作人员和顾问人员大多数均物色,他们现在或者已在筹备办公室就职或者 已与之协作工作。
Most of the staff and consultants have been already identified and are currently working for or with the preparatory office.
倘 贵公司物色买家以变现其於联营公司的投资,惟鉴於最初权 益为私人公司权益,与其上市对手方相比缺乏市场流动性,故此於最初权益 [...]
In the event that a potential buyer [...]
has been identified by the Company for realizing its investment in the Associate, given
that the Initial Interest represents interest in a private company, a discount may be applied in the valuation of the Initial Interest as compare with its listed counterparts due to lack of marketability.
本公司正物色适当资格之合适 人选以填补空缺,并将透过进一步公布知会本公司股东该委任之进展。
The Company is in the progress of identifying suitable candidate with appropriate qualifications to fill the vacancy and will keep shareholders of the Company informed of the progress of such appointment by further announcement.
[...] 助律师处理案件或文件管理问题,为黎巴嫩和其他地方的辩护调查提供便利,招 募辩护小组成员物色法医专家。
This may involve, for instance, assisting counsel with case or document management issues,
facilitating defence investigations in Lebanon and elsewhere, recruiting defence
[...] team members or finding relevant forensic [...]
委员会的职责为:(i)至少每年检讨董事会的架构、人数及组成(包括技能、知识及经验方面),并就任 何为配合公司策略而拟对董事会作出的变动提出建议;(ii)物色合适资格可担任董事的人士,并挑 选或就挑选获提名担任董事的人士向董事会提供意见;(iii)评核独立非执行董事的独立性;及(iv)就董 [...][...]
The duties of the Committee are to (i) review the structure, size and composition (including the skills, knowledge and experience) of the Board at least annually and make recommendations on any
proposed changes to the Board to
[...] complement corporate strategy; (ii) identifyindividuals suitably [...]
qualified to become board
members and select or make recommendations to the Board on the selection of individuals nominated for directorship; (iii) assess the independence of independent non-executive directors; and (iv) make recommendations to the Board on the appointment or re-appointment of directors and succession planning for directors, in particular the Chairman and the chief executive.
(b) 土木工程拓展署计划在 2011 年第三季展开一项研究,以检视先前曾考虑作 填海的地点及进行觅地调查,物色合适的填海地点。
(b) The Civil Engineering and Development Department plans to commence a study in the third quarter of 2011 to review the previously considered reclamation sites and carry out a site search to identifyother suitable locations.
另外,该网站亦可以让雇主于展能就业科登记职位空缺物色的残疾求 职人士填补空缺,或要求该科引荐应征者参加遴选面试。
It also enables employers to place vacancy orders with SPD, identify suitable job seekers with disabilities to fill their vacancies, or request SPD to refer candidates for selection interviews.
大会还请秘书长继续加强向联合国驻地协调员/人道主义协调员和联合国国 家工作队提供的支持,包括提供必要的培训,确定资源,改物色选联合国 驻地/人道主义协调员的程序,加强对他们的绩效问责,并报告为使联合国继续 加强快速、灵活征聘和部署工作人员的能力,迅速、合算和酌情在当地采购紧急 救济物资和服务,迅速付款以支持有关国家政府和联合国国家工作队协调国际人 道主义援助。
The General Assembly also requested the Secretary-General to continue strengthening the support provided to United Nations resident/humanitarian coordinators and to United Nations country teams, including by providing necessary training, identifying resources and improving the identification of and the selection process for United Nations resident/humanitarian coordinators, and enhancing their performance accountability, and to report on actions taken to enable the United Nations to continue to strengthen its ability to recruit and deploy staff quickly and flexibly, to procure emergency relief materials and services rapidly, cost-effectively and locally, where applicable, and to quickly disburse funds in order to support Governments and United Nations country teams in the coordination of international humanitarian assistance.
凭 藉 本 集 团 多 年 累 积 的 稳 固 基 础、被 市 场 认 同 的 高 品 质 产 品 及 研 发 ╱ 改 良 产 品 的 能 力,本 集 团 仍 会 致 力 於 保 持 本 业 的 业 务 持 续 健 康 增 长,并 会 做 好 准 备,随 时 捕 捉 由 经 济 复 苏 所 带 来 的 商 机,同 时,本集团亦会致力实践多元化发展的业务策略, 其 中 包 括 投 放 资 源 发 掘物 色同 效 应 的 投 资 机 会,以 扩 阔 收 入 来 源,巩 固 本 集 团 面 对 未 来 市 场 变 化 及 发 展 之 基 础,竭 力 为 股 东 及 员 工 带 来 更 大 的 回 报。
Leveraging on solid experience accumulated over years by the Group, premium products recognized by the market and its competence in research and development/improvement of products, the Group will commit itself on a continuous healthy business growth in the industry, and gear up for any opportunity arising from economic recovery In the meantime, the Group will implement the business strategy of diversified development, including identification and exploration of synergic investment opportunities through resources allocation in order to broaden revenue sources, improve its competence in response to changes and development in the future market, and maximize the returns for its shareholders and employees
附 注 : 所 得 款 项 的 实 际 使 用 额 较 所 得 款 项 的 使 用 额 为 低 , 此 乃主要 由 於 本 集 团 仍物 色展 潜 力 的 收 购 目 标 及 刚 开 始 周 宁 县 九 龙 水 电 站 的 设计及 环 境 评 估 工 作 。
Note: Actual use of proceeds was lower as compared to the use of proceeds which was mainly because the Group is still identifying potential acquisition targets and has just commenced design and environment evaluation works for Jiulong Hydropower plants.
提名及公司治理委员会的主要目标为协助董事 会履行其监管职责,具体内容为(a)物色格人士出任董 事会成员及董事会委员会成员,并建议董事会挑选被提名 的董事,委任或推选其为董事会成员;及(b)制定及向董事 会建议本公司的公司治理指引,并就公司治理做法向董事 会提出建议。
The primary objective of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by (a)identifying individuals qualified to become Board and committee of the Board members and recommending that the Board select director nominees for appointment or election to the Board; and (b) developing and recommending to the Board corporate governance guidelines for the Company and making recommendations to the Board with respect to corporate governance practices.
Trade representatives commented that baking powder with Al-containing food additives was basic ingredient for bakery production.
(a) 至少按年审议董事会结构、人数及组成(包括技能、知识及经验方 面),并就任何为配合本公司的公司策略而计划对董事会作出的变动 提出建议;(b)物色候选人及评估董事候选人是否合适和符合资格成为董事,并 向董事会汇报他们的评估结果,以及挑选被提名人士出任董事或向董 事会提出相关建议
(a) to review the structure, size and composition (including the skills, knowledge and experience) of the Board at least annually and to make recommendations on any proposed change to the Board to complement the Company’s corporate strategy
这包 括:使物色的机构;拨出款项开展外联活动吸引妇女候选人;进一步发展 预先核证过的妇女候选人数据库。
These include: the useof specialist headhunting agencies; allocation of funds for outreach activities to attract women candidates; and the further development of a database of precertified women candidates.
监於 贵集团之现时财务状况不足以应付日後可能出现之大型投资机会及/或业 务发展,加上有意就现有业务发物色投资机会,董事相信有必要授出一般 授权,因为倘未来出现资金需要或出现具吸引力之投资条款时,董事将可及时把 [...]
In light of the current financial position, which are inadequate for large scale investment opportunities and/or business developments arise in
the future, and the
[...] intentionof seeking potential investment opportunities for existing business development oftheGroup, [...]
the Directors believe
that the grant of General Mandate is essential so that should future funding needs arise or attractive terms for investment become available, the Directors will be able to seize such fund raising opportunity in a timely manner.
Notwithstanding, we must continue to identify and acquire suitable sites for Public Rental Housing development so as to produce sufficient Public Rental Housing flats to meet the demand beyond the five year forecast period.
该委员会检讨本公司董事 会的架构、人数和构成物色合适资格可担任董事的人士,并向董事会提出建议,并评估独立 非执行董事的独立性。
The Committee reviews the structure, size and composition of the Board and identifies individuals suitably qualified to become Board members and make recommendations to the Board and assessing the independence of all independent non-executive directors.
为保障公众和平集会和表达意见的自由和权利,我们已计划在新政府总物色地方,方便市民举行既不会有损公众秩序和安全,亦不会影响政府总部 有效运作的公众活动。
To safeguard the public’s right to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression, it is our intention to identify suitable places at the new Central Government Offices to facilitate members of the public to carry out public activities which will neither compromise public order and safety nor the effective operation of the Government Secretariat.
(d) 残疾人士家长/ 亲属资源中心为残疾人士的家长及亲属提供精神上的支 持和实务意见,以促进他们接纳其残疾亲属,和增强他们为残疾亲物色训 练和给予妥善家居照顾的能力
(d) Parents/Relatives Resource Centres which provides emotional support and practical advice to parents and relatives of persons with disabilities so as to enhance their acceptance of their disabled dependants, and to strengthen their abilities insecuring appropriate training opportunities for them as well as in taking proper care of them at home




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