单词 | 物者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 物者 noun —shopper nExamples:购物者 pl—shoppers pl 埃及古物学者—Egyptologist (食物或者酒的)浓郁味道 n—bite n 使人或物排成行或者列 v—range v
我们正在远离创 造了美、音乐、鸟儿和作为造物者延 伸 的人类的上帝, 走向被商业化的上帝,沦落到只是为了方便人们使用 的地步。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are moving [...] from God the creator of beauty, music, birds and human beings as extensions of their creator to a commercialized [...]God degraded [...]to the level of human convenience. daccess-ods.un.org |
药物使用者比率 包括试验性或偶尔使用 药 物者 , 以 及剂量 较小但人数可观的依赖性或问题药物 使 用 者。 daccess-ods.un.org | The range of [...] drug users includes experimental or occasional drug users, as well as a smaller yet significant number of dependent or problem drug users. daccess-ods.un.org |
开发 者、拥有者和房地产经理应竭尽全力,促使中心的设计唤起 购 物者 的 这 些感 觉。 remminternational.com | The developer, owner, and property manager should try to evoke those feelings in the layout of the center. remminternational.com |
Personality(TM)是活靈活現的三輪互動會話機器人,現在都可以通過一些主要線上零售商購買,從而為假期 購 物者 及 時提供了選購與眾不同禮物的機會。 tipschina.gov.cn | RS Wrex the Dawg(TM), an incorrigible robotic junkyard pooch, and RS Mr. Personality(TM), a three-wheeled fully-animated and interactive [...] talking companion, are now available at major online retailers just in time [...] for holiday shoppers searching for [...]unique gifts. tipschina.gov.cn |
事实上,Disney品牌旗下的结婚礼服和平时穿的服饰一般可以出售到上万美元,直接进入喜欢追赶潮流的 购 物者 市 场。 labbrand.com | Indeed, wedding gowns and home furnishing under Disney branding sells at thousands US dollars and market [...] directly at fashionista shoppers. labbrand.com |
这些指标(下 载网上文件、收到出版物者的反 馈等)有些部分可作为评估出版物负责人个人业绩的标准。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Such indicators (online downloads of documents, feedback from people who have received the publication, etc.) could be among the individual performance criteria used to evaluate officers responsible for a publication. unesdoc.unesco.org |
满足全渠道购物者的需 求和期待对于保证品牌充分利用假日 购 物者 的 价值具有重要意义。 akamai.cn | Catering to the demands and expectations of the [...] omni-channel shopper is critical to ensuring your brand can capitalize on these incredibly valuable Holiday shoppers. akamai.com |
当然,最近的全球数字表明,我们的努力正在结 出成果,这表现为新发感染病例下降,以及向需要救 命药物者中的多数人提供了此类药物。 daccess-ods.un.org | efforts are bearing fruit with regard to the number of new infections and providing life-saving drugs to most of the persons who need them. daccess-ods.un.org |
任何想获得学报出版物者 通常 都需要为此支付费用,或按文章付费,或订阅学报。 daccess-ods.un.org | Anyone wishing to access material [...] published by the journal is usually required [...]to pay for the privilege, either per article or through a subscription. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚历山大街是赫尔辛基其中一条最知名的购物街,街上店铺的圣诞橱窗在人潮中争妍斗丽,很自然地成为购买过节 礼 物者 的 瞩 目焦点。 visitfinland.com | Aleksanterinkatu, one of Helsinki’s best known shopping streets, is a natural focus for gift seekers. visitfinland.com |
在反对在体育运动中使用兴奋 [...] 剂及提高成绩的药物和方法的辩论中,运动员经常使用“平坦的赛场”这样一个比喻,形容公 正的、不向使用药物者倾斜 的体育比赛(Murray,2003 年)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In debates over anti-doping and the use of performance-enhancing drugs and methods in sport, athletes routinely use the [...] metaphor of a “level playing field” to refer to a sport competition not [...] tilted in favor of those using drugs (Murray, 2003). unesdoc.unesco.org |
与会 者提请注意需要止痛药物者面临 的障碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | Attention was drawn to the obstacles facing [...] those in need of pain medication. daccess-ods.un.org |
這篇文章指出了造物者的一 項重大秘密,把人類帶進了人造生命的時代,影響極其深遠,生 [...] 物工程的誕生就是其影響之一。 wcec-secretariat.org | They could join or split from each other, thus revealing a big [...] secret of the Creator and bringing [...]mankind into the era of man-made life. The [...]influences of this article have been extremely profound and far-reaching, and biotechnology has developed as a result of one of the influences of this article. wcec-secretariat.org |
大部分公民能够获得护照,但那些被政府视为危险 人 物者 , 如 宗教领袖、持不同政见者以及一些少数民族人士,仍难以申请到护照(见西藏附录)。 embassyusa.cn | Most citizens could obtain passports, although those whom the government deemed threats, including religious leaders, political dissidents, and some ethnic minority members continued to have difficulty obtaining passports (see Tibet Addendum). eng.embassyusa.cn |
中 国四级 城市网购消费者的平均收 [...] 入较低,但他们在网上的消费量与更大更富裕的 二、三级城市的网络购物者相仿 ,中小城市网络消费的钱包份额也因此更高(见图 [...]E5)。 mckinseychina.com | Online shoppers in Tier 4 cities have lower average incomes, but the [...] amounts they spend online tend to be [...] similar to those of shoppers in China’s Tier [...]2 and 3 cities, which are larger and more prosperous. mckinseychina.com |
填补所需的信息空白,将购物者转化 成实际买家。 hybris.com | Fill in the information gaps [...] needed to convert shoppers to buyers. hybris.com |
在开业那天,成千上万的苹果迷们和好奇的普通 购 物者 在 广场上排成长队,希望能有机会亲自目睹这一盛况。 siegelgale.cn | On opening day, [...] thousands of Apple enthusiasts and the just-plain-curious [...]lined the plaza to await their chance to see this sight for themselves. siegelgale.com |
这个节假日购物季节,零售商正在竞相招徕全渠道 购 物者 , 考 虑到他们的巨大价值,这样做并不为奇。 akamai.cn | This Holiday shopping season, retailers are racing to embrace the omni-channel shopper, and it's no wonder with these shoppers proving to [...] be the most valuable. akamai.com |
减价幅度最高可达 [...] 75%,让您以超低价买到大量优质产品用于馈赠,您会不难发现,为什么最具眼光的 购 物者 会 对 韦奇伍德(Wedgwood)厂家直销店的超低优惠销售趋之若鹜。 visitbritain.com | Add an abundance of great gift ideas at reduced [...] prices, with up to 75% off, and you'll see [...] why discerning shoppers head for the [...]Wedgwood Factory Shop for the ultimate bargain. visitbritain.com |
大约20年前,Indyme Solutions公司推出业界首款购物者电话(shopper calling box),并通过不断研发新的解决方案以改进消费者体验、增强商店及雇员生产力,以及提高企业形象,从而一直保持业界领先地位。 analog.com | Indyme Solutions introduced the world's first shopper calling box almost 20 years ago, and has remained an industry leader by continually developing solutions to improve the customer experience, store and employee productivity, and enterprise performance. analog.com |
隨著2008年北京奧運會和殘奧會發熱抓住已經,我們相信,保持團隊GB抽水,”WISPA黃金和吉百利的倫敦2012吉祥物將所有流行的選擇與 購 物者 , 幫 助他們感到的興奮,背後真正的運動員“。 zh-tw.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | With Olympic Games and Paralympic Games fever taking hold already, we are sure that Keep Team GB Pumped, Wispa [...] Gold and Cadbury London [...] 2012 Mascots will all be popular choices with shoppers , helping them [...]to feel part of the excitement, [...]really get behind the athletes. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
四个内部连接的商业单体凭借雨棚和掩藏于其下的人行步道的设计,引领 购 物者 由 场 地周边通过位于四层的,介于相邻购物单体之间的悬挑的24小时营业的商业街区,步入到一个全新的城市购物目的地。 chinese-architects.com | Four interconnected retail enclosures capture the pedestrian flow from the surrounding sites straight into and through this new city destination via an elevated 24-hour street at the 4th floor which nestled between the soft forms of the adjacent retail enclosures. chinese-architects.com |
奇怪的是《前赤壁賦》題句在作者的意思還沒說完的地方就中斷了,有“江上之清風”,有“山間之明月”,而沒有蘇軾的論點﹕“耳得之而為聲,目遇之而成色,取之無盡,用之不謁,是 造 物者 之 無 盡藏也,而吾與子之所共適,”其實是一句有主語而失掉了謂語的一段話。 e-yaji.com | Yet when it comes to the clear breeze over the river and the bright moon between the mountains, [one reaches my ears and becomes sound, the other encounters my eyes and becomes something seen, and I can partake of them without restriction and make use of them without exhaustion]. e-yaji.com |
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行 一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level. daccess-ods.un.org |
图书和版权日”也使他们得以发现、重视和深入研究出版界固有的许许多多问题,例如,图书是价值观和知识的传 播 者 , 是 非 物 质 遗 产的宝库;图书是各种文化的窗口,是对话的工具;图书是受版权保护的创 作 者物 质 和劳动财富的根本。 un.org | It has enabled them to discover, make the most of and explore in greater [...] depth a multitude of [...] aspects of the publishing world: books as vectors of values and knowledge, and depositories of the intangible heritage; books as windows onto the diversity of cultures and as tools for dialogue; books as sources [...]of material wealth and [...]copyright-protected works of creative artists. un.org |