

单词 物竞天择

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External sources (not reviewed)

妇女并天对农业耕作 和择作物作出 重要的决定,并且就养家活口的问题作出决定,据此对家庭和社 区的日常生活作出贡献。
Women also make important decisions daily with
[...] respect to farming and the choice of crops, as well as on the daily [...]
supply of food for the family,
thus contributing to the livelihoods of families and communities.
当地企业为回应消费者需求或法律要求(如德 国的物量),或为了保竞争力 ,可能 择 销售 认证产品。
Local businesses may choose to sell certified
products in response to consumer demand
[...] or legislation (such as biomass in Germany), or in order to remain competitive.
为了帮助克服一些上述挑战,印度政 府通竞争过程,择项目厅作为 2007 年采购代理,为卫生部门方案采购物,年度预算为 1 亿多美元。
To help overcome some of these
[...] challenges, the Government of India, through a competitive process, chose UNOPS as a procurement agent in 2007, to procure [...]
goods for health sector
programmes, with an annual budget of more than $100 million.
要想提高病害抑制的有效性及长期效率,就必须了解各种抑制剂、接种此类抑制剂的 物 及 作 为抑制 竞 争 对手 的 天 然 土 壤微 物 群 之间的生态互动。
Improving the effectiveness and consistency of disease suppression requires ecological understanding of the
interactions between the inoculants,
[...] their crop plants and the natural soil-borne microbial communities with which they compete.
根据《示范法》,在满足使用条件的前提下,不通过谈判征求建议书可用于 所有类型采购,这符合贸易法委员会的决定,即采购方法的 择 不 以 采购物、工 程还是服务为依据,而要顾及特定采购的情形,并在实际可行的范围内 力求最大程度竞争(《示范法》第 28 条第(2)款;有关指导意见见第二章介绍 中的评注第**段[**超级链接**])。
Under the Model Law, request-for-proposals without negotiation is available, subject to its conditions for use, for all types of procurement, in conformity
with UNCITRAL’s decision not
[...] to base the selection of procurement method on whether it is goods, works or services that are procured but rather in order to accommodate the circumstances of the given procurement and to maximize competition to the extent [...]
practicable (article
28(2) of the Model Law; for the relevant guidance, see paragraphs ** of the commentary in the introduction to Chapter II [**hyperlink**]).
天,您可以择SPA、 疗养中心、影院、免税店、保龄球馆。
During the day, utilize the spa and health [...]
center, cinema, duty-free shops and spot of bowling.
这些平台将提升市场的透明度,天 然 气竞争的 发展打下基础,并且使设定参考价格成为可能。
These tools will enhance market
transparency, lay the groundwork
[...] for development of competition in the gas market [...]
and will allow for reference prices to be set.
为降低对其他用户的潜在无线电干扰,应 择 适 当 的 天 线 类 型及增益,以便等效全向 辐射功率 (e.i.r.p.) 不超过许可范围,实现正常通讯。
To reduce potential radio interference to other
[...] users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent [...]
isotropically radiated
power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部
内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei
[...] Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好 天 时 间
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the
south, with road and
[...] rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through [...]
the Straits of Malacca.
反兴奋剂的活动旨在提供第 四种择:有足够的信心,相竞争 对手也同样放弃使用兴奋剂,从而 择 干 净 地 竞 争。
Anti-doping is meant to create a fourth option: to compete clean in the reasonable confidence that your competitors are likewise [...]
forgoing doping.
她的声音将回荡在每次宣读的誓言中,她的火焰将在每次点燃火炬时亮起,她的伟大遗产将通过世界上 天 举 办 的每 竞 赛 和 每位运动员而继续存在并发扬光大。
Her voice will echo each time the oath is recited, her fire will burn each time
the flame is lit and her legacy will live and grow through
[...] every athlete in every competition, daily, around the world.
第 28 条要求实现最大程度竞争,要求在 择 采 购 方法时顾及与采购相关 的情形,以及可能适宜的其他采购方法的使用条件,采购实体在考虑使用询价 之外的其他方法时,可以以第 28 条的这些要求作为指导(第 28 条的相关指导 意见见第二章的评注第**段 [**超级链接** ])。
Article 28 containing the
[...] requirement to maximize competition and to have regard for the circumstances surrounding the procurement when choosing a procurement method, [...]
and the conditions
for use of other procurement methods that might be appropriate, will guide the procuring entity in considering alternatives to request-for-quotations (for the relevant guidance to article 28, see paragraphs ** of the commentary to Chapter II [**hyperlink**]).
说到web应用程序和ASP.NET网格控件竞 争 对手 选 择 把 重 点放在一些关键领域,例如AJAX [...]
When it comes to web applications and ASP.NET grid
[...] controls, competitors choose to focus on a few key [...]
areas such as AJAX support, XHTML
code generation and styling options.
由于其它谷物的无机砷含量一般较米饭为低,个别人士若想 减少摄入无机砷,可考虑多择其它 谷 物 作 为 膳食的一部分;此外,亦 可采纳以下建议:煮饭前先彻底洗米,但不要过度清洗以免部分营养素 [...]
Those individuals, who wish to reduce
the exposure to inorganic
[...] arsenic, can consider choosing more other cereals, which generally [...]
contain lower levels of inorganic
arsenic than rice, as part of their diet, and observe the following advices: wash rice thoroughly but without excessive washing as some nutrients may be lost, and discard the washed water before cooking so as to reduce the arsenic levels, especially the inorganic form.
天的竞争格 局,杂货零售商需要"WOW"与辉煌,彩色显示器和优秀新鲜的 物 者。
In today's competitive landscape, grocery retailers need to "WOW" shoppers with brilliant, colorful displays and [...]
outstanding freshness.
(二 ) 由於廢物循環再造產業的投入較大、回報較低,因此,政府 應參考發達國家的推動環保和廢物再造產業政策,擬定 本地的優惠政策,包括提供土地和稅務優惠、技術支援等, 以鼓勵商界投資廢物回收再造產業;及 (三
) 在擴大產品環保責任制的同時,擴大現行回收可供循環 再造廢物的工作,並鼓勵社會採用環保產品;政府應避免
[...] 將環保徵費普及化或將其演變為另類消費稅,以免將香港 變成“稅、費之都”,打擊香港的 物天 堂 美 譽,令市民的 生活習慣受影響和刺激通脹。
(b) since waste recycling industries require considerable investments but yield relatively low returns, the Government should therefore, by making reference to the policies of developed countries on promoting environmental and waste recycling industries, formulate local preferential policies, including providing land and tax concessions, technology support, etc., so as to encourage the commercial sector to invest in waste recovery and recycling industries; and (c) while broadening the scope of product eco-responsibility, present efforts in recovering recyclable waste should be extended, and the use of green products by society should be encouraged; the Government should avoid making environmental levies prevalent in Hong Kong or charging to another kind of consumption tax, so as not to turn Hong Kong into a ‘taxes and
levies capital’, tarnish Hong
[...] Kong’s reputation as a shoppers’ paradise, affecting people’s [...]
daily habits and boosting inflation.
除三层刺网外,对鱼的规格选择性一般 是好的,物种选择性差
Except with trammelnets, the size selectivity for finfish is
[...] generally good, but species selectivity can [...]
be poor.
不 经竞争就选择合同企业,ADG/ED 和该部门冒着得不到所有程序保障的风险(遵守 《手册》第 326 和 1025.3 项),因为这些程序可确保以中立方式为本组织争取获得最 [...]
By selecting the contracting firm without competitive bidding, ADG/ED [...]
and the Education Sector took the risk of not securing
the procedural guarantees (conformity with Items 326 and 1025.3) that are designed to ensure, in a context of neutrality, that the Organization obtains the best service at the best price.
在 MSC Divina 神曲号上客人可以选择不同类型的酒吧,每个酒吧都拥有一个创新的主题和独特的酒类和 物 选 择。
On MSC Divina guests can choose from different bars, inspired by different themes and inimitable in their wine and food selection, thus satisfying even the most sophisticated and demanding palates.
虽然土生物天性胆 小,但在接受来自人类的食物后,他们可能会为了食物而变得具有攻击性。
Native animals are by nature timid, [...]
however, having been provided food from people, may become aggressive for food.
Nautilus 最近的勘探活动主要有:竞争世界上首次钻探 海底多金属硫物矿藏的机会竞争 世 界上第一个估算海底多金属硫化物矿藏符 合 NI 43-101 要求的资源的机会;竞争世界上第一次对海底多金属硫化物矿藏进 行商业电磁勘探的机会;完成索尔瓦拉 1 项目的基线环境调查;大体完成 2008 年世界上第一个对海底多金属硫化物矿藏进行的环境影响评估;成功地促进和开 发了一系列新的海底采矿业商用工具,用于研究、采样和描述海底环境,包括地 球物理、环境、钻探和采矿工具。
Some of Nautilus’s recent exploration highlights include: completing the world’s first drill-out of a seafloor polymetallic sulphide deposit; completing the world’s first NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate for a seafloor polymetallic sulphide deposit; completing the world’s first commercial electromagnetic survey of a seafloor polymetallic sulphide deposit; completing baseline environmental surveys at Solwara 1; nearing completion of the world’s first environmental impact assessment for seafloor polymetallic sulphides in 2008; and successfully promoting and developing a range of new commercial tools for the seafloor mining industry to study, sample and delineate the seafloor environment, including geophysical, environmental, drilling, and mining tools.
岛屿 更容易受到入侵,因为缺天然竞争 对 手和在当地生态系统中控制种群的掠食鱼。
Islands are more prone to invasions because of the lack of natural competitors and predators that control populations in their native ecosystems.
天,太空竞赛已 经结束,并且由 于显著改善的合作气氛,我们都是赢家。
Today, the space race is over and, [...]
thanks to the remarkably improved atmosphere of cooperation, we have all won.
[...] 度,一方面保障本地消費者及旅客,另一方面維護香港 物天 堂 的 美譽, 以確保本港的規管安排繼續為消費者提供有效的保障,並能處理種類繁多 [...]
In order to protect local consumers and
tourists, and to uphold Hong Kong's
[...] reputation as a "Shoppers' Paradise", the Government [...]
considers it necessary to strengthen
the consumer protection regime to ensure that it will continue to afford effective protection to consumers and cater for the wide array of new products and innovative advertisements and marketing.
应当确保研究以贫困农民的需要为中心,公共部门的物种可以与私营企业 物种 互相竞争, 同时要保护全世界的植物基因资源。
The objective should be to ensure that research is oriented to the needs of poor
farmers; that public sector varieties are
[...] available to provide competition for private sector [...]
varieties; and that the world’s plant
genetic resource heritage is maintained.
[...] 此类战略应包括土地使用规划、城市和农村地区非机动化公共运输 择 规 划物联运 系统相关基础设施、资金上可行的运营和维护商业模式、影响行为模式的 [...]
Such an approach should include, inter alia, land-use
planning, the planning of
[...] non-motorized and public transport options in both urban and [...]
rural areas, infrastructure for intermodal
freight systems, business models aimed at financially viable operations and maintenance, communications and outreach messages designed to influence behavioural patterns, and clean technologies with a view to achieving energy efficiency and low emissions.
我们择以 物品来 确定自己的身份,但也恰恰是这些物品在阻止我们发挥自己的充分潜力, [...]
阻止我们实现与大自然的内在关联,制止我们逐步实现可持续发展,并最终阻止 我们享有与大自然和睦的生活。
We have chosen to be defined in terms [...]
of things, and it is precisely things which are holding us back from reaching our
full potential, from realizing our interrelatedness with nature, from advancing towards sustainable development and, ultimately, from living a life in harmony with nature.
在第二阶段,随着利用航空天物体 和平探索空间的活动不断加强,可以 在已经提出的科学、技术和法律解决方法和在航空 天物 体 方 面积累的经验的 基础上,制定出修正和更新国际空间和空气空间法的提案。
During the second stage, when the use of aerospace objects for peaceful space exploration intensifies, proposals for the updating of international space and airspace [...]
law may be drawn up on the basis of
the scientific, technical and legal solutions identified and experience accumulated with regard to aerospace objects.
检查员们认为,尽管环保问题不应当损害一些特定类别的国家,尤其是发 展中国家,但各组织应能够根据商定的原则,如2002 年可持续发展世界首脑会 议批准的《千年发展目标》和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》, 竞 争 性 招标 物 有所 值原则为基础而采购商品和服务,增强国际组织在落实可持续型生产和消费方面 的作用。
The Inspectors are of the view that, while environmental considerations should not be detrimental to particular groups of countries, notably developing countries, the organizations should be able to purchase goods and services on the basis of a competitive call for tenders and the value for money principle, in accordance with agreed principles as per the MDGs and the JPOI, approved at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, promoting the role of international organizations in implementing sustainable patterns of production and consumption.




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