单词 | 物价指数 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 物价—(commodity) prices 物价n—commodity pricespl 指数adj—exponentialadj 指数n—exponentn
这程序让交通票价可因应相 关因素( 包括消费物价指数和营办商成本价格的变动) 依据指定公式作出可 加可减的调整。 devb.gov.hk | would allow transport fares to go up or down in light of [...] relevant factors including [...] consumer price indexandtransport operators’ input pricechanges in [...]accordance with a specified formula. devb.gov.hk |
有关消费物价指数的查询,可与政府统计处消费物价指数组联 络,电话2805 6403或电邮cpi@censtatd.gov.hk。 censtatd.gov.hk | For enquiries about [...] the CPIs, please contact the ConsumerPrice Index Sectionof the C&SD at telephone no. 2805 [...]6403 or email address cpi@censtatd.gov.hk. censtatd.gov.hk |
中国方面,制 造业活动放缓及消费物价指数回落将可促使政府官员於短期内采取减息等进一步宽松措施。 htisec.com | In China, slowing manufacturing activities together [...] with moderating CPI figures could prompt government [...]officials to adopt additional easing [...]measures in the near term, such as interest rate reduction. htisec.com |
举例来说,就业统计数字和消费 物价指数可於统计月份之後约3星期公布;商品贸易统计数字是统计月份後约4星期;而按季本地生产总值估计是统计季度後约个半月。 censtatd.gov.hk | For instance, employment [...] statistics and Consumer Price Index are released [...]around 3 weeks, and merchandise trade statistics [...]about 4 weeks after the reference month. censtatd.gov.hk |
消费物价指数的按年变动率经常用作反映通货膨胀的指标。 censtatd.gov.hk | The year-on-year rate of change [...] of the Consumer Price Index (CPI)is frequently[...]quoted asthe indicator of inflation. censtatd.gov.hk |
将 自 基 期 起 [...] 物 价 转 变 的 影 响 计 算 在 内 , 调 整 至 2012 年 的 价 格 水 平 , 甲 类 、 乙 类 及 丙 类 消费物 价 指 数所涵盖 住 户 的 每 月 平 均 开 支 , 分 别 大 约 在 5,000 元 至 20,500 元 之 间 、 20,500 元 至 36,000 元 之 间 及 36,000 元 至 72,900 元 之 间 , 而 综 合 消费物 价 指 数所涵盖 住 户 的 每 月 平 均 开 支 则 大 约 在 5,000 元 至 72,900 元 之 间 。 censtatd.gov.hk | Taking into [...] account the impact of price changes since the base period, the monthly household expenditure ranges of the CPI(A), CPI(B),andCPI(C) adjusted to the pricelevel of 2012 are broadly equivalent to $5,000-$20,500, $20,500-$36,000 and $36,000-$72,900 respectively, and that [...]of the Composite CPI [...]is broadly equivalent to $5,000- $72,900. censtatd.gov.hk |
同一时期道琼工业平均指数(简称DJI)的报酬率为21.9%,美国利率(以一年期国库卷为衡量基准)的报酬率则为23.4%,美国通膨(消费者物价指数,简称CPI)增幅为28%。 ravenelart.com | During the ten-year period from January 1, [...] 2002 to December 31, 2011, the DJI (Dow [...] Jones Industrials Index) returned 21.9%, [...]the NASDAQ returned 33.6%, and U.S. interest [...]rates (as measured by 1-year treasury bill) returned 23.4%. ravenelart.com |
由於经季节性调整数列的按月变动仍会受其他不规则的因素影响而波动,参考经季节性调整的指数在最近3个月内的平均每月变动百分率,能更清楚看到消费物价指数的趋势。 censtatd.gov.hk | Since the month-to-month change of the seasonally adjusted series still tends to fluctuate due to other irregular factors, the trend of the CPIs may be more clearly [...] discerned by looking at the average monthly rates of change [...] in theseasonally adjusted indices during the latest 3 months. censtatd.gov.hk |
本文阐述社会保障援助物价指数(社援指数)的编制方法、指数基期的重订(新基期为二零零九/一零年)及其应用於综合社会保障援助计划 [...] (综援) 的情况。 censtatd.gov.hk | This article describes the method [...] of compilation of the Social Security [...] Assistance Index of Prices(SSAIP),the [...]re-basing of the index to 2009/10 and its [...]application in the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme (CSSA). censtatd.gov.hk |
而另一影响第 3 季俄罗斯经济表现的政策 因素 可能来自於能源税的调整 俄罗斯能源 新税制在 10 月开始生效 主要措施内容在於调 降原油与高品质油品的出口关税 增加资源流 动性与企业投资信心 目前俄罗斯在通货膨胀 控制上尚称稳定 全年的消费者物价指数变动率或许能够控制在 7% 因此降低出口关税预 期也不至於引发俄罗斯油品价格上升 apecscmc.org | Another policy factor having influence over Russia’s economic performance in the third season may probably come from the adjustment of the energy tax. Effective from October, the economy’s new energy tax system primarily includes cutting the export tariffs of crude oil and high-quality oil, which has enhanced the fluidity of resources and the investment confidence of companies. apecscmc.org |
在各类消费项目中,价格在二零一二年九月份录得按年升幅的类别为住屋(在综合消费物价指数中上升5.6%及在甲类消费物价指数中上升6.9%),外出用膳(分别上升5.1%及5.3%),电力、燃气及水(分别上升3.7%及3.0%),食品(不包括外出用膳)(分别上升3.4%及3.5%),杂项服务(分别上升3.0%及2.1%),交通(分别上升2.1%及1.5%),衣履(分别上升2.0%及3.7%),杂项物品(分别上升1.2%及2.4%)和烟酒(分别上升0.7%及0.9%)。 censtatd.gov.hk | Amongst the various CPI components, year-on-year increases in prices were recorded in September 2012 for housing (5.6% in the Composite CPI and 6.9% in the CPI(A));meals bought away from home (5.1% in the Composite CPI and 5.3% in the CPI(A)); electricity, gas and water (3.7% in the Composite CPI and 3.0% in the CPI(A)); food (excluding meals bought away from home) (3.4% in the Composite CPI and 3.5% in the CPI(A)); miscellaneous services (3.0% in the Composite CPI and 2.1% in the CPI(A)); transport (2.1% in the Composite CPI and 1.5% in the CPI(A)); clothing and footwear (2.0% in the Composite CPI and 3.7% in the CPI(A)); miscellaneous goods (1.2% in the Composite CPI and 2.4% in the CPI(A)) and alcoholic drinks and tobacco (0.7% in the Composite CPI and 0.9% in the CPI(A)). censtatd.gov.hk |
从1993年至今,美国联邦汽油消费税都维持每加仑0.184美元,由於消费者物价指数变化,过去20年来,相同金额的消费能力已萎缩38%,因为税率停滞不前,以此做为主要经费来源的「高速公路信托基金」因此软弱无力,导致州际公路颠簸难平,各地桥梁残破不堪。 thisbigcity.net | Essentially, the gas tax has stagnated at levels that render its main beneficiary—the Highway Trust Fund or HTF—toothless and ineffective. thisbigcity.net |