单词 | 牧神午后 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 牧神午后 —Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, by Claude Debussy based |
一个和暖的午后,在 静谧通风的寺庙里,所有参与者聚精 会 神 地 听 着政府工作人员讲解如何保持健康。 unicef.org | In the warm afternoon stillness of the airy temple, participants listened intently as Government [...] workers spoke about how to maintain their health. unicef.org |
Bünting 曾在德国威滕伯格大学学习神学,成为了一名新 教 牧 师 和 神 学 家 ,但在他的某些教义引发争 议 后 便 不再担任牧师职务。 wdl.org | Bünting studied theology at the University of Wittenberg in Germany and became a Protestant pastor and theologian, but retired from the ministry after controversy [...] arose over some of his teachings. wdl.org |
只需 4.50 澳元即可购买无限搭乘一日漫游(Day [...] Rover)车票,可在周一至周五上午 9:00 后使用 ,周六、周日和公众假日全天均可使用。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | For $4.50 you can buy an unlimited-travel Day Rover ticket [...] that can be used after 9:00am Monday to [...]Friday, and all day Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
下一步将按照之间的良好和邪恶的精 神 , 其 中 后 者 将 亡的最后战斗中,所有的除外阿里曼和蛇Azhi,其破坏是保留给阿胡拉马自达和Scraos ha , 牧 师 , 神。 mb-soft.com | Next will follow the final combat between the good and [...] the evil spirits, in which the latter will perish, all except Ahriman and the serpent Azhi, whose destruction is reserved to Ahura Mazda and Scraosha, the priest-god. mb-soft.com |
官方宗教组织负责管理培训神父、牧 师 、 阿訇、伊斯兰学者及佛教僧侣的地方性宗教学校、神学院和研究院。 embassyusa.cn | Official religious organizations [...] administered local religious [...] schools, seminaries, and institutes to train priests, ministers, [...]imams, Islamic scholars, and Buddhist monks. eng.embassyusa.cn |
年少旅途中干旱的中东和非洲沙漠里天空和落日的颜色,亚洲潮湿的空气,斯堪的纳维亚半岛上低浮半空中的厚重云朵,童年时那些汗水淋漓的夏 日 午后 , 周 围一片静谧,只传来蝉的啾鸣声,还有那高远的秋日长空——所有这些往日画面层层叠叠,累积成我心底的蓝色记忆。 shanghaibiennale.org | The colors of the skies and sunsets in the arid deserts of the Middle East and Africa, where I traveled when I was young, the humid airs of Asia, the heavy, low-hanging [...] clouds of Scandinavia, those [...] sweltering summer afternoon scenes of my childhood when all was quiet save for the chirping of the cicadas, and then the soaring skies [...]of autumn – all the [...]images of these many reminiscences have become layered, and have remained within me as blue memory. shanghaibiennale.org |
我们必须计算成本(路加福音14:28),从有智慧的人、我们 的 牧 师 和 神 的 话 语中获得好的建议。 amccsm.org | We need to count the cost (Luke 14:28), to get good counsel from [...] the wise, from our pastors and from the Word. amccsm.org |
两周后,青年党在 2010 年 9 月 9 日午后在摩加迪沙国际机场发动双重袭 击。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two weeks [...] later, in the early afternoon of 9 September 2010, [...]Al-Shabaab mounted a dual vehicle-borne improvised explosive [...]device attack against Mogadishu International Airport. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于一个刚从神学院 或圣经学院毕业、没有真正牧会经验的年轻人来说,他成为一个教会的 牧师后,认 为自己确切地知道每件事应该怎么做,这并不是不寻常的事。 sallee.info | It is not unusual for a young man, just out of seminary or Bible college, with no real pastoral experience, to become the pastor of a church [...] and think that he knows [...]exactly how everything should be done. sallee.info |
六十岁以前,每天七个小时就够了,六十岁到七十岁之间,每天要八个小时,之后每天要九个小时,包括晚上的八个小时和一个小时 的 午后 小 憩。 china.blackstone.com | Seven hours will do until you’re [...] sixty, eight from sixty to seventy, nine thereafter, which might include eight hours at night [...] and a one-hour afternoon nap. blackstone.com |
暗夜骑士版,车如其名,如午夜间的 神 秘 来 客疾驰于华灯璀璨、车水马龙之间,而极富视觉冲击力的“MIDNIGHT [...] EDITION”字样徽章,更是彰显出极富个性的特质。 lexus.com.cn | As its name indicates, [...] MIDNIGHT EDITION like a mysterious visitor gallops [...]in the constant rush of traffic in dazzling evening [...]and the MIDNIGHT EDITION badge with strong visual impact further demonstrates its highly distinctive trait. lexus.com.cn |
在池边休息区享受温暖的阳光,泳池酒吧为您准备了度过愉 快 午后 必 备的饮品和小食。 msccruises.com.cn | Soak up the sun from the comfortable poolside seating area with a pool bar stocking all the drinks and [...] snacks you need for an afternoon of pure relaxation. msccruises.com.eg |
1983年,我还是十几岁的少年,住在瑞士的巴塞尔,总是在空闲 的 午后 泡 在 一个名叫Roxy的音像店里听着Duran Duran, [...] Depeche Mode或着Talk Talk的音乐。 iontime.ch | In 1983, I was a young teenager in Basle/Switzerland [...] spending his free afternoons in a music shop [...]called Roxy listening to Duran Duran, Depeche Mode or Talk Talk. iontime.ch |
我从同 [...] 各方特别是同全国大进行的非正式讨论中得到的印 象是,阿卜耶伊的居留和划界问题不可能在全民投票 后就放牧权、资源共享和公民权等问题达成的一项更 广泛协议之外得到轻易的解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | My impression from informal discussions with the parties, the NCP in particular, is that the issues of residency and border demarcation in Abyei are unlikely [...] to be easily resolved [...] outside a broader post-referendum agreement on grazing rights, resource [...]sharing and citizenship, among other issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
培育神职人员、牧民工 作者、堂区培育组及关社组(在铎区层面及堂区层面)认识工人问题,并接触工人。 catholic.org.hk | At deanery and [...] parish levels, priests, pastoral workers, members [...]of parish formation groups and social concerns groups have [...]to understand the problems faced by workers today in order that they can give more support to the labor. catholic.org.hk |
美国大使馆和领事馆收集有关宗教人士遭到虐待的信息,并且在教区内同广大宗教领导人保持着联系,这些宗教领导人中既有官方基督教和天主教 的 牧 师 , 以及主教 、 神 父 ,也有道教、穆斯林和佛教领袖。 embassyusa.cn | The Embassy and consulates also collected information about abuses and maintained contacts with a wide spectrum of religious [...] leaders within religious [...] communities, including bishops, priests, and ministers of the official [...]Christian and Catholic churches, [...]as well as Taoist, Muslim, and Buddhist leaders. eng.embassyusa.cn |
流离失所者的返回和牧民以后的迁 徙都带来 人道主义挑战,其中包括需要足够的人道主义援助及发展、重建和恢复方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The humanitarian challenges, related [...] to both the return of displaced persons [...] and future migrations of nomads, include the need [...]for adequate humanitarian assistance [...]and development, reconstruction and rehabilitation programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
四人做好 战斗准备,其他人越过撤离线 60 米,试图绑架 一名牧羊人 As‘ad Ham,后者向沙巴阿镇方向 逃离。 daccess-ods.un.org | Four adopted combat positions while the others crossed 60 [...] metres beyond the withdrawal line [...] in an attempt to abduct a shepherd, As‘ad Hamdan, who fled [...]from them in the direction of Shab‘a town. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些工作 [...] 要在资源非常有限的情况下完成,需要创新 精 神 , 也 要精 简 后 勤 和 技术规划活动,比如取消某些 服务,限制会前文件事务。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This was done in the context of severe resource [...] constraints and called for innovation and [...] streamlining in the logistical and technical planning [...]operations, including the suppression [...]of some services and the restriction of pre-session documentation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正是本着这一同样坚定决心的精神, 今天 下 午我 召开关于巴勒斯坦问题的辩论会。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is in that same spirit of firm determination that I open the [...] debate on the question of Palestine this afternoon. daccess-ods.un.org |
同一天午 后不久,尽管叙利亚警察在场,但是约 300 名示威者突然冲向阿尔法一侧,越过停 [...] 火线,穿过一片未标注的雷区,突破以色列国防军的技术性围栏。 daccess-ods.un.org | Early in the afternoon on that same day, [...] approximately 300 of the demonstrators suddenly moved towards the Alpha side and, [...]despite the presence of the Syrian police, crossed the ceasefire line, passed through an unmarked mine field and broke through the IDF technical fence. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别请中华福音神学院吴宪章牧师专 题分享;本会欧洲宣教士陶恩光牧师及美国西雅图Dale Wine牧师作海外宣教专题报告,帮助员工更能明白自己在这个世代的福音使命与方向。 ortv.com | Guest speaker Dr. Timothy Wu of [...] China Evangelical Seminary, ORTV missionary in Europe Pastor Ivan [...]Tao, and Pastor Dale Wine from [...]Seattle shared stirring messages encouraging our staff to fulfill the Great Commission, and methods to share the Gospel. ortv.com |
堂区应定期为教友举办再慕道培育,可以邀请合适的讲者,如堂 区 牧 职 人 员、 圣 神 修 院 神 哲 学院各学部(哲学部、神学部及宗教学部)或圣经学院毕业的堂区教友、堂区慕道班导师或教区有关培育机构的干事,让教友有系统地重温圣经、礼仪、伦理、要理和生活的关系。 catholic.org.hk | Appropriate speakers can be [...] invited, e.g. pastoral team members, parishioners graduate from the Institute of Theology, Philosophy [...]and Religious Sciences [...]of the Holy Spirit Seminary College or Biblical Institute, catechists of the parish or staff members of formation institute of the Diocese, so as to enable the faithful to review systematically the relationship between daily life and the bible, liturgy, morals and catechism. catholic.org.hk |
纳尔逊·曼德拉是我们这个时代的典范,我们对这一 决议草案表示欢迎,因为该决议寻求确保他的价值 观,包括他致力于民主和保护人权以及为服务于人类 而献身的精神,今后将继 续引导我们以及我们的后 代。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nelson Mandela is a role model for our times, and we welcome this draft resolution, as it seeks to ensure that his values, including his commitment to democracy and the protection of human rights, as well as his dedication to the service of humanity, will continue to guide us and our children for years to come. daccess-ods.un.org |
來自西班牙及巴西的夫妻檔安東尼奧(Antonio [...] Martinez)及梅拉(Maira [...] Belati)現居澳門,將帶領本地藝團馬蘭拿塔藝術社「黑沙劇團」創演兒童劇「LE NA 的 神 奇 油 畫」(23-24 /3 下 午 3 時 ) ,透過默劇、雜技、木偶及多媒體互動等表演形式,與觀眾分享畢加索(Picasso)及達利(Dalí)等大師傑作的奧妙之處。 macautourism.gov.mo | (1-3/3 at 8:00pm) challenges our notion of self in an original new piece bristling with physical [...] and multimedia elements, while [...] The Time Keeper (10/3 at 8:00pm) - inspired by a best-selling [...]Mitch Albom novel and starring [...]members of the Ieng Chi Dance Association Macau and guest dancers from Portugal and the U.K - seeks infinity via a collaboration of dance, theatre and video choreography. macautourism.gov.mo |
他曾为服装品牌 Chronicles of Never, Song for the Mute 以及 Henson 珠宝拍摄, 也曾为音乐家葛莱姆斯,尼尔·罗杰斯, the KVB以及午夜巨神等拍 摄照片,并被多家国际音乐杂志所使用,比如:澳大利亚杂志The Brag, 英国杂志Juke 以及西班牙杂志 Lamono . pinyinstudio.com | He has photographed fashion campaigns for Chronicles of Never, Song for the Mute and Henson Jewellery and portraits for music artists such as Grimes, Nile Rodgers, the KVB, Midnight Juggernauts amongst others for International music magazines like The Brag (Aus), Juke Magazine (UK) and Lamono Magazine (Spain). pinyinstudio.com |