

单词 牧师

牧师 noun ()

preacher n

牧师 ()



牧师之职 n

ministry n

See also:

govern (old)
breed livestock
government official (old)
surname Mu

External sources (not reviewed)

目前有一名来自新西兰牧师驻 留在岛上。
A pastor from New Zealand is currently [...]
stationed on the Island.
另一方面,土耳其不限制在其境内 传教布道的外牧师。
On the other hand, there is no restriction on foreign clergy to work in Turkey.
最后,他有兴趣听取特别报告员对伊 牧师因 被 指称背教而面临死刑的案件及最近发生的针对埃 [...]
Lastly, he would be interested to hear the
Special Rapporteur’s views on the cases
[...] of the Iranian pastor facing the death [...]
penalty for alleged apostasy, and the recent
incidents of violence against Christians in Egypt.
谨随函附上伊朗伊斯兰共和国外交部长阿里·阿克巴尔·萨利希博士就佛罗 里达一名美牧师 2012 年 4 月 29 日焚烧《古兰经》经书的卑劣行径给你写的信 [...]
I have the honour to enclose herewith a copy of the letter of Dr. Ali Akbar Salehi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, addressed to
you (see annex) concerning a despicable act
[...] of an American pastor in Florida, who [...]
burned copies of the Holy Quran on 29 April 2012.
下一步将按照之间的良好和邪恶的精神,其中后者将亡的最后战斗中,所有的除外阿里曼和蛇Azhi,其破坏是保留给阿胡拉马自达和Scraos ha , 牧师 , 神
Next will follow the final combat between the good and the evil spirits, in which the latter will perish, all except Ahriman and the serpent Azhi, whose destruction is reserved to Ahura Mazda and Scraosha, the priest-god.
首位培育杰克罗素梗的是一位 名叫 John Russell 的牧师,他是位狩猎爱好者。
The Jack Russell Terrier was first bred by a Reverend called Mr. John Russell, who was a hunting enthusiast.
The earlier were written
[...] by him when a priest of the Church [...]
of Carthage, but about the year 200 he was led to believe in
the Montanist prophets of Phrygia, and he headed a Montanist schism at Carthage.
洛瓦西克家族的物品包括各类家具、一套玩具火车、一些塑制雕像、珠宝、一台洗碗机,以及一些更为私人的物品,如照相册、结婚证、个人文件和家族中一 牧师 撰 写 的数百本宗教书籍。
The Lovasik family’s objects tell a long domestic story that spans the range of several generations and include furniture, a toy train set, plastic figurines, jewelry, and a dishwasher to more personal artifacts, including
photo albums, a marriage certificate, personal files and hundreds of religious
[...] books written by a priest in the family.
尽管当地居民对此 表示抗议,该教会牧师表示 将张贴更多的标语。
Despite protests by local residents against such a sign,
[...] the church’s pastor indicated that [...]
he would put up more signs.
穆斯林青年中心高度依靠肯尼亚主要伊斯兰极端分子的意识形态指导,包括 在肯尼亚蒙巴萨的激牧师谢赫 Aboud Rogo,众所周知他是东非基地组织成员的 [...]
Muslim Youth Centre relies heavily on the ideological guidance of prominent Kenyan
Islamist extremists, including Sheikh Aboud
[...] Rogo, a radical cleric based in Mombasa, [...]
Kenya, a known associate of members of
Al-Qaida East Africa and an advocate of the violent overthrow of the Government of Kenya.
井里汶组织的成员听从激进的神职人员巴希尔的训导,还吸收了更激进的认为袭击印尼政府是合法 牧师 哈 拉 唯·马克姆(Halawi Makmun)的思想。
Its members not only absorbed the teachings of radical clerics like Ba’asyir and the even more radical Halawi Makmun, a preacher who argues that the Indonesian government is a legitimate target for attack.
特别请中华福音神学院吴宪牧师专 题 分享;本会欧洲宣教士陶恩 牧师 及 美国西雅图Dale Wine牧师作海外宣教专题报告,帮助员工更能明白自己在这个世代的福音使命与方向。
Guest speaker Dr. Timothy Wu of China Evangelical Seminary, ORTV missionary in Europe Pastor Ivan Tao, and Pastor Dale Wine from Seattle shared stirring messages encouraging our staff to fulfill the Great Commission, and methods to share the Gospel.
我们注 意到,根据该法庭的议事规则的第 11 条之二,如果 该法庭继续拖延对 Wenceslas Munyeshyaka 牧师和 Laurent Bucyibaruta 的起诉,则法庭有权、也有责 任收回已移交法国法院的这些案件。
We note that, under rule 11 bis of its rules of procedure, the Tribunal has the right and the duty to revoke those referrals to the French courts, if they continue to delay prosecution of Father Wenceslas Munyeshyaka and Laurent Bucyibaruta.
(i) 加紧迫害属于已获承认的宗教少数群体者,其中除其他外包括基督教 徒、犹太人、苏菲派人、逊尼派穆斯林和琐罗亚斯德教徒以及维护其权益者,并
[...] 侵犯他们的人权,尤其注意到对苏菲派人和福音派基督徒的大规模逮捕和拘留, 以及关于对基督牧师进行严判的报道
(i ) Increased persecution and human rights violations against persons belonging to recognized religious minorities, including, inter alia, Christians, Jews, Sufis, Sunni Muslims and Zoroastrians and their defenders, noting, in particular, the
widespread arrest and detention of Sufis and evangelical Christians and reports of harsh
[...] sentences against Christian pastors
在NCLC 南方官员的要求下,他牧师阿尔 弗雷德·E. ·塞登以及新闻记者A.H. 乌尔姆一起,于1908 年11月共同走访了许多工厂。
Working with the Reverend Alfred E. Seddon and journalist A.H. Ulm at the request of the Southern Office of the NCLC, Hine visited many mills in November 1908.
这幅非洲西海岸部分的地图为尊敬的耶胡迪·阿什 牧师 所 作,他是卫理公会部长、一名出色的制图师以及美国殖民协会(ACS)代表,1824-1828 年还担任了利比里亚总督。
This map of part of Africa’s west coast is by the Reverend Jehudi Ashmun, a Methodist minister, skilled cartographer, agent of the American Colonization Society (ACS), and governor of Liberia from 1824 to 1828.
根据三自教会的网站蔡奎(Cai Kui,音译)所说,北京三自教会委员会(Beijing Municipal Christian
[...] TSPM Committee)的主席代表首都的许牧师 和 平 民领袖发言,说:“在过去九十年里,中国共产党一方面密切联合国内各种国籍和生活阶层的人民,一方面从未停止关怀和照顾中国的基督教......事实证明,中国共产党是真诚地对待及支持中国基督教的发展......中国基督教已经和中国共产党政府及中央人民政府建立稳定不变的共生互助关系,永远会和党及政府同心,走在同样的道路上。
According to the TSPM website, Cai Kui, chairman of the Beijing
Municipal Christian TSPM Committee, spoke on
[...] behalf of the many pastors and lay leaders [...]
in the capital, saying: "In the past 90
years, the Chinese Communist Party, while closely uniting people of various nationalities and various walks of life in China, has never stopped caring about and helping Chinese Christianity... Facts have proven that the Chinese Communist Party is sincere in its treatment of and support for the development of Chinese Christianity... And Chinese Christianity has already formed a constant and changeless relationship of co-dependency and mutual aid with the Chinese Communist Party and the Central People's Government and will always be of one heart and on the same path with the Party and the government.
政府允许已注册登记的宗教教会培 牧师 , 并允许越来越多的天主教和新教神学院学生、穆斯林和佛教的神职人员出国进行进一步宗教研究,但是一些宗教学生难以取得护照或获得批准留学。
The government permitted registered religions to train clergy and allowed an increasing number of Catholic and Protestant seminarians, Muslim clerics, and Buddhist clergy to go abroad for additional religious studies, but some religion students had difficulty getting passports or obtaining approval to study abroad.
[...] 难民妇女和儿童问题妇女委员会、基督教卫理公会全 牧师 理 事 会妇女部和国际妇女争取和平 和自由联盟。
Femmes Africa Solidarité, Hague Appeal for Peace, International Alert, International Women’s Tribune Centre, Women’s Action for New Directions, Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and
Children, Women’s Division of the General
[...] Board of Global Ministries, the United [...]
Methodist Church and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
[...] 述基本特点:(a)它们是由夫妇、家庭、单身父母、寡妇等组成的小团体,这些 人谋求成为真正的家庭社区,与他们 牧师 一 起促进共同发展;(b)他们定期聚 会,根据上帝教谕加入“奉行、判断和行动”的塑造过程;(c)他们为所有家庭, [...]
Full members of the Confederation are Christian Family Movements (CFM) which meet the following basic characteristics even though they may be called by other names: (a) they are organized in small groups of couples, families, solo parents, widows, etc., who seek to become
genuine family communities and work
[...] together with their chaplains to promote mutual [...]
growth; (b) they meet regularly, participating
in a formative process of Observe, Judge and Act in the light of God’s word; (c) they witness and minister to all families, especially to those in difficult situations such as the suffering and the poor.
观察员为:国际移徙组织(移徙组织)、英联邦秘书处和非政府组织妇女和平与安全工作组: 非洲妇女团结会、海牙和平呼吁会、国际警觉组织、国际妇女论坛中心、妇女新方向行动组织、
[...] 难民妇女和儿童问题妇女委员会、全 牧师 理 事 会妇女部、基督教卫理公会以及妇女和平与自 [...]
The observers are: International Organization for Migration, Commonwealth secretariat and the NGO Working Group on Women and Peace and Security, comprising Femmes Africa Solidarité, Hague Appeal for Peace, International Alert, International Women’s Tribune Centre, Women’s Action for New Directions, Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and
Children, Women’s Division of the General
[...] Board of Global Ministries, United Methodist [...]
Church and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
20 元纸币上的图案是世界首个空中医疗服务所,即皇家飞行医生服务所(Royal Flying Doctor Service)的创始人约翰•弗牧师(Reverend John Flynn)(1880–1951)和玛丽•内比(Mary Reibey)(1777–1855),后者于 1792 年以囚犯身份来到澳大利亚,后来成为航运业巨头和慈善家。
The $20 note features the founder of the world’s first aerial medical service (the Royal Flying Doctor Service), the Reverend John Flynn (1880–1951), and Mary Reibey (1777–1855), who arrived in Australia as a convict in 1792 and went on to become a successful shipping magnate and philanthropist.
姓名、地址、电话号码、信用卡号码或银行帐户的详细资料、捐赠纪录、健康纪录(包括精神)、教堂隶属 牧师 的 地 址或电话号码、宗教背景(证词)、以前的生活历史(OM福音船国际组织作为正常运作程序的一部分所收集和存储的任何个人信息)。
Name, address, telephone number, credit card number or bank account details, donation record, health
record (including mental) information,
[...] church affiliation, pastors' address or phone [...]
number, spiritual background (testimony),
previous life history (any personal information which is collected and stored by OM Ships International as part of our normal operating procedures).
2005年5月,肯尼迪中心的工作人员和蒙罗维亚大主教区教堂管理人员安德 鲁·卡尔恩牧师会见 了联合国官员,讨论利比里亚的人道主义和人权局势更加 [...]
全面的维持和平的办法;加强联利特派团的任务;设立建设和平信托基金的可能 性;报告利比里亚的人权状况时,使用国际人权法律框架的措辞。
In May 2005, RFK Center
[...] staff and the Reverend Andrew Karnley, [...]
Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Monrovia, met
with United Nations officials to discuss the humanitarian and human rights situation in Liberia; a more integrated approach to peacekeeping; strengthening the UNMIL mandate; the possibility of a peacebuilding trust fund; and the incorporation of language from the international human rights legal framework when reporting on the human rights situation in Liberia.
AM-CCSM's international director Ross Paterson spoke from Acts 11 about his vision for the company "of an army of ordinary people raised up to make a difference in every area of China's life: because they walk with Jesus and bring His incarnational light into every dark place; because they have Jesus' love for one another and the people of China; because they understand that success is plural; and because they believe that ordinary people can make a difference.
广泛的功能性及媒体共享机会,使 牧师 能 够以更加有效(和统计跟踪)的方法拥有更多的听众,同时也使得全世界的人们可以共同分享上帝赋予他们的创造力和以语言形式表达出来的想法。
The wide range of functionality and media sharing opportunities enables ministries to reach more people in a more efficient (and statistically trackable) way and people around the world to share their God given creativity and audio-visualized ideas.
另一个来自亚齐的阿曼研究小组成员招募了大约二十个亚齐人,希望他们能扩大招募范围;其中大多数都曾是大亚齐地区一位著名的沙拉 牧师 的 追 随者。
Another Acehnese member of Aman’s study group recruited about twenty
Acehnese, hoping they would bring in others; most were local followers of a
[...] well-known salafi cleric in Aceh Besar [...]
(i) 加紧迫害属于已获承认的宗教少数群体者,其中除其他外包括基督教 徒、犹太人、苏菲派人、逊尼派穆斯林和琐罗亚斯德教徒以及维护其权益者,并 侵犯他们的人权,尤其注意到对苏菲派人和福音派基督徒的大规模逮捕和拘留, 以及关于对基督牧师进行严判的报道; (j) 加紧迫害属于未获承认的宗教少数群体者,尤其是巴哈教徒,包括 利用 国营新闻媒体等手段,不断加紧攻击巴哈教徒及维护其权益者,并侵犯他们的人 权,被逮捕和被拘留的巴哈教徒人数大幅增多,包括有针对性地攻击巴哈教教育 机构,在经过漏洞百出的法律诉讼后对七名巴哈教领导人恢复执行二十年刑期, 以及继续采取措施剥夺巴哈教徒在公私两类部门的就业机会
(i) Increased persecution and human rights violations against persons belonging to recognized religious minorities, including, inter alia, Christians, Jews, Sufis, Sunni Muslims and Zoroastrians and their defenders, noting in particular the widespread arrest and detention of Sufis and evangelical Christians and reports of harsh sentences against Christian pastors




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