单词 | 牢房 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 牢房—cellsless common: prison cell jail cell 牢房noun—cellnSee also:牢—prison firm sturdy fold (for animals)
获得任命的被拘留者穿着鲜明的绿色工作服,并发挥许多不同的 功能,包括协助登记员和护士,并负责牢房内的卫生。 daccess-ods.un.org | The appointed detainees wore distinctive green overalls, and undertook [...] numerous different functions, including helping the registrar and the nurses, and [...] being responsible for hygiene in the cells. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此, 绝大多数犯人在夜晚被锁在牢房超过十二小时。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, the vast majority of prisoners spent more than twelve hours locked up at night. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们演示了夜晚如何在牢房地板上躺 下;他们像罐头沙丁鱼一样挤在一起。 daccess-ods.un.org | They demonstrated how they lay down on the cell floor at night; they were packed together like sardines in a tin. daccess-ods.un.org |
据说,妇女不在牢 房关押,而是允许她们白天坐在建筑物外,晚上睡在加锁的办公室内。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women were reportedly not kept in cells but allowed to sit outside the building during the day, and sleep in the locked offices at night. daccess-ods.un.org |
这两个组织呼吁刚果政府结束普遍存在的任意拘留和逮 捕以及酷刑做法,改善警所牢房中的恶劣条件,并惩治负有责任者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both bodies called upon the Government to bring to an end the common practice of arbitrary detention and arrests, torture and deplorable conditions in prisons in police stations, and to punish the perpetrators. daccess-ods.un.org |
要求巴西当局提供所采取行动的信息,以评估新来的被拘留者隔离牢房的使用情况,以确保其符合国际标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Brazilian authorities are requested to provide information on actions taken to review the use of quarantine cells for newly-arrived detainees, so that they comply with international standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
该法 案规定,半开放式设施可准许其囚犯享有与家人共处的时间,封闭式设施必须预 留一间单人牢房,供按有关条款安排的配偶定期探监时使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the bill, inmates in semi-open facilities may be given permits to spend time with their families and a cell must be set aside in closed facilities for regular spousal visits that are to be organized in accordance with the relevant regulations. daccess-ods.un.org |
代表团访谈过的人抱怨有蚊子和牢房肮脏。 daccess-ods.un.org | The persons interviewed by the delegation complained of the mosquitoes and the [...] fact that the cells were dirty. daccess-ods.un.org |
他在被拘留的最 后一个月里,被关在一个没有浴室和水的牢房里,想要什么都必须先获得批准。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the last month of his detention, he was left in a cell without a bathroom or water, and had to ask permission for anything he required. daccess-ods.un.org |
官方几乎从未否认在苏莱曼尼 [...] 亚和埃尔比勒存在秘密和非法的拘留牢房,有时甚至说明具体地点,往往就是些 [...]位于私人住宅和政府建筑中的房间。 daccess-ods.un.org | There had been little official denial of the existence and sometimes location of secret and illegal [...] detention cells in Suleimaniya and Erbil, which were [...] often no more than rooms inprivate houses [...]and Government buildings. daccess-ods.un.org |
申诉人的父母还指出,在还押期间,申诉人被单独监禁,牢房极冷,衣服不够,从不熄灯,并且遭到虐待。 daccess-ods.un.org | The complainant’s parents further submit that during his detention on remand, the author was kept in solitary confinement in freezing conditions without appropriate clothing, constant light and that he was ill-treated. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国还应 [...] 当将录音录像设备的使用扩大到所有警察局和拘留设施,不仅用于询问室,而且 用于牢房和走廊。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should also extend the use of audio and video [...] equipment to all police stations and detention facilities, not only [...] in interrogation rooms but also in cells [...]and corridors. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧盟/禁毒办的短期方案假定将会使用 Ukonga [...] 监狱,并在此基础上设想翻 修和改造牢房,培训监狱工作人员,提供必要设备、包括医疗用品和文娱设施, [...]提供囚犯衣物材料,购置盘子、杯子、上饭菜的用具、卧具、毯子和床垫,提供 监狱管理和将囚犯从监狱运往法院的车辆,并提供无线电通信设备以人道监禁用 具。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on the assumption that Ukonga Prison would be used, the short-term European Union/UNODC [...] programme envisages refurbishment and [...] rehabilitation of prisoncells,training of prison [...]staff, provision of essential equipment, [...]including medical supplies and recreational resources, provision of material for prisoner clothing, purchase of plates, cups, serving utensils, bedding, blankets and mattresses, provision of vehicles for prison management and transport of inmates from prison to court and provision of radio communications equipment and humane restraints. daccess-ods.un.org |
他先在警察拘留所呆了一天, 然后转到内务部门,内务部门将他送至监狱关了三个月,同牢房里还有另外四 人,他每周或每两周接受一次讯问,问他大量的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | After a day spent in police custody, he was handed over to the interior services, who took him to a prison where he was held for three months in a cell with four other men, and interrogated every week, or every other week, on numerous topics. daccess-ods.un.org |
他在设施中的大部分时间内,牢房电灯彻夜通明。 daccess-ods.un.org | For most of his time in the facility, [...] the light in his cell was kept on all night. daccess-ods.un.org |
与提交人的儿子关押在同一牢房的六个人写信解释或提供证词, 证实提交人的儿子没有向他们抱怨自己健康问题或受到酷刑的事实,并说他没有 身体受到伤害的迹象。 daccess-ods.un.org | Six individuals who were detained in the same cell with the author’s son have either written explanatory letters or given testimonies, attesting to the fact that the author’s son had not complained to them about his health or about being subjected to torture and that he had no signs of bodily injuries. daccess-ods.un.org |
这位检察官表示,该监狱最多可容纳 50 名犯人,但第一次前去那里检查时 发现有 104 名犯人,第二次发现有 109 名犯人;划拨的犯人伙食费预算为每人每 天 8.30 伦皮拉(洪都拉斯货币);由于漏雨,一些牢房里遍地是水,许多没有床铺 的囚犯不得不睡在地上,由于人多厕所数量不足而且总是湿乎乎的,使得厕所里 满是污垢而且充斥着难闻的味道;牢房里拥挤不堪,男人、女人、恶势力帮派成 员、精神病人以及正在接受审理和判决的人都挤在一间牢房里,这些直接威胁到 犯人的个人安全乃至群体安全;监狱当局缺少安保和监控措施的后果在 2005 年 10 月 27 日发生的一起暴力事件中得到应验,在那起事件中有一个囚犯丢掉了性 命。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Attorney for Human Rights noted, inter alia, that the jail had 50 places, but that at the time of the first inspection there were 104 [...] inmates and at the time of the second, 109; the budget allocation for food was 8.30 lempiras a day per inmate; somecells wereproneto flooding from water leaks, yet because there were not enough beds many inmates slept on the wet floor; the toilets were constantly foulsmelling and full of filth because there were not enough for the large number of inmates, which constitutes a hazard to their health; overcrowding is a serious risk to the individual and collective safety of the prisoners, with men and women, members of rival gangs, prisoners with mental illnesses, and convicted prisoners and prisoners awaiting trial sharing the same cells; and the lack of security and the absence of authority had led to a violent incident on 27 October 2005, in which an inmate lost his life. [...] daccess-ods.un.org |
被拘留 者获得水的唯一途径是请求到牢房外面使用厕所的水龙头。 daccess-ods.un.org | The detainees’ only way to access water was to request to be let out of the cells in order to use the water tap in the toilet. daccess-ods.un.org |
他虽然在那次大屠杀中侥幸活下来,但又再次被关押在单人牢房且长达数年之久,依然处于与外界或其他囚犯完全隔绝状态,家人不得探 监,也不得与律师接触。 daccess-ods.un.org | Having survived that massacre, he was once again held in complete isolation in an individual cell for several more years, still without any communication with the outside world or the other prisoners and without any family visits or contact with a lawyer. daccess-ods.un.org |
牢房中有一个扬声器,播放类似于发动机或机器的噪音, 还有两个摄像机。 daccess-ods.un.org | The cell included a speaker, which played noise similar to an engine or machine, and two cameras. daccess-ods.un.org |
被拘留者抱怨有蚊子,缺乏卫生,并因铁 皮屋顶外露,牢房内温度很高。 daccess-ods.un.org | Detainees complained about the mosquitoes, the lack of hygiene, and the heat in the cells due to the exposed tin roof. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会建议,只要科特努 监狱关押死刑囚犯的牢房仍在使用,就应采取措施,确保在紧急情况下可以有效 打开牢门。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT recommends that, for as long as the cell accommodating the prisoners sentenced to death is in use, steps should be taken to ensure that the door can be opened efficiently in case of emergency. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 Séhoué 宪兵队,代表团与一名少年被拘留者渐进行了交谈,他是前一 天晚上被带到警察局的;他报告说自他被关进牢房后没有得到任何水或食物,并 且在整个晚上,直到这天上午早些时候他的手一直被铐在背后。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the Gendarmerie in Séhoué, the delegation spoke to an adolescent detainee who had been brought to the police station the previous evening; he reported not having received any water or food since he had been placed in the cell, and having been handcuffed behind his back the whole night until earlier that morning. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会建议在适当的环境下进行医学诊察,绝不通过牢房门上的铁窗进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT recommends that medical consultations occur in an appropriate setting and never through the bars of a cell door. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列继续采取集体惩罚等一系列非法和严 厉措施非人道地对待巴勒斯坦囚犯和被拘留者, 包括强迫他们居住在肮脏和不卫生的条件下;不 让他们看病;限制家人探访;长时间隔离监禁, 有些人被独禁时间至少有 10 年;剥夺他们作为 囚犯所享有的教育权;夜间强行搜查牢房;剥夺 他们依照适当法律程序接受处理的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel has continued its inhumane treatment of Palestinian prisoners and detainees via a series of illegal and harsh measures, such as collective punishment, which includes forcing them to live in unsanitary and unhygienic conditions; denial of health care; restrictions on family visits; solitary confinement for long periods of time, with some held in isolation for at least 10years;deprivation of the prisoners’ right to education; forced night-time searches ofprisoners’ cells; and denial of due process. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国还应实施和加强《人权计划》第97 项措施中规定的措施;在这方面,尤 [...] 为重要的是视频监测系统要涵盖全国所有的警察局,并在牢房和审讯室中安装, 且不限于公共区域。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should also implement and strengthen the measures provided for in Measure 97 of the Human Rights Plan; in this respect, it is especially important that the video surveillance system [...] covers all police stations nationwide and is installed in cells and [...] interrogation roomsand is not limited [...]to public areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一改革将能够解决某些问题, 包括减少等候审判的被拘留者人数(占监狱总人数的 [...] 65%),防止不同类别的被拘 留者被拘押在同一间牢房(特别是男女分开、成人和青少年分开、候审者和已判 [...]刑者分开),并对所有涉及逮捕和剥夺自由的案件启动法庭程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | This reform would resolve certain issues, including reducing the number of detainees awaiting trial (65 per cent of the prison population), [...] preventing detainees in different [...] categories from beinghoused togetherin the [...]same cell (in particular, separating men [...]from women, adults from juveniles and those awaiting trial from those already sentenced) and getting court proceedings under way in all cases involving arrest and deprivation of liberty. daccess-ods.un.org |
在进行这样的监督查访时,执法设施的记录状态不能为 评估拘留的合法性或是否遵守法律时限提供坚实的依据;但是对进入牢房并与被 拘留者谈话的任何视察员而言拘留条件是显而易见的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The state of the records in law enforcement facilities would, in the event of such monitoring visits, provide no firm basis on which to assess the legality of custody or observance of legal time limits; the conditions of custody would however by clear to any inspector going into cells and talking with persons held. daccess-ods.un.org |
将某名囚犯 分配到监狱内的某一具体牢房或区片,应当遵循正规、客观标准,并应以透明方 式记录在囚犯个人档案中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Allocation of an inmate to a particular cellor block within a prison should take place in accordance with formal objective criteria, and should be recorded in a transparent manner in the inmate’s personal file. daccess-ods.un.org |