

单词 牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶持

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代理主席,我剛才說了很多有關跨境基建的問題,不過所謂 牡丹雖 好,也要綠扶持”, 基建的配套設施也是十分重要的。
Deputy President, just now I have raised a number of issues with respect to cross-boundary infrastructure.
我还要仗安全理事会的持,以 鼓励各方在宣布或实施该领域的任何战略或政策之前,致力于对话和保 持透明度。
I also count on the support of the Security Council in encouraging [...]
the sides to commit to dialogue and transparency before
any strategies or policies are announced or implemented in the area.
叶琳娜去外面看到牡丹,以 及所有其他的童话家园,生病。
Elina goes outside and sees that Peony, as well as all [...]
the other fairy homes, are sick.
另一方面,政府於去年提出了一項養殖業貸款,希 扶 助 養 殖漁 好好 發展,我其實是全支持這做法的。
Another point is that the Government put forward a fish culture loan scheme last year in the hope of fostering the development of the fish culture industry.
政府公开表示将倾听南部的不满,但其 全 部 队 却武力镇压大体上和 平的抗议,攻击独立媒体仗义直 言的南部学术界人士和学生。
While the Government
[...] publicly claimed to listen to southern grievances, its security forces had responded to largely peaceful protests [...]
with a crackdown
and attacked independent media and outspoken southern academics and students.
还存在其他膳食禁忌习俗:妈妈们在为婴儿烹制食物时,并不习惯于添 绿叶 蔬 菜 ,然而,这 绿叶 蔬 菜是我们社区儿童摄取维他命A的 好 来 源!
There are other food taboos:
[...] Mothers are not used to adding green leaves when cooking baby food, while these are good sources of vitamin A in our [...]
虽然中药已经使用了银杏叶和种子的世纪,现代研究的重点是标准化的银杏叶提取物(银杏叶提取物) ,这是准备从绿叶。
Although Chinese herbal medicine has used both the ginkgo leaf and seed for centuries, modern research has focused on the standardized Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE), which is prepared from the dried green leaves.
除恢复以外,还需要努力开创和持 长 期 的 全 球 经 济 绿 化 进 程,重组企业和 基础设施,使自然、人力和经济资本投资产生 好 的 回报,同时在生态系统的承 受能力范围内减少温室气体排放,减少开采和使用自然资源,减少污染和废物, 并缩小社会差距。
Beyond recovery, efforts are
[...] needed to initiate and sustain a long-term process of greening the global economy, by reconfiguring businesses and infrastructure to deliver better returns on natural, [...]
human and economic
capital investments, while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions, extracting and using fewer natural resources, creating less pollution and waste and reducing social disparities, while remaining within the carrying capacity of ecosystems.
只要南 北关系仍旧不稳定,此类事件将继续推动中国国内 对中国在南北苏丹乃至所有局势脆弱国家的总体姿 态的争论。53 虽然南苏丹的财富机会在近期事件的 映衬下显得尤为具有吸引力,但鉴 全 球 范围的投 资机会越来越多,一些公司近年来已经开始对在高 风险地区投持谨慎态度。
Such incidents will continue to fuel debate in China about its overall posture in fragile
states and not least
[...] in the two Sudans, as long as North-South relations remain volatile.53 Given greater opportunities for investment around the world, some companies have begun to exercise more caution in high-risk areas in recent years, though the wealth of opportunity in South Sudan means most appear undeterred by recent events.
花香與果香愉悅的協奏曲,以閃亮的紅莓點綴於玫瑰 牡丹 的 完美融合,充滿柔美女性氣息的冉冉飄散,讓整個森林都沉醉於粉紅色的浪漫氛圍。
Marvellous Flower - a joyful bouquet of tender
[...] roses and sweet peonies with a dash of [...]
sparkling berries.
特别报告员建议缅甸政府全国选 举方面尊重言论和意见自由以及集会和 结社自由;释放所有政治犯;解决声 仗 义 和 追究责任问题;落实他在上次报告 中详细阐述的四项核心人权要素;为获得人道主义援助提供便利;继续发展与国 际人权体系的合作。
The Special Rapporteur recommends that the Government of Myanmar respect freedom of expression and opinion and freedom of assembly and association in the context of the national elections; release all prisoners of conscience; address justice and accountability; implement the four core human rights elements, as detailed in his previous reports; and facilitate access for humanitarian assistance and continue developing cooperation with the international human rights system.
代 理主席,我想進一步 談談有關 1997 年 後的實 際情況 , 如果實際情況 變 成議會本身 是由普 選 產 生,或 不全部由普 選 , 只是部分 由 普 選 產 生,而 行 政 機關不與 其 配 合 的 話 , 便 會 變 成 一個難 以 解 決的問 題 , 即 變 成 了行政 機 關可能要仗  某 一 些 由 少 數 人 選出的 議席來 支 撐 。
Mr Deputy, I would like to talk more on the actual situation after 1997. If the actual situation is one which the legislature is not returned by universal suffrage or if not all its seats are returned by universal suffrage but only some of its seats are returned by universal suffrage, and if the executive authorities do not take some matching actions, then a difficult problem will appear, that is, the executive authorities may have to rely on some seats returned from a minority of people to sustain its rule.
经社会强调,应实扶持公正 的增长的 好 政 策 以便使整个社会共同 分享繁荣的成果。
The Commission emphasized that prosperity should be shared by the whole of society by promoting policies that fostered growth with equity.
又注意扶助最 脆弱、最贫穷的社区依然是执行《兵库行动框架》过程中的 一大挑战,而虽然全球、 区域和各国在政策层面大有进步,但地方一级仍未感 受到政策带来的惠益
Noting also that reaching the most vulnerable and the poorest communities remains a major challenge in the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action and that, while much progress has been made at the policy level globally, regionally [...]
and nationally, the benefits
of this are yet to be felt locally
由于现有的新技术很多(虽然不是全部 )属 于先进国家所有,而且 发展中国家进绿色技 术改革的成本相对于它们的收入会高得多,所以全球经济绿化将 带来分配上的重大挑战,也需要通过上述的融资机制和其他国际合作新 机制来解决。
Since many, although not all, existing new technologies are owned by the advanced countries and the cost of inducing green technological change will be much higher for developing countries relative [...]
to their incomes, there will be important distributional challenges connected with greening the global economy, which
will also need to be addressed through the abovementioned financing facilities and other new mechanisms of international cooperation.
为了解决农村贫困地区的营养不良难题,粮农组织和国际农业发展基金(农 发基金)已在许多国家协助地方项目,建立和 持 种 植藜、小米、苋菜 绿叶蔬 菜 和一些花生作物的家庭菜园,这也成为妇女的创收活动。
To address the challenges of nutritional deficiencies in poor rural areas, FAO and the International Fund for
[...] Development (IFAD) have supported local projects in numerous countries to establish and maintain home gardens producing species such as quinoa, millet, amaranth, leafy vegetables and [...]
some groundnuts, which have also
resulted in income-generating activities for women.
社企的運作好在扶助 弱 勢社羣就業之餘,達到創造財富的效果,然後 持 續 地 發展。
The operation of social enterprises can help the disadvantaged in their
[...] while achieving the effect of wealth creation and hence sustaining the development of the social enterprises.
他曾任呼和浩特內蒙古化學纖維廠的工程師、副車間 主任、技術科科長、副廠長及總工程師;紡織工業部 (其後易名為中國紡織總會)計劃部門技術改造處的副處 長;以及中國紡織工業協會的副秘書長;中國紡織工業 協會產業部的副主任;牡丹(集團)股份有限公司(上 市編號600510.SH)的獨立董事,中國色織行業協會理 事長,中國棉紡織行業協會會長。
He has been the engineer, deputy workshop director, technical section chief, deputy factory director and chief engineer in Huhehaote Inner Mongolia Chemical Fibre Factory ( ), deputy section chief of the technical transformation section of the planning department of the Ministry of Textile Industry ( ) (subsequently renamed as China General Chamber of Textile ( )), and deputy secretary general of China National Textile and Apparel Association (“CNTAC”) ( ), the deputy director of the industry department of the CNTAC, an independent director of Black Peony (Group) Co.
Love Passport A Bloom「愛的喜悅」沐浴露
[...] 以清新的櫻桃葉子、葡萄柚、西西里佛手柑、檸檬、黑加倫子、粉 牡丹 、 木 蘭花、紫丁香、鈴蘭、桃、萍果為主,配以紫羅蘭、檀香、白麝、琥珀。
Love Passport A Bloom Shower Gel blends cherry
leaves, grapefruit, sicilian bergamot, lemon,
[...] blackcurent, pink peony, magnolia, lilac, [...]
liliy of the valley, apricot, peach, apple
with violet flowers, sandalwood, white musks, amber.
以上五味,取茯苓192g,粉碎成细粉 牡丹 皮 用水蒸气蒸馏,收集蒸馏液,分取挥发性成分,备用;药渣与桂枝、白芍、桃仁及剩余的茯苓用90%乙醇提取2次,合并提取液,回收乙醇至无醇味,减压浓缩至适量;药渣再加水煎煮二次,滤过,合并滤液,减压浓缩至适量,与上述浓缩液合并,与茯苓细粉混匀,干燥,粉碎,加入适量的糊精,制颗粒,干燥,加 牡丹 皮 挥 发性成分,混匀,装入胶囊,制成1000粒,既得。
Take Poria 192g, crushed into fine powder; moutan steam distillation, collecting distillates, get volatile components; dregs and
[...] cassia twig, peony, peach kernel, and the remaining Poria with 90% ethanol extract 2 times and then combined extract, recovery of ethanol from non-alcoholic flavor, evaporated to moderate amount; dregs plus secondary water boiling, filtration, combined filtrate, evaporated to the amount, combined with the concentrated solution, and Poria powder mixing, drying, crushing, adding the right amount of dextrin, particle system, dry, add Cortex Moutan volatile ingredients, [...]
mixing, into the capsule, made 1000.
鄧兆棠議員: 代 理主席,陳議員的修 正 案 與我的主體 議 案 沒 有 太 大 的 分別, 只 屬錦上 添 花 ;可以插 上 玫瑰花 , 或 像 陶淵明 般
[...] 插 上 菊 花 , 或 像 李 唐 時 候 般 插牡丹花 。
These flowers may be roses or chrysanthemums as what TAO
[...] Yuanming would or peonies as people during [...]
the TANG Dynasty would.
全仗條例 草案審議委員 會施加壓力,加㆖黃匡源議員的協助,始能促使各有關方面㆒起商議,並達成今㆝ 我們面前的折衷協議。
It has only been the pressure of the Bills Committee and the help of Mr Peter Wong which brought the various parties together to reach the compromise which we are looking at today.
[...] 有钙质的食品,如有食用有骨头的小鱼绿 叶蔬菜 ,以及添加钙质的食品,如豆奶、面 [...]
If dairy products trigger intolerance or an allergic reaction, then you need to include other
calcium-rich food, for example small fish with
[...] edible bones, green leafy vegetables and calcium-fortified [...]
food such as soybean milk, bread and biscuits.
但是,博茨瓦纳意识到应该继续 好扶 贫 战 争,因此 通过了一个灵活的消灭贫穷方案,着眼于促进各部门 的广泛增长,为持续生计创造机会。
However, realizing that the fight
[...] against poverty should be sustained, Botswana has adopted a flexi-programme on poverty eradication that focuses on promoting broad-based growth for sectors that create opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.
尽 管海外房地产管理股方面一再努力,并在总部以外办事处设施管理人员第一次年 会上分享和审查了所收集到的数据,但明显的是,收集资料的初步进 虽 是 一好努力,却需要外部的专业指导和 持 , 以提供缺失的要素,从而最准确地预 测今后 20 年期间所全球设施维修和新建工程。
Despite repeated efforts on the part of the Overseas Property Management Unit and the sharing and review of the data collected at the first annual conference of facilities
managers at offices away from Headquarters, it was clear that the initial process of
[...] informationgathering, though a good effort, would need outside professional guidance and support to provide the missing elements to most accurately forecast, over the next 20-year period, the future global facilities [...]
maintenance and new construction requirements.
为此,将主要通全球文化多样性联盟项目和在手 工艺和设计领域开展有利于可持续发展的能力建设等手段,特别注重促进文化间对话、多语 言主义以扶持多样化的文化产业。
In this regard, special emphasis shall be placed on fostering intercultural dialogue and
multilingualism as well
[...] as sustaining diversified cultural industries, in particular through the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity Project and through capacity-building in the field of crafts and design for sustainable development.
[...] 可持续发展的作用怎么强调都不为过,确认各国的努力应当得到旨在扩大发展中 国家发展机会扶持性全球方 案、措施和政策的支持,同时应顾及各国的国情, [...]
Reaffirming that each country must take primary responsibility for its own development and that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized in the achievement of sustainable development, and recognizing that
national efforts should be
[...] complemented by supportive global programmes, [...]
measures and policies aimed at expanding the development opportunities of developing countries,
while taking into account national conditions and ensuring respect for national ownership, strategies and sovereignty
虽然扶轮社 的人道主义工作大多与确定为发展议程一部分的八个领域的每 [...]
一个相一致,但有意从事教育、和平与发展事业的扶轮社成员尤其关注目标 2 和 目标 3。
Although much of Rotary’s [...]
humanitarian work fits within each of the eight areas identified as part of the development agenda,
Goals 2 and 3 have been of particular interest to Rotary members interested in education, peace and development.
美食好者在 此必能享尽口福,品尝到无数独特佳肴,如lontong balap(炖糯米糕、豆芽、豆腐、炸木薯及豇豆糕,淋上大蒜酱及辣虾膏)、rujak cingur(这种沙拉包含牛嘴唇、热带水果、芜青、米糕、豆腐及煮熟的发酵黄豆,搅拌在发酵虾酱和碎花生的黑色酱汁里,并淋上炸葱片和虾片)、semanggi( 绿叶 蔬 菜 、豆芽、木薯来熬成的粥)以及Rawon setan(邪恶的Rawon是一种黑色的辣牛肉汤),正如其名字所暗喻,它只有在晚上才会登场。
Epicureans will relish the city’s numerous delicacies such as lontong balap (a stew of sticky rice cake, bean sprout, bean curd and fried cassava and cowpea cake dressed with garlic sauce and spicy shrimp paste), rujak cingur (a salad with cow lips, tropical fruits, turnips, rice cakes, bean curd, cooked fermented soy beans tossed in a black sauce of fermented shrimp paste and ground peanuts topped with fried shallots and shrimp crackers), semanggi (a porridge of leafy greens, bean sprouts [...]
and cassava), and
even Rawon setan (Evil Rawon, a black spicy beef broth) which, as its name suggests, is only available in the evening.
连续或大面积准同步测叶绿素 a 变化,好的方法是测量海洋水色 叶绿 素 荧 光。
Finally, as the observing system develops and matures, mechanisms should be established by which end users are able to provide critical feedback on the timeliness and quality of the data and analyses provided.




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