单词 | 牠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 浠—name of a river in Hubei牠—it (used for animals)Examples:向牠adj—too sharpadj
以死去的淡水鱼喂饲其他哺乳类动物,如猫、狗、猪,亦会令牠们感染到中 华肝吸虫。 cfs.gov.hk | The parasite might also infect other mammals, such as cats, dogs, pigs through feeding with dead freshwater fish. cfs.gov.hk |
牠是世界上所有海豹动物中最濒危的品种,也是唯一的芬兰原产哺乳类动物。 visitfinland.com | It is the most endangered of all the world’s seals and the only mammal that is indigenous to Finland. visitfinland.com |
因着这一点,牠要猛烈地进攻新教会和 新信徒,并且要不惜一切手段地毁灭他们。 sallee.info | Because of this, he will viciously attack new churches and new believers, and do all that he can to destroy them. sallee.info |
由於海獭不用前肢游泳,为了让Eddie的前肢活动起来,训练员便想到教牠投篮,活动牠的肘部。 ktsf.com | Sea otters don’t use their front limbs for [...] swimming, so zoo keepers said theyhad toget creative, [...]finding an alternative way for getting [...]the otter, known as Eddie, to flex his elbows. ktsf.com |
如您发现猫儿胡乱排粪,请抱起牠并把牠放入厕盆内,鼓励牠们在盆内如厕,并 要赞赏正确行为。 animalsasia.org | If you catch your cat in the act, pick her up and place her in the litter tray and praise after correct usage. animalsasia.org |
任务:开始长期与当地动物接触,欣赏牠们各种个性与习惯。 thisbigcity.net | Task: Initiate contact with local animals over a sustained period of time. thisbigcity.net |
工 程 船 只 亦 可 能 令 机 场 周 围 的 海 上 交 通 量 上 升 , 使 中 华 白 海 豚 遭 船 只 碰 撞 的 风 险 增 加 ,对牠们构成 危 险 。 threerunwaysystem.com | Construction vessels may also increase the marine traffic surrounding the Airport, and this might be a hazard to CWDs due to an increase in the risk of being hit by vessel traffic. threerunwaysystem.com |
我在一个朋友的冰箱面上看到一个「卡通」图片, 描绘一只美丽的加拿大潜鸟,安闲的在水上游来游去,但 其实牠在水的下面作急忙的快踏,好像在逃命一样。 totalgrowth.org | I once noticed a cartoon which depicted a Canadian Loon (an aquatic bird) with its beautiful shining feather swimming leisurely, confidently above the water, but beneath the water, the bird was paddling vigorously as if it was running for its life. totalgrowth.org |
在这一方面,撒但 诱惑过耶稣:只要耶稣拜牠,牠就将世上的万国和万国的荣华赐给他(太 [...] 4:8)。 sallee.info | Satan tempted Jesus in this arena by offering Him all of the kingdoms of the world with their [...] splendor if He would worship him (Mt 4:8). sallee.info |
一个由UNEP资助并由加拿 大着名学者David Rapport博 士带领研究的报告指出,全球 各地湿地的消失逼使众多野生 雀鸟另觅居所,牠们转而投向 农场的池塘或稻田,令野鸟直 接接触到鸡、鸭、鹅或其他家 禽,相信这是禽流感散播的主 要原因。 worldinfo.org | A report commissioned by UNEP and led by a leading Canadian academic Dr. David Rapport found that the loss of wetlands around the globe is forcing many wild birds onto alternative sites like farm ponds and paddy fields, bringing them into direct contact with chickens, ducks, geese and other domesticated fowl which is believed to be a major cause behind the spread of avian influenza. worldinfo.org |
因为貂鼠的尾巴是黑色的,那可以把牠和小黄鼠狼区分出来。 visitfinland.com | It can be distinguished from its cousin the least weasel because the end of the ermine’s tail is black. visitfinland.com |
牠是唯一一种不用紮蟹钳的蟹,因为其动作慢,完全无攻击力。 sfgourmet.com | Because of its slow action, the crab cannot attack easily. sfgourmet.com |
Happy虽然被主人弃养,但仍然很乖、不捣蛋、不吠,还能跟中心所有大小狗相处,是一只非常难得的雪撬犬,牠由进入领养中心的一刻开始,每逢见到工作人员,只要您叫牠的名字,牠便会笑着来到您身边,坐下来轻轻的依傍着您。 hk-aac.com | Even though, Happy was abandoned by his owner but we've found her very friendly with people, don't mess around or bark for nothing and mixed well with other dogs in the centre & trust our volunteers – just called her name, she always come to you with a smile and sat along side with you. hk-aac.com |
如家中饲养雀鸟,应避免和牠有亲密接触, 并每次在接触牠或替牠处理粪便後用梘液和清水洗手。 cmchk.org.hk | If you keep live bird at home, avoid close [...] contact with the pet and wash hands [...] thoroughly with liquid soap each time after touching itor after cleaning its droppings. cmchk.org.hk |
经过仔细商议及考虑後,我们作了一个艰难痛苦之决定 ~~ 为了不让“小猪”再受痛苦煎熬,我们让牠早些离开、去伊甸园与其他在等待领养期间离世的哥哥姐姐一起过些永无疾病痛苦,只有欢乐的日子。 hk-aac.com | After careful deliberation and consideration, we have made a difficult decision ~ ~ in order to end the pain and torture of "Mini Pig", we let him go in peace, go to join his brothers/ sisters who werepassed away while waiting for adoption at the Garden of Eden, there will no pain, no disease, only joy. hk-aac.com |
亚洲动物基金(Animals Asia Foundation)为注册的非牟利慈善机构,总办事处设於香港,致力终止 虐待亚洲动物及重建人们对牠们的尊重。 citibank.com.hk | Animals Asia Foundation is a Hong Kong-headquartered charity, dedicated to ending cruelty and restoring respect for all animals in Asia. citibank.com.hk |
我们的兽医及护熊团队,一直为新成员的加入而默默耕耘,牠们才可以轻松地通过检疫;而我们的行政、安检、维修、外务及教育组员在行动前的冲刺准备上都积极协助Tuan,也作出熟练而正确的引领。 animalsasia.org | No words, as always, for the Vet and Bear Teams who prepared for, and offloaded our new family effortlessly into Quarantine, and our Admin, Security, Maintenance, External Affairs and Education staff who assisted Tuan with all the last minute preparation work and so skillfully guided them in. animalsasia.org |
现在 BOYBOY 已经 16 岁了,虽然 BOY BOY 的後脚,已经无力再支撑日常的走动,但牠一直没有放弃,仍然很努力生存下去。 saa.org.hk | Boy Boy is now 16 years old, although his hind legs are unable to support his full body weight, he still has not given up the will to live. saa.org.hk |
这 些 措 施 会 为 於 建 议 工 程 项 目 范 围 内 生 活 的 鱼 类 及 中 华 白 海 豚 弥 补 栖 息 地 , 并 尽 量 减 少 施 工 及 营 运 期 间 可 能对牠们造成 的 直 接 及 间 接 影 响 。 threerunwaysystem.com | Such measure will serve to compensate the habitat for fish and CWD utilizing the proposed Project area and minimize the potential direct and indirect impacts on them during construction and operation. threerunwaysystem.com |
高尔曼研究了两品系的老鼠(ob/ob和db/db),牠们都有严重病态肥胖和糖尿病。 shawprize.org | Coleman investigated two strains of mice (ob/ob and db/db), both of which exhibit grossly morbid obesity and severe diabetes, caused by homozygosity for two different recessive mutations. shawprize.org |
学生了解到大量不同种类的海龟,以及牠们基本的生理结构,如何发现海龟以及如何放辨识标签。 ycis-bj.com | The students learnt a vast amount about the different species of turtles and their basic anatomy, how to identify them and place tags on them for identification. ycis-bj.com |
他与黑根的感情很好,1997年起他以黑根作为创作题材,捕捉牠的举止和神韵。 ravenelart.com | While at first depicting his canine companion in natural brown and black shades, in 1997 Zhou began using hues of bright, bold green to illustrate not only the physical form but the captivating spirit of Hei Gen as well. ravenelart.com |
小猕猴欢欢因为贪玩,意外发动了科学怪人的新发明 ── 变形枪和时光倒流车,因而穿越时空,先後回到春秋战国时代、唐朝、宋朝、三十年代的上海,甚至登陆月球!到底牠会遇上甚麽趣事呢? hkiac.gov.hk | Accidentally triggering a time machine, Little Monkey travels back to different dynasties in Ancient China, then returns to lead the way to the moon! hkiac.gov.hk |
湿地公园经理(教育及社区服务)郑翠如表示,湿地公园的蝴蝶园,种植了大量蝴蝶幼虫食用的植物和蜜源植物,是牠们的安乐窝,也是理想的赏蝶地点。 news.gov.hk | Wetland Park Manager (Education & Community Services) Josephine Cheng said Wetland Park's Butterfly Garden offers an ideal habitat for butterflies and is a great spot for butterfly watching. news.gov.hk |
优卡幼犬大型犬饲粮能爲幼犬大型犬提供牠们所需要的最适量蛋白质、钙和能量水平,同时也含有幼犬健康成长所不能缺少的各种重要的维生素和矿物质,并维持大型犬正常的肌肉和骨骼发展 。 eukanuba.com | This Eukanuba diet has adjusted protein, calcium and energy levels, provides all important vitamins and minerals, and supports a balanced muscular and skeletal growth of large and giant breed puppies. eukanuba.com |
是次研究的一项主要特色,是对海豚的数目,以及牠们在香港和 大陆水域的分布情况,进行了为期 12 个月的实地调查,收集了广泛的野 外数据,并对水质进行了模拟分析,从而为评估工作提供了重要数据。 logisticshk.gov.hk | A key feature of the Study is the extensive field data collected through a 12-month field survey programme of dolphin abundance and distribution in Hong Kong and Mainland waters as well as water quality modelling simulations, which have provided essential data for undertaking the assessment. logisticshk.gov.hk |