单词 | 牛腩 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 牛腩—brisket (esp. Cantonese)less common: spongy meat from cow's underside and neighboring ribs belly beef erroneously translated as sirloin See also:牛n—beefn oxn cown cattlen bulln 牛—(slang) awesome surname Niu 腩—brisket erroneously translated as sirloin spongy meat from cow's underside and neighboring ribs belly beef 牛pl—cowspl
他们多进食高脂食物如排骨、牛腩及鸡翼等食物;而不少被访者在进食鸡肉时,往往连皮吃下 [...] -- 这些食物同样含高饱和脂肪,对心脏健康构成极大威胁。 hkupop.hku.hk | They enjoy eating high fat food [...] including spareribs, beef briskets, and chicken [...]wings with skin -- all contained high saturated [...]fat and are not healthy for the heart. hkupop.hku.hk |
太残忍了,卢森堡目前被看作是D组的鱼腩。理由很充分:除了壹场友谊赛战胜斯洛伐克,卢森堡从2008年至今还没有过胜利。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Cruelly, Luxembourg is currently seen as the patsy of Group D. And for good reason: except for a friendly win against Slovakia, Luxembourg haven’t had a victory since 2008. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
附加食物: 铁板烤虾 ($35), 香脆猪腩肉($30) 或 辣椒鸡肉 ($25)。 ilovelkf.hk | ADD: Shrimp a la Plancha [...] $35, Crispy Pork Belly$30or Chili Rubbed [...]Chicken $25. ilovelkf.hk |
讲究环保及健康的食材选择,餐厅使用本地少有的无荷尔蒙猪全只制作主要的猪肉及意大利面菜式,包括:「Nose to Tail Bolo」猪肉酱、小牛与牛尾蕃茄酱,吉烈炸猪心以及意式慢烤猪脾及猪腩肉配辣椒芥辣酱Rotisserie Porchetta等;意大利面条和辣肉肠则由餐厅员工每天在开放式工作间内九小时不停制作;换上臭草、鸭蛋黄、虾乾酱等地道食材的菜式,连同配上七十二度热朱古力融和棉花糖雪糕和饼乾、苹果果酱批配苹果焦糖、有机甜薯奶油饼、乳酪意大利雪糕等的自制甜品,全都成为菜谱上的独特选择。 think-silly.com | Fused with local flavours such as fragrant grass, salt cured egg yoke and fried shrimp diavola, desserts include hot chocolate served in seventy-two degrees, mixed with candy floss ice cream and biscuit; and apple caramel, organic sweet potato cream, yogurt gelato. think-silly.com |
太残忍了,卢森堡目前被看作是D组的鱼腩。理由很充分:除了一场友谊赛战胜斯洛伐克,卢森堡从2008年至今还没有过胜利。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Cruelly, Luxembourg is currently seen as the patsy of Group D. And for good reason: except for a friendly win against Slovakia, Luxembourg haven’t had a victory since 2008. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16. codexalimentarius.org |
该代表团指出,这一点也要在本届会议上通 过的确认食品安全控制措施指南里强调,该指南规定,需要在个案基础上确认控制措施 建议,应取消该限制,但乳过氧化物酶体系的使用取决于基础设施和确认条件,而且应 基于依靠贸易模式的国家之间的相互协议,以及根据观察到的情况,另外还建议修改附 件 A 里的注脚 9:微生物统计防治措施-乳和乳制品操作规范,增加下列内容:“任何经 过乳过氧化物酶体系处理过的牛奶贸易应基于有关国家之间的相互协议,不得损害与其 他国家的贸易”。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation, pointing out that this point was also emphasized in the Guidelines for the Validation of Food Safety Control Measures adopted at the current session, which provided that control measures required validation on a case-by-case basis, proposed that the restriction be lifted, but that the use of the LPS be conditional on infrastructure and validation and be based on mutual agreements between countries depending on patterns of trade, and in line with this observation, further proposed to amend footnote 9 in Appendix A: Microbiostatic Control Measures - Code of Practice for Milk and Milk Products by the addition of the following: "Any trade inmilk treated by the lactoperoxidase system should only be on the basis of mutual agreement between countries concerned, and without prejudice to trade with other countries. codexalimentarius.org |
自适应移动平均线,平均方向性运动指数,平均运动指数怀尔德指标,布林通道线,双指数移动平均线,鲍洛格线指标,分形自适应移动平均线,云图指标,移动平均指标,抛物线状止损和反转指标,标准偏差指标,三重指数移动平均线,可变指数动态平均指标,平均真实范围,熊市力量,牛市力量,蔡金振荡器,商品通道指数,DeM 指标,劲道指数,MACD指标,动量指标,振荡器移动平均线,相对强弱指数,相对活力指数,随机指标,三重指数平均,威廉百分比范围,离散指标,资金流量指数,能量潮指标,成交量柱状图,加速器振荡器,鳄鱼指标,OA振荡指标,分形指标,GATOR [...][...] 振荡器,市场促进指数。 activtrades.cn | Adaptive Moving Average, Average Dierectional Movement Indey, Average Movement Index Wilder, Bollinger Bands, Double Exponential Moving Average, Envelopes, Fractal Adaptive Moving Average, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Moving Average, Parabloic SAR, Standard Deviation, Triple Exponential Moving Average, [...] Variable Index Dynamic Average, Average True [...] Range, Bears Power, BullsPower, Chaikin Ocillator, [...]Commodity Channel Index, DeMarker, [...]Force Index, MACD, Momentum, Moving Average of Oscillator, Relative Strenght Index, Relative Vigor Index, Stochastic Oscillator, Triple Exponential Average, William's Percent Range, Accumulation/Distribution, Money Flow Index, On Balance Volume, Volumes, Accelerator Oscillator, Alligator, Awesome Oscillator, Fractals, Gator Oscillator, Market Facilitation Index. activtrades.co.uk |
如果太胖,裤头会窄得好像令我不能呼吸,『肚腩』凸出来也不好看。 news.gov.hk | Otherwise, I cannot button up my trousers due [...] to my big belly,”Cheuk-cheung said. news.gov.hk |
一位业界代表不同意黄先生的回覆,认为对於來自相同致敏來源的不同 配料,在一种配料中标示致敏來源(例如牛奶朱古力、乳糖、乳清蛋白质)已能 达到目的。 cfs.gov.hk | They said that, for multiple ingredients of the same allergenic source, labelling of the allergenic source in one ingredient would serve the purpose e.g. Milk chocolate, lactose, whey protein. cfs.gov.hk |