单词 | 牛肝菌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 牛肝菌 noun —porcini mushrooms nboletus nSee also:牛 n—beef n • cattle n • cow n • bull n • ox n 牛—(slang) awesome • surname Niu 肝 n—liver n • hepatic n • pancreas pl 菌 n—mushroom n • bacteria pl • fungi n • fungus n • mold n
最常见的是森林 水果是越桔(蓝莓),而最常见的蘑菇 有牛 肝菌,海湾牛肝菌和类似疣柄牛肝菌 和 乳牛 杆菌的菌类。 paiz.gov.pl | The most popular forest fruits are bilberries (blueberries), while the most popular mushrooms are boletus, bay boletus and species like leccinum and suillus. paiz.gov.pl |
于1956年出生在法国朗德地区Gascony一个简朴的农民家庭,他深爱当地的特产和名菜,如鹅肝酱和他的祖母教他烹饪 的 牛肝菌。 audemarspiguet.com | Born in 1956 into a modest family of farmers in Gascony in the Landes region of France, he [...] loved the local products and [...] specialties, such as foie gras and the porcini mushrooms that [...]his grandmother taught him to cook. audemarspiguet.com |
那里的伦季三文鱼汉堡是当地人的最爱,著名的意大利调味饭也常常以芬兰式的伦季特色风味呈现,其中添加了鸡 油 菌 或 牛肝菌。 visitfinland.com | Their Lungi salmon burger is a great favorite [...] among locals and even their famous risottos are often served with a Finnish Lungi twist [...] adding chanterelles or boletus. visitfinland.com |
英國牛肝菌脆餅 sfgourmet.com | Mondovino porcini mushroom crackers sfgourmet.com |
食物搭配:牛肝菌蘑菇 ,野味,牛肉,小牛肉,豬肉,鵪鶉 sfgourmet.com | Food pairing : porcini mushroom, game meats, beef, veal, pork, quail sfgourmet.com |
松脆海鲈鱼脊背,配以香粉和烘烤后 的 牛肝菌 油 ,由榛子和黄油勾兑的焦糖滋味口蘑,这道菜与Schoffweg是天作之合。 marceldeiss.com | Crispy Sea Bass back with grilled cep oil and powder, caramel with buttered mushroom and hazel to illuminate the Schoffweg. marceldeiss.com |
最后在餐桌上开瓶享用时,一定要搭配与之相称的美食:著名主厨查理•帕尔默(Charlie Palmer)推荐与“烤牛排、烤牛肝菌菇 、 焦糖韭菜”搭配;纽约著名餐厅Daniel的侍酒师Rajeev [...] Vaidya推荐搭配“Daniel菜单中的招牌双人份牛排:炖排骨和富含铁的和牛里脊肉”享用。 mechanicsofstyle.com | When you finally do crack that bottle, make sure it has a worthy counterpart on the table: legendary master Chef [...] Charlie Palmer suggested to us [...] “a grilled veal chop with roasted porcini mushrooms and [...]caramelized leeks,” while the sommelier [...]Rajeev Vaidya of New York City’s famed Restaurant Daniel recommends “a classic dish from Daniel’s repertoire, a Duo of Beef: braised short ribs and the iron-rich flavors of the Wagyu tenderloin. mechanicsofstyle.com |
以豬、牛、雞為三大類別,例如Portobello蘑菇 配 牛肝菌 、 西 班牙臘腸配大蒜、墨西哥Habanero辣椒腸,以及帶有酒香的威士忌豬牛肉腸Bourbon [...] Whisky等,甚至在香腸肉中加進雅枝竹芯。 think-silly.com | All handmade with a choice of fifteen flavours (including two vegetarian [...] options) and divided into three [...] categories – pork, beef and chicken – such [...]as Portobello mushroom and porcinis, chorizo [...]and garlic, habanero, bourbon whisky, and one added with artichoke hearts. think-silly.com |
聯記號有限公司」進口鮮菇,品種包括鮮松茸、鮮老人頭菌、鮮黑虎掌菌、鮮雞「土從」菌、鮮 紅 牛肝菌 及 鮮 黃 牛肝菌。 cfs.gov.hk | Mushrooms imported by “Luen Kee Hoo Co, Ltd”, including fresh Matsutake, fresh Catathelasma ventricosum, fresh Pseudohydum gelatinosum, fresh Termitomyces albuminosus, fresh Red Porcini and fresh Yellow Porcini. cfs.gov.hk |
舉例說,我們是否要進行無限次心臟移植手術,而實際㆖進行這類手術㆒次的 成本,足以為本港㆔分之㆒㆚型肝炎 帶 菌 者 提 供疫苗? legco.gov.hk | Are we going to do an unlimited number of heart [...] transplantation for example where the cost of one may be enough to provide for vaccine [...] for a third of our Hepatitis B population? legco.gov.hk |
我 知 道 政 [...] 府早前 已 委託大學,研 究 將 肺炎球 菌 疫 苗 、 甲 型 肝炎菌 疫 苗 、 水 痘 疫 苗 及 乙 型 流感嗜 [...]血 桿菌疫 苗 納 入 接 種 計 劃 。 legco.gov.hk | I am aware that the Government commissioned earlier a [...] university to study the inclusion of [...] the pneumococcal vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, chickenpox vaccine [...]and haemophilus influenza [...]type B vaccine in the Programme. legco.gov.hk |
部分器官對捐贈者 [...] 要求限制較大,例如捐心和肺者必須年輕及非吸煙者;捐腎者必須是 70 歲 以下;捐肝則不能是乙型肝炎帶菌者。 legco.gov.hk | There are also great constraints on the donation of certain organs, for example, heart and [...] lung donors must be young and non-smokers; kidney donors must be under 70; [...] and Hepatitis B carriers cannot donate livers. legco.gov.hk |
由于维他命A的缺乏而导致的眼睛干涩(希腊的名字是“眼球干燥症”),(远古的埃及人称之为“显眼”)可通过 烤 牛肝 或 牛 汁 来 治疗。 knowfood.cn | Dry eyes {Greek name is “xerophthalmia”} [...] caused by a deficiency in vitamin A (called “show” by ancient Egyptians) were [...] treated by roasted beef liver or liver juice. knowfood.cn |
举个例子来说,您的购物手推车中的一包生的 碎 牛 肉 中的 细 菌 可 能 会渗漏到您刚选购的生菜上。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | For example, bacteria from a package of raw ground beef can leak onto the [...] lettuce you also happen to have in your grocery cart. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
本局部美体保湿乳采用益生菌和牛奶 蛋白来提高皮肤的滋润度与健康性(只限外用)。 cn.lubrizol.com | This topical moisturizing [...] body milk uses probiotics and milk proteins [...]to promote moisturized, healthy-looking skin (for external use only). lubrizol.com |
避免未滅菌的牛奶和乳製品。 nyc.gov | Avoid unpasteurized milk and dairy [...] products. nyc.gov |
食典委通过了食品中兽药残留法典委员会建议的阿莫西林和莫能菌素最高残留限 量拟议草案,并表示牛肝脏中莫能菌 素 最 高残留限量的拟议草案将取代第三十二届会议 [...] 上通过的最高残留限量。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission adopted the proposed draft MRLs for amoxicillin and monensin, as proposed by the CCRVDF, [...] and noted that the proposed draft [...] MRL for monensin in cattle liver, would replace the [...]MRLs adopted at its 32nd Session. codexalimentarius.org |
在食物中,沙门氏菌较常见于牛肉、 猪肉、家禽、奶类、蛋类及其制品。 cfs.gov.hk | In food, salmonella is more commonly found in beef, pork, poultry, milk, [...] eggs and their products. cfs.gov.hk |
该分析仪基于可靠的技术,通过计数原料奶中的 细 菌 数 来检 测 牛 奶 的 卫生水平。 foss.cn | Based on proven technology, it measures the hygienic quality [...] of milk by counting bacteria cells in raw milk. foss.us |
定期使用有助于防止泥土积聚在牛蹄 上 ,因此, 细 菌 移 植 机会更少。 delaval.cn | Used regularly it helps to prevent soil [...] build up on the hoof, so bacteria have less chance to colonize it. delaval.com |
所有带"H" 的型号均含有 AMC Thromboshield(一种抗菌肝素涂 层),它能在产品使用和放置时减少产品表面存活的细数菌。 edwards.com | All model numbers with an "H" contain AMC [...] Thromboshield, an antibacterial heparin coating that decreases [...]viable microbe count on surface [...]of product during handling and placement. edwards.com |
事 實 上 , 就 東 南 亞 很 多 地 方 和 [...] 國家,包括香 港 在 內 來說, 乙 型 肝炎帶 來 一 個 頗 不 理 想 的 狀 況 [...] , 意 思是說 ,香港現在 乙 型 肝炎帶 菌 者當中 ,有為 數 不 少 的人的肝 [...]臟 日 後 可 能 會 出 現問題, 如果他們到 公 營 醫 院 求 診 [...], 坦 白說, 最 後 這 在在是一項 很 龐 大的支出。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, in many places and countries in the Southeast Asia, including Hong Kong, a rather unfavourable situation has [...] arisen from hepatitis B, which means that [...] among the existing hepatitis B carriers in Hong [...]Kong, quite a large number of them may [...]develop liver complications in future. legco.gov.hk |
所有带"H" 的型号均含有 Edwards AMC THROMBOSHIELD 涂层(一种抗菌†肝素涂层)。 edwards.com | All model numbers with an “H” contain Edwards AMC [...] THROMBOSHIELD coating (An Antimicrobial† Heparin Coating). edwards.com |
最後,他向與會者簡介在會上 [...] 提交的兩份指引,內容分別是針對食物業界及零售點和消費者的有關預防甲型及戊 型肝 炎的食物衞生守則。 cfs.gov.hk | Finally, he briefed the meeting about the content of the two [...] tabled guides on practising food hygiene [...] to prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis E for food [...]service and retail outlets and for consumers respectively. cfs.gov.hk |
巴西 农业合作组织Aurora在他们新近推出的 超高温灭菌牛奶产 品中使用了这一系统, 在其产品的每个包装上都标有一个独一 无二的代码,零售商和消费者能够借此在 互联网上查询到产品的来源信息。 tetrapak.com | Aurora Coopercentral in Brazil apply it to their newly launched Ultra High Temperature(UHT) milk product. tetrapak.com |
過量攝入某些除害劑,可能對健康帶來急性的不良影響 ( 例如﹕甲胺磷和三唑磷可能影響神經系統) ,至於其他除害劑,則有資 [...] 料顯示可能對動物的健康產生慢性的不良影響( 例如﹕林丹可能影響肝 臟和 腎臟﹔三氯殺蟎醇可能影響胎兒發育) 。 cfs.gov.hk | Excessive exposure to some pesticides may cause acute adverse health effects (e.g. methamidophos and triazophos, may affect the nervous system) whereas other pesticides have shown to cause [...] chronic adverse health effects (e.g. [...] lindane may affect the liver and kidney; and [...]dicofol may affect foetal development) in animals. cfs.gov.hk |