

单词 牛肉干

牛肉干 noun ()

beef jerky n

See also:

牛肉 n

beef n


beef n
cow n
cattle n
ox n
bull n

(slang) awesome
surname Niu


meat n
flesh n

External sources (not reviewed)

本报告还附有一份司法和劳工部2009 年为国内各监狱采买食品( 牛肉、干 货食品、罐装食品、易腐食品 ) 的简况。
Also attached to the present report is a description of
[...] the food products (beef, dried foods, canned [...]
foods and perishables) purchased by the
Ministry of Justice and Labour in 2009 for the various prisons in the country.
食物环境卫生署于2004年进行了一项PAHs研究,收集了多种烧烤肉类的样本,包括烧味(烧肉、叉烧及烧鸭) 肉干 ( 牛肉干 及 猪 肉干),以进行分析。
Samples of barbecued meats (siu mei, namely
roasted pork, BBQ pork and roasted ducks, and dried
[...] meats, namely dried beef and dried pork) were [...]
collected and analysed.
与拥挤的人和成一体,Ngon 的顺牛肉粉就凭着干净的 空间以及味道独特的顺化风格的菜肴而成为一个充满诱惑力的地点。
Along with the flow of the busiest street, Ngon restaurant emerged as an attractive location with clean space and Hue-styled dishes bold in their flavor.
对于热爱丛林漫步、冲浪、野生动物、葡萄酒及海鲜、水果 干 酪 和 牛肉 等 农特产品的人士而言,塔斯马尼亚州绝对是全世界最佳场所之一。
For lovers of bushwalking, surfing,
wildlife, wine and fine produce including seafood,
[...] fruits, cheese and beef, Tasmania is one of [...]
the world’s best locations.
芬兰新派菜令人刮目相看,如上菜前才点火的火焰猪排 (Aquavit-flambéed pork chops) 伴烤茴香和芥菜泥、烤伏特加腌牛 脊 里 肉 配 干 胡 椒和新鲜百里香,都叫人垂涎三尺。
New Finnish Cuisine includes delectable
[...] dishes such as Aquavit-flambéed pork chops with baked fennel and mashed rutabaga, and vodka-marinated sirloin roast with peppercorns [...]
and fresh thyme.
食典委忆及,在其第三十四届会议上曾要求食典委秘书处编写一份文件,说明食 典委牛肉组织中的牛生长激最大残留限量的讨论过程,包括提出一份食品添加剂联合 专家委员会的评价概要22 。提出这项要求是因为干代表团对推迟作出有关这些最大残留 限量的决定表示关切,自其第二十三届会议(1999年)以来,这些最大残留限量一直保 留在步骤8。
The Commission recalled that its 34th Session had requested the Codex Secretariat to prepare a paper on
the history of the
[...] discussion of the MRLs for bovine somatotropin (bST) in cattle tissues in Codex, including a summary of the JECFA evaluation.22 This had been in response to concerns raised by some delegations regarding the [...]
delay in taking a
decision on these MRLs, which had been held at Step 8 since its 23rd Session (1999).
[...] 为动物的饲料或草垫进入牲畜系统,转而生产肉、牛奶、 蛋和毛皮,在某些情况下还可转化为畜 力。
By-products of the agricultural harvest enter the livestock
system as fodder or bedding for animals
[...] which in turn produce meat, milk, eggs and fur, [...]
and in some cases, draught power.
Ireland’s emerald fields
[...] produce fantastic beef and lamb, while the North in particular is famous for its Finnebrogue Venison.
曾 有多項研究分析微波煮食對脂肪穩定性的影響,包括研究大豆、蛋黃和 肉類內甘油三酸酯的水解作用;肉 和 牛肉 餅 、 雞脂肪 牛 脂 、 煙 肉脂 肪、虹鳟魚及花生油內脂肪酸的概況;和肉類、蛋黃及雞肉所含的多元 不飽和脂肪酸的過氧化反應。
Various studies have been conducted to investigate the stability of lipids upon microwave cooking, including studying the hydrolysis of
triglycerides in soya, egg
[...] yolk and meats; fatty acid profiles in chicken and beef patties, chicken fat, beef tallow, bacon [...]
fat, rainbow trout
and peanut oil; peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in meat, egg yolk and chicken.
为了更准确反映立法原意,并与《食物业规例》(第132X章)附表6有关预先包装冷 牛肉 、 羊 肉 或 猪 肉的标签采用的中文译本“此日期或之前食用”日期一致,《2008年成文法(杂项规定)条例》对《食物及药物(成分组合及标签)规例》(第132W章)内有关“此日期前食用”的字句作出修订。
In order to better reflect the legislative intent and to tie in with the Chinese translation of “use by” date in Schedule 6 to the Food
Business Regulation, Cap. 132X on the
[...] labelling of prepackaged chilled beef, mutton or pork, [...]
amendment to the Chinese rendition
of “use by” date in the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations, Cap. 132W had been included in the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance 2008.
(a) 除 非冷牛肉、 羊肉或 豬 肉經 預先包裝並該包裝依照訂明方 式加上標記 及標籤 ,否則禁止在同一街市攤檔或經營新鮮糧 食 店業務的處所售賣、要約 出 售 或為出售 而展示 或 管 有新牛肉、 羊肉或 豬肉及 冷牛肉、 羊肉或 豬肉(新訂第30D條及 新訂附表6)
(a) to prohibit the sale, or offer or exposure for sale, or possession for sale fresh beef, mutton or pork and chilled beef, mutton or pork at the same market stall or premises on which the business of a fresh provision shop is carried on unless the chilled beef, mutton or pork is pre-packaged and the package is marked and labelled [...]
in the prescribed
manner (new section 30D and new Schedule 6)
水产养殖未来仍将是增长最快的动物性食物生产部门之一,而在下一 个十年,捕捞渔业和水产养殖业的总产量将超 牛肉 、 猪 肉 或 禽 肉产量。
Aquaculture is set to remain one of the fastest-growing animal food-producing
sectors and, in the next decade, total production from both capture and aquaculture
[...] will exceed that of beef, pork or poultry.
目 前 ,新鮮糧食 店和公眾街市攤檔 只 要 符 合發牌和持牌條件 / 租約條 款,便 可同時售賣新牛肉、羊肉或 豬肉和入口的 冷牛肉、 羊肉或 豬肉。
At present, fresh provision shops and stalls in public
markets are
[...] allowed to sell both fresh beef, mutton or pork and imported chilled beef, mutton or pork subject [...]
to compliance
of a set of licensing requirements and conditions/tenancy clauses.
紧凑型的坚固设计还使测量不易干 扰 影响 - 维牛奶质 量,向您提供可靠的牛奶产量信息。
The compact and solid design also makes measurement less vulnerable to disturbance – which maintains milk quality and gives you reliable milk yield information.
您可跟踪您的牛群的SCC值;识别、治疗和跟踪患有乳腺炎的 牛 ; 在 干 乳 期前对所有奶牛采样,并对选定的 牛 提 供 干 乳 期 奶 牛 治 疗;跟踪产后奶牛;在购买或出售时筛选奶牛,避免传播乳腺炎。
You can track SCC levels in your herd;
identify, treat and
[...] follow up cows with mastitis; sample all cows before dry-off and give selected cows dry-cow therapy; follow up fresh cows; [...]
screen cows at
purchase or sale to avoid spreading mastitis.
渔业监督员Lutz Otto先生说,瓦克农特里茨污水处理厂排出的水非 干 净 , 河里 肉 食 类和 非 肉 食 类 的鱼儿们都喜欢去那里,这是因为排水处的水更加清澈、暖和,更利于捕食。
According to fisheries inspector Lutz Otto, water discharged from the WACKER wastewater treatment plant in
Nünchritz is clean and popular with predatory
[...] and other fish, which easily find food in the clear and relatively [...]
warm water.
如果没有足够的干和髋腰部肉力 量,女孩往往会在突然转弯或踢脚时,产生过度的力量直接穿过膝盖而发生摇晃。
Without adequate
[...] trunk and hip girdle muscle strength, girls tend [...]
to wobble when turning suddenly or planting their feet,
generating excessive force directed across the knee.
鱼通常以活体、新鲜、冷藏、冻冻、热处理、发酵、干制、 熏制、盐腌、腌渍、蒸煮、油炸、 干 、 碎 肉 、 肉 粉 或 罐制,或二个或更多类型 组合的方式销售。
It is generally distributed as live, fresh, chilled,
frozen, heat-treated,
[...] fermented, dried, smoked, salted, pickled, boiled, fried, freeze-dried, minced, powdered or [...]
canned, or as a combination
of two or more of these forms.
他们喜欢咀嚼浆果,昆虫和会吃,如奶酪, 干 和 牛 奶 馈线奇怪的事情了。
They enjoy munching on berries, insects and will eat odd things out of feeders such as cheese, crackers and milk.
产品为精湛工艺技术雕刻的造型逼真的狮舞球,孺子牛,龙龟铜象.狮子正在玩弄爪下的球;孺 牛 一 股 干 劲 ,寓意着勤勤恳恳,不达目的不罢休;龙龟昂首咆哮,顶上还爬着一只龟,造型都雕刻的非常逼真。
Is playing with the ball; many a drive, meaning the work diligently and conscientiously, no purpose is not to give up; tortoise head roar, the top is also climb a turtle, modeling sculpture very realistic.
关于美国干熏猪肉产品,委员会在收到进一步资料之前无法在其临时 报告中做出评估。
With regard
[...] to United States dry-cure pork, the Committee [...]
had been unable to make an assessment in its interim report pending
the receipt of further information.
取一烤盘,烘烤羊架与洋葱大蒜,加入少许水以防 肉 风 干。
In a baking dish, roast the lamb with whole onions and garlic.
教育部(MEDUCA)13 也在全国范围内推广营 养计划,比如在所有公立幼儿和初级教育机构发 牛 奶 、 营养 干 以 及 营养丰富 的蛋奶食品。
The Ministry of Education13 is operating
nutrition programmes throughout the
[...] country to distribute milk, nutritional biscuits and enriched [...]
pudding dishes to children in
all State-run preschools and primary schools.
该代表团进一步声明,禁止仅为促进生长目的而对健康动物使用兽药是欧盟的总体 政策,并进一步指出,这项政策得到了广泛的支持,以非歧视的方式执行,而且欧洲共 同体是那些来自没有用促生长激素处理过 牛肉 的 主 要进口者。
The Delegation further stated that it was the general policy in the European Union to prohibit the administration of veterinary drugs to healthy animals solely for the purpose of growth promotion.
[...] 在着不均衡,因为发达国家对于补偿性让步没有作出互惠举措,特别是就农产品 ( 如牛肉和家 禽) 中某些产品的市场开放和国内支持而言,或是就服务部门和对发 [...]
Developing countries point to the imbalance in such an approach, as no compensatory concessions are reciprocated, particularly in
product-specific market openings in
[...] agricultural products (e.g. beef and poultry) and [...]
domestic support, or in services sectors
and modes of interest to developing countries.
大家以最快的速度準備的蔬菜上湯、香腸 牛肉 、 雞 肉 、 香 菇和蔬菜。
All of us prepared steamboat vegetable
[...] soup base, sausages, beef, chicken, mushrooms [...]
and vegetables.
我認為與其繼續將計劃修修補補,以致 牛 非 馬 ,不 干干 脆 脆 取 消慳電膽計劃“止蝕”,完善計劃再推出。
I think that instead of patching up the plan and ending up in getting us neither here nor there, the CFLs plan should simply be abolished to "contain losses" and only be launched again after it is perfected.
狂歡倒數派對前夕,美高梅寶雅座法國餐廳隆重推出除夕夜五道菜晚宴,澳洲 M7 和 牛肉 眼 扒、皇家亞拉斯加大蟹、精選法國鴨肝、線釣法國海鱸、鱘龍魚子醬、法國黑松露等奢華食材,配以精緻的法式烹調手法帶來豐富而華麗的除夕夜晚宴,每位澳門幣1,488元,查詢及預訂請致電(853) [...]
8802 2319。
For the New Year’s Eve, Aux Beaux Arts’ talented chef Elie Khalife will craft a MOP$1,488 gourmet 5-course set
dinner menu, featuring the freshly grilled
[...] Australian M7 Wagyu rib eye, Royale Alaskan [...]
crab served with Oscietra caviar, pan-seared
foiegras, pan-fried French line caught sea bass fillet served on freshly shaved Perigord black truffles.
於2012年,發現加拿大XL食品的轄下的Lakeside Packers肉類加工廠出現問題,導致加拿大境內爆發共18宗大腸杆菌感染個案,廠商因此須棄置數百萬公 牛肉 , 以 及從加拿大、美國以及遠至香港,回收超過1,5 00 種 牛肉 産 品
In 2012, by the time the lid blew off what was going on inside XL Foods’ Lakeside Packers meat plant, with an outbreak of 18 cases of E. coli
poisoning in Canada,
[...] millions of kilograms of meat have been discarded in dumps and more than 1,500 beef products have been recalled [...]
from across
Canada, the U.S. and as far away as Hong Kong.
針對 42 位在美國中西部、高原地區與西南部等地區擔任顧問的營養學家所 做的調查,顯示高粱用肉牛飼糧 中是受到限制的(Vasconcelos and Galyean, 2007)。
Use of sorghum in beef feedlot diets has been limited as indicated by a survey of 42 consulting nutritionists located in the Midwest, High Plains and Southwest areas of the United States (Vasconcelos and Galyean, 2007).




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