单词 | 牛筋草 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 牛筋草—wire grass (Eleusine indica)See also:牛n—cown cattlen beefn bulln oxn 牛—(slang) awesome surname Niu 筋n—tendonn tendonspl musclen 草n—grassn strawn grassespl manuscriptn hayn
主席团主席极力鼓励特设小组开动脑筋,在制定国际 水文计划今后的工作计划时不局限于只是延续第七阶段的活动,这一点得到了主席团 的认同。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Chairperson of the Bureau strongly encouraged the Task Force to exercise visioning and to envisage IHP beyond the mere continuation of IHP-VII, to which the Bureau agreed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
美国速食连锁店Chipotle领先同业,坚持使用自然成长的肉品、有机豆类、草地放牧牛只的乳品(100%酸奶油、65%起司),每天服务75万人次消费者。 thisbigcity.net | In the US, fast-food chain Chipotle is showing up its competitors by insisting on [...] naturally-raised meat, organic beans, and dairy [...] from pasture-raised cows(for100%of their [...]soured cream and 65% of their cheese) [...]for the 750,000 customers they serve each day. thisbigcity.net |
牛牛乐园」内设有机草场,为乳牛的主要食粮,让牛牛吸收均衡营养,保持身体强壮和生产优质有机牛奶。 sfgourmet.com | To guarantee the [...] quality of milk,the cows are fed with grasses grown organically [...]in “Happyland” to keep them strong and [...]nutritious to produce premium organic milk. sfgourmet.com |
更多时间在草地上:调整牛群的饲料可以减少牛奶中饱和脂肪的含量。 foss.cn | More time ongrass:adjusting feed for dairy herds [...] can reduce the saturated fat content of milk foss.us |
几个世纪以来,在发明印刷术之前就存在的手稿,证明是一种强有力的交流手段:用 拉丁文、希腊文和阿拉伯文写在纸莎草纸、羊皮纸和牛皮纸上的手稿;泥金装饰手抄本;萨 拉戈萨的手稿;以及写有《伊利亚特》诗句的 [...] Elephantine 手稿和 Philemon 手稿。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Through the centuries, manuscripts, generally pre-dating the invention of printing, have [...] proved to be a powerful vehicle of [...] communication: writtenon papyrus, parchment and vellum, [...]in Latin, Greek and Arabic; illuminated [...]manuscripts; Jan Potocki’s manuscript found in Saragossa and the manuscripts of Elephantine and of Philemon, containing verses of the Iliad. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据董事会函件,富宏拥有的该等物业为位於香港新界葵涌和宜合道131号恒利中 [...] 心的7楼A室、12楼B室、11楼、16楼及19楼A室及B室,该等物业包括一幢26层高工业 楼宇(其钢筋混凝土工程於1992年竣工)内的8个工业单位。 cre8ir.com | According to the Letter from the Board, Richmind owns the Properties at Workshop A on 7th Floor, Workshop B on 12th Floor, Workshops A and B on 11th, 16th and 19th Floors, Henry Centre, No. 131 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong which [...] comprise 8 industrial units within a 26-storey [...] industrial building of reinforcedconcrete construction [...]completed in 1992. cre8ir.com |
山提供大的草场,成群的牛和羊 奶酪制作是一个重要的产业部门。 leapfrog-properties.com | Mountains [...] provide pasture for large flocks of cows and sheepand cheese-making [...]is an important industry in the department. leapfrog-properties.com |
根据豁免项目第10项,如果未经烹煮、包装在并无载有其他配料的容器内和并 无添加其他配料,下列食品属於肉類及海产:鹿筋/鹿尾羓/鹿鞭、雪蛤膏、鳄鱼肉、 海參(遼參/秃參)、海龍、海马、螺头、螺片、花胶、元贝、鲍鱼、鱼翅和鱼翅骨。 cfs.gov.hk | Under Exemption No. 10, items belonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced whelk, Fish belly, Scallop, Abalone, Shark fin and Shark fin bone. cfs.gov.hk |
许多人都清楚,牛群本 身以及牛群获得草场和饮水对非洲该地区人民的生 计举足轻重,而盗窃牛群等行为常常会导致暴力冲 [...] 突和许多人丧生。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many will be [...] familiar with how cattle and access to grazing areasand water [...]are pivotal to the lives of the people in that [...]region of Africa and how cattle rustling, among other acts, often results in violent clashes and many deaths. daccess-ods.un.org |
波兰人喜欢将“野牛草”放入伏特加酒以增添香味。 clarinsusa.com | The Polishuse «bison grass »in their vodka [...] to give it a delicious flavour. clarinsusa.com |
食典委通过了食品中兽药残留法典委员会建议的阿莫西林和莫能菌素最高残留限 量拟议草案,并表示牛肝脏中莫能菌素最高残留限量的拟议草案将取代第三十二届会议 上通过的最高残留限量。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission adopted [...] the proposed draftMRLsfor amoxicillin and monensin, as proposed by the CCRVDF, and noted that the proposed draft MRL for monensin in cattle liver, would replace [...]the MRLs adopted at its 32nd Session. codexalimentarius.org |
野牛草有助促进血液循环,并可增强身体的抵抗力。 clarinsusa.com | Bison grass stimulates the [...] blood circulation and has a powerful fortifying effect on the body. clarinsusa.com |
只要 有效提高奶牛的饲草消化 率,改变微生物在牛胃中 分解饲草的方式,因此而造成的温室气体排放就有望大幅减少。 tetrapak.com | These emissions can be significantly reduced by ensuring cows’feedis digested more efficiently, changing [...] the way bacteria [...]in their stomachs break down plant material into waste gas. tetrapak.com |
如图画般小红木屋和散布着牛羊的草地,构成迷人风光,却也离海洋不远。 visitfinland.com | Picturesque red wooden [...] houses and green meadows speckled withsheep andcows are part of a landscape [...]that is never far from the sea. visitfinland.com |
牛肉富含蛋白质、铁和B族维生素,而最有营养的是那种瘦肉多,又完全由草喂 出来的牛身上 的肉。 daydaycook.com | Alternatively, you can also trim off the fats from a piece ofsteak and leave the proteins and vitamin B behind. daydaycook.com |
为确保有机草质素供应充足,乐园将後山一块空地改建成有机草场,每天由专人收割最新鲜的草,即 时送到 牛牛嘴巴内。 sfgourmet.com | To ensure adequate [...] supply of organic grass, “Happlyland” hasturned a piece of land to organic grasslandandreaped by [...]staff every day. sfgourmet.com |
康塔尔产生一个简单的石头屋的山丘上自由漫步的夏牧场上吃草的奶牛在法国最流行,最便宜的奶酪。 leapfrog-properties.com | Cantal produces one of France’s most popular [...] and cheapest cheeses made in the simple stone huts on the [...] hills where the cows roam free to graze on the summer pasture. leapfrog-properties.com |
产品以经发酵的小麦或玉米秸杆、牛粪及草炭等有机物为主,为保持有优良的物理性能,配用了适量的蛭石、珍珠岩,只占总容积的21.09%;含植物主要营养元素氮、磷、钾≥3%,而秸杆及牛粪发酵物的含量即达≥2.62%,不仅能保证瓜菜幼苗生长发育的营养需要,而且可供应缓苗期及生长发育前期的需要,较传统育苗基质更能促进作物根系和植株的生长发育达到抗病、丰产、优质;PH值7±2,属中性,应用范围广;发酵最高温度达80℃以上,不含线虫、草籽等,有一定量的有益菌群存在,有利土壤有机物质的分解,长期施用有改良土壤的作用。 sfwsh.com | Products with the fermented [...] wheat orcorn stalk, cow muckandoffer, such [...]as organic have excellent physical properties, [...]with the right amount of vermiculite, pearlite, occupy only total volume of 21.09%, Contain plant mainly nutrition elements nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, straw and experiment.it 3% of the content of Jehovah dung 2.62% p, can not only ensure the melon seedling growth dish of nutritional needs, but can supply slow seedling growth and the needs of more than traditional nursery substrates, can promote crop growth and development of the plant roots and resistance to achieve high quality; and, 7 ± 2, PH value of neutral, application scope, Fermentation temperature reaches 80 degrees above, excluding nematodes, seed, have a certain amount of beneficial bacterium, soil organic matter, favorable quality of soil is the role. sfwsh.com |
在第三个世纪开始,埃及之外,以取代纸莎草 纸;牛皮纸和食品,或书本形式的第四个世纪早期的一部分,取得了彻底胜利了纸莎草纸和卷形式。 mb-soft.com | In the third century, it began, outside of [...] Egypt, to supersede papyrus; inthe early part [...]of the fourth century vellum and the [...]codex, or book-form, gained complete victory over papyrus and the roll-form. mb-soft.com |
饮食习惯:犀牛是草食动物,吃的草或树叶。 zh.northrup.org | Diet:Rhinos are herbivores and eat grass [...] or leaves. northrup.org |
进一步的分析表明:白鹭在系统演化中要早于大白鹭和中白鹭分支出来,大白鹭和中白鹭与苍鹭、草鹭和牛背鹭间的亲缘关系较近,而与白鹭较远,支持Sibley(1990)将大白鹭和中白鹭作为独立的大白鹭属(Casmerodius)和中白鹭属(Mesophoyx)的建议:黑NFEE2、栗苇NFEE2与黄苇NFEE2在系统发生中构成一单系群,提示将黑NFEE2置于苇NFEE2属(Ixobrychus)是合适的[动物学报 [...][...] 49(2):205~210,2003]。 actazool.org | The results support Siblys (1990) classification of the large egret and intermeidate egret in separate genera Casmerodius and Mesophoyx respectively. actazool.org |
在真正有机农场中,牛只放牧的草地通常含有不同香草,而当中并不含任何化学肥料。 annafangpr.com | Respecting nature’s ability to provide what we need to [...] produce truly natural products, on True [...] Organicfarms the cowsare grazedon pastures which [...]typically include herbs and use no chemical fertilisers. annafangpr.com |
去出香草冰激凌让其变软(用酸奶,香草冰牛奶或减肥冷冻酸奶均可)。 aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com | LetVanilla ice cream stand until soft (use yogurt, vanillaice milk or frozen yogurt for weight loss). aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com |
十个弱势群体协会(总 共 [...] 285 人)受到接纳,获得了以下农业资源:30 吨土豆种子;20 头奶牛和4头公牛;15万株牧草插穗;2 000 公斤玉米。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, 10 groups of vulnerable people (285 in total) were initiated and obtained the following [...] agricultural inputs: 30 tons of [...] seed potatoes; 20 dairycows and four bulls; 150,000 cuttings of [...]trypsacum; and 2,000 kg of maize. daccess-ods.un.org |
成份:印度菝葜根,肉桂皮,姜,甘草,牛蒡根 ,蒲公英根,荳蔻子,丁香花,黑胡椒,杜松果,长椒果,黄柏,大黄根,黄芩,黄莲,双花莲翘,西红花,日本金银花,冬瓜仁。 naturesblessing.com.hk | Indian Sarsaparilla Root, Cinnamon Bark*, [...] Ginger Root*, Licorice Root*, Burdock Root*, Dandelion [...]root*, Cardamom Seed, Clove Bud*, [...]Black Pepper*, Juniper Berry Extract, Long Pepper Berry, Phellodendron Bark, Rhubarb Root,* Chinese Skullcap Root, Coptis root, Forsytia Fruit, Gardenia Fruit, Japanese Honeysuckle Flower, Winter Melon Seed. naturesblessing.com.hk |