

单词 牛瘟

See also:


cattle n
beef n
cow n
bull n
ox n


epidemic n


locusts pl

External sources (not reviewed)

用于根牛瘟的同 样技术,现在被成功地用来诊 断和控制其他跨界的动物疾病。
The same technologies
[...] used to eliminate rinderpest are now being [...]
successfully applied to diagnose and control other transboundary animal diseases.
在核应用领域中,一个重大的成功故事值得特别 关注——在世界范围内根除致命 牛瘟 病。
In the area of nuclear applications,
one major success story deserves special attention — the worldwide eradication
[...] of the deadly cattle disease rinderpest.
為防止傳染病(例如口蹄病、牛隻的疫症 牛瘟 ) 傳 播,日 本當局根據全球動物流行病散播的情況,在《家畜傳染病控制法》內 [...]
In order to prevent the spread of
infectious diseases such as
[...] hoof-andmouth disease, cattle plague and rinderpest, [...]
import-prohibited regions are set out on
a list under the Disease Control Law based on global information on animal epidemiological situations.
粮农组织和世界动物卫生组织呼吁各国遵守有关全球各实验室暂停使用活 牛瘟 病 毒开展研究的决定。
FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) are calling on
countries to comply with a global moratorium on research that involves
[...] working with live rinderpest virus in laboratories.
这些活动包括通过索马里生态系 牛瘟 根 除协调组(协调组第二方案)消灭牛瘟,这 是一种对牛和其他反刍动物具有毁灭性的传染病;在综合国家行动计划 支助方案框架内,提供了训练、实验室设施和车辆,从而提高了索马里当局控制 动物疾病的能力;执行了索马里牲畜认证项目,使索马里采纳了动物健康证书模 [...]
These include the
[...] eradication of rinderpest, a contagious and devastating disease of cattle and other ruminants, through the Somali Ecosystem Rinderpest Eradication [...]
Coordination Unit (SERECU
II project); the enhancement of the capacity of the Somali authorities to control animal diseases, through the provision of training, laboratory facilities and vehicles, within the framework of the Support Programme for Integrated National Action Plans; and the Somalia Livestock Certification Project, which enabled the adoption of an Animal Health Certificate Model that promotes the World Organization for Animal Health sanitary and phytosanitary standards for livestock.
我国代表团满意地注意到了原子能机构在粮食 和农业领域应用核技术应用的非凡成就,包括它在为 彻底根除被称牛瘟的致 命性牛群疾病而与粮食及 农业组织、世界动物卫生组织、非洲联盟和其他战略 伙伴合作方面发挥的作用。
My delegation notes with satisfaction the Agency’s phenomenal achievements in the application of nuclear technology in the area of food and agriculture, including its role in collaborating with the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Organization for Animal Health, the African Union and other strategic partners in the total eradication of the deadly cattle disease known as rinderpest.
至於「優質短篇或實況戲劇」方面,按照平均欣賞指數排列分別有港台的「生活逼人來」、「執法群英 II」、亞視的「精彩活一生」、港台的「風雨夜歸人」、「愛 瘟 疫 蔓 延時」、無線的「廉政行動2004」、港台的「幾許風雨」和「小時候」,一共八個,當中港台佔六個。
As with "Quality short drama series/reality dramas" sorted in terms of their average AIs, RTHK's "Difficult Life", "On the Beat II"; ATV's "Awakening Stories of Drug Addicts"; RTHK's "Mid-night Workers", "Love at the Age of SARS", "Love at the Age of SARS"; TVB's "ICAC Investigation 2004"; RTHK's "After the Rain" and "When We Were Young", altogether eight programmes are in this category.
尽管古代的麻 风病、白喉、疟疾、霍乱和肺结核等灾难性疾病已通过检疫、防疫和抗生素的使
[...] 用而基本绝迹,但近年来又出现了新的致命性病毒性疾病,旧 瘟 疫 和 流行病也 在世界各地重新出现。
Although the ancient scourges of leprosy, diphtheria, malaria, cholera and tuberculosis have been largely overcome through quarantine, vaccination and the use of antibiotics, recent times have seen the
emergence of new and deadly viral diseases and the
[...] re-emergence of old plagues and pandemics [...]
in different parts of the world.
The question for the world will no longer be whether it
[...] can wipe out the plague, but whether it [...]
is prepared to pay the price.
[...] 夫特裂谷热、脑膜炎、黄热病、霍乱 瘟 疫 和细螺旋体病,以开发决策支助工 具,并为当前的疫苗战略提供信息依据。
WHO also uses geospatial information in its programmes for specific diseases, such as
Rift Valley fever, meningitis, yellow
[...] fever, cholera, the plague and leptospirosis [...]
to develop a decision-support tool and
inform the current vaccination strategies.
至於「優質短篇或實況戲劇」方面,按照平均欣賞指數排列分別有港台的「生活逼人來」、「執法群英 II」、亞視的「精彩活一生」、港台的「風雨夜歸人」、「愛 瘟 疫 蔓延時」、無線的「廉政行動2004」和港台的「幾許風雨」。
As for the "Quality short drama series/reality dramas", according to the average appreciation indices, RTHK"s "Difficult Life", "On the Beat II", ATV"s "Awakening Stories of Drug Addicts", RTHK"s "Mid-night Workers", "Love at the Age of SARS", TVB"s "ICAC Investigation 2004" and RTHK"s "After the Rain" were included.
一位業界代表不同意黃先生的回覆,認為對於來自相同致敏來源的不同 配料,在一種配料中標示致敏來源(例 牛 奶 朱古力、乳糖、乳清蛋白質)已能 達到目的。
They said that, for multiple ingredients of the same allergenic source, labelling of the allergenic source in one ingredient would serve the purpose e.g. Milk chocolate, lactose, whey protein.
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
此舉可以防止香港因為特殊的改變或其他地 方發瘟疫, 而面對食物完全被斷絕的問題。
This can prevent Hong Kong from being completely cut off from food supply due to any
[...] unforeseen changes or plagues that may happen [...]
in other places.
该代表团指出,这一点也要在本届会议上通 过的确认食品安全控制措施指南里强调,该指南规定,需要在个案基础上确认控制措施 建议,应取消该限制,但乳过氧化物酶体系的使用取决于基础设施和确认条件,而且应 基于依靠贸易模式的国家之间的相互协议,以及根据观察到的情况,另外还建议修改附 件 A 里的注脚 9:微生物统计防治措施-乳和乳制品操作规范,增加下列内容:“任何经 过乳过氧化物酶体系处理过牛奶贸易应基于有关国家之间的相互协议,不得损害与其 他国家的贸易”。
The Delegation, pointing out that this point was also emphasized in the Guidelines for the Validation of Food Safety Control Measures adopted at the current session, which provided that control measures required validation on a case-by-case basis, proposed that the restriction be lifted, but that the use of the LPS be conditional on infrastructure and validation and be based on mutual agreements between countries depending on patterns of trade, and in line with this observation, further proposed to amend footnote 9 in Appendix A: Microbiostatic Control Measures - Code of Practice for Milk and Milk Products by the addition of the following: "Any trade in milk treated by the lactoperoxidase system should only be on the basis of mutual agreement between countries concerned, and without prejudice to trade with other countries.
See, for
[...] instances “India’s Plague: Cheaper drugs may [...]
help millions who have AIDS – but how many will they hurt?
自适应移动平均线,平均方向性运动指数,平均运动指数怀尔德指标,布林通道线,双指数移动平均线,鲍洛格线指标,分形自适应移动平均线,云图指标,移动平均指标,抛物线状止损和反转指标,标准偏差指标,三重指数移动平均线,可变指数动态平均指标,平均真实范围,熊市力量 牛 市 力 量,蔡金振荡器,商品通道指数,DeM 指标,劲道指数,MACD指标,动量指标,振荡器移动平均线,相对强弱指数,相对活力指数,随机指标,三重指数平均,威廉百分比范围,离散指标,资金流量指数,能量潮指标,成交量柱状图,加速器振荡器,鳄鱼指标,OA振荡指标,分形指标,GATOR [...] [...]
Adaptive Moving Average, Average Dierectional Movement Indey, Average Movement Index Wilder, Bollinger Bands, Double Exponential Moving Average, Envelopes, Fractal Adaptive Moving Average, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Moving Average, Parabloic SAR, Standard Deviation, Triple Exponential Moving Average,
Variable Index Dynamic Average, Average True
[...] Range, Bears Power, Bulls Power, Chaikin Ocillator, [...]
Commodity Channel Index, DeMarker,
Force Index, MACD, Momentum, Moving Average of Oscillator, Relative Strenght Index, Relative Vigor Index, Stochastic Oscillator, Triple Exponential Average, William's Percent Range, Accumulation/Distribution, Money Flow Index, On Balance Volume, Volumes, Accelerator Oscillator, Alligator, Awesome Oscillator, Fractals, Gator Oscillator, Market Facilitation Index.
另一棵有故事的菩提树位于阿尔高州的布鲁格(Brugg)附近,据说它是 瘟 疫 受 害者的纪念。
Another tree with a story is the lime tree at Linn, near Brugg in Canton Aargau. According to legend it stands
[...] over the grave of plague victims.
联合国的努 力继续侧重阻止疾病蔓延和降低死亡率,同时,我们 还致力于进一步查明发瘟疫的原因。
While United Nations efforts remain focused on stemming the spread of the disease and limiting the death rate, we are also committed to shedding further light on the origins of the epidemic.
根据 1997 年关于管理和保护 卫生数据和相关私人数据的第四十七号法令,将对生物病源和毒素引起的传染病
[...] 病例制定报告义务(疾病控制中心“A 类”生物恐怖主义制剂/疾病,例如炭疽瘟疫)。
Under Act No. XLVII of 1997 on the management and protection of health related data and relevant personal data, a reporting obligation is foreseen for cases of infectious diseases resulting from
biological pathogens and toxins (Centers for Disease Control “Category A”, bioterrorism
[...] agents/diseases like anthrax, plague).
不幸的是,采西斯城与拉脱维亚其它许多城市一样,在 17 和 18 世纪因战争瘟疫而几 乎完全被摧毁。
Unfortunately, like so many other
cities in Latvia, Cesis was almost completely destroyed in the seventeenth and eighteenth
[...] centuries by wars and plagues.
[...] 件,例如發生觀龍樓塌樓、SARS瘟疫等 災難時,我們也應該調查,特 [...]
別是當發生的災難,很多地方也顯示出有人為失誤或我們的保障機制失 靈的時候,我們更要進行調查。
When other catastrophes such as
the collapse of buildings in Kwun Lung Lau
[...] and the SARS outbreak occur, we should [...]
also investigate them, particularly when
many aspects point to human errors or the failure of the safeguard mechanism, it is all the more necessary to do so.
这些和其他福音教派的许多成员称,最近的战争 瘟 疫 , 饥荒,地震迹象表明,一个启示是迫在眉睫和基督会回来。
Many members of these and other Evangelical denominations claim
[...] that recent wars, plagues, famines, and [...]
earthquakes are signs that an apocalypse is
imminent and that Christ will return.
同样 ,水传播疾 病产生的健 康 风险瘟疫可 以大大减 少 旅游和 农 业出口 ,有关的经济代价大大高于为解 决这 一问题而 投资供 水和卫生设施的费 用。
Likewise health risks and epidemics from waterborne diseases can greatly reduce tourism and agricultural exports, with the associated economic costs much greater than the cost of investments in water supply and sanitation to address the problems.
当年,在布鲁格附近的里恩(Linn),瘟 疫 吞 噬了整个村庄,仅剩下一名幸存者。
The story says the disease wiped out the entire population of Linn, leaving only one survivor.
这夜,在最后瘟疫, 死亡天使,“通过国家,杀死所有的长子儿童的埃及,包括拉美西斯”自己的儿子,而不遗余力的希伯来人,因为他们已经标志着他们的门框用羔羊的血,允许的逾越节来识别它们。
That night, the final plague, the angel of death, [...]
goes through the country, killing all the firstborn children of Egypt,
including Rameses’ own son, while sparing those of the Hebrews, since they had marked their doorframes with lamb’s blood, allowing the Passover to identify them.
继在乌克兰首次检测到非洲瘟之后 ,粮农组织发出警告,在控制措施似乎暂时遏制了该疫病传播的同时,它已在高加索地区立足,并正在给周边地区造成威胁。
Following the first-ever detection of African swine fever in Ukraine, FAO is warning that while control measures appear to have temporarily halted the disease's spread, it has established a firm foothold in the Caucasus and
猪流感病毒正在各个大陆传播,威胁 着整个人类社会。至于目前的状况以及这种危险的流行病,无人知道危机何时能够结束,这 就是说它可能演变成为一场瘟疫, 有可能重撞全世界。
With regard to the current situation and the dangerous epidemic which threatens all human societies following the spread of the swine influenza virus in different continents, no one knows when the crisis will end which means that it could become a pandemic and a source of concern threatening to affect the world.




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