

单词 版权页

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

不像本卷的其它部分,这本手稿 版权页 是 阿 拉伯字母的,而非叙利亚文字母;书名《灵魂的镜子》也放在那里。
Unlike the rest
[...] of the volume, the colophon of this manuscript [...]
is in Arabic, not Syriac, letters; the title is also given
there as The Mirror of the Soul (singular).
根据第93对开页右面版权页介绍 ,手稿是由一个叫斯蒂芬(Isṭifānūs)的人抄写的,他是圣安东尼修道院的一名修士,1737年4月11日在罗马完成。
According to the colophon on 93r, the manuscript [...]
was copied by a scribe named Stephen (Isṭifānūs), a monk of the Saint Antony
Monastery, completed on the 11th of Nisan (April), 1737, in Rome.
未出版的材料没版 权页,但是许多描述信息必须提供,这就需要依据一系列不同的信息源,也包括编目 [...]
Unpublished objects
[...] do not have title pages, and much of the description [...]
must be supplied, based on a variety of different
sources, including the cataloguer’s judgment.
规则假定出版物都具有包含正式描述 信息版权页;在 规定信息源之外出现的信息需要放在括号内。
They assume that items come
[...] pre-packaged with a title page containing a formal [...]
description; information not appearing in
the prescribed sources on the item is bracketed.
此手稿专为 17 世纪伊朗最多产的一位艺术家而作,具有非常重要的意义,以泥金装饰引言和章首图案装饰(对开页 1b)开篇,底页是饰有泥金尾翼 版权页 ( 对 开页 21b)。
The fact that the manuscript was produced for one of the most prolific artists of 17th-century Iran makes it a highly significant document.
联合国儿童基金会保留其页材料 的所 版权。
UNICEF reserves all copyrights on material on its Web pages.
本网站的内容,包括但不限于网站的文字、图像及其布局(统称“ 页 ” ) ,为 Despatch Industries 2012 版权所有
The content of this site, including but not limited
to, the text and images herein and their
[...] arrangement (collectively the “Pages”) are © Copyright 2012 Despatch Industries.
欧洲委员会,部长委员会向成员国提出的关于旨在尤其在数字环境中采取措施 保版权及邻接权及打击盗版行为的第 R (2001) 7 号建议案。
Council of Europe, Recommendation Rec (2001) 7 of the Committee of Ministers
to Member States on measures to
[...] protect copyright and neighbouring rights and combat piracy, [...]
especially in the digital environment.
在用户有权披露和分发本文档的许可范围内,用户只可以转送、分发和/ 或影印此版权保护 的未加改变的完整文档,其中包括其所 页 眉 、 页 脚 、 免责声明以及其他信息。
To the extent the user is entitled to disclose and distribute this document, the user may forward,
distribute, and/or
[...] photocopy this copyrighted document only if unaltered and complete, including all of its headers, footers, disclaimers, [...]
and other information.
页内容版权属香 港知专设计学院所有,使用者须符合以下三个要求,方获批准使用:(1) 以下版权通告及本批准通告须同时见于所有副本;(2) 本网页内容只作为参考资料及个人或非商业用途,并且不得全部或局部复制或刊登于任何联网电脑,或于任何媒体上广播;(3) 不得对内容作任何修改。
Permission to use documents from this website is granted, provided that (1) the below copyright notice appears on all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear, (2) use of such documents from this website is for information and non-commercial or personal use only and they shall not be copies or posted in whole or in part on any network computer or broadcast in any media, and (3) no modifications or any documents are made.
大会第六十四届会议请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室在其任务 权 范 围 内 加大努力,继续有系统地发展反恐领域以及与该办公室任务相关的专题领域的专 门法律知识,并应请求为建设会员国的能力提供技术援助,以批准和执行各项恐 怖主义问题国际公约和议定书,特别是通过编制技术工具和 版 物 以 及对刑事司 法官员进行培训等途径,此外请该办公室向预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会第十九届 会议报告其在这方面的活动;并请秘书长就决议执行情况向大会第六十五届会议 提交报告(第 64/177 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, within its mandate, to intensify its efforts to continue
to systematically
[...] develop specialized legal knowledge in the area of counter-terrorism and pertinent thematic areas of relevance to the mandates of the Office and to provide, upon request, technical assistance for building the capacity of Member States to ratify and implement the international conventions and protocols related to terrorism, especially through the preparation of technical tools and publications and the training [...]
of criminal justice
officials, and requested the Office to report to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at its nineteenth session on the activities of the Office in that regard; and also requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/177).
These contracts contain specific wording which
[...] deals with copyright issues and the ownership of intellectual property rights, and are in [...]
line with UNESCO’s Publications Policy.
内部监督事务厅在其题为“2009 年供权理事 会使用的会议服务的审计情 况”的报告(A/64/511)中建议,大会部编写一份文件供大会审议,将现有的关于 字数页数的 限制准则整合起来,并澄清每份报告文件 页 数 及 每 页 的 字 数,包 括秘书处直接提交和代表政府间机构提交的所有文件(建议 4,第 30 段)。
In its report on the audit of conference
services put at the
[...] disposal of the Human Rights Council in 2009 (A/64/511), the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) recommended that the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management prepare a document for consideration by the General Assembly consolidating existing guidelines on word and page limits and clarifying the number of words per page and pages per document [...]
for reports, including
all documents submitted by the Secretariat directly and on behalf of intergovernmental bodies (recommendation 4, para. 30).
[...] 一份将利乐战略重点和实现路径予以提纲 挈领式呈现的高阶文本;页版则提 供了 更多翔实案例,以及通过多媒体互动来解 [...]
The printed and pdf versions of this 2011 [...]
report provide a high-level document outlining our priorities and approach.
难民署还对其网站上的“生计和自力更生” 页 进 行了 改 版。
UNHCR has also launched a revamped “livelihoods and self-reliance” page on its website.
这种情况在新兴独立报章中尤为严重:因为埃及并没有独立的报纸印刷企业,独立报社想要印刷报纸,只能通过《金字塔报》(Al-Ahram)、《共和国报》(Al-Gomhuria)、《消息报》(Al-Akhbarelyom)等国有报社,何时印刷、分销方式 版 面 数 目乃至 页页 数 的决 定 权 都 掌 控在国有报社手中。
This situation is exacerbated among new, independent newspapers because independent firms that print newspapers are not available: Independent papers must print their editions through state newspapers such as Al-Ahram, Al-Gomhuria, and Al-Akhbarelyom, which control when an
independent paper is printed, how it is
[...] distributed, how many pages it contains, and even how many pages appear in color.
从 2009 年 6 月 10 日起,总统权方案页 将登载关于执行各项建议和承 诺 的后续行动报告。
From 10 June 2009, the webpage of the Presidential Human Rights Programme will carry [...]
a report on follow-up to the implementation
of recommendations and commitments.
本计划将与其他项目开展合作,包 括计划 1(专利法)、计划 3(版权及相关权)、计划 4(传统知识、传统文化表现形式和 遗传资源)、计划 [...]
5(PCT 体系)、计划 6(马德里、海牙和里斯本体系)、计划 9(非 洲、阿拉伯、亚洲和太平洋、拉丁美洲和加勒比国家、最不发达国家)、计划
10(与欧洲 和亚洲部分国家的合作)、计划 11(WIPO 学院)、计划 19(交流)、计划 20(对外联 系、合作伙伴和驻外办事处)、计划 27(会务与语文服务)和计划 30(中小企业与创 新)。
This Program will cooperate with other Programs,
including Program 1 (Patent
[...] Law), Program 3 (Copyright and Related Rights), Program 4 (Traditional [...]
Knowledge, Traditional
Cultural Expressions and Genetic Resources), Program 5 (The PCT System), Program 6 (Madrid, Hague and Lisbon Systems), Program 9 (Africa, Arab, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean Countries, Least Developed Countries), Program 10 (Cooperation with Certain Countries in Europe and Asia), Program 11 (The WIPO Academy), Program 19 (Communications), Program 20 (External Offices and Relations), Program 27 (Conference and Language Services) and Program 30 (SMEs and Innovation).
对网站进行能动和经常更新的内容包括有关中小型 企业知识权的基本资料 (65 页面);中小型企业的知识权和电 子商务 (20页面);鼓励中小型企业使用知识 权 制 度 的最佳做法;关于中小型企业为取得 企业优势/成功有效正确使用知识产权制度而获得切实利益的个案研究报告;有关 中小型企业知识权的有价值的文件/ 出 版 物 ; 有关中小型企业知识 权 方 面 经常 提出的问题;广泛但经过精心选择的与其它有关文件和网站的链接;有关WIPO中 小型企业司各种活动的定期更新的信息。
The SMEs Divisionnseeks toodemystify IP for SMEs throughha SME-IP virtual networkk comprising of (1) a user-friendly anddinteractive webbsite,,andd(2) replies tooqueries receiveddby e-mail...The dynamic anddregularly updateddwebbsite contains basic informationnonnIP for SMEs (655pages),,IP anddE-commerce for SMEs (200pages),,best practices innencouraging the use of the IP system by SMEs,,case studies concerning the actual benefit deriveddby SMEs throughheffective anddproper use of the IP system [...]
for business advantage/success,useful documents/publications
onnIP for SMEs, FAQs onnIP for SMEs,,extensive but carefully chosennlinks tooother relevant documents anddwebbsites,, anddregularly updateddinformationnonnthe activities of the SMEs Divisionnof WIPO...
确保在未版权的发展进程中发展中国家和最不发达国家的参与,也是战略取得成功 [...]
Ensuring the full participation
of developing countries and LDCs in the future
[...] development of copyright is a critical [...]
factor for the strategy to succeed.
这条 规定明显适用于医药制品和毒品、赃物、放射性材料、有毒物质、爆炸 品、证券、贷款或任何其他金融工具,以及侵犯著 权 、 版权 、 商 标 权、商业秘密、任何其他 IP 权利、个人权利或者第三方数据保护权利的 客体或服务,或者违反竞争法规定的邀约。
This notably applies to medicinal products and drugs, stolen goods, radioactive materials, toxic substances, explosives, securities, loans or any other financial instruments as well as to
objects or services
[...] infringing on copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, any other IP rights, personality [...]
rights or third-party
data protection rights, or offers which violate provisions under competition law.
综上所述,报告认为,大部分暴行是在南斯拉夫总统斯洛博丹·米 洛舍维奇指挥下,由塞尔维亚特别警察(内政部)和南斯拉夫军队等政府部门所为,报告还认为, 科索沃阿族人反叛力量科索沃解放军(科军)也在“较小程度上”犯下了暴力行为,报告补充说: “斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇对政府的严重暴行负有主要责任,他在 80
[...] 索沃问题的塞尔维亚民族沙文主义,顺利夺取攫取权力”;人权观察,科索沃违反人道主义法 行为(Humanitarian Law Violations in Kosovo),伦敦/纽约,权观察,1998 年,第 3-22 页和第 26-65 页。
Summing up, the Report attributed the majority of those acts of brutality to the government forces of the Serbian special police (MUP) and the Yugoslav Army (VJ), under the command of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic; it attributed violence also, on a “lesser scale”, to the Kosovo Albanian insurgency, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), and added: - “The primary responsibility for gross government abuses lies with Slobodan Milosevic, who rode to power in the late eighties by inciting Serbian nationalist chauvinism
around the Kosovo
[...] issue”; Human Rights Watch, Humanitarian Law Violations in Kosovo, London/N.Y., HRW, 1998, pp. 3-22 and pp. 26-65.
对该示例稍作改 变,如版权组合 中还包括受不同国家(除 X 国以外)保护版权,在这些国 家登版权和版权担保 权是可能的,则所有这些不同国家的法律将适用于这版权上担保权的优先权。
To slightly modify the
[...] example, if the copyright portfolio also includes copyrights protected in various States (in addition to State X) in which registration of a copyright and a security right in a copyright may be possible, the law of all those various States would apply to the priority of a security right in these copyrights.
草案第 20 段提出的要求会给 2010-2011 财年的计划 预算方案增加 448 200
美元的额外款项,其中 421 900 美元增加到第 2 章(大会和经济及社会理事会的事
[...] 务及会议管理),用于解释四次会议和版 96 页文 件,另外 16 400 美元增加到第 [...]
16 章,用于支付承担 会议服务工作人员的差旅费,而其余 9 900 美元增
加到第 28D 章(中央支助事务厅)。
The request made in paragraph 20 would entail a requirement for an additional amount of $448,200 in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011, including $421,900 under section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management,
for interpretation at four meetings and
[...] the issuance of 96 pages of documentation, [...]
$16,400 under section 16 for travel of
meeting servicing staff and $9,900 under section 28D, Office of Central Support Services.
[...] 的意愿;受益人无权将其得到的科学技术信息转给第三方,相关法规或 版权所 有人签订的合同另行规定的除外。
Restrictions on the access to scientific and technological information are determined by the level of their confidentiality and the will of the author; the beneficiary does not have the right to transfer the scientific and
technological information to a third party if the legislation or the contract
[...] signed with the copyright holder provider [...]
阿蒙法官在个别意见中强调《联合国宪章》 和 1948 年《世界权宣言》(第 72 页和第 76-77 页)所 体现的“平等、自由及 和平原则”与之相关,帕迪略·内尔沃法官在其个别意见(第 111 和 126 页)中强 调《联合国宪章》(第一条第三项和第七十六条(c)项)要求“不分种族……”, 增进“对于全体人类”人权之尊重。
In their Separate Opinions, Judge Ammoun stressed the relevance of “the principles of equality, liberty and peace” embodied in the U.N. Charter and the 1948 Universal Declaration (pp. 72 and 76-77), and Judge Padilla Nervo stressed the U.N. Charter’s call (Articles 1(3) and 76(c)) for the promotion of respect for human rights “for all, without distinction as to race (…)” (pp. 111 and 126).
不得以任何方式复印、复制、重新发布、修改、上传、发布、传播、分发、反编译、反向工程或拆分网站材料,包括但不限于文字、图片、音频和/或视频及任何软件(包括但不限于任何软件中包含或生成的图像或文件或软件附带的数据),除非您在任何一台单独电脑上下载一份网站材料的副本且仅用于个人、非商业之目的,但前提是您必须将所 版权 、 商 标及其他专有权声明保持原样,并不得对作者归属进行任何改变或删减。
Materials may not be copied, reproduced, republished, modified, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way or decompiled, reverse engineered or disassembled, including but not limited to the text, images, audio and/or video, as well as any software (including but not limited to any images or files incorporated in or generated by the software or data accompanying such software), except that you may download one copy of the Materials on any single computer for your
personal, non-commercial use only, provided you
[...] keep intact all copyright, trademark and [...]
other proprietary notices and make no change
in or deletion of author attribution.
在限制前述一 般性的情况下,客户代表其自身及代为行事的任 何第三方就本协议无条件及不可撤销地向 PCGS 转 让、传达、出让客户或任何有关第三方可能于或 对资料及图像(无论有关图像在什么媒体或以何 种形式重现或发表)拥有的现有及此后获得的任 何及全部权利所有权及权益(包括但不限于版 权、专利、商业秘密及商标的权利)。
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Customer, on behalf of itself and any third party for whom Customer may be acting with respect to this agreement, unconditionally and irrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns to PCGS any and all current and any hereafter acquired rights, title and interests (including, without limitation, rights in copyright, patent, trade secret and trademark) that Customer or any such third party may have in or to the Data and the Images (on whatever media or in whatever form such Images may be reproduced or published).




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