

单词 版式

External sources (not reviewed)

業界守則處理若干主要方面的事宜, 例如書面合約的文體版式及結 構、銷售方式,以及由續約以 至終止合約的各種後期安排。
The Industry Code addresses certain key aspects such
[...] as the style, format and structure [...]
of written contracts, sales practices, and
subsequent arrangements ranging from renewals to terminations.
配置简便、屏幕查版式安排 简单,同时可按照您的要求打印数据报告。
Easy configuration and formatting of screen views [...]
and printed reports to get your data the way you want it.
版式替换 指的是迁移到以白纸开始,然后使用数码技术添加所需元素的工作流程的过程。
Forms replacement is the [...]
process of migrating to a workflow that starts with white paper and adds all the required components using digital technology.
它也可以用来进行单页文版式设计 、图标创建、范例生成及文字特效制作。
It may also be used for single-page document layout,
[...] icon creation, pattern generation, and [...]
text effects.
(f) 以 HTML 和 Excel 格式打印的文件字体很大版式漂亮
(f) The print-outs in HTML and Excel have sufficiently large fonts and attractive layout.
使用Word公式编辑器创建公式后,你如果感到其中的公式不整齐(特别是矩阵形式的公式),那么你可以通过下列方式进行微调:单击该公式,右键进入“设置对象 式 ” , 选择 版式 ” 中 任意一种形式,单击“确定”,再选中需要调整的项;按下Ctrl键后,利用光标上下左右移动对该项进行微调;重复上下左右移动对该项进行微调;重复上述步骤,直到将公式位置调整到满意为止。
use the Word equation editor to create the formula, the formula if you are one of the irregular (especially the matrix form of the
formula), then you can fine-tune the
[...] following ways: Click the formula, right into the "Set Object [...]
Format" , select "Layout" in
any form, click "OK" and then select the items need to be adjusted; pressing Ctrl key, use the cursor up and down and move around on the fine-tuning; repeated up and down to move around on the fine-tuning; Repeat these steps until the position adjustment formula to the satisfaction.
MacGregor提倡的设计实践包括为所有的界 版式 建 立 统一的视觉层次,保持导航清晰,使按钮大而显著,更谨慎的使用动画和声效,以及充分考虑许多用户的带宽限制。
Design practices MacGregor advocates include establishing a consistent visual hierarchy for all interface and layout, keeping navigation clear, making buttons large and obvious, using animation and sound more sparingly, and respecting the bandwidth limitations of many users.
(a) 口译服务:以六种正式语文为下列会议提供同声传译服务:联合国维也纳办事处/禁毒办、 工发组织、原子能机构和筹备委员会的会议;秘书处其他部厅在维也纳举行的会议;总部 设在维也纳的组织在外地举行的会议; (b) 出版服务:英文、法文和西班牙文文件和出版物的制版和校对以及整页 版 、 版式 设 计和 图像制作服务
(a) Interpretation services: provision of simultaneous interpretation in the six official languages for meetings of the United Nations Office at Vienna/UNODC, UNIDO, IAEA and the Preparatory Commission, as well as for meetings convened at Vienna by other departments and offices of the Secretariat and for meetings of Vienna-based organizations held outside Vienna
执行局将考虑重新组织委员会网站,以简化其外观并改变所有六种正式语文版式和内 容,以确保内容一致,信息通畅。
The Executive Directorate will consider ways of reorganizing the Committee’s website to simplify its presentation and make design and content changes in all six official languages with a view to ensuring parity of content and currency of information.
由 CEN 成员国负责翻译成 本国语言并通知总秘书处的标准版本也具有与 式版 本 相 同的身份。
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of
a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
[...] same status as the official versions.
无障碍式版为受 益人专用,必须尊重原作的完整性,适当考虑 将作品制成替代性无障碍格式所需要的修改和受益人的无障碍需求。
The accessible format copy is used exclusively [...]
by beneficiary persons and it must respect the integrity of the original
work, taking due consideration of the changes needed to make the work accessible in the alternative format and of the accessibility needs of the beneficiary persons.
用文本编辑器打开的时候就可以看到:%PDF-1.4 这样的字眼,其中最后一位就是PDF文件 式版 本 号 ,软件的版本号总要比文件 式 的 版 本 号 高1,比如说Read 5能打开的内容就是4。
Using a text editor to open when you will see:% PDF-1.4 such a word,
the last of which is a
[...] PDF file format version number, software version number than the total file format version number of [...]
the high-1, for example,
Read 5 content is able to open 4.
购买前您可以分别试用这两个版本的试用,然后对试用最满意的版本进行购买和注册成为 式版 本。
The Trial Edition may be converted into a full (registered) edition by entering a valid registration key.
全体会议 的逐字记录应出版临时性单行本,其中发言记录应以发言时使 用之工作语言复印;在式版本中 ,每一发言应以发言时使用 之工作语言复印;发言使用的语言如非英语或法语而为其他工 作语言时,则应附以英语或法语译文,两种语言按会议顺序轮 [...]
The verbatim records of plenary meetings shall be published in provisional form in a single edition, in which each
intervention shall be
[...] reproduced in the working language in which it was made; and in final form in a single edition, in which each [...]
intervention shall be
reproduced in the working language in which it was made and interventions made in a working language other than English or French shall be followed by a translation into either English or French, alternately meeting by meeting.
單仲偕議員告知議員, 法 案 委員會所討論 的其他相關事宜及關 注 事 項,包括應否在條例草案 中 加入過 渡
性 條文、 《 版 權 條例》的刑 事 責 任條文 有否訂立 較 《與貿 易 有關的知識產權 協 議 》所規定 者 更為嚴格
[...] 的 標準,以及 香港有關保障電腦式版 權的刑 事 責 任條文與其他司法管 轄 [...]
區的同類 條文比 較 如 何。
Mr SIN informed Members that other related issues and concerns discussed by the Bills Committee included whether a transitional provision should be added to the Bill, whether the criminal provisions in the Copyright Ordinance had imposed a more stringent standard than that required under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights, and how the criminal provisions
[...] of Hong Kong on copyright protection for [...]
computer programs compared with those of other jurisdictions.
尽管咨 询委员会经询问获悉,若干会员国藏书图书馆请新闻部不要再寄出版物的打印文 本,因为这些文本可以从网上下载,但咨询委员会从获得的补充信息中得知,新 闻部将印发的所有 61 份出版物中仅有 10
[...] 份出版物(2 版的《联合国年鉴》和 8 期的《联合国纪事》)有电子式版本。
Although the Committee was informed, upon enquiry, that a number of depositary libraries in Member States had requested that the Department no longer send hard copies of publications because they could be downloaded from the Internet, it notes from the supplementary
information provided to it that all 61 of the Department’s publications will be issued in print,
[...] with only 10 (two editions of the
超级嗅探狗3.1正式版发布 ,增加了对各类文件传输的监控功能,新增了对多达68个协议的支持。
WFilter 3.1 is
[...] released. The new version add support of several type of file transfers, [...]
support up to 68 common protocols.
式版在获取 LICENSE 后能够恢复所有能够恢复的数据。
The enterprise version can be able to unload [...]
all the data which can be recovered after you get license.
(B) 受益人系合法获得作品或作品版本的,受益人或代表其行事的人,包括主要看护人或照顾 者,可以制作作品的无障碍式版供 受 益人个人使用,也可以通过其他方式帮助受益人制作和 使用无障碍式版。
(B) A beneficiary person, or someone acting on his or her behalf including a primary caretaker or caregiver, may make an accessible format copy of a work for the personal use of the beneficiary person or otherwise may assist
the beneficiary
[...] person to make and use accessible format copies where the beneficiary person has lawful access to that work or a copy of that work.
待定微軟終於推出式版本的 Office IOS在第一季度2013(更多信息 這裡),iPad用戶不得不尋找我們的生活,使不同的選項來編輯您的文檔Word,Excel和/或投影片,並保留其原始格式。
Pending Microsoft
[...] finally launches its official version of Office to IOS in [...]
the first quarter of 2013 (More info here),
IPad users have had to find us life so far with various options to edit your documents Word, Excel and / or Powerpoint and retain their original format.
在使用 Windows 7/Vista 執行的電腦上安裝先進格式化硬碟時,確保擁有最新的 Intel 驅動式版本。
Ensure that you have the
[...] latest Intel driver version when installing the Advanced Format Drive on a [...]
computer with Windows 7/Vista.
代理收集的資訊可能包括但不限於: 硬體型號、唯一設備標識碼 (UDID)、包括電話號碼在內的移動網路資訊、代理程序版本、平台、SDK 版本、時間戳記、 API 金鑰(應用程式標識碼)、應用 式版 本 、型號、製造商以及設備或硬體的作業系統版本、工作階段開始/停止時間、地區設定、時區和網路狀態(WiFi 等)。
The information collected by the agents may include, without limitation: hardware model, unique device identifiers (UDID), mobile network information including phone number, the agent version, platform, SDK version, timestamp, API key (identifier for application), application version, model, manufacturer and OS version of device or hardware, session start/stop time, locale, time zone, and network status (WiFi, etc.).
使用这个批次输出格式,在批次处理过程中将影像输出转换为批次索引(伊士曼软件公司) 式 ( 版本 1.3 适用于 UNIX 成像;版本 1.4 适用于 NT 成像)。
Use this batch ouput format to convert the image ouput to
Batch Index (Eastman
[...] Software,Inc.) format (Version 1.3 for Imaging for UNIX; Version 1.4 for Imaging [...]
for NT)during batch processing.
2010年12月4号Fabio Maulo发布了NHibernate 3.0.0.GA正式版本, 基于.Net3.5和.NET 3.5 Client Profile平台,主要改变是增加Loquacious配置和基于Lambda表达式查询和Linq查询。
The latest NHibernate developments include: the release of NHibernate 3.0.0 Alpha 1, NHibernate Profiler supporting NHibernate 3.0, and HQL Language Service for Visual Studio.
开发通道让您可以在此附加组件的 式版 本 发 布前体验实验性的新版本。
The Development Channel lets you test an
[...] experimental new version of this add-on before it's released to the general public.
Windows圖形化介面用戶端程式同時提供瀏覽器與Windows應用 式版 本 ,使用者可透過IP連結的 網路從任何地方登入;KN1000並提供Java用戶端程式,可確保操作平台獨立,並可與所有的作業系 統相容。
Inclusion of a Java-based client ensures that the KN1000 is platform independent, and is able to work with practically all operating systems.
差異備份 請注意,較新式版本建 立的備份可能與先前 式版 本 不 相容,因此如果您要將 True Image OEM 回復為較舊版本,您可能必須使用較舊版本重新建立存檔。
Consolidating backups Please keep in mind that
the backups created by
[...] the later program version may be incompatible with the previous program versions, so if you roll [...]
back True Image OEM
to an older version, you likely will have to re-create the archives using the older version.
第一主密碼: 在試用版中,第一主密碼就是secukeeper,妳不能脩改它,當妳註冊SecuKEEPER成為 式版 后 , 妳就可以自由脩改第一主密碼,第一主密碼可以用于解鎖和激活密碼管理器,幫助妳填寫正確的密碼或找囬遺失的密碼(前提是用戶把密碼存放于密碼管理器中)。
The First Master Password: In the trial version, the first Master Password is secukeeper, you can not modify it, after you registered your SecuKEEPER, you can modify the first Master Password freely, the first Master Password allows people who have forgotten their passwords to use Password Manager find out the forgotten Passwords (Note: only find out the passwords which be stored in the Password Manager).
Mercurial是一个分式版本控 制系统,提供“完整的文件和变更集的跨索引;有效率的带宽和CPU下的HTTP和SSH同步协议;开发者分支间的任意合并;集成独立的web界面;UNIX、MacOS [...]
Mercurial is a distributed version control system that [...]
offers, among other things, "complete cross-indexing of files and
changesets; bandwidth and CPU efficient HTTP and SSH sync protocols; arbitrary merging between developer branches; integrated stand-alone web interface; [portability to] UNIX, MacOS X, and Windows" and more (the preceding feature list was paraphrased from the Mercurial web site).




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