单词 | 片麻岩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 片麻岩—gneissSee also:片岩—schist 麻n—juten marijuanan 岩n—rockn cliffn 岩adj—rockyadj
3、SRK还建议根据主岩层(推测为铁镁质片麻岩)与磁铁矿-赤铁矿石英岩之间的预期密度对比和地面重力测量,来确定铁矿资源的大概分布图。 tipschina.gov.cn | SRK further recommend based on the expected density contrast between hostrocks (presumably maficgneiss)and the magnetite-hematite quartzite, ground gravity survey for the delineation of iron mineralisation. tipschina.gov.cn |
关于毒品贩运,本报告以 2009 年和 [...] 2010 年 的缉获统计数据为重点,并提供了关于阿片剂、大麻、可卡因和苯丙胺类兴奋 剂贩运趋势的最新情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to drug trafficking, the report focuses on seizure statistics for 2009 and 2010 [...] and provides an update on trafficking trends [...] with regard toopiates, cannabis, cocaine and amphetamine-type [...]stimulants. daccess-ods.un.org |
Zuun Mod钼铜矿床区和Khuvyn Khar铜矿勘探远景区位于一片大型斑岩矿化 蚀变区域中,周长12公里。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Zuun Mod molybdenum-copper deposit and the Khuvyn [...] Khar copper prospect are situated [...] within a large area of porphyryrelated mineralization [...]and alteration measuring 12 kilometres in circumference. tipschina.gov.cn |
Southern Ace 还开始探索贩运军火的前景,并从事园艺实验,以便 生产包括大麻、可卡因和鸦片在内的麻醉药品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Southern Ace also began to explore prospects for arms trafficking and [...] engaged in horticultural experiments aimed at the [...] production of narcoticdrugs, including marijuana, cocaine and opium. daccess-ods.un.org |
其 他的矿产资源包括金、银、铂、铁、煤、镍、大理石和砂岩。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Other substantial and prospective mineral and mining resource deposits include gold, silver, platinum, iron, coal, [...] nickel, marble,and sandstone. unesdoc.unesco.org |
管理香港大比 例 ㆞ 质 图的制 备 、 保 存 及 修 订 工作;为政府及市民 [...] 提供㆞质 调 查 及土力工程资料服务,包括土木工程图书 馆 、 综 合 航空照片图书馆及岩土工程资料库 的管理工作。 legco.gov.hk | To manage preparation, maintenance and updating of large scale geological map of Hong Kong and provision of geological survey and geotechnical information service to Government and the public, including [...] management of the Civil Engineering Library, the [...] comprehensiveAerial PhotographLibraryand the Geotechnical Information Unit. legco.gov.hk |
竹篙湾背 靠㆒大片岩坡,前面南方是竹篙湾发电站及财利船厂,未能与㆕周的自 [...] 然㆞貌协调。 legco.gov.hk | Within Penny’s [...] Bay, extensive rock-cut slopes have [...]been formed behind, to the south of Penny’s Bay Power Station and Cheoy [...]Lee Shipyard, and these create an unattractive visual impact on the surrounding areas. legco.gov.hk |
下一步是将均匀的软木-聚合物基料加工成连续的软木-聚合物片,同时将这些片材与板岩薄片层压在一起。 wacker.com | The next step is to process the [...] homogeneous cork-polymer matrix into long cork-polymer webs that are [...] simultaneously sandwiched within the sheets ofslate. wacker.com |
自 2000 年以来,非洲越来越多的专家认为毒品使用是在增加而不是在减 少,尤其在大麻和类阿片方面(见表 3)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 2000, more experts in Africa have [...] perceived increases in drug use than have observed declines, [...] especially with respect to cannabisand opioids (see table 3). daccess-ods.un.org |
除Tilwezembe外,Lower [...] Roan内以硫化物形式存在的主要矿化物与层状白云岩及硅化岩结合形成劣等矿体,而与基底 片岩及上盘白云叶岩结合形成优 等矿体,并被认为起源於同步沉淀。 glencore.com | With the exception of Tilwezembe, primary mineralisation, in the form of sulphides, within the Lower Roan is associated with the Stratified Dolomite and Silicified Rocks [...] for the Ore Body Inferior and the [...] Basal Schists and Upper Dolomitic Shalesfor the Ore [...]Body Superior and is thought to be sys-sedimentary in origin. glencore.com |
汗选举后的局势,以及新的阿富汗政府是否需要更有 力地同人民打成一片、打击腐败和麻醉品、加强国家 机构并保护人权,特别是妇女的权利,以便不久之后 [...] 有一天阿富汗人能够管理阿富汗的安全,而且阿富汗 男女国人能够治理一个民主的阿富汗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today, as we speak, the Security Council is debating the situation in Afghanistan after the elections, as well as the need for a new Afghan Government [...] to connect more strongly with its people, [...] fight corruption and narcotics, empower State institutions [...]and protect human [...]rights, and in particular women’s rights, so that the day may soon come when Afghans can take care of Afghanistan’s security and when Afghan men and women can run a democratic Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
妈妈可以接受核查诊断(如拍X线片) 、接受麻醉药(如牙齿)、一旦检 验了与哺乳的兼容性,如有需要可安心服用大多种类的药物。 stranieriincampania.it | The mother can undergo any diagnostic tests (for [...] example exrays), have anaesthetic injections (for example [...]dental), and take most pharmaceutical [...]medicine if it is necessary, once their compatibility with breastfeeding has been checked. stranieriincampania.it |
这不是一个简单地挑选某个特定 国家进行点名的问题;鉴于来自阿富汗的鸦片在全 球麻醉品市场上所占的份额,而且那个地方的麻醉 品交易和恐怖主义不断扩张,来自阿富汗的威胁实 [...] 际上是全球性的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was not simply a question of singling out a particular country for [...] mention; given the share of [...] the global narcoticsmarket occupiedbyopiates from Afghanistan, [...]as well as the continued expansion [...]of narcobusiness and terrorism there, the threat from Afghanistan was in fact global in nature. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先,采用一种特殊工艺完成板岩薄片的切割,并将其粘结在具有保暖效果的薄软木层上。 wacker.com | To begin with,wafer-thin sheets of slate [...] are cut in a special process and affixed to a thin, warming layer of cork. wacker.com |
例如,在表示同意接受《公约》约束时,如果一国希望表明,它认为,某一个岛 [...] 屿是公约第 121 条第 3 款意义上的一个岩石,它可以通过一个简单的解释性声明 [...] 这样做,但是,如果它把参加公约与否取决于这一解释的被接受,这就构成必须 按照这种方式处理的一项保留,并且在这种情况下适用准则 3.5.1。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, when expressing its consent to be bound, if a [...] State wishes to say that in its view, a [...] given island is a rock in thesense of [...]article 121, paragraph 3, of the Convention, [...]it may do so through a simple interpretative declaration, but if it makes its participation in the Convention subject to the acceptance of this interpretation, that would constitute a reservation that must be treated as such, and in this case, guideline 3.5.1 would apply. daccess-ods.un.org |
岩石的片岩悬崖,高山草甸,石灰石scree; 3200-4900米甘肃,青海,四川,西藏,云南。 flora.ac.cn | Rocky schist cliffs, alpine meadows, [...] limestone scree; 3200-4900 m. Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
潮湿的草皮,高山的永久冻土沼泽,在河,开阔的的砾石,石板和 片岩山麓碎石旁边的潮湿的海滨的小圆石; [...] (3200-)3600-5300米甘肃,青海,西藏,四川。 flora.ac.cn | Moist turf, alpine permafrost swamps, damp shingle by rivers, open [...] gravel, slate and schist screes; (3200-)3600-5300 [...]m. Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang. flora.ac.cn |
在策略上,你是愿意参与抗争的行列,把矛 盾推向激化,导致香港的劳苦大众和劳工阶层在政治上醒觉而参与抗 争行动;抑或是你相信一些小恩小惠,正如马克思所说的用鸦片来麻醉人民,使他们不觉醒。 legco.gov.hk | Strategically, you are prepared to take part in struggles and intensify conflicts, thereby resulting in the political awakening of the toiling masses and working class in Hong Kong and their participation in struggles. legco.gov.hk |
科特迪瓦是唯一提交表格 D [...] 数据介绍麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱缉获情况的非洲国 家,该国当局通知查获了超过 30,000 颗的麻黄碱 药片。incb.org | The seizure of more than 30,000 ephedrine tablets was notified by the [...] authorities of Côte d’Ivoire, the only African country that submitted form [...] D data on ephedrineand pseudoephedrine seizures. incb.org |
亚洲和非洲的大麻和类阿片使用总体明显增加,但全世界一半以上的国家 报告明显趋于平稳或有所减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is a general perceived [...] increase inthe use of cannabisand opioids in Asia and [...]Africa, but a perceived stabilizing [...]or decreasing trend is reported by more than half of countries reporting worldwide. daccess-ods.un.org |
管理规例由发展局局长根据该条例第38条 订 立,以 修 订 《建筑物(管理)规例》(第 123章,附属法例A), (a)将有关人士须 於任何适任技术人员的委任出现更改时通知建筑事务监督的限 期,由14天缩减至7天,上述有关人士,是指认可人士、注册结 构工程师、注册岩土工程师、注册一般建筑承建商、注册专门 承建商或注册小型工程承建商;以及(b)规定注册小型工程承建 商须於经营业务的地址有更改时,通知建筑事务监督。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration Regulation, which is made by the Secretary for Development under section 38 of BO, amends the Building (Administration) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg. A) to (a) reduce the period within which an authorized person, registered structural engineer, registered geotechnical engineer, registered general building contractor, registered specialist contractor or registered minor work contractor is required to notify the Building Authority of a change in the appointment of any technically competent person from 14 days to 7 days; and (b) require a registered minor works contractor to notify the Building Authority of a change of business address. legco.gov.hk |
其应用可以说没有限制,基本应用包括下水道污泥、生物物质、油漆渣泥、粉煤灰处置、尾矿料、浆料回填、焦油和石油泵送、钻井泥浆、大颗粒泵送(如矿井岩石和PVC片回填渣浆)等。 zs.weirminerals.com | Applications are virtually unlimited, the installed base includes pumps in the areas of sewage sludge, biomass, paint residue, fly ash disposal, mine tailings, paste [...] backfill, tar & oil pumping, drilling mud, large particles pumping (such as mine [...] backfill slurry with rocks, PVCchips), etc. weirminerals.com |
该研究结论认为,香港的地质及地理条件十分适宜发展岩洞,研究并建议对一些主要措施作进一步研究,包括制定政策指引以推动 公私营界别参与岩洞发展;制订搬迁设施的长远策略以配合岩洞发展 总纲图;及展开详细的规划及工程研究,评估把一些对社区具高成本 效益的现有政府设施迁往岩洞的可行性。 legco.gov.hk | These include [...] formulating policy guidelines to facilitatecavern development for both public and private sectors, developing a long-term relocation strategy in conjunction with cavern development master plans, and undertaking detailed planning and engineering studies to assess the feasibility of relocatingto cavernssome government facilities of high costbenefit [...]value to the community. legco.gov.hk |
随着利奥研发的新加工工序如仿岩石 漆、彩片工艺、仿沙工艺等,制作出Leo Touch扇形新版本,于Leo Touch展示廊向客人展示;科技与书本展示廊则展示发声、发光及震动的书本样办,例如:我们的RF发声书,RF发声书展示QUP的特征及拉出的台阶,突显这既新颖又互动的技术。 leo.com.hk | Our Leo Touch Gallery allowed us to present our new “Fan Deck” format for our Leo Touch guides, along with new processes likes Rock-like, Color-flake, Sand-like, etc. The Technology and Books Gallery demonstrated new sound, lights, and vibration book samples, such as our RF sound leo.com.hk |
在执 法方面 ,如 果 我们发 觉 有 些 药 物 被滥用 ,例如我刚才提 过 的 氯胺酮, 我们便 会 修 订 《 危 险药物条例》,将 之 纳入条例的管 制范围, 使 这 些 药 物的出 口 、入口 或分销 至於贩卖不同的 药 物,例如海洛 英 、 可 卡 因 、鸦片、大麻或“摇 头 丸 ” ( 即“忘 我”),因应不同的 分量,法庭 是已经 有不同的 判刑指 引 。 legco.gov.hk | On law enforcement, if certain drugs, such as ketamine as I mentioned earlier, are found to be abused, we would amend the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance to include the drugs concerned in the ambit of the Ordinance to the effect that the export, import or distribution of those drugs would be regulated by the Ordinance. legco.gov.hk |