

单词 爽口

See also:

feel well

External sources (not reviewed)

他們致力於重現台灣美味,堅持採用新鮮 爽口 且 自然的材料與風味。
Their interest in Taiwanese cuisine has inspired them to use fresh, light and natural ingredients and flavors.
第五级:后置活性炭滤芯利用渗银活性碳,在水中释放出银离子,能瞬间杀灭细菌、病毒、对人体无害的特征,用在水处理过程中能彻底杀灭存在于水中的细菌、病毒,并能抑制水中细菌的生存,并且还能改善水质口感,使处理后的水更加甘甜 爽口 , 提 高含氧量,更换周期:12-18个月。
Fifth grade: activated carbon activated carbon filter to use infiltration silver, releasing silver ions in the water, can instantly kill bacteria, viruses, harmless to human body characteristics used in the treatment process can be completely present in the water to kill bacteria, viruses, and can inhibit the survival of bacteria in the water, and also improve water taste, so that the treated water is more sweet, refreshing, increase oxygen content, the replacement cycle of 12-18 months.
可让店家为您将牡蛎壳剥开,丰满具弹性的肉身淋上柠檬汁后放入口中,马上可以感觉到这牡蛎不仅带有重量感还含有少许甜味,伴随着清 爽口 的 海 香味立刻在口中扩散。
After feeling the texture of oyster, your mouth will be filled with fresh flavor of the sea with a bit of sweetness.
林家牛肉麵 採用獨家的配方所熬出的湯頭,多年來對烹調牛肉麵,始終堅持幾個原則,即『新鮮、原味、衛生、實在、好吃 』不論選料和配料技巧、以及烹調的時間火侯,都遵循古法精心調製 ,牛肉豐腴肥美鮮嫩多汁,鬆軟適宜、鮮 爽口 , 而且可貴的是,湯頭更要燉出香醇濃濃的牛肉香味,湯味充分融入到肉中,肉塊口感十足;好吃的牛肉麵,除了牛肉是重點之外,麵條也是讓人不可忽略的重點之一 , 林家牛肉麵採用特級日式拉麵 , 比一般麵條更Q更有咬勁。
Lin family beef noodle soup, exclusive formula proudly over the years, the cooking of beef noodles, always adhere to several principles, namely, "fresh, flavor, health, indeed, delicious" regardless of the election materials and ingredients skills, as well as cooking timeHuohou, using ancient techniques, carefully blended, beef plump plump, juicy, soft and suitable for fresh taste, and valuable soup stew mellow thick beef flavor, the Flavored fully integrated into the meat, meatblock full of taste; delicious beef noodles, beef is the key, the noodles is also one of the key people can not be ignored, the Lin family beef noodle soup with premium Japanese-style ramen, and more than ordinary noodles Q more bite.
這種做 法,又是否口爽荷包 緊”,口惠而實不至呢?
In doing so, is the Financial Secretary
[...] actually paying lip service only?
各位,這便謂之口爽荷包 ”,這便是“賣野人頭”,他們的做法便是這樣。
From the very beginning to the very end, I say the same thing all the way through.
不过,他们敏锐地认识到对减少温室 气体排放的爽承诺 与按照科学为避免灾难所需的 实际数量之间的差距越来越大。
Yet, they were acutely aware of the continuing gap between ambitious pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the actual amount required according to science to avoid disaster.
香绵甜润、绵甜爽净、绵甜适口、绵甜醇和、各味协调适口、味协调、自然协调 香甜适口、酒体醇厚、醇甜柔和、淳厚、淳和、绵甜、口感柔和、香醇甜净 清爽甘冽、清香绵柔、清香绵软、爽冽、净爽、甘爽、甘润、绵和、入口绵 入口平顺、入口冲、冲辣、糙辣、暴辣、 口爽 净 、 欠净、回味悠长、回味较长 回味长、回味短、回味欠净、尾净香长、后味淡、后味短、后味杂、稍杂、淡薄 味寡淡、有杂味、邪杂味、杂味较大、有杂醇油味、酒稍子味、焦糊味、焦糊味大 稍涩、涩、微苦涩、苦涩、稍苦、苦、后苦、苦酸、稍酸、较酸、酸味较大、过甜 生料味、霉味、异味、刺喉等。
3.Palate:Sweet and silky smooth, unadulterated silky sweetness , fittingly silky and sweet, wholly silky and sweet, combined flavors, single flavored, balanced flavor, natural flavor, sweet aromatic flavor, full-bodied, sweetly soft, pure thickness, pure mildness, soft mild mouthfeel, pure aromatic unadulterated sweetness, crisp freshness, light aromatic softness, crystal-clear comfort, unadulterated comfort, sweet comfort, sugary smoothness, silky softness, smooth mouthfeel, gushing mouthfeel, gushingly hot, coarsely spicy, powerfully spicy, crispy fresh mouthfeel, long aftertaste, long finish, long aromatic finish, short aftertaste, muddled aftertaste, faint tasteless palate, muddled palate, contaminated palate, contaminated greasy taste, burnt palate, mildly pucker, puckering, bitter and puckering, mildly bitter, bitter, bitter finish, bitterly sour, mildly sour, distinctively sour, excessively sweet Raw-materials taste, moldy taste, abnormal palate, stinging mouthfeel.
(a) 屍體冷藏室的溫度應保持在攝氏 4 度,並備有用 作定期清洗的設施和用作抬起屍體的液壓車牀。
(a) The refrigerated body store should be kept at 4o C, with facilities for regular cleansing and provision of hydraulic trolleys for the lifting of bodies.
(p) 由東華三院營辦的服務,包括健康推廣中心、中醫 普通科門診診所、中醫藥臨牀研究服務中心、中醫 藥實驗室和放射診斷設施,以及中西醫部住院病房。
(p) services run by TWGHs, including health promotion and wellness centre; CM general out-patient clinic; CM Clinical Research and Services Centre; CM laboratory and radiology facilities, and integrated Chinese and western medicine in-patient accommodation.
據食物及衞生局轄下衞生署於2010年 10月發出的立法 會參考資料摘要(並無參考檔號)第 7段所述,鑒於人類豬型流感 的活躍程度回落而臨牀嚴重程度保持不變,加上有關人類豬型 流行性感冒的科學知識增加,市民也可接種有效的疫苗防疫, 同時世界衞生組織宣布世界現已不再處於流感大流行警戒第六 級,而人類豬型流感已進入大流行後時期,政府當局認為無須 再把豬型流行性感冒列為法定須呈報疾病,也無須把其病毒株 列為遇上化驗室出現逸漏時須作法定呈報的傳染性病原體。
According to paragraph 7 of the LegCo Brief (with no reference number provided) issued by the Department of Health of the Food and Health Bureau in October 2010, in view of the declining activity and unchanged clinical severity of human swine influenza (HSI), the improvement of scientific knowledge on HSI, the availability of effective vaccine, and the announcement of the World Health Organization that the world was no longer in phase 6 of influenza pandemic alert and that HSI is in the post-pandemic period, the Administration considers it no longer necessary to include swine influenza as one of the statutorily notifiable diseases, and its virus strain as one of the infectious agents subject to statutory reporting in case of leakage in the laboratories.
在 “本會 促請政府”之後刪除“
[...] 審慎評估落實小班教學所需”,並以 “ 善 用中小學學生口 下 降 所 節 省”代替 ;在“ [...]
資 源 , ”之前 刪除 “ 額 外”及在其後 刪除“ 衡 量 政府及家長雙 方的承擔, 並 在 確保”, 並以“進
行 小班教學的”代替;在“師資 培 訓 ”之後刪除“得以配 合 下”,並以“,並以分 區 分 級 的過渡 模式”代替;及 在 “ 逐 步 在小學” 之後加上“和初 中開始”。
To delete "prudently assess" after "the Government to" and substitute with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" before "resources"; to delete "required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with
"saved due to the drop in the primary and
[...] secondary school student population [...]
to provide training for teachers on"; to delete
", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", starting with"; and to add "and junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".
秘书长在其报告(A/64/380)第 63 段中提供了关于在联合国秘书处和
各特派团内与企业资源规划同时执行的几个相关举措的信息,其中包 括:《公共部门会计准则》的实施,人才管理系统(征聘和人员配置),
[...] 精益六西格玛(非系统程序改进),企业内容管理和客户关系管理,以及 为维持和平职能服务的燃料管理系统 口 粮 管 理系统。
In paragraph 63 of his report (A/64/380), the Secretary-General provides information on a number of related initiatives being implemented concurrently with ERP within the United Nations Secretariat and missions, including: IPSAS implementation, the talent management system (recruitment and staffing), Lean Six Sigma (non-systems process improvement), enterprise content management and customer
relationship management, as well as a fuel
[...] management system and a rations management system [...]
for peacekeeping functions.
2.26 雖然我們不建議加入具體條文,就負責督導/指示的註 冊獸醫須持有的額外資格或具備的臨牀經驗作出規定, 但我們建議由管理局在《實務守則》內加入條文,訂明 註冊獸醫必須就接受其指示或督導的個別人士所進行的 工作負上全責。
2.26 While we are not proposing to include any specific requirement regarding the additional qualifications or amount of clinical experience that a supervising / directing registered veterinary surgeon must possess, we propose that it should be stipulated by the VSB in the Code of Practice that the registered veterinary surgeon shall be fully responsible for the acts performed by the individual under his or her direction or supervision.
它还呼吁政府考虑加强努力,打击暴力侵害妇女,包 括家庭暴力和口贩运 ,特别是贩运妇女和儿童现象,特别是要确保充分执行有 [...]
It also called on the Government to consider strengthening efforts to
combat violence against women, including
[...] domestic violence and trafficking in [...]
persons, especially women and children by,
inter alia, ensuring the full implementation of related laws and legislation, and also through the continued provision of adequate funding and the creation of a monitoring mechanism.




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