单词 | 爹 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 爹—dadExamples:阿爹n—fathern 爹地—daddy (loanword) 沙爹—satay (sauce)
干邑的三大品牌,轩尼诗(Hennessy),人头马(Remy Martin)和马爹利(Martell)在中国全都有着骄人的销量。 spla-t.com | The three main Cognac brands, Hennessy, Remy Martin and Martellare all selling a ton of the stuff. spla-t.com |
她意外地在如迷宫的超市中与爹哋失散了,还遇上神秘的小飘,并以手上的玩具跟他换取超市内的「任食任玩权」。 hkiac.gov.hk | Losing her way in the maze-like store, the young girl bumps into the mysterious Speedy. hkiac.gov.hk |
人头马在上世纪90年代曾经领导着中国的干邑市场,但如今销量已经逐渐跌落至第三位,落后于路易威登的轩尼诗和Pernod Ricard的马爹利。 spla-t.com | Remy Martin led China’s Cognac market in [...] the 1990s but has since fallen into third place in terms of volume, behind LVMH’s Hennessy and [...] Pernod Ricard’s Martell. spla-t.com |
中环都爹利街尽头,是林荫大树下保护着的「煤气灯街」— 花岗石阶和上世纪初英国出产的Suggs & Co.煤气灯,在喧嚣的都心划出一个宁谧角落,让历史埋藏进去。 think-silly.com | At the endof Duddell Street (Central) lies the ‘gas lamp street’, where granite staircases and authentic Suggs & Co. gas lamps outline an area of historic tranquility. think-silly.com |
向持礟人┪爹册人矗ㄑ甭舦书,甧砛ㄤ按酚琘份靡ㄩ借禅协某书ㄏノ你的靡ㄩ┪靡ㄩ╄┿珇、盢你的靡ㄩ╄┿珇再借┿以取眔癞 叭硄磕,┪盢你的靡ㄩ╄┿珇存放为ノ以糹︽の睲纕ㄤユΜ砫ヴの杜叭的╄┿珇,存在一﹚风繧。 sctrade.com | There is risk if you provide the licensed orregistered person with an authority that allows it to apply your securities or securities collateral pursuant to a securities borrowing and lending agreement, repledge your securities collateral for financial accommodation or deposit your securities collateral as collateral for the discharge and satisfaction of its settlement obligations and liabilities. sctrade.com |
皇轩酒店5 Spice西餐厅诚邀您共享东南亚火锅自助晚餐,冬荫功、咖喱、沙爹、肉骨茶等多种火锅汤底任你挑选,正宗东南亚式美味火锅是这个冬季最诱惑难挡的美味。 astahotel.com | Asta Hotel 5 Spice Restaurant greets all the guests to enjoy the new taste of Southeast Asian hot pot buffet dinner, there are variety of hot pot soup such as Tom Yum Goong, Curry, Satay and BakKut you can choose, authentic Southeast Asian delicious hot pot is the first choice for you in this winter. astahotel.com |
1.2 讽靡ㄩゼ砆爹册在客め名下时,ヴ何パ赣靡ㄩ玻ネぇ利柬┪ㄤ他利麻,在竒纪人Μ到时,竒纪人同种,盢砆禅疠在赣眀め,┪向客め や付┪锣琵。讽竒纪人┮持客め的靡ㄩ为一у相同靡ㄩぇ一场份时,客めΤ舦ㄉΤ全у靡ㄩㄤ┮占ゑㄒ的利麻。 sctrade.com | Where the securities form part of a larger holding of identical securities held for the Broker's clients, the Client shall be entitled to the same share of the benefits arising on the holding as the Client's share of the total holding. sctrade.com |
表ボ虫计的迭稪盢包珹狡计,はぇョ礛指一个┦别的迭稪盢包珹┮Τ┦别,并且表ボ个人的迭稪盢包珹坝︽、縒戈竒犁、合ル、癞刮のそ司 (礚阶琌否爹册以の礚阶琌否在香翠),はぇョ礛。 sctrade.com | Words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, reference to one gender shall include all genders and words denoting person shall include a firm or sole proprietorship, partnership, syndicate and corporate (whether registered or otherwise and whether in Hon g Kong or elsewhere) and vice versa and any reference to a party shall include his executor and administrator. sctrade.com |
安如你向持礟人┪爹册人矗ㄑ甭舦书,す砛他代存秎ン┪盢秎ン锣ユぉ材三よ,ê或你獽斗荷硉克ōΜ取┮Τ闽於你眀め的Θユ 虫沮の挡虫,并加以冈灿綷弄,以絋玂可の时盎诡到ヴ何畉钵┪岿粇。 sctrade.com | If you provide the licensedor registered person with an authority to hold mail or to direct mail to third parties, it is important for you to promptly collect in person all contract notes and statements of your account and review them in detail to ensure that any anomalies or mistakes can be detected in a timely fashion. sctrade.com |
指出,马爹利XO的瓶子设计表达了里面盛载的干邑 白兰地优越的品质,而瓶子上优美的线条、奢华而手工精致的 [...] 装饰,及其金色字体则彰显其永恒的优雅。 mypages.iggesund.com | Martell xo’sbottle design expresses [...] the premium quality of the cognac within, while its fine lines, luxurious and crafted [...]decoration and gold lettering simply display its timeless elegance, says Ricard. xo is a tribute to the creative and inspired spirit of the company’s founder, Jean Martell. mypages.iggesund.com |