

单词 爱憎分明

See also:



分明 adj

clear adj

External sources (not reviewed)

现在我明白,无论我们多么爱和 平、多憎恨战 争,倘若世界其他地区动荡不安, 我们还是无法避免战争降临。
Now we have learned that no matter how much we love peace and hate war, we cannot avoid [...]
having war brought upon us if there
are convulsions in other parts of the world”.
2004 年底发表的欧洲酒和毒 品问题学校调查项目结果明,爱沙 尼亚尝试过毒品的 15-16 学生,有分之一 在 12 岁或更小的时候就已经尝试了。
The results of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Drugs
(ESPAD) published at
[...] the end of 2004 showed that one sixth of 15–16 year old pupils in Estonia who had tried drugs [...]
had first done so
already at the age of 12 or even earlier.
明爱协会(Caritas)的这分支机构为有残障的失业人员提供服务和培训, 为他们创造就业机会,使他们能够独立自主地生活。
Not where “Weißer Rabe” is concerned: this affiliate of the social welfare organization Caritas provides support and [...]
training for unemployed
people with handicaps, giving them the prospect of employment and the chance to determine their own lives Weißer Rabe (“White Raven”) is establishing two new types of vocational training at its Munich recycling business – production helpers and warehouse helpers.
由于20年前在雕像得到第一次修复时瓦克产品给政府部门留下了不错的印象,因此早在修复项目招标环节 明 确 了必须使用瓦克的SILRES® BS 290憎水剂
Thanks to the positive experience with WACKER products when the statue was first restored some 20
years ago, the tendering process for the
[...] restoration work already specified that WACKER’s SILRES® BS 290 had to be used.
我要再次郑重明,我 国代表团完全不接 受以色列政权在这个会议厅对我国的无端指控和歪 曲报道。这些都是在老调重弹,已经成为以色列政权 的惯用伎俩,目的是转移国际社会的注意力,使其不 再关注它的核武库和在本地区实行的犯罪政策和憎暴行,包括它最近对加沙的巴勒斯坦人民和在加沙 附近国际水域爱自由 的人们犯下的滔天罪行。
I would like to place on record once again that my
delegation rejects the baseless
[...] allegations and distortions made in this Chamber that have been repeated so frequently that they have become a practice by the Israeli regime to distract the attention of the international community from its nuclear arsenal and its criminal policies and abhorrent atrocities in the region, including its recent heinous crimes against the people of Palestine in Gaza and against freedom-loving people in international waters near Gaza.
與 世界先進地方的法制一樣,香港現時的《電訊條例》第 IIIA 部訂立了一套發 牌制度,以確保分配頻譜提供廣播服務的機構,能有秩序及負責任地運用 頻譜廣播;而電視和電台廣播所提供的服務亦能符合一些基本原則,包括內 容應持平公正、讓受批評的一方有回應的權利、顧及社會認同的雅俗標準、 不應挑憎恨、 擾亂法紀和公安、應保障青少年及兒童等。
Like the relevant legislative provisions in advanced places worldwide,
a licensing system is set out under Part IIIA of the Telecommunications Ordinance in Hong Kong to ensure that
[...] broadcasters allocated with frequency spectrum will use the spectrum for broadcasting purposes in an orderly and responsible manner, while requiring compliance by television and radio broadcasters with some basic principles in service provision, including ensuring impartiality of programmes, giving the party being criticized the right to respond, having regard to the standard of decency recognized in society, not inciting hatred and not upsetting [...]
law and order
and public security, protection of youth and children, and so on.
主席( 以俄语发言)
[...] :我感谢爱尔兰外交部长参加我们的工作并发表全面的演 讲,这明爱尔兰 政府对裁谈会工作的支持。
The President (spoke in Russian): I thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ireland for taking part in
our work and for his comprehensive
[...] statement, which demonstrates the Irish Government’s [...]
support for the work of the Conference.
许多人高谈阔论,仿佛为了取得和平,我们所 需做的一切就是经常大声呼喊我们 爱 和 平 、憎 恨战争。
to get peace was to say loudly and
[...] frequently that we loved peace and hated war.
[...] 后果,可绝对清楚地看出蓄意屠杀霍贾里镇平民和保卫者,不是一个孤立或零星 的行为,而是埃里温官方广泛而有系统的暴行政策和做法,其核心是种族优越感、 族分化以及族裔仇恨的憎理念
The overall assessment of the causes and tragic consequences of the war unleashed by the Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan makes it absolutely clear that the intentional slaughter of the Khojaly town civilians and defenders was not an isolated or sporadic act, but was part of the official Yerevan widespread and systematic policy and
practice of atrocities, at
[...] the core of which are odious ideas of racial superiority, ethnic differentiation and hatred.
展出产品包括供外墙干抹灰和外墙外保温系统使用 憎 水 性可 再 分 散 乳 胶粉, 低嗅味、 低排放内墙涂料用VAE乳液, 以及用于可使高品质地板自流平砂浆达到严格环保标准的粘结剂等,种类非常丰富。
The portfolio ranges from water-repellent dispersible polymer powders [...]
for dry renders and external thermal insulation composite
system (ETICS), through vinyl acetate-ethylene copolymer (VAE) dispersions for low-emission, low-odor interior paints, to binders for high-quality self-leveling flooring compounds that meet even stringent environmental regulations.
d. 配合教区内现有的组织及渠道(如公教婚姻辅导会 明爱 家 庭服务、牧者所编排的课程等),以加强婚前准备,并提供短期(约两天)、中期(约在六个月 分 期 进 行)及较长期的婚前培育课程供教友选择。
d. Provide a more substantial premarriage preparation, taking into due consideration the programmes of existing organizations and channels in the Diocese [e.g., Hong Kong
Catholic Marriage
[...] Advisory Council (CMAC), Caritas Family Service, courses organized by pastors, etc.]; offer short-term (about two days), medium-term (about six months by stages) and long-term premarriage formation programmes [...]
for the Catholics to choose from.
明爱组织是罗马天主教的社会服分 支 机 构,受天主教爱国会的监督,在几个教区开展活动。
Caritas, the social services branch of the Roman Catholic Church, [...]
operates in a few dioceses under the supervision of the CPA.
同样,亚美尼 亚领导人毫无掩饰地宣传和散播种族优越 分 化 的 可 憎 理 念 ,肃清了本国境内和 被占领阿塞拜疆地区的所有非亚美尼亚人,并在那里成功地创造了单民族文化, [...]
Likewise, it is absurd when the leadership of Armenia, which makes no secret of the promotion and
[...] dissemination of the odious ideas of racial superiority and differentiation [...]
and which has purged both the
territory of its own country and the occupied areas of Azerbaijan of all non-Armenians and thus succeeded in creating mono-ethnic cultures there, has the cheek to ascribe its own crimes to others.
她们是爱还是憎恨对 方,交换的是拥抱还是拳头,除了很紧密的行为,一切都不清晰。
Whether they both love or hate each other, [...]
whether they exchange hugs or blows, remais unclear despite the intensity of the action.
会议筹委会在 1946 年建议本组织开展的工作之一就是制订一项哲学计划,其目标是“向公
[...] 众灌输那些应视为基本知识的哲学和道德概念,因为这些概念也促进对人的个性的尊重、对 和平的爱、对 狭隘民族主义和暴力统治 憎 恶 ,促进团结及对文化思想的信奉3 ”。
One of the tasks proposed for UNESCO in 1946 by the Preparatory Commission of the first General Conference of that year was the development of a philosophy programme with the objectives to “imbue the public mind a certain number of philosophical and moral notions to be regarded as a minimum equipment, and which are
calculated to reinforce
[...] a respect for human personality, a love of peace, a hatred of narrow nationalism [...]
and the rule of
brute force, solidarity and devotion to the ideal of culture”.3 These are an intellectual and ethical equipment indispensable for the maintenance of peace.
尽管我们公开宣扬自己爱和 平、憎恨战争,但我们的世界仍存在着动荡,在危及 我们所有的人。
Even as we proclaim our love for peace and hatred of war, [...]
there are still convulsions in our world that endanger us all.
爱沙尼亚有分之一 以 上的住所没有冲水马桶,没有热水和洗浴设施。
More than a
[...] fifth of Estonian dwellings do not have a flush lavatory or hot water [...]
and washing facilities.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了一名新的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多
[...] 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,明充分 执 行 大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 [...]
况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it
at its sixty-fifth session a
[...] comprehensive report on the full implementation of [...]
its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
同时,建立切实有效的永 久机制极端重要,以此分地追 究这类 憎 暴 力的肇事者,无论其为武装部队成 员、叛乱分子还是普通的公民。
At the same time, it is vital that permanent, effective mechanisms are established to hold the perpetrators of such egregious violations, be they members of the armed forces, rebels or regular citizens, fully accountable.
[...] 禮時教授和陸教授與教統局高層官員的關係已達到“互 憎 恨 ” 的地 步。
Dr Lai recalled Dr Leung saying that the relationship between
Professor Morris, Professor Luk and senior EMB officials had developed to such a state
[...] that “both sides hated each other”.
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示
59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或 '幾少',顯示大部分市民均不瞭解廣深港高
[...] 鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港高速鐵路撥款,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速鐵路的認 知程度,在確定大分香港市民均清明 白廣 深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 後才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and
re-submit the funding
[...] proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance [...]
of the XRL and its impact on the society.
該事務委員會委員對有關建議沒有異議,但要求當局提 供進一步資料,明分目A007GX的建議撥款中新工程計劃的資料,以 及在 2007-08 年度和 2008-09 年度整體撥款中,批給資訊科技界中小型 企業的工程計劃的數目和款額。
ITB Panel Members had no objection to the proposal, but sought further information on the new projects under the proposed allocation for Subhead A007GX, and information on the number of projects and project amount involved that were awarded to small and medium enterprises in the information technology sector under the block allocation for 2007-08 and 2008-09.
一方面,这种令憎恶的事件明,严 重的安全挑战依然存在,另一 方面,这些事件也见证了阿富汗国家安全部队的能 [...]
力,坚定了我们要阻止暴力循环和确保不再发生此 类悲剧的决心。
While such
[...] deplorable incidents show that grave security challenges [...]
remain, they have also been witness to the ability of
the Afghan National Security Forces and have strengthened our resolve to stop the cycle of violence and ensure that such tragedies never occur again.
最后,不应误解第 3(a)段的内容去抑制言论 自由或表达政策见解以及甚至憎恨 态 度或人生观, 但必须根据对言论自由有力的国际法律保护对该段 内容进行诠释。
Lastly, paragraph 3(a) should not be misinterpreted to inhibit freedom of expression or to express policy views or even hateful attitudes or philosophies, but must be interpreted in the light of robust international legal protections for freedom of expression.
他 向大会提交的专题报告(A/66/156)所关注的是属于 不同的有神论、无神论和非有神论信仰个体之间的 宗教间沟通,因为这种沟通在消除偏见和陈规定型 观念方面发挥了重要作用,而偏见和陈规定型观念憎恨、 恐惧、仇恨、仇视、暴力、恐怖主义和相 伴而来的人权滥用的根源。
His thematic report to the General Assembly (A/66/156) had focused on interreligious communication between individuals belonging to different theistic, atheistic and non-theistic beliefs, as such communication had an important role to play in eliminating prejudices and stereotypes, which were the root causes of resentment, fear, hatred, hostility, violence, terrorism and concomitant human rights abuses.
雖然諮詢委員會及其小 組進行的公眾諮詢工作,不能完全足以令市民大眾 分明 白發 展個別設施所涉及的長遠財政承擔,但它們所做的工作至少為 推展該項發展計劃,奠定了一個頗穩固的基礎。
While the public consultation work of the Consultative Committee and its Advisory Groups was not entirely sufficient to make the general public fully understand the long-term financial commitment arising from the development of the individual facilities, their work has at least provided a fairly solid foundation for taking the project forward.
在区域和全球层面上,越来越多的加工外包趋势已 分明 显 , 但进 一步将生产活动外包给发展中国家则可能受到难以达到卫生要求和劳动力成本不 断上升的局限。
The increasing practice of outsourcing processing at the regional and world levels is very significant, but further outsourcing of production to developing countries might be restricted by sanitary and hygiene requirements that are difficult to meet as well as by growing labour costs.
在 2 月 28 日和 29 日第 2
[...] 和第 3 次会议上,委员会面前有 秘书长的明,分别转 递农业统计主席之友委员会的报告(E/CN.3/2012/6)及农 [...]
At its 2nd and 3rd meetings, on 28 and 29 February, the Commission had
before it notes by the
[...] Secretary-General transmitting, respectively, the report of [...]
the Committee of the Friends of the Chair
on agricultural statistics (E/CN.3/2012/6) and the report of the Wye Group on statistics on rural development and agriculture household income (E/CN.3/2012/7).




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