

单词 爱慕虚荣

See also:

爱慕 n

attachment n
feeling n
crush n

爱慕 v

fancy v

External sources (not reviewed)

塞缪尔·约翰逊在他的1749诗爱慕虚荣 的 人 的愿望,敲响了警钟:“财富heap'd的财富,而不是真理,也不安全购买,危险收集的珍品上升。
In his 1749 poem The Vanity of Human Wishes, [...]
Samuel Johnson sounded a warning: “Wealth heap’d on wealth, not Truth nor Safety
buys, The dangers gather as the Treasures rise.
他信在 11 月 12 日访问柬埔寨并对工商 界和政界发表讲话,他推举自己的“ 荣 邻 国 ”的外 交政策,抨击他的泰国政敌表现的是 虚 假 的 爱国 主义”。
Thaksin visited Cambodia and on 12 November delivered a speech to the Cambodian business community and
officials in which he
[...] advocated his “prosper thy neighbour” foreign policy and accused his domestic political opponents of “false patriotism”.87 Thailand had [...]
requested his extradition
the day before; it was rejected as a “politically motivated proceeding”.
我决定做一部改装车,就像许多人出于对足球俱乐部、摇滚歌星或其他对象的 爱 、 信 仰和 慕 一 样,只是他们喜欢的不是斯宾诺莎,不是哲学家。
I decided to do a customized car, as
[...] thousands of people do out of love, commitment and admiration [...]
– not for Spinoza, not for a
philosopher – but for a football-club, a rock star or other objects.
虚荣:我 注意到在论坛上说事,在一天内,对于初学者的任何英镑1.000收益,这是常见的有人夸耀说。
Vanity: I have noticed in [...]
the forums that matter, any £ 1.000 gains in a day for a beginner, it is common for someone boast that.
它是迷你唐卡系列最经典的皮革制品之一 慕 斯 为 喜 爱 休 闲 的男人提供了耐久性和时尚。
One of the thickest leathers in the Minnetonka line, moosehide provides durability and style for the man going for the look of leisure.
并鼓励他们在分隔期间,尽量每日透过不同的渠道保持沟通与联系,互相表 爱慕 和 关怀,也要让配偶知悉子女日常生活的种种情况。
During the period of separation, a couple should be encouraged to maintain daily communication and contact
through different channels, so as to
[...] express their mutual love and care and keep [...]
the other party informed of the daily circumstances of their children.
这并不是什虚荣心作 怪:Miura Roadster 在 1968 年布鲁塞尔车展上展出也有助于测试客户对在该系列引入敞篷车的反应。
It was not
[...] simply a matter of vanity: the presentation [...]
of the Miura Roadster at the Brussels Car Show in 1968 also helped
test customer reactions to the possibility of introducing a convertible to the range.
BAD:皮特拉二拉波拉诺泰您的新的浴室设计独特 - 选择之间的地砖,虚荣和Mo siken从我们广泛的产品范围。
BAD: Pietra di Rapolano designed your new bathroom unique - choose between
[...] floor tiles, vanities and Mosiken [...]
from our wide product range.
有时候,年纪较大的婴幼儿对玩偶和填充玩具爱不释手,就是因为它们有安全感或小孩对 其爱慕之情
Older infants and toddlers sometimes become attached to dolls and stuffed toys to feel a sense of security or to show affection.
梦达驰是一个正式通过了ISO 9001,ISO 14001,及ISO/TS 16949的公司,经常获得令人慕的荣 誉 , 如:欧宝/通用的“年度最佳供应商奖”及福特汽车公司的“Q1质量奖”,并经常性地获得一流汽车生产商的优秀 供应商评价。
Montaplast is an official certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO/TS 16949 company, has frequently won the coveted "Supplier of the Year Award" from Opel/GM, has won the "Q1 Quality Award" from the Ford Motor Company and has repeatedly received excellent supplier evaluations from these and a range of top-flight auto manufacturers.
爱彼品牌和运动员之间的携手合作是基于相互 爱慕 推 崇,双方都拥有勇于挑战的动力。
It’s an alliance based on the mutual admiration of a brand and a sportsman, both motivated by the same sense of challenge.
他的成就得到全世界的认可:巴黎大 荣 誉 博士 、 爱 丁 堡 皇家学 荣 誉 会 员、印度 科学院院士、国际哲学和科学院院士以及宗座科学院院士。
His work was recognized worldwide: honorary doctorate of the University of
Paris and honorary
[...] memberships of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Indian Academy of Sciences, [...]
the International Academy
of Philosophy and Sciences, and the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum.
在万宝龙的微博页面,粉丝们可以写下自己定制 爱 情 私 语,放 虚 拟 的挂锁中,再发送 爱 人 的 电子邮箱。
Through Mont Blanc’s Weibo page, fans can write
[...] their own customized love message and place it inside a virtual padlock that is then [...]
sent to their lover’s email address.
特殊荣誉和爱情是 我们的夫人的(除安提)东,第一个特点,然后征服了西方。
The special honour and love of Our Lady is at [...]
first characteristic of the East (except Antioch), and then conquers the West.
虚 荣、胡 言乱语和使用违反《宪章》原则、国际法和 国际人道主义法的语言表明,利比亚代表处在法律 和政治歇斯底里的状态。
Narcissism, nonsense and the use of extremist language that contravenes the principles of the Charter, international law and international humanitarian law indicate that the Libyan representative is in a state of legal and political hysteria.
在他卓越的指挥事业中,文扎格曾与柏林爱乐、柏林喜剧歌剧院 慕 尼 黑 爱 乐 、 慕 尼 黑 巴伐利亚广播交响乐团、慕尼黑室内乐团、伦敦爱乐、BBC 伦敦交响乐团、伯明翰城市交响乐团、皇家苏格兰国家交响乐团、瑞士罗曼德管弦乐团、苏黎世音乐厅管弦乐团、维也纳交响乐团、东京NHK交响乐团、哥本哈根交响乐团,赫尔辛基交响乐团以及巴黎交响乐团等合作。
Mario Venzago's distinguished conducting career has included engagements with the Berlin Philharmonic, the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, the Munich Philharmonic, the London Philharmonic, the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, the Vienna Symphony, La Scala di Milano, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and the NHK Symphony in Tokyo.
也有建议 提出虚拟图书馆的建设作为促进阅读习惯的手段。
The development of virtual libraries was [...]
also suggested as a means of promoting a culture of reading.
她以优异的成绩取得爱丁堡大学的法学硕士学位,并因出色的法律司法服务获 得无数国内和国际奖项荣誉,包括 爱 丁 堡 大学奖予 荣 誉 法 学博士学位 (2009 年)。
M (with Distinction) from the University of Edinburgh, and has received numerous national and international awards and honours in recognition of her distinguished legal and judicial service, including a Doctorate of Laws honoris causa from the University of Edinburgh (2009).
爱彼很荣幸宣 布品牌在美属关岛的杜梦湾(Tumon)闹区广场购物中心(Plaze [...]
Shopping Center)开设精品馆,成为爱彼进驻密克罗尼西亚的第一个销售据点。
Audemars Piguet is proud to [...]
announce the opening of its first point of sale in Micronesia, a Pavilion at The Plaze Shopping
Center in the heart of Tumon, Guam, USA.
纳赛尔先生(卡塔尔)(以英语发言):我深荣 幸,感谢爱的同事和朋友们以鼓掌方式选举我担任 大会主席第六十六届会议主席。
(Qatar): It is with great honour that I thank my dear colleagues and friends for electing me by acclamation as President of the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session.
As partner and official timekeeper of the
[...] competition since 2006, Audemars Piguet was again [...]
on hand for the event in 2012.
厄瓜多尔政府重申了巴勒斯坦与以色列之间缔 结的各项协议的充分有效性,其中包括那些基于马 德里会议职权范围订立的协议,这些协议曾经基于 并必须继续基于“土地换和平”原则,不允许施压、 威胁或使用武力,但注重巴勒斯坦人民和以色列和 平共处的权利,以及两国尊重联合国 1967 年所确立 的边界的义务,这不应被单方面或 虚 假 的 现实为 基础或以因宗教所产生神话的名义所改变。
His Government reaffirmed the full validity of the agreements concluded between Palestine and Israel, including those based on the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, which had been and must continue to be based on the principle of land for peace, without allowing for pressure, threats or use of force, but focusing on the right of the people of Palestine and Israel to live together in peace and the obligation of both States to respect the borders established by the United Nations in 1967, which could not be modified unilaterally or on the basis of false realities or in the name of myths inspired by religion.
721 200 美元的经费用于支付培训活动方面的差旅费,尤其是:驻地审计 工作人员和总部审计员参加在恩德培举行的年度内部审计大会的差旅费(321 200 美元);咨询人在年度内部审计大会期间前往恩德培举行各种培训所需差旅费 (32 800 美元);首席驻地审计员到纽约参加年度规划会议的差旅费(90 400 美元);
来自内罗毕、纽约和维也纳以及维持和平行动的 12 名调查员参加的面试技巧基 本和高级外部课程的差旅费(89 600
[...] 美元)以及所有调查员前往纽约参加 虚 会,接受培训的差旅费,以期改善对可能不当行为进行的调查(167 [...]
500 美元);检查 与评价司工作人员参与关于维持和平行动方案评价的高级培训课程(19 700 美 元)。
The provision of $721,200 would cover travel requirements in connection with training activities, specifically: travel of resident audit staff and Headquarters-based auditors to participate in the annual internal audit conference in Entebbe ($321,200); travel of consultants to conduct various training courses during the annual internal audit conference in Entebbe ($32,800); and travel of the chief resident auditors to New York for the annual work-planning conference ($90,400); the travel of 12 investigators from Nairobi, New York, Vienna and peacekeeping operations to participate in external courses on basic and advanced
interview techniques ($89,600), as well as
[...] travel for a retreat in New York [...]
to train all investigators with a view to improving
the conduct of investigations of possible misconduct ($167,500); and participation of Inspection and Evaluation Division staff in advanced training courses on programme evaluation of peacekeeping operations ($19,700).
拟议编列 152 000 美元差旅费,用于参加与维和有关的研讨会、会议、讲 习班、与世界银行官员进行的协调会议(以便交流有关解除武装、复员和重返社 会的经验)、解除武装、复员和重返社会问题机构间工作组年度会议(目的是协调
[...] 洲联盟官员在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的协调会议(29 400 美元);秘书长的年度虚会 以 及在阿克拉的科菲·安南培训中心举行的讲习班(22 [...]
700 美元);关于警察参 与维和的不同方面以及有关支持国家当局和国际维持治安的研讨会和讲习班
(92 300 美元);关于少年司法的年度会议(7 600 美元)。
An amount of $152,000 is proposed for travel to participate in: peacekeepingrelated seminars, conferences, workshops and coordination meetings with World Bank officials in order to exchange on lessons learned on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, the annual Inter-Agency Working Group on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, which seeks to coordinate and harmonize the efforts of all United Nations actors on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, and coordination meetings with African Union officials
in Addis Ababa ($29,400); the
[...] Secretary-General’s annual retreat and a workshop [...]
at the Kofi Annan Training Centre in Accra
($22,700); seminar and workshops related to the different aspects of the police involvement in peacekeeping, support to national authorities and international policing ($92,300); and the annual meeting on juvenile justice ($7,600).
股份購回授 權將於下列日期(以最早者為準)失效:a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束之日;b) 按慕達法 例或本公司之公司細則規定本公司召開下屆股東週年大會之期限屆滿 之日;及c)股東以普通決議案撤銷或修訂該決議案之授權之日。
The Share Repurchase Mandate will expire at the earliest of: a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the laws of Bermuda or the Company’s Bye-laws to be held; and c) the date on which the authority given under the ordinary resolution is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution of Shareholders.
[...] “教育”部分已提出的那样),并与教育部门一道促 虚 拟 大 学和培训中心之间的合作。
As regards further intersectoral action, participants suggested linkages between ICTs and education (as is already elaborated above
under “Education”) and the promotion of
[...] cooperation between virtual universities [...]
and training centres (together with ED).
代理主席:我代表大荣幸地欢迎爱 沙 尼亚共和 国总统托马斯·亨德里克·伊尔韦斯先生阁下莅临联 合国,并请他向大会讲话。
On behalf of the General Assembly, I have the honour to welcome to the United Nations His Excellency Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia, and to invite him to address the Assembly.




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