单词 | 爱心 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 爱心 noun —love n爱心 adjective —loving adj爱心 —compassionSee also:爱—affection • be fond of 心 n—heart n • centerAE n • core n • mind n • hearts pl • intention n
如果没有这种爱心,在 各民族大 家庭中实现全面的人类发展仍将是个泡影。 daccess-ods.un.org | Without such fraternity, full human [...] development across the family of nations would remain elusive. daccess-ods.un.org |
在病童逗留法国期间,这些“爱心家 庭”均全程陪伴。 clarinsusa.com | These "families of the heart" accompany the children [...] during their entire stay. clarinsusa.com |
了解上帝与人类的关系可以更全面地了解人类与自然环境的关系的重要性,自然环境是上帝的杰 作,上帝授意我们要用智慧和爱心守 卫 她。 teebweb.org | An awareness of the relationship between God and humankind brings a fuller sense of the importance of the relationship between human [...] beings and the natural environment, which is God’s creation and which God entrusted to [...] us to guard with wisdom and love. teebweb.org |
我们无法做伟大的事情,但却可以用最大 的 爱心 去 做一件小的事情。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | We can do no great things; [...] only small things with great love. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
国家已决定在其 各机构中建立单元,通过“爱心方案 ”来监督妇女权利的状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State had decided to establish units within its institutions tomonitor women’s [...] rights through the “love programme”. daccess-ods.un.org |
我每天 [...] 祈祷,希望我们全能和仁慈的上帝赋予安理会成员独 特的领导素质,有远见、爱心和勇气。 daccess-ods.un.org | I pray every day to our God, the Almighty and [...] the Merciful, to bestow on the members of the Council the unique qualities of [...] leadership: vision, compassion and courage. daccess-ods.un.org |
Annick是一位有爱心的大 方人士,她热心助人,也是“探险疗法”领域的先驱。 clarinsusa.com | Annick is a generous, caring person who wants to help others, and a pioneer in the field of "adventure therapy". clarinsusa.com |
捐赠了16个“瓦克爱心”图 书馆,其中安徽省祁门县12个,广东省连南瑶族自治县4个。 wacker.com | Donation of 16 “WACKER HELP LIBRARY”, in which 12 in Qimen County, Anhui Province and 4 in Guangdong Province. wacker.com |
在充分考虑受助人群各方面需求的基础上(情感、物质、教育需求等) , 爱心协 会帮助处于困境或遭到遗弃的人们,尤其是孩子们,通过重塑自我重新融入社会, 起到了联系街道、家庭和当地组织的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Working in close solidarity, they cater to all aspects of the person—emotional, physical, and educational—so that vulnerable people in distress or the excluded, in particular children, can rebuild and reintegrate into the social fabric, and in so doing seek to bridge the gap between the street, families and local structures. daccess-ods.un.org |
瓦克爱心”成 立于2005年,是瓦克大中华区及其员工共同捐款成立的慈善组织。 wacker.com | WACKER HELP", a charity organization [...] sponsored by both WACKER GC employees and the company, was established in early 2005. wacker.com |
维信集团驻中国的子公司,沈阳华新建筑工程有限公司,捐赠了50,000 人民币于辽宁省沉阳市沉河区的沉阳 爱心 慈 善 机构。 wearnes.com | China subsidiary, Summer Palace [...] Property Development, donated RMB 50,000 to [...] the Shenyang Caring Heart Charity Organisation [...]in the Shenhe district of Shenyang city in Liaoning province. wearnes.com |
我们必须克服由不同种族、文化和宗教信仰引起 [...] 的不容忍、仇恨和所有的错误观念,这样,我们才能 够真正地和睦共存,而爱心可以增进所有人的进步和 发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must overcome intolerance, hatred and all false notions about our different ethnic, cultural and religious affiliations [...] so that we can truly live together in an [...] atmosphere of peace and love that can strengthen [...]growth and development for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
自1997年开始,尼森先生一直与联合国儿童基金会合作,那时他还是“零钱 表 爱心” 募捐活动的代言人,这项活动筹集飞机上乘客捐献的零钱来帮助发展中国家的孩子们。 unicef.org | Mr. Neeson has worked with UNICEF since 1997 when he was the public face of the Change for Good partnership, which collects unused currency from airline passengers to help children in the developing world. unicef.org |
虽 然绝大多数志愿者来自欧洲,但来自建 有 爱心 协 会的国家(拉丁美洲、印度、美 国和非洲)的志愿者数量却在不断增长。 daccess-ods.un.org | Though the majority of the volunteers are still [...] European, there is an ever-growing number [...] from countries where Heart’s Homes are located [...](Latin America, India, USA, Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是力量、爱心和 人类潜力不合情理的浪费。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is an unconscionable [...] waste of energy, love and human potential. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了向这位富有爱心的伟大篮球运动员致敬,天梭特意推出了一枚纪念款腕表,并以这位篮球运动员的名字命名——律驰330系列 [...] 2012托尼•帕克限量版腕表。 wthejournal.com | Honouring the great basketball player with [...] an even greater heart, Tissot launched [...]a special edition watch for the occasion, [...]which bears his name - the PRS 330 Tony Parker Limited Edition 2012. wthejournal.com |
宏源公司多年来积极履行社会责任,关爱社会弱势群体,积极投入到“蓝天下的至爱、抗洪救灾、抗震救灾、捐助希望小学、西部开发建设、新农村建设、教育发展基金”等大型公益活动中去,累计捐款超过千万元,公司 的 爱心 之 举 ,无数次受到各级政府部门的表彰。 cn.lvd.cc | Hongyuan actively fulfills her social responsibilities for many years, cares for the vulnerable in our society and is actively involved in the public-spirited activities, such as “love under the blue sky, fighting floods and providing disaster relief, fighting earthquake and providing disaster relief, donating hope primary school, the development and construction of western regions, the construction of New Countryside, education development fund”,etc., with the donation of more than ten million yuan, which has won lots of recognition from numerous governments for Hongyuan. en.lvd.cc |
据王怀忠院长介绍,广州现代肿瘤医院自从2005年成立以来,一直坚持着所属集团博爱集团的企业理念 “ 爱心 无 疆 界”。 asiancancer.com | Modern Cancer Hospital Huangzhou has always insisted in the corporate philosophy of [...] “love without borders” which was [...] hold by Boai Group since its inception in 2005, according to introduction of director Wang. asiancancer.com |
包头香格里拉大酒店选择包头市儿童福利院作为长达15年的 “ 爱心 工 程 ”合作对象,致力于脑瘫儿童的康复计划。 shangri-la.com | 15-year embrace project with Baotou Children’s Welfare Institution, for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. shangri-la.com |
应用可持续发展教育原则的⼀ 个重要成果是,包括通过在教育和培训活 动中纳入和平教育的⽅式,培 养致力于缔 造和平的富有爱心、关心时事 和行动积极 的公民。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An essential outcome of applying the principles of ESD is the development of a caring, concerned and active citizenry that is committed to peace, including through the inclusion of peace education in education and training activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2012年12月17日—香港)养和医院今年继续参与由香港电台第三台及南华早报主办的 「 爱心 圣 诞 大行动」,为全港18间慈善机构筹款。 hksh.org.hk | (17 December 2012 – Hong Kong) Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital (HKSH) continues to offer support to “Operation Santa Claus" (OSC), an annual charity campaign jointly organized by South China Morning Post (SCMP) and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). hksh.org.hk |
生性活泼的吉娃娃是一种充满爱心的 动 物,它喜欢被关爱,并以绝对的忠诚和爱护作为回报。 eukanuba.com.cn | The feisty Chihuahua is a loving animal that enjoys being loved, and responds by showing complete loyalty and affection. fr.eukanuba.ch |
与此同时,一个充满爱心,富 有想象力的大象霍顿(吉姆·凯瑞),在丛林的自然老师,需要在游泳池中畅游。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Meanwhile, a caring, imaginative elephant named Horton (Jim Carrey), the jungle's nature teacher, takes a dip in the pool. seekcartoon.com |
置于全球背景当中的教学与学习支撑国际文凭组织的使命宣言:“培养 勤学好问、知识渊博、富有爱心的年 轻人,他们通过对多元文化的理解和尊重,为开创更美 好、更和平的世界贡献力量。 olive.mea-international.com | Teaching and learning in global contexts supports the IB’s mission “to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect”. olive.mea-international.com |
当一只羊迷失在沼泽地的时候,有 爱心 的 牧 人会下到泥泞和污物中去寻找、拯救它。 sallee.info | When a lamb is [...] lost in the swamp, a loving shepherd will go [...]down into the mud and muck to go after it and rescue it. sallee.info |
自2009年起,艺术北京成为思源•爱心 火 炬 基金的支持单位,在其举办的各个活动中,都会有一个角落被醒目的红 色 爱心 和 玫 瑰花点亮,以宣传思源 • 爱心 火 炬 基金灾后重建的扶贫项目 “ 爱心 玫 瑰 谷”,借助艺术北京的平台,思源 • 爱心 火 炬基金的公益形象更为深入人心。 artbeijing.net | In every activity held by Art Beijing, there is a corner decorated with red roses to help raise awareness for the “Rose of Love Valley” poverty alleviation program and post-disaster reconstruction efforts by the Siyuan Torch of Love Fund. artbeijing.net |
2012年5月31日,BMW携手中国艺术研究院(中国非物质文化遗产保护中心)正式鸣响了2012 BMW中国文化之旅的出征序曲,这将是BMW连续第六年举办此项大型企业社会贡献活动,我们将继续深化与中国艺术研究院(中国非物质文化遗产保护中心)的战略合作伙伴关系,通过中华慈善总会宝 马 爱心 基 金 向沿途多项非物质文化遗产项目予以捐助,同时大幅提高BMW各区域和经销商的参与力度,携手更多关心传统文化保护事业的社 会 爱心 人 士 参与其中。 bmw.com.cn | We will keep developing the strategic [...] partnership with Chinese [...] National Academy of Arts (the Protection Center of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China), and provide donations to a number of intangible cultural heritage projects along the journey through the CCF-BMW Warm Heart Fund. bmw.com.cn |
此次访问结束后,孟加拉记者团将把中国广州现代肿瘤医院的先进治疗技术和博爱集 团 爱心 无 疆 的人文精神介绍给孟加拉,为孟加拉医疗行业引进先进科技和理念,以携手医疗合作的方式为孟加拉人民的健康以及加深中孟两国的友谊做出贡献。 asiancancer.com | After this visit, Bangladeshi media delegation would introduce the most advanced treatment technologies [...] in Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and [...] the humanism of “love without borders” hold [...]by Boai Medical Group to Bangladeshi people, [...]with a contribution to local medical industry in bringing in the most advanced technology and philosophy, to Bangladeshi people’s health by the way of friendly medical cooperation, and to deepening the friendship between Chinese and Bengalese. asiancancer.com |
学校应该动员全体教师按其职能从事学生辅导工作,鼓励教师与学生建立良好的关系,抱着谦逊心态设法了解他们的需要和期望,并发 挥 爱心 和 运 用智慧;用朋友的心态和口吻去辅导他们,帮助他们解决学业、生活和交友上所遇到的问题。 catholic.org.hk | Schools should mobilize all teachers, in their various capacities, to provide counseling to students. They should encourage teachers to develop good relations with students, to adopt a humble attitude as they try to understand students' [...] needs and aspirations, to [...] display wisdom and loving care, counsel students with a friend's heart, and to assist [...]them in coping with [...]problems they encounter in studies, in life and in friendship. catholic.org.hk |