单词 | 爱德华 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 爱德华—Édouard (name)Examples:爱德华王子岛—Prince Edward Island (province of Canada) 爱德华兹—Edwards (name) 爱德华岛—Prince Edward Island, province of Canada 爱德华・达拉第—Édouard Daladier (1884-1970), French politician See also:爱德—Aide (brand)
在水运方面,爱德华•赫利奥港(Edouard Herriot)是名副其实的货物中转和配送地,目前有70家企业入驻港口。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | As far as river transport is [...] concerned, Edouard Herriot portis a busy [...]goods distribution and transit hub and is currently home to 70 businesses. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
金沙中国有限公司总裁兼行政总裁爱德华‧卓思先生表示:「《天狐变》是金沙中国展示本地人才的舞台,支持本地创意和文化产业的又一力证。 yp.mo | Myth of Fox is another great example of Sands China’s effort to support the local creative and cultural industries by providing a platform to showcase local talent,” said Sands China Ltd. yp.mo |
但它可能是儒勒-爱德华·查尔斯·奥古斯特雅,而接替他们的父亲,了解了巨大的市场的运动方式,活动迅速增加。 zh.horloger-paris.com | But it is probably Jules-Edouard and Charles-Auguste Heuer, succeeding their father, aware of the huge market to the sport, an activity while increasing rapidly. en.horloger-paris.com |
人们广泛预期,在2008年,将第 [...] 一次出现所有主要民主党和共和党竞选人(民主 党竞选人爱德华兹[John Edwards]除外),都放 [...]弃初选公共资金。 americancorner.org.tw | In 2008 it is widely expected that for the first time all major Democratic [...] and Republican candidates, with the exception of Democrat John [...] Edwards, will opt out of public funding [...]for the primaries. americancorner.org.tw |
爱德华兹表示,全美各地掩埋场仍有众多尚未开发的潜能,「将工业生态应用於废弃物管理,将成为未来主流方式,很快将出现众多类似计画,我们平均每星期接待两组参访团,正好反映出外界多麽有兴趣」。 thisbigcity.net | With numerous untapped potentials scattered amongst the nation’s landfills, Edwards says, “Applied industrial ecology to waste management will become the predominant waste management method–so you’ll see many similar projects in the immediate future. thisbigcity.net |
原来,当爱德华豪雅打开了他的车间在圣Imier钟表匠在瑞士侏罗,这是钟表制造工具,测量人的表现。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Originally, when Edouard Heuer opened [...] his workshop in St. Imier watchmaker in the Swiss Jura, it was to watch making tools [...]that measure human performance. en.horloger-paris.com |
但是,这可能是存在的Jack Heuer的儿子查尔斯-爱德华·豪雅表,移居美国後成立了一个新的分支,总部设在纽约,有助於更有效地推动品牌在的体育世界。 zh.horloger-paris.com | But this is probably the presence of Jack Heuer, the son of Charles-Edouard Heuer, who moved to the United States after having founded a new branch based in New York, contributes more effectively to propel the brand in the world of sport. en.horloger-paris.com |
另 一 方 面 ﹐ 1903年爱 德 华七世(Sir Edward VII)访 问 法 国 ﹐他 对 威 廉 二 世 的 憎 恶 在 法 国 人 心 目 中 留 下 了 极 佳 的 印 象 。 hkahe.com | On the other hand, in 1903 SirEdward VII visited France and his personally hatred for William II left a very good impression on French mind. hkahe.com |
香港获邀请主办第四届国际奖勵计划议会,爱丁堡公爵、爱德 华王子及來自54个国家代表到臨出席 1993 - 水上活动中心开幕,由警务署长李君夏先生主持揭幕仪式 ayp.org.hk | - HK is honoured to host the Fourth International Award Forum which was chaired by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh and attended by HRH the Prince Edward and over 140 delegates from 54 countries. ayp.org.hk |
这是一个最有活力的品牌在市场上的战略落实到位的创始人爱德华·豪雅表,於1860年在瑞士侏罗,并没有偏离:提供最准确的测量时间的工具和最可靠的。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This is one of the most dynamic brands in the market, which has not deviated from the strategy put in place in 1860 in the Swiss Jura, by Edouard Heuer, the founder: to provide instruments for measuring time the most accurate and most reliable. en.horloger-paris.com |
爱德华·豪雅表专业计时仪器制造所面临的挑战是一个赢家,因为期间,当他发展了他的第一个计时码表,世界是在工业以及体育竞争。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The challenge ofEdouard Heuer specialize in the manufacture of timekeeping instruments is a winner, because during the period when he developed his first chronograph, the world is to compete in the industrial as well as sports. en.horloger-paris.com |
五年後,在1916年,查尔斯-爱德华·豪雅表实现的又一次革命:第100的第二,与Mikrograph第一时钟在世界上有这个精度。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Five years later, in 1916, Charles-Edouard Heuer realize another revolution : the 100th of a second, with Mikrograph first clock in the world to have this precision. en.horloger-paris.com |
1874年,乔治‧爱德华‧伯爵(Georges-Edouard Piaget)先生於瑞士的La Côte-aux-Fées设立了品牌的第一间制表工作坊,专门制作怀表,并为着名钟表品牌制作精准的钟表机芯。 piaget.com.hk | In 1874, Mr. Georges-Edouard Piaget set up the first Piaget workshop in La Côte-aux-Fées, Switzerland, where dedicated Piaget designers began by crafting pocket watches and high-precision clock movements for prestigious brands. piaget.com |
郑氏为资深儿童艺术教育工作者,於2004年创办“艺术家”,同年到美国随“右脑绘画”课程原创者贝蒂‧爱德华博士之子布赖恩‧伯美斯乐(Brian Bomeisler)学习,获授权为香港首位“右脑绘画”课程专任导师。 artcontainer.hk | CHENG is experienced in art education for children and founded “Arthome” in 2004. He went to New York in the same year to study with Brian Bomeisler, the son of Dr. Betty Edwards, and was qualified as the first Hong Kong instructor for the workshop of “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”. artcontainer.hk |
因此,这是不是巧合,爱德华豪雅每年申请了专利摆动齿轮,以改善功能的计时码表,皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦开始了一项运动,推动体育学校(委员会国际奥委会6月23日,1894年)。 zh.horloger-paris.com | It is therefore no coincidence that the year EdouardHeuer filed a patent for its oscillating pinion used to improve the functions of a chronograph, Pierre de Coubertin began a campaign to promote sports at school (Committee International Olympic June 23, 1894). en.horloger-paris.com |
当他於1860年创办了自己的制表作坊,爱德华·豪雅表是这些新生的现代和迷人的速度。 zh.horloger-paris.com | When he founded his watchmaking workshop in 1860, Edouard Heuer is one of those nascent modernity and fascinating speed. en.horloger-paris.com |
如果我们是真正负责任的,对这个关联,如果我们因为儿子爱德华和伟大的父亲的杰克,编辑查尔斯-爱德华·豪雅()。 zh.horloger-paris.com | If we are truly responsible for this association, [...] if we are the [...] initiators because Charles-Edouard Heuer (son of Edwardand the great Father of Jack, ed.) Was [...]a visionary: [...]he is the first to understand that the same would apply to fascination beautiful mechanical watchmaking and fine mechanical automobiles. en.horloger-paris.com |
因此,爱德华·豪雅表推出1870年的第一个口袋里的计时码表的设计和生产。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Thus Edouard Heuer launches 1870, in the design and production of the first pocket chronographs. en.horloger-paris.com |
如果爵士音乐是美国音乐的最真实的形式,然後爱德华·肯尼迪(Edward Kennedy)的”公爵“艾灵顿是最伟大的爵士乐巨头有史以来爵士,注入他的心脏和灵魂,给这位伟大的美国艺术形式的诞生。 hkfringe.com.hk | If jazz is the truest form of [...] American music, then Edward Kennedy ‘Duke’ [...]Ellington is the greatest jazz giant who ever lived, [...]injecting his heart and soul into jazz to give birth to this great American artform. hkfringe.com.hk |
1922年4月6日,当时英国的威尔斯亲王(亦称威尔斯太子)【注:威尔斯亲王於1936年1月继位,成为英皇爱德华8世,但於同年12月退位,并於翌年被封为温莎公爵】访问香港,并捐赠一面绣有其「纹章」之锦旗授予总会,作为童子军比赛之锦标。 scout.org.hk | During his visit to Hong Kong on 6 April 1922, the then Prince of [...] Wales (laterKing Edward VIII and after [...]abdication the Duke of Windsor) presented [...]his Banner bearing his own Coat of Arms to the Hong Kong Scouts as trophy for the winner of Colony-wide scout competition. scout.org.hk |
爱德华豪雅通过控制计时技术,旨在确保其业务的增长。 zh.horloger-paris.com | By controlling the chronograph technology, Edouard Heuer intended to ensure the growth of its business. en.horloger-paris.com |
我最近为任职公司投入研究时,有机会访问罗格斯大学教授史派卡(David Specca),以及卡塔巴郡工程与公用事业主任爱德华兹(Barry Edwards),讨论资料回收设备日增的趋势,乐见美国各地计画都展现废弃物内潜藏的庞大商机。 thisbigcity.net | I recently had the opportunity to discuss the growing trend of resource recovery facilities with David Specca, Assistant Director for Bioenergy and Controlled Environment Agriculture at the Rutgers University EcoComplex, and Barry Edwards, Director of Engineering and Utilities at Catawba County, whilst undertaking research for the company I work for. thisbigcity.net |
(二零零九年四月二日,香港讯)莫文蔚小姐,着名艺人及歌星,同时亦是广为人知的爱护动物人士,於 2009 年 3 月初到访了加拿大爱德华王子岛,亲身了解当地捕杀海豹背後的残酷真相。 spca.org.hk | (HONG KONG, 2 April 2009) Karen Mok, actress and singer, and [...] well-known for her strong passion for animals, [...] visited Prince EdwardIsland, Canada [...]in early March 2009 to understand the cruelty [...]behind the Canadian Fur Seal Hunt. spca.org.hk |
在一个虚构宇宙中的炼金术是人类已知的最先进的科学技术之一,故事的兄弟爱德华和Alphonse Elric,他要恢复自己的身体,一个灾难性的失败的尝试後,使他们的母亲生活,通过炼金术。 apkzoom.com | Set in a fictional universe in which alchemy is one of the most advanced scientific [...] techniques known to man, the story follows the [...] brothers Edward andAlphonse Elric, who want [...]to restore their bodies after a disastrous [...]failed attempt to bring their mother back to life through alchemy. apkzoom.com |
日本创价学会副会长今野成敏、菲律宾SGI副理事长爱德华多‧丹(Eduardo Tan)、妇人部长赛拉诺(Dalisay C. Serrano)等人也出席并致词鼓励与会者。 sgi.org | Soka Gakkai Vice-President Masatoshi Konno, visiting from Japan, SGI-Philippines Vice-General Director Eduardo Tan and National Women's Division Leader Dalisay C. Serrano shared words of encouragement. sgi.org |