

单词 爱岗敬业

See also:


respect one's work
be dedicated to one's work


respect and love

External sources (not reviewed)

1、大专以上学历,3年以上相关采购管理工作经验; 2、会使用ERP系统爱岗敬业,为 人正派,坚持原则; 3、男女不限,年龄25-40周岁为佳; 4、有较强的协调能力、善于管理;能够发挥领导作用; 5、熟悉供应商评估、考核,熟悉相关质量体系标准;精通采购原理及成本控制,具备出色判断能力和风险防范意识; 6、具备良好部门内和跨部门的组织和协调能力,良好的谈判、人际沟通能力,团队协作能力强; 7、具备较强职业道德素质。
1, college education, 3 years procurement management experience; 2, we will use the ERP system, dedication, decency, adhere to the principle; 3, male or female, age 25-40 years of age is better; 4, coordination ability, good management; able to play a leadership role; 5, Familiar vendor evaluation, assessment, the familiar quality system standards; proficient Purchasing Principles and cost control, with excellent judgment and risk awareness; 6, have good departments and inter-departmental organization and coordination skills, good negotiation, interpersonal communication skills, teamwork ability; 7, with a strong professional and moral qualities.
抓好四支队伍建设。一是建设一支敢管理、会管理的管理人员队伍;二是建设一支能打硬仗、善打硬仗的营销队伍;三是建设一支技术水平高,具有较强的创新能力,研发能力,能够加快企业科技进步、增强核心竞争力的研发人才队伍;四是建设一支技能过硬 爱岗敬业 、 专 业素质高的一线员工队伍。
Paying special attention to the four teams construction: one is building a dare and with the ability of management team; The second is to build a really good marketing team; The third is to build a technology level is high, has the strong innovation ability, research and development ability, to speed up the progress of science and technology enterprises to enhance their core competitiveness research
talents team; The fourth is to build a
[...] perfect skill likes the hillock being professional [...]
high professional quality staff team a line
各国还可考虑制定这类人员取得职业资格的适当机制,以鼓励民间私营保 安服务人爱岗敬业,该机制应当
States may also consider encouraging the specialization and professionalism of the personnel of civilian private security services through the development of an adequate mechanism for such personnel to obtain professional qualifications.
这就是我们伟大领袖敬爱的金 正日最近在接受 俄通社——塔斯社采访时所强调的要点。
That is what our great leader, the respected Kim Jong Il, underlined in his recent interview with ITARTASS.
敬爱的国王陛下指派王子殿下与政治协会的多名代表、商人和众多 社会领袖开展了一次对话。
His Majesty the Beloved King assigned [...]
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to conduct a dialogue with numerous representatives
of political associations, businessman, and a number of social leaders.
各国应将其绿色经济战略侧重于具有比较优势的领域以及明显具有创造高 质量业岗位的潜力的领域。
Countries should focus their green economy strategy on areas in which they had a comparative advantage and where there was a clear potential to create high-quality jobs.
[...] 强"和"全球最佳跨国公司"榜单是对我们浓厚的全球文化的认可,也反映出我们的员工每天对工作的满腔热诚 敬业爱岗 的 执 着精神。
Being on the FORTUNE “100 Best” list and the "World's Best Multinational Workplaces" list are both a testament to
our strong global culture and are a reflection of the passion and commitment
[...] that our employees bring to work every day.
这种补贴以投资者和经贸部之间的协议为基础, 只有在本年度中创造了新的业岗位 或者在指定 的投资明细中进行投资的企业才可以享受本不 贴。
This subsidy is granted on the basis of an agreement between the investor and the Minister of Economy.
主席还回顾说,缔约国已对执行支助股的业绩、效率、 专业能力、反应能力敬业精神表示满意,工作队成员普遍同意需要审查执行支 助股的供资模式,使其具有可持续性和可预期性,并更为公平地分摊责任。
The President also recalled that the States Parties have expressed satisfaction with the performance, efficiency, professional competence, responsiveness and dedication of the ISU and that there was general agreement among the Task Force members on the need to review the financing model of the ISU, in order to make it sustainable and predictable, and to achieve more equitable burden sharing.
在 解释非洲地区的经济增长为何对减少贫穷的影响极其微弱时所常常引用因素大致
[...] 有:人口增长率高,穷人可就业的部门创造的 业岗 位 不足,基础设施的投资薄 弱,自然资源丰富和资本密集的“飞地部门”未能在更大范围的经济中产生扩散 [...]
Factors usually cited to explain why Africa is the region where economic growth has had the weakest effect on poverty
reduction generally include high population
[...] growth; inadequate job creation in sectors [...]
accessible to the poor; weak infrastructural
investment; and, the failure of growth in natural-resource rich and capital-intensive “enclave sectors” to create spread and spillover effects in the broader economy.
经社会着重强调信息和通信技术在加速推动本区域实现包容性可持续 发展方面正在做出重大贡献,并指出信通技术为在诸如农业、教育、卫生保 健、政府管理、财政包容和获取知识等领域提供各种基本服务开创了新的途 径,同时还为努力实现各项可持续发展目标和应对气候变化挑战开创了契 机,并通过创造业岗位为 穷人和处于社会边缘的群体提供了就业机会。
The Commission underlined the crucial contributions that information and communications technologies (ICTs) were making in accelerating economic growth and progressing towards inclusive and sustainable development in the region.
日访问阿尔巴尼亚。阿尔巴尼亚政府对特别报告员及其工作人员表现出的业素养、敬业精神 和客观性表示由衷的赞赏。
The Government wished to express its highest appreciation for the professional competence, commitment and objectivity of the Special Rapporteur and his staff.
但是,当以红利率衡量的等待成本很高时,延迟和等待期权的价值就大敬爱那个地了,直到到无亏损点,此时期权的价值为 [...]
0,项目的战略价值等于项目的净现 值。
However, when the cost of waiting as measured by
the Dividend Rate is high, the option to
[...] wait and defer becomes less valuable, [...]
until the breakeven point where the option
value equals zero and the strategic project value equals the NPV of the project.
[...] 续性的微型企业或小企业也至关重要,具体方法是提供获取供资、信息和网络的 途径,因为如今该区域产生的大量 业岗 位 都是小企业提供的。
It is also essential to help youth entrepreneurs to set up microenterprises or small businesses that are sustainable over time by providing access to
financing, information and networks, since much of
[...] the employment generated in the region [...]
today is provided by small enterprises.
来自机会更好的家庭的儿童,可以 业 余 爱 好 学 校或学校开办的各 业 余爱 好圈子中发现种种活动。
Children from families with better opportunities can find activities in hobby schools or in various hobby circles operating in schools.
但是对于 那些在投资中处于被动地位的投资者,不希望参与到 业岗 位 创 造的,他们 更希望把他们的投资设定在 500,000 美元,那么区域中心或者 EB-5 试点项目 则是更好的移民方式。
But for those who would prefer a passive role in the management of their investment, do not wish to be involved in the 72 creation of the 10 U.S. full time jobs, and would rather limit their investment to $500,000 USD, then the Regional Center, or EB-5 Pilot Program is the better immigration option.
最初可以通过用IT就业岗位除以总 业岗 位 计 算上述贡 献率,之后再根据IT就业岗位和所有 业岗 位 的 工资差 别进行调整。
This ratio begins with the ratio of IT employment to total employment and is adjusted for the wage differential between IT jobs and all jobs.
举例而言,Jules Audemars系列镂空时间等式腕表和Jules Audemars女装腕表系列配备蓝宝石水晶玻璃底盖,以底盖下巧夺天工的机芯 爱 彼 表 达无 敬 意 , 赞扬其对这项精细复杂工艺可圈可点的贡献,以及品牌如何引领高级制表工艺臻至完美的卓越境界。
As representatives of this work, the Jules Audemars Equation of Time skeleton or the Lady Jules Audemars with transparent sapphire caseback pay tribute to the attentive care that Audemars Piguet brings to this complex and refined savoir-faire, the pinnacle of the art of prestigious watchmaking.
最后,如同每年,在审议秘书长关于海洋和海洋 法的报告时一样,阿根廷要对海洋事务和海洋法司工 作班子所开展的具专业水平敬业精 神 的工作,以及 他们在其主管的事务方面向会员国自发提供的援助 表示肯定。
Finally, as every year when the report of the Secretary-General on oceans and the law of the sea is considered, Argentina wishes to acknowledge the team in the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea for its professional and devoted work and for the assistance that it spontaneously provides to Member States in the matters of its competence.
就业和等于工作的活动,意指在爱沙尼亚境内从事的工作, 或像一个雇员根据雇用合同或在公共服务中奉派从爱沙尼亚前往国外;根据 雇用合同,服务合同,授权协议或义务法规定提供其他服务的合同,在爱沙 尼亚从事的工作;作为独业主人爱 沙 尼 亚开展的活动;如果本人的学习暂 停或已经结束,则指在教育机构的白天或全日制学习;履行应征服役义务。
The employment and activity equal to work means work performed in Estonia or as an employee sent from Estonia on assignment abroad on the basis of an employment contract or in public service; work performed in Estonia based on a contract of employment, contract for services, authorisation agreement or contract under the law of obligations for the provision of other services; activity in Estonia as a sole proprietor; daytime or full-time study in an educational institution if the person’s studies are suspended or concluded; and performance of conscript service obligation.
敬爱的母 亲, 欢迎您到新生儿科,恭喜您新生的宝贝! 我们希望通过下面的介绍为您和您刚生的宝宝住本科期间提供点方便。
With the following text, we would like to help you to go through the first few days of your baby’s life successfully and make the hospitalisation period easier for both of you.
但是,让我们永远不要忘记,即 便我们以各国政府首脑的身份相聚在此,我们所代表
[...] 的公民还是都拥有同样的基本愿望——自由而有尊 严地生活;受教育和寻求机会;爱 家 庭 并 敬 拜 上 帝; 生活在让人活得有价值的和平之中。
But let us never forget that even as we gather here as Heads of different Governments, we represent citizens who share the same basic aspirations to live with dignity and freedom,
to get an education and pursue
[...] opportunity, to love our families and love and worship our [...]
God, to live in the kind of peace that makes life worth living.
为向这位当代的球坛传奇及杰出运动员 敬 , 爱 彼 在 2012年推出了三款皇家橡树系列梅西限量版腕表,分别为精钢、玫瑰金及铂金版。
Honouring a true legend and a great
[...] sportsman of our time, Audemars Piguet launched [...]
in 2012 the Royal Oak Chronograph Leo Messi
Limited Edition in steel, pink gold and platinum versions  and will auction the N°10 watch of the platinum edition in Spring 2013.
它将使学 生与研究实验室和工业部门之间建立联系;吸引青年发明家;创造新的 业岗 位; 保持本国的智力潜能;形成国民经济的科学和技术方向;还有助于中学毕 业生进行职业定位。
It will create a liaison between students and the research laboratories and industrial sector; attract young inventors; create new jobs; preserve the intellectual potential of the country; develop scientific and technical directions of the national economy; and contribute to the professional orientation of pre-university graduates.
[...] 贸易自由化在这种安排下会以关税收入损失的方式付出代价,会损害参与的发展 中国家公共部门的有效性,造成 业岗 位 的 大量流失,政策空间缩小。
Others worried about the costs of trade liberalization under those arrangements in terms of lost tariff revenues, which could undermine the effectiveness of
the public sector in participating developing countries, as well
[...] as considerable job losses and diminished [...]
policy space.
然而,也要指出,该部门还应在提高效率、侧重计划传播和如何达到预期结果,特别 是在确保增强专业能力敬业精神 方面加大力度。
Nevertheless, it should also be stated that the Sector needs to strengthen efforts towards achieving efficiency, focus in programme delivery and the attainment of desired results in particular by ensuring high levels of professional competence and commitment.
计算新增业岗位 为 计算降低盗版率带来的净新增工作机会,IDC用各类开 支(软件、服务和分销等)的净收益乘以员工人均软件 开支和与软件相关的服务及分销之间的比率。
To determine the net new jobs created by lowering piracy, IDC multiplies the net benefits in each category of spending (software, services and distribution) by the ratio of spending on software and software-related services and distribution per employee.
5,000 名无家可归人员有屋可 居。为防止某些住区出现社会排斥现象,政府计划拟定一种消除贫民窟化的战 略,既改善其物质环境,又增加这些地区的 业岗 位。
To prevent social exclusion in specific housing areas, the Government plans to draw up an antighettoisation strategy by improving both the physical surroundings and the supply of jobs in these areas.
此时此刻,阿富汗全国正在哀悼,我们失 去的不仅仅是一位深受敬和爱戴的 全国知名 人士,而且是一位和平的捍卫者;他直到光辉一 生的最后一息,还在为祖国的和平不懈工作。
As I speak, the Afghan nation is mourning the loss not only of a valued and deeply respected national figure, but a champion of peace who worked tirelessly, up to the last moment of his distinguished life, for peace in his country.
独立调查委员会还赞赏人权事务高级专员及其办事处富 敬业 精 神 的工 作人员按照 S-9/1 号决议的规定,努力向实况调查团提供支持。
The Palestinian Independent Commission also wishes to express its appreciation of the efforts exerted by the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the dedicated members of her Office in support of the Fact-Finding Mission, in accordance with resolution ES-9/1.




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