单词 | 爱乐乐团 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 爱乐乐团 —philharmonic orchestraSee also:爱乐—philharmonic • music-loving 乐团 n—orchestras pl 乐团—band
他现在还是韩国汉城爱乐乐团的艺 术总监。 unicef.org | He is currently music and artistic director [...] of Seould Philharmonic Orchestra of Korea. unicef.org |
被迫取消 2009 年 10 月在古巴的音乐会的纽约爱乐乐团赞 助者 daccess-ods.un.org | The sponsors of the [...] New York Philharmonic orchestra, when the concert [...]planned for October 2009 in Cuba had to be cancelled. daccess-ods.un.org |
音乐厅大厦的主要成员是赫尔 辛基爱乐乐团,芬兰广播交响 乐团和西贝柳斯音乐学院。 visithelsinki.fi | Helsinki Music Centre is home to the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Radio Symphony Orchestra and Sibelius Academy. visithelsinki.fi |
1949 年,他回 到 Bratislava 担任斯洛伐克爱乐乐团指挥,并在 Bratislava 音乐学院教授指挥。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In 1949, he moved to Bratislava to take up a conductor’s post at [...] the Slovak Philharmonic, and teach conducting at the Bratislava College of Music. unesdoc.unesco.org |
光顾一座著名的博物馆或 欣赏一场科隆爱乐乐团的演 出将使您的文 化旅程锦上添花。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | A visit to one of the many important [...] museums, or the Philharmonic, rounds off the [...]cultural experience. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
他还与纽约爱乐乐团、芝 加哥交响乐团、汉堡NDR交响 乐 团 、 圣 彼得 堡 爱乐乐团 以 及 费城交响乐团举办了音乐会。 unicef.org | At age 17, in a last minute substitution, Lang Lang gave his breakthrough performance at the “Gala of the Century” where he played the Tchaikovsky Concerto with the Chicago Symphony. unicef.org |
在2010–11演出季,宝玑成为纽约 爱乐乐团 的 官 方时计,赞助了阿兰•吉尔伯特(Alan [...] Gilbert)作为音乐总监第二个演出季的开幕之夜音乐会以及新年音乐会。 breguet.com | In the 2010–11 season Breguet became the official timepiece of [...] the New York Philharmonic, sponsoring the [...]Opening Night Concert of Alan Gilbert’s [...]second season as Music Director, as well as the New Year’s Eve Concert. breguet.com |
这里是世界著名剧作家约翰•福瑟的家乡,亨利克•易卜生也曾在这里担任过城市剧院的经理人,而全球历史最悠久的交响 乐 团 之 一 的卑尔 根 爱乐乐团 也 诞 生在此。 norway.org.cn | This is the home town of the world famous dramatist Jon Fosse; Henrik Ibsen was once the manager of the [...] city theatre, and one of the oldest [...] symphony orchestras in the world, the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, is located here. norway.cn |
这实际上就意味着孩子们可以来看望他们,与蒙特卡 洛 爱乐乐团 、 博 物馆的合作关系等。对于一些老年人,也有困难的眼科或牙科护理等治疗,并在新的中心,我们将开设特别针对老人的牙科和眼科手术单位和一个研究诊所。 luxe-immo.com | In practice that means children coming [...] to visit them, partnerships with the [...] Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, museums, etc. For [...]some elderly people it can be difficult [...]getting treatment like ophthalmology or dental care, and in the new centre we will have a dental surgery and ophthalmology units especially for the elderly, and a research clinic. luxe-immo.com |
吴氏策划2013年的工作有诸多亮点,如世界顶级舞团柏林芭蕾舞团与日内瓦国家大剧院芭蕾舞团将先后造访北京、上海、台北等地;比利时皇家弗拉 芒 爱乐乐团 将 在新任席指挥艾度·迪华特的带领下再次访华;中国浙江交响乐团、中国北京京剧院、中国杂技团、上海芭蕾舞团等将陆续踏上海外巡演的征程;第16届中国春节民族音乐会将再次登陆欧洲,在瑞士、德国、捷克三国奉献5场演出;印度交响乐团将首次跨国表演,落地中东地区;北京交响乐团将远赴北美,为吴氏策划打响了进军美洲市场的第一炮。 wupromotion.com | Flipping through the book, you will find many highlights during the course of year 2013: world renowned dance companies, Staatballet Berlin and Grand Théâtre de Genève will bring their classic program to Beijing, [...] Shanghai, Taipei, etc.; [...] Royal Flemish Philharmonic will tour China [...]again under its newly appointed chief conductor Edo de Waart; Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, Peking Opera Theatre Company [...]of Beijing, China Acrobatic Troupe, Shanghai Ballet etc. will visit abroad and present themselves at the international stage; the 16th Grand Chinese New Year Concert will start its prelude in Switzerland and perform in 3 European countries; Symphony Orchestra of India will make its debut in the Middle East which also mark its 1st performance overseas; besides Austria and Czech, Beijing Symphony Orchestra will tour Mexico and USA, which is regarded as the official entry to the American market by Wu Promotion. wupromotion.com |
纽伦堡爱乐管弦乐团、拜 罗伊特 扎米尔合唱团和耶路撒冷清唱剧室内合唱团与德国政府合作,在纪念音乐会上表 [...] 演节目。 daccess-ods.un.org | The memorial concert was performed by the [...] Muremberg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Bayreuth [...]Zamir Chorale and the Jerusalem Oratorio [...]Chamber Choir, in partnership with the Government of Germany. daccess-ods.un.org |
他与赫尔辛基和奥斯陆爱乐交响乐团 以 及 挪威室内乐团也保持着密切的合作关系,此外也和众多的挪威音乐节保持着稳固的联络。 norway.org.cn | He has maintained frequent collaborations with the Helsinki and Oslo Philharmonic and the Norwegian Chamber orchestras, as well as strong links with many of the Norwegian festivals. norway.cn |
国家音乐会研究所 Eesti Kontsert、国家交响乐团 ERSO 和国家爱乐室内 合唱团,还有爱沙尼亚国家歌剧《爱沙尼亚》,都得到了国家预算的资助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State Concert Institute Eesti [...] Kontsert, the Estonian National Symphony [...] Orchestra ERSO and the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir [...]as well as the Estonian National [...]Opera Estonia are funded from the state budget. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个世界亟需从“我和我的”这种死亡和恐怖的逻辑,转变成 “我们和我们的”这种团结、热爱生 命和和平的逻辑。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world desperately needs for us to move away from the logic of “I and mine”, which [...] is the logic of death and terror, towards the logic of “We and ours”, which [...] is the logic of solidarity, life and peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
这次我们参加合唱节的阵容强大,由著名指挥家、北美合唱协会会长乔万钧先生领衔,东方之声合唱团团长周云深为领队,由来自麻州的波士顿东方之声合唱团,北美合唱协 会 爱乐 合 唱 团 , Ac ton 爱之声合唱团,Andover合唱团,Framingham世纪合唱团,Sharon雪伦合唱团,黄河合唱团,来自罗德岛州的罗德岛合唱团,来自康州的中华联谊合唱团,和来自佐治亚州亚特兰大的东方之声艺术团, [...] [...] 四州共十个合唱团的七十五位精英加盟组成,可谓珠连壁合,大军浩荡!大家热爱音乐,热爱合唱,十分向往音乐圣地维也纳,非常珍惜这个难得的机会。 bostonese.com | Led by president of North America Choral Association Qiao Wanjun and head of BEHC Mr. Zhou Yunshen, the Chorus [...] included members from BEHC, [...] North America Philharmonic Chorus, the Acton Love of Music Choir, [...]Andover choir, Framingham [...]century choir, Sharon Choir, Choir of the Yellow River, the choir Rhode Island Chinese choir and Connecticut China Friendship chorus group, and the Voice of Oriental Art Troupe from Atlanta, Georgia. bostonese.com |
阿联酋是一个热爱和平与 团 结的国家 ,也是 不结盟 运 动的成员,它 表现出了落 实经济和社会权利的决心。 daccess-ods.un.org | A country of peace and solidarity and a member of [...] the Non-Aligned movement, the UAE demonstrated commitment for the implementation [...]of economic and social rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
在他卓越的指挥事业中,文扎格曾与柏林爱乐、柏林喜剧歌剧院、慕尼黑爱乐、慕尼黑巴伐利亚广播交响乐团、慕尼黑室 内 乐团 、 伦 敦 爱乐 、 BBC 伦敦交响乐团、 伯明翰城市交响乐团、皇家苏格兰国家交响乐团、瑞士罗曼德管弦乐团、苏黎世音乐厅管弦乐团、维也纳交响乐团、东京NHK交响乐团、哥本哈根交响乐团,赫尔辛基交响乐团以及巴黎交响乐团等合作。 wupromotion.com | Mario Venzago's distinguished conducting career has included engagements with the Berlin Philharmonic, the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, the Munich Philharmonic, the London Philharmonic, the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, the Vienna Symphony, La Scala di Milano, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and the NHK Symphony in Tokyo. wupromotion.com |
来到中国!当代世界最卓越的两位爵士音乐家,林肯中心爵 士 乐团 常 任 小号演奏家Ryan Kisor和鼓手Willie Jones III,无论在音乐上还是技术上都以能力精湛而闻名,他们的音乐受到世界各地爵士音乐家和观众的共同 喜 爱。 yugongyishan.com | Described as two of the world’s most outstanding jazz [...] musicians today, the [...] Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra trumpeter Ryan Kisor and drummer Willie Jones III are both consummate artists known for their rare musical and technical ability, and their music has been the favorite among jazz musicians [...]and audience worldwide. yugongyishan.com |
议主席。会议在上午 10 时 30 分开始,在此之前,第 I 选举组请求能多给点时间以提交 [...] 对规则第 13.2 条的修正案,对该条的修正是根据爱 沙 尼 亚代 表 团 前 一 天的建议进行的, 增加了一句话“只要委员会的委员国数量达到 [...]24 个,则六个选举组中每一组至少应拥有 3 个席位。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The session started at 10.30 am following the request by Electoral Group I to have some additional time in order to submit an amendment to Rule 13.2, which [...] had been amended, following the [...] proposal made by the Delegation of Estonia the day before, [...]by adding the sentence “As soon [...]as the number of States Members of the Committee reaches 24, at least three seats shall be attributed to each of the six electoral groups”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对历史有兴趣的公众和专家可能会发现或再发现丘吉尔、罗斯福和戴 高乐写的信函以及象形文字书稿;音 乐爱 好 者 可以欣赏莫扎特、贝多芬或肖邦的乐谱;艺术 家可以钻研梵高、高更、马蒂斯或马格里特的信件;科学家可以发现爱因斯坦和贝索的原始 计算稿,或者是巴斯德和居里夫人的工作成果;文学爱好者可以观赏他们曾经读过的作品的 原稿,如托尔斯泰或歌德的小说、左拉或萨特的宣言、韦尔莱纳的诗歌;宗教研究者可能惊 叹地发现可兰经章节或旧约的词句。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The public and experts with a passion for history may discover or rediscover letters written by Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle and the hieroglyphics of the scribes; music lovers may admire the scores of Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin; artists may delve into the letters of Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse or Magritte; scientists may discover Einstein’s and Besso’s original calculations, or the works of Pasteur and Marie Curie; literature buffs may regard the originals of texts that they have read such as the novels of Tolstoy or Goethe, the manifestos of Zola or Sartre and poems by Verlaine, and theologians may marvel at a surah of the Koran or a verse of the Old Testament. unesdoc.unesco.org |
郑大师和三位来自法国广播交响乐团 的 音 乐 家 一 起,与社区居民互动,亲身参加预防疟疾知识的学习活动。 unicef.org | Along with three other musicians [...] from Radio-France Philharmonic, the maestro interacted [...]with community members and participated [...]in hands-on activity to learn about malaria prevention. unicef.org |
应当强调的是,2007 年除在三家音乐机构(国家交响乐团、 管风琴演奏厅 和“摩尔多瓦音乐会”)内部开展演出活动的 9 家专业艺术团外,另外成立了 2 家 新的艺术团体:“Ginta Latină”文化艺术中心下属吉卜赛歌舞团和管风琴演奏厅下 [...] 属手风琴师合唱团“Concertino”。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is to be underlined that in [...] 2007, besides the 9 [...] professional artistic groups which have their activity within three concert institutions (the National Philharmonic, The Organ [...]Hall and “Moldova-Concert”), [...]another 2 new groups have been founded: The Choir of Gypsy Songs and Dances within the Culture and Art Centre “Ginta Latină” and the Choir of Accordionists “Concertino” within the Organ Hall. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2 672 名儿童当中,共有 2 032 名儿童离开下列团体:全国保卫人民大会、解 [...] 放卢旺达民主力量及其附属团体——救世战斗军、团结和民主运动联盟、索基民 [...] 主力量、伊图里爱国抵抗阵线、刚果正义人民阵线、上帝抵抗军以及南北基伍的 马伊-马伊团体,包括刚果爱国抵 抗联盟、马伊-马伊爱国抵抗阵线、马伊-马伊 自由主权刚果爱国同盟、马伊-马伊蒙古派、马伊-马伊卡辛迪恩派、马伊-马伊 [...] [...]卢文佐里派及其他规模较小的无名马伊-马伊团体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Of the 2,672 children, 2,032 were separated from the Congrès national pour la défense du peuple (CNDP), the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) and its sub-groups, FDLR — Forces combattantes abacunguzi (FOCA), FDLR — Rally for Unity and Democracy (RUD) and FDLR — Soki, the Forces des résistance patriotique en Ituri (FRPI), the front populaire pour la justice au Congo (FPJC), the [...] Lord’s Resistance Army [...] (LRA) and the Mai-Mai groups in North and South Kivu, including the Patriotes résistants [...]congolais (PARECO), [...]the Mai-Mai Patriotes résistants, the Mai-Mai Alliance des patriotes pour un Congo libre et souverain, the Mai-Mai Mongols, the Mai-Mai Kasindiens, the Mai-Mai Ruwenzori and other unnamed, smaller Mai-Mai groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于第 5 条草案(合作义务),爱尔兰代表团对 于 笼统地提及“酌情”合作的义务没有任何异议, [...] 前提是涵义未超出习惯国际法规定概念的理解范 围。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to draft article 5 (Duty [...] to cooperate), her delegation had no difficulty [...]with a general reference to a duty to [...]cooperate “as appropriate”, provided that the implications did not go beyond the understanding of the concept as established in customary international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,博爱工作团认为学校和其他教育环境,如社区中心和通信手段,是采 取干预措施应对助长贫困和暴力的社会因素的最有利场所,并赞同这一主张,即 [...] 其他公共和私营机构也应致力于在本行业内扮演同样角色,努力成为具有辐射性 的平等和社会公正中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, the Legion of Good Will acknowledges [...] schools and other educational environments, such as its community centres [...]and means of communication, as privileged loci to intervene against the social factors contributing to poverty and violence, supporting the idea that other public and private institutions also commit themselves to this same role in their communities, becoming radiating centres of equality and social justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国代表团谨此强调指出,爱尔兰代 表 团 在 今 天下午的发言中,将我国说成 是唯一违反裁军方面国际条约的国家,将这个多边裁军谈判论坛变成与我们摊牌 的场所,爱尔兰代表团应该 对此负全部责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | My delegation wishes to highlight that the Irish delegation should take full responsibility for having described our country as the sole violator of the international treaties related to disarmament and for turning the multilateral disarmament negotiating forum into an arena for a showdown with us in its statement this afternoon. daccess-ods.un.org |
这次活动的文化部分有喀麦隆国家芭蕾舞团的演出、赤道几内亚的一个歌舞 [...] 团表演的传统舞蹈、安提瓜和巴布达 的 乐团 演 出的钢鼓音乐和圣卢西亚文化组织 [...]的民俗舞蹈。 daccess-ods.un.org | The cultural aspect of the event featured performances by the National Ballet of Cameroon, traditional dance by an [...] ensemble from Equatorial Guinea, steel pan music [...] performed by an orchestra from Antigua [...]and Barbuda, and folkloric dancing [...]by the St. Lucia Cultural Organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010年8月24日 -所以每个音乐爱好者 可以享受的音质和舒适,取得了最终的耳朵 [...] ,一logN)的业务单位罗技(六:(纳斯达克:LOGI),排名第一的乐手选择世界顶级的巡回演出, Ultimate Ears的相继出台了一系列新的价格极具吸引力的耳机线 [...] – 最终耳™500隔音耳塞,最终耳™350隔音耳塞,最终耳™200隔音耳机。 technologeeko.com | Aug. 24, [...] 2010 — So every music lover can enjoy [...]the sound quality and comfort that has made Ultimate Ears, a business unit [...]of Logitech (SIX: LOGN) (NASDAQ: LOGI), the number one choice of the world’s top touring musicians, Ultimate Ears unveiled a line of new attractively priced earphones — the Ultimate Ears™ 500 Noise-Isolating Earphones, the Ultimate Ears™ 350 Noise-Isolating Earphones and the Ultimate Ears™ 200 Noise-Isolating Earphones. technologeeko.com |
2011年5月,人民解放军军乐团 来到美国,并与美国陆军乐团在国家的一些最重要场所——如约翰·肯尼迪表演艺术中心,纽约市林肯中心的艾弗里·费雪大厅以及联合国大会场地上演奏了一系列成功的音乐会。 embassyusa.cn | The Military Band of the People’s Liberation Army came to the United States in May 2011 and performed a series of successful concerts with The [...] U.S. Army Band in some [...]of the nation’s most important venues like the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Avery Fisher Hall in New York City’s Lincoln Center, and on the floor of the United Nations General Assembly. eng.embassyusa.cn |