单词 | 爬虫类 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 爬虫类 —reptilesExamples:糟齿类爬虫—thecodontia (primitive dinosaur) See also:爬虫 n—reptile n • crawler n 爬虫 pl—spiders pl 爬—crawl • get up or sit up 虫类—insects
新型SERA爬虫生态缸60为饲养爬虫类动 物 ,两栖动物以及软体动物没有任何限制地创建自然的异国风情的居住环境。 sera.de | There are no limits for reptile, amphibian and mollusk keepers when creating exotic living environments as in nature in the new sera reptil terra biotop 60. sera.de |
使用SERA爬虫类技术 产品线保证了光照条件和温度要求与饲养的动物种类相匹配-简单,安全并节省能源。 sera.de | The technical terrarium equipment of the sera reptil range allow creating [...] living environments in which light conditions [...]and temperature ideally match the requirements of the species kept in it – easy, safe and energy saving. sera.de |
无论是蜥蜴,龟鳖类及昆虫或是甲壳类动物 -S E R A 爬虫类 系 列的护理产品为新手和有经验的爱好者在此迷人的爬虫爱好上提供了最佳的帮助。 sera.de | Be it lizards, turtles, insects or crustaceans – the care products of the sera reptil range provide [...] optimal support for [...]beginners and experienced hobbyists in the fascinating terrarium hobby. sera.de |
资深的前力量别动队员汤米·奥利弗逃避邪恶 的 爬虫类 怪 物 Mesogog的的考验,在城市的Reefside年的教学工作后,被分配到照顾三个拘留的学生。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Former Veteran Power Ranger Tommy Oliver takes a teaching job at the city of [...] Reefside years after escaping from an ordeal [...] with the evil reptilian monster Mesogog, [...]and is assigned to look after three detention students... seekcartoon.com |
完整系统的SERA爬虫类水龟 群落生境缸配备所有即时操作所必需的技术器材,特别是对于初学者来说简化了此迷人的爱好的第一步。 sera.de | The sera reptil aqua biotop complete [...] system is equipped with all technical devices required for immediate operation: this [...]simplifies the first steps into a fascinating hobby especially for beginners. sera.de |
沙门氏菌是一组可在人类、野生及饲养动物(包括家禽、猪和宠物(如狗、猫 和 爬虫类 动 物 ))的肠道中存在的细菌。 cfs.gov.hk | Salmonella is a group of bacteria that can be found in the intestinal [...] tract of humans as well as both wild and domestic animals including poultry, pigs [...] and pets like dogs, cats and reptiles. cfs.gov.hk |
使用现代技术产品新型SERA爬虫类产品 线可创建接近大自然的生活环境,是 的 爬虫类 居 住 者生活舒服。 sera.de | The modern technical products of [...] the new sera reptil range allow creating living environments close to nature in which the terrarium inhabitants [...]feel well. sera.de |
例如,缸盖上单独锁定的电线管道可安装器材如照明灯和紫外线灯如 S E R A 爬虫类 阳 光 加热灯(50瓦)或是 S E R A 爬虫类 沙 漠 UVB灯(20瓦)。 sera.de | For example, separately lockable cable ducts in the hood allow installing devices such as lamps or UV light, e.g. the sera reptil sun spot (50 W) or the sera reptil desert compact (20 W). sera.de |
举例说明在水质处理剂方面:SERA 爬虫类 综 合 水质安定剂是首选,因为此生物保护配方的产品可清洁自来水并调节为适 合 爬虫类 健 康 生长的水质。 sera.de | For instance in the water [...] conditioning range: sera reptil aquatan is the number one choice in this case, because the product with the Bio Protect Formula cleans tap water and conditions it to healthy terrarium water. sera.de |
WebSPHINX由两部分组成:爬虫工作 平台和WebS PH I N X 类 包。 javakaiyuan.com | WebSPHINX consists of two parts : the work platform and WebSPHINX reptile class package . javakaiyuan.com |
项目简介: WebSPHINX是一个Java类包和Web爬虫的交 互式开发环境。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: [...] WebSPHINX is a Java class package and an interactive development environment for Web crawlers . javakaiyuan.com |
第 11 册包含大量动物插图,包括哺乳动物(美洲虎和犰狳)、 鸟 类 、 爬 行 动 物、两 栖 类 、 鱼 类 和 昆 虫。 wdl.org | Book XI contains numerous illustrations of animals, including mammals [...] (jaguar and armadillo), birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects. wdl.org |
它包含能够为文件,数据库表格建立索引的方法和为Web站点建索引 的 爬虫。 javakaiyuan.com | It can contain files, database tables and indexing methods to build the index for the Web site crawler . javakaiyuan.com |
项目简介: [...] Arale主要为个人使用而设计,而没有像其 它 爬虫 一 样 是关注于页面索引。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Arale designed primarily for personal use , but [...] not like other reptiles , as is to focus [...]on the index page . javakaiyuan.com |
在最新版本中还加入跟踪google爬虫的 功 能。 javakaiyuan.com | Also added in the latest version of the [...] tracking function of google crawler . javakaiyuan.com |
它可以在简单的Web代理、页面抓取器 和 爬虫 程 序 中使用。 javakaiyuan.com | It can be a simple Web proxy , the page the crawler and the crawler to use . javakaiyuan.com |
杨旭是SAS文本分析组的总监,领导SAS文本分析产品的研发工作,包括亚太语言的自然语言处理,语义检索,网 络 爬虫 , 情感分析,文本 分 类 和 实 体抽取等。 ece-china.com | In this role, Mr. Yang leads the software development efforts for SAS Text Analytics products on natural language processing [...] techniques for Asian languages, linguistic [...] search, web crawler, sentiment analysis, content categorization and entity [...]extraction. ece-china.com |
澳大利亚的大部分昆虫均对人类无害。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The majority of insects in Australia are not harmful to humans. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
项目简介: Heritrix是一个开源,可扩展的web爬虫 项 目。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Heritrix is an open , extensible web crawler project . javakaiyuan.com |
现在,各种因素之间的关系更为复杂,因为涉及的不止 两 类 国 家 而是 四 类国 家:㈠ “在位”发达国家;㈡ 通过工业化和结构变革实现增长的“追赶”国家; ㈢ 受益于高商品价格的“商品兴旺”国家;及(d)尚未建立生产能力以 攀 爬 收入 阶梯的低收入资源贫乏“致远”国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | This time around the dynamics are [...] more complex because there are not two groups of countries, but four: (a) the ‘‘incumbent’’ developed countries; (b) the ‘‘catching-up’’ countries that are growing through industrialization and structural transformation; (c) the ‘‘commodityboom’’ countries that are benefiting from the high commodity prices; and (d) the ‘‘aspiring’’ countries, those low-income, resource-poor countries that have yet to build their productive capacities to move up the income ladder. daccess-ods.un.org |
包括全文搜索和Web爬虫。 javakaiyuan.com | Including [...] full-text search and Web crawlers . javakaiyuan.com |
动态定价算法和网络爬虫。这些技术实现了日内价格变化以维持5% -20%的价 格 [...] 优势。 mckinseychina.com | Dynamic pricing [...] algorithm and web crawlers: These enable intra-day [...]price changes to maintain 5–20 percent price leadership. mckinseychina.com |
例如,众所周知,克钦邦野生动物,如濒临灭绝 的 爬 行 动 物、 鸟类以及 豹、老虎等,被不断出口到对外来动物需求极大的中 国。 crisisgroup.org | For instance, wild animals in [...] Kachin state such as reptiles, birds, as well as leopards [...]and tigers in danger of extinction, [...]are known to be exported to China, where the demand is high for exotic animals. crisisgroup.org |
迁徙物种,包括鸟、鱼类、哺乳 类动物和昆虫等, 在迁徙途中都需要依赖不同的生态系统。 teebweb.org | Migratory species including [...] birds, fish, mammals and insects all depend upon different [...]ecosystems during their movements. teebweb.org |
自动爬升模板 SKE50 plus,每托架承载能力为 5 吨,是许多不同类型爬升任 务的理想解决方案。 doka.com | Automatic [...] climbing formwork SKE50 plus, with a load capacity of 5 tonnes per bracket, is the ideal solution for many different types of climbing [...]assignment. doka.com |
11.C. 捕捞渔业(大型商业性、个体和自给性渔业)对海洋生态系统的影响,具 体形式为对食物网、副渔获物(鱼类、 哺 乳动物 、 爬 行 动物和海鸟)以及不同的渔 具和捕捞方法的影响,包括丢弃物对其他野生动物的影响,以及丢失或遗弃渔具 [...] 的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | 11.C. Impacts of capture fisheries (large-scale commercial, artisanal and subsistence fishing) on marine ecosystems, [...] through effects on the food web, [...] by-catch (fish, mammals, reptiles and seabirds), and different [...]fishing gear and methods, [...]including the impact of discards on other wildlife, and impacts from lost or abandoned fishing gear. daccess-ods.un.org |
确认尽管对疟疾控制的全球和国家投资增加,在减少许多国家的疟疾负担方 面取得很大成果,而且一些国家正在朝消除疟疾的方向迈进,但许多国家的疟疾 [...] 负担仍然很高,令人无法接受,为了实现国际商定的发展目标,包括与卫生有关 的千年发展目标,必须迅速加强预防和控制疟疾的努力,这些努力严重依赖药物 和杀虫剂,但由于人类对抗 疟药剂产生抗药性以及蚊子对杀虫剂产生抗药性,药 物和杀虫剂的效用不断受到威胁 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing that, despite the fact that increased global and national investments in malaria control have yielded significant results in decreasing the burden of malaria in many countries, and that some countries are moving towards elimination of malaria, many countries continue to have unacceptably high burdens of malaria and in order to reach internationally agreed development goals, including the health-related Millennium Development Goals, must rapidly increase malaria prevention and control efforts, which [...] rely heavily on [...] medicines and insecticides whose utility is continuously threatened by the development of resistance in humans to antimalarial [...]agents, as well as [...]resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides daccess-ods.un.org |
即使 本协议有任何相反规定,但仍然不得违反以下禁止事项:(a) 复制或改编人才网的网页HTML代码; [...] b)使用或企图使用引擎、手动或自动软件、工具、 [...] 设备、代理、Robot脚本或其它方式、设备、机制或 进程(包括但不限于浏览器、爬虫、 ro bot、头像或 智能代理)来导航、搜索、访问、“刮”、“爬”或“爬巡” [...] 人才网的网页或所提供的任何服务, 但通过在人才网上由凯业必达所提供的搜索引擎和搜索代理 [...] 以及使用常见的第三方Web浏览器(例如IE、 Firefox, Safari)的情况除外;(c)未经凯业必达明确的书面同意 而对人才网的任何内容或信息 以任何方式进行汇集或复制。 86rencai.cn | Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, this prohibition includes: (a) copying or adapting the HTML code used to generate web pages on the Talent Network; (b) using or attempting to use engines, manual or automated software, tools, devices, agents, scripts robots or other means, devices, mechanisms [...] or processes (including, but not limited [...] to, browsers, spiders, robots, avatars or [...]intelligent agents) to navigate, search, [...]access, “scrape,” “crawl,” or “spider” any web pages or any Services provided on the Talent Network other than the search engine and search agents available from CareerBuilder on such Talent Network and other than generally available third party web browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari); and (c) aggregating, copying or duplicating in any manner any of the Content or information available from any of the Talent Network, without the express written consent of CareerBuilder. 86rencai.cn |
儿童基金会支持改善产前护理(包括破伤 风 类 毒 素, 驱 虫 蚊 帐 (ITN),间歇假定性治疗(IPT),营养等),预防艾滋病毒的母婴传播(PMTCT),增加妇女获得治疗艾滋病的机会。 unicef.org | UNICEF supports improved antenatal care [...] (Tetanus Toxoid, Insecticide treated nets (ITN), [...]Intermittent Presumptive Treatment [...](IPT), nutrition), Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT), increased women’s access to HIV treatment. unicef.org |